
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
WeisseWaschbaerhey... I opened visudo and it came out with a nano interface.... how do i make it use the vi's or vim's interface?02:55
shaunoWeisseWaschbaer: it should honor the VISUAL envar02:59
WeisseWaschbaershauno: i feel helpless on nano03:08
shaunoWeisseWaschbaer: heh, I understand.  if you do something like sudo EDITOR=vim visudo, it should wise up03:11
shauno(and may be worth adding EDITOR to your environment, so that everything knows you're not at home in nano)03:12
WeisseWaschbaershauno: thanks03:14
yaksterhello all...04:18
yaksteranyone here good with /var/www?04:18
yaksterseem to have an issue with case sensitive URL's04:18
yaksterok....... quiet...04:20
yaksterguess everyone is sleeping...04:21
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chrislabeardhow can I remove zentyal?04:51
DormantOdenHello, when I transfer large files (1GB) to my raid 5 they become slightly corrupted. Does anyone have ANY ideas as to why this might be happening?06:09
DormantOdenIts stressing me out...06:09
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qman__DormantOden, if your drives are 1TB+, you could be getting silent data corruption06:20
qman__it simply happens, you have to deal with it in other ways06:20
qman__make sure your drives check out first with the SMART data06:21
Martynqman: Silent data corruption?  That's pretty rare...06:32
Martynqman : Unless there's a known firmware defect in a specific drive...?06:32
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qman__with today's drive sizes, it's actually pretty common06:33
qman__most people just don't notice06:33
qman__I've had a few video files suffer by it06:34
qman__though a consistent, reproduceable result would mean something else is going on06:35
FernandoTertiaryhola, it appears since the recent update the destop environment has reverted to a more aged version06:40
bazhangFernandoTertiary, on a server?06:58
FernandoTertiarybazhang: the machine is operating Ubuntu 11.1008:22
bazhangFernandoTertiary, server has no desktop08:23
FernandoTertiarybazhang: the machine is using gnome 308:24
bazhangFernandoTertiary, support for 11.10 is in #ubuntu+1 , at any rate.08:28
FernandoTertiarybazhang: it appears the to be operating 11.04 Natty Narwhal08:31
bazhangFernandoTertiary, not with gnome3 its not.08:31
FernandoTertiarythough there was a recent update & the desktop reverted08:31
bazhangFernandoTertiary, unless you used the unsupported PPA.08:31
FernandoTertiaryNatty Narwhal is not gnome 3 yet?08:31
FernandoTertiarywhat is the desktop environment specification for Natty Narwhal08:33
bazhangunity / classic  /  for server ---> nothing08:33
FernandoTertiaryperhaps the unity was reverted to classic?08:34
bazhangFernandoTertiary, you installed server?08:34
FernandoTertiaryjust Natty Narwhal & the updates. The machine has been operating for months08:35
bazhangFernandoTertiary, so why ask in the -server channel?08:35
FernandoTertiaryah, forgive. was to the impression the server channel pertained the repository information08:37
bazhangFernandoTertiary, what does lsb_release -a say in the terminal08:37
FernandoTertiaryNo LSB modules are available.08:38
FernandoTertiaryDistributor ID:Ubuntu08:38
FernandoTertiaryDescription:Ubuntu 11.0408:38
bazhangFernandoTertiary, and you installed gnome3?08:38
FernandoTertiaryrather have researched gnome environments & supposed Ubuntu was using gnome 308:39
bazhangokay, it's not. stay clear of the PPA for it.08:40
xibalbadoes anyone use ubuntu for opensips?08:40
FernandoTertiaryxibalba: you mean "OpenSims"?08:41
xibalbanegative, opensips, the call routing platform08:41
FernandoTertiaryah, comprehended *smiles*08:41
xibalbawhats opensims?08:41
xibalbaa video game?08:42
FernandoTertiaryxibalba: kinda video gaming. OpenSims is a interactive metaverse community platform08:45
FernandoTertiaryOpenSims is the opensource version for SecondLife type communities08:46
xibalbaopensips is for voip stuff08:47
FernandoTertiaryxibalba: phone service specifically, or phone line communications similar dsl, etc.?08:54
FernandoTertiaryis voip specifically for just "voice" or potentially more?08:55
xibalbai want to use it for doing some call routing infront of freeswitch boxes and media relaying, so i can vitualize the freeswitch boxes.09:10
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Guest75493Can you please help me setting up wifi on ubuntu server?10:53
Dr4gHe guys, please help: root@AllTheBestBuys:/etc# mysql --user=root -p10:54
Dr4gERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)10:54
Dr4groot@AllTheBestBuys:/etc# service mysql start10:54
Dr4gstart: Job failed to start10:54
Dr4gmysql.sock doesn't exist10:55
oCeanDr4g: what  does dpkg -l | grep mysql  output?11:21
Dr4goCean: yeah i sorted it11:21
Dr4gi deleted that server from rackspace cloud and made a new one :P11:22
oCeanah, ok.11:22
