
cyberangerSaturday, the day of Movies (good in moderation, this is excess) IRC & finishing up old projects14:46
cyberangerman I'll be glad for some real work again, more varity in the week14:46
vychunehey guys whats goiod23:28
orangeninjajust ate some oven bake chicken. It was pretty good.23:29
orangeninjavychune: what are you up to?23:31
vychunecoding a website23:31
orangeninjafor work or play?23:31
vychunefreeze up23:37
vychunenote to self: dont run two firefox browers at one time23:38
vychuneorangeninja: what are you up to?23:39
vychunebesides savoring the smeel left from that chicken lol23:39
orangeninjaLOL, not as productive as you are right now.23:42
vychunei can't get anything going because mom wont stop calling me23:42
* vychune still lives at home23:43
orangeninjaI am messing with the Battlefield 3 Alpha sending in a crash report and dxdiag...23:43
orangeninjahey cheap rent bro.23:43
vychunehigh stress though23:45
orangeninjaYes I can't argue there.... always a trade off, always.... LOL23:45

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