Dr4gthe apt-get install messed something up11:22
Dr4gits ok this time11:22
oCeanhappy mysql'ing then11:22
Dr4g:) ty11:28
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shanI have installed ubuntu-server-10.0413:54
shanI have installed ubuntu-desktop in it.13:54
shanWhen the login screen is displayed it says mode not supported.13:55
shanI need to change the resolution of the login screen, how do i do it?13:55
KGB_plaguehi all , is their a way to host a VPN service for a friend whos living in a city near by ? , he ping me 10ms , but when he tries to ping the game server i play in , he pings it 150ms which i ping it 30 , i want him to connect through me with a VPN connection so he can ping 30+10 = 40ms to that server. any idea?'s im using Ubuntu Gnome Desktop , is it compulsory to use ubuntu server for such situtation?14:08
shaunoKGB_plague: nothing's compulsory.  you can install server components on desktop if you wish, and desktop components on server.  which you pick mostly changes what you get out of the box, not what you can do with it14:25
KGB_plagueis their an APP to help me out shauno or should this be done by the hard way14:31
shaunoKGB_plague: there may be an easy way.  I haven't found it yet :(14:47
KGB_plagueshauno, then il idle here , if some1 may help , please PM me thanks , im off for some work il be back home in2hours14:56
JamesGhey guys15:06
JamesGlooking for a little help?15:06
JamesGWhere would the HDD be mounted in an openvz set up?15:08
JamesGI can't find it anywhere15:08
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StavaI already asked this in #debian but im actually on a ubuntu server so i'll paste it here15:40
StavaI want to append the output of "df -h" to syslog in my cron job, so that it will be sent to my mail by logwatch (i have zz-disk_space disabled). How should I do this?15:40
StavaI tried "df -h | logger" but then each line will appear as a separate entry in /var/log/syslog15:43
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RoyKStava: I'd recommend using something like nagios/icinga instead, so that you don't need to read the logs all the time, but rather get an alert if something's wrong16:25
RoyKthere are several tools out there to alert you when something goes wrong, reading daily emails to sort out server health was something people did in the ninetees16:26
StavaI'll check those out then16:29
RoyKwe're using icinga16:31
RoyKa nagios fork16:31
StavaHow does it work?16:31
RoyKit schedules checks for all sorts of services and if one fails, it sends you an email16:32
StavaKind of like tiger?16:32
RoyKthat seems more like a security tool16:33
RoyKicinga/nagios has checks like check_disk to check for fill, check_tcp to probe tcp ports, check_http to check a webserver etc16:34
RoyKStava: https://www.icinga.org/ <-- check the demo page16:34
StavaI will16:34
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RoyKit also kees track on statistics, so that you can show your boss 99,lots% uptime etc :)16:35
Stavaso this demo page is a web interface, thats a part of icinga i assume16:36
Stavawhich could run on apache?16:37
RoyKconfiguration is done in text files, the web gui is for viewing and some tweaks16:37
RoyKI think standard install is for apache, yes, but it could run on anything, really16:37
Stavacould several servers share the same icinga interface?16:38
RoyKwe have ~140 servers in our icinga install16:39
Stavai'll definitely try this out16:40
RoyKcheck out #icinga if you have specific questions about it - the standard install (apt-get ...) should give you a basic overview16:40
RoyKerm - seems icinga isn't in Lucid16:41
RoyKso either use nagios (same thing, only looks a bit crappier), or use a newer distro version, or build icinga from source (a bit more hassle, but it should work)16:41
RoyKI'd recommend using a dedicated machine for this, if you can spare one (an old pc should do fine). that way, the monitoring machine won't be affected if others die, so that it can monitor everything16:42
StavaWill I need some sort of client software on the other servers?16:43
RoyKdepends what you want to check - for windows machines, nsclient++ is a good choice16:43
RoyKbtw, seems there are packages here http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/i/icinga/16:44
RoyKfor unix machines, I ususally just use ssh-based checks16:45
RoyKcreate a user 'icinga' (or something) on each machine, create ssh keys on the icinga box, copy those so you can ssh from the icinga user on the monitoring machine to the clients without a password, and then setup ssh-based checks16:45
RoyKotherwise, use NRPE - it's lighter and better for large setups with thousands of machines, but then again, it's another piece of software and ssh-based checks aren't that heavy - our icinga box sits spending about 3% cpu (on two cores)16:47
RoyKand that's with about 140 hosts and a total of 500 services16:47
Stavathere are only 3 servers for now, but its supposed to be scalable16:47
RoyKfor <= 100 servers, even an 5YO PC should do well16:48
RoyKit's rather light16:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #605871 in rrdtool (main) "[needs-packaging] rrdtool 1.4.4" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60587116:57
RoyKdamn - I made an error on the wiki - isn't there a rollback possibility?17:29
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tmcnealHey all, question about the ubuntu server ec2 images.. was wondering how you all configure new ubuntu instances once you bring them online.. I know some other AMIs allow you to pass a script via the 'user-data' param when you start the instance, but it seems ubuntu AMIs don't support this17:55
Davieytmcneal: they do.. you probably want to use cloud-init17:56
Davieytmcneal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit17:57
tmcnealcool thanks17:57
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=== White is now known as WeisseWaschbaer
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TuxBrotherwhat is so special about UEC?18:15
TuxBrotherwhat is it? A web interface? Application Virtualisation? VDI?18:15
ShapeshifterHow do I configure a new daemon to be run at boot? In my case it's vmware. start vmware says start: Unknown job: vmware although /etc/init.d/vmware exists and works. Any help?18:38
StevenRShapeshifter: the vmware service isn't an upstart job, so the start/stop commands won't work. You can still add it to start on boot using update-rc.d18:42
ShapeshifterStevenR: mhh, I just realized that it does work. it was an unrelated problem18:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #753308 in lxc (main) "Restart containers on upgrade" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75330818:52
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uvirtbotNew bug: #818617 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81861719:31
JoeCoderI'm using the open source cloudfuse project to mount rackspace cloudfiles into a folder on my machine.  But after every reboot I must run "modprobe fuse" and "cloudfuse /mount/point".  What is the proper way of making these happen automatically?20:08
KGB_plagueplease PM me if theirs an APP to host a VPN server guys , my friend pings the game server that we play in 150ms , but I ping the game server 30ms , however my friend pings me 10ms from hes home to my home , so i would like to host a VPN server for him so he can be routed to me to join the game server with 40ms instead of 150ms ( 10ms to me + 30ms from me to game server = 40ms for him )20:28
Devo-KunJoeCoder: /etc/modules has the names of modules to load at boot time. You can add fuse to there and then add a line to /etc/rc.local with your cloudfuse command20:28
bhookanyone around?20:46
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pmatulisbhook: yes, there are 292 people in this channel21:25
guntbertpmatulis: after  3/4 hours that was not very convincing :-))21:28
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bhookyeah... been a while since I heavily used IRC... I forgot the standard was to ask a question then check the logs a day later22:06
bhookit seems that the official image in the UEC store is requiring a fsck run on first boot because the image was created so long ago. Would there be a way to get this corrected in the official image in the store?22:08
Davieybhook: What image are you using?22:09
bhook10.04 LTS out of the store22:10
Davieybhook: what is the serial number?22:10
bhookhrm... let me check22:10
bhookgrrr.... I hate this22:12
Davieybhook: you probably want: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/lucid/current/lucid-server-uec-amd64.tar.gz22:13
bhookI'm running Ubuntu in a VM rather than native on this laptop... everything is so much more difficult to do22:13
bhookDaviey: yeah, I know I can get more recent images22:14
Davieybhook: I fear the image store isn't up to date.22:14
bhookDaviey: but... why?22:14
bhookI guess if the store is controlled by the Eucalyptus team then it isn't really ubuntu's problem22:15
bhookbut it just seems silly to have everything out-of-date22:15
Davieybhook: It's not controlled by euca, it's controlled by canonical.22:15
bhookThe store is?22:15
bhookokay, then it makes even less sense why it is out of date22:16
Davieybhook: The team that maintained the store was not the server team.  Raising a bug would help. :)22:18
* Daviey afk's22:18
yaksterhello all22:32
yaksteranyone here good with /var/www?22:32
jmarsdenyakster: /var/www/ is a directory -- how can anyone be good or bad with a directory?22:33
yaksterreferencing the capatalization of URL's so it dosent matter, ie www.mysite.com/Welcome.html or /welcome.HTML....22:35
yaksterif I don't type the URL in exactly, including case, i get 404 errors22:36
yaksterok, guess not... thanks22:39

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