[04:02] new blog post about Summit development: http://mhall119.com/2011/07/the-new-direction-of-summit-development/ === Turl1 is now known as Turl [16:35] newz2000, any progress on bug 275971 ? [16:35] Launchpad bug 275971 in ubuntu-website "Ubuntu Local support - Arabic Language (affects: 3) (heat: 3)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/275971 [17:39] mhall119 or cjohnston - ping [17:39] cd .. [17:48] cprofitt: pong [17:49] hey mhall119 [17:49] just curious about postgres [17:49] it won't last long [17:49] curiousity will give was to confusion, then dislike [17:49] if I am running 11.04 server and it has a different more recent version is that an issue? [17:49] it shouldn't be [17:49] but for development, you really should just use sqlite [17:49] also, I could not find a password in the settings.py file for the database password [17:50] you put your own database settings into local_settings.py [17:50] I installed postgres due to what was in the less INSTALL file [17:50] if SQLLite is better I can do that [17:50] it's postgres in production, but there's no need for you to set all that up for development [17:51] Django abstracts the database, so you can develop on sqlite [17:51] k [17:51] so I use the local_Settings.py.sample to make my own local_settings.py [17:51] yes [17:51] it's probably already configured to use sqlite too [17:52] yes [17:52] but the change looks simple for postgres [17:52] is sqlite easier to use? [17:53] I appear to already have postgres installed [17:54] does the make install sqlite automatically? [18:01] mhall119: got an error: [18:01] Traceback (most recent call last): [18:01] File "manage.py", line 2, in [18:01] from django.core.management import execute_manager [18:01] ImportError: No module named django.core.management [18:01] make: *** [test] Error 1 [18:02] looks like you don't have django in your path. [18:03] nigelb: how would I correct that? [18:03] Had you installed django earlier? [18:03] no, this is a brand new server [18:03] setup just for this [18:03] ah [18:03] what are you setting up? Loco Directory? [18:04] yes [18:04] okay, so you can either install django system wide or use a virtualenv [18:04] if you want to install it system-wide "sudo apt-get install python-django" [18:06] I did that, but still get the error... [18:07] I am trying to follow the instructions in the INSTALL file [18:07] ah, let me read that [18:07] I should set up a readthedocs.org for loco-directory [18:07] I did accidently setup postgres [18:08] if need be I can re-install the server -- it doesn't take that long [18:09] hm, I don't remember what docs I used. I didn't go this route [18:09] cprofitt: okay, so the instructions already use virtualenv. [18:10] So I think you've not loaded your env [18:10] quite potentially... [18:10] do the instructions tell you how to do that? [18:11] at what point in the instructions are you getting this error? [18:11] make init [18:12] can you do an ls -al and tell me if you see a .env folder? [18:13] I see an env folder, but not .env [18:13] ah, right env. [18:13] I should read better :) [18:14] so, do "source env/bin/activate" and see if your terminal prompt now starts with (env) if it wasn't there [18:15] yes [18:15] make init still gives the same error [18:15] if you have a link to the docs you used -- I could use those [18:16] this is a virtual machine so I don't care if it is in a virtualenv [18:16] I already had everything in my system path. [18:16] I used the old summit docs [18:16] Now I'm confused in the mess of Makefile :/ [18:16] lol [18:17] ok, lets try this. do make init again [18:17] maybe I should just try learning some basic django first... [18:17] same error nigelb [18:17] drat [18:17] cprofitt, run make clean [18:18] make depends [18:18] ah, there's a clean [18:18] cprofitt: pong [18:18] cprofitt: what steps have you dong? [18:18] ah here is mr makefile [18:19] hehe [18:19] daker the make clean appears to have moved things forward [18:19] I'm tempted to get LTP docs like summit.rtfd.org [18:19] daker: if you find some time, pleaes check out the docs and let me know fi there are errors [18:20] sure [18:20] cprofitt: did one of the make steps fail? [18:20] gah, we should have a Vagrantfile which does all this stuff. [18:20] make init failed [18:20] So. Much. Easier. [18:21] cprofitt: that's no good, did it give an error? [18:21] but the make clean fixed that up mhall119 [18:21] also, did you "sudo make depends" first? [18:21] cprofitt: oh, ok [18:21] I posted the error at 14:01 mhall119 [18:22] mhall119: yes [18:22] I was following the INSTALL file instructions [18:25] nigelb, the bzr parameter is --fixes lp:bug_num, right ? [18:26] daker: yeah [18:28] make test resulted in two errors [18:28] and 1 failure [18:28] ERROR: Test if check for a more complicated LoCo Team setup works [18:29] ERROR: test_unicode_agenda_title (meetings.tests.UnicodeTest) [18:29] FAIL: test_anonymous_user (teams.tests.EditTeamTestCase) [18:29] ha [18:29] mhall119: Your test isnt passing? ^ [18:30] do I want to do the make lp, make live, make run still? [18:30] yes [18:35] anyone to do some reviews https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-directory/fix.818373 ? :) [18:36] cprofitt: either make lp or make live, not both [18:37] too late [18:37] what is the difference? [18:37] make live will delete everything make lp did and start over [18:38] it won't break, just waste your time and bandwidth [18:39] is there any difference? [18:39] a reason to choose one over the other? [18:40] nigelb: file a bug for my test not passing anymore [18:40] this is why we have tests, so we know when things are broken before our users do [18:44] mhall119, i am going to write a formula for LTP, but the postgres formula is not yet released [18:44] after make run -- what should be done to test? [18:45] open in your browser [18:45] is there a way to make the server run on a different IP address than localhost? [18:45] I am using a virtual server... [18:45] so no browser on the server itself [18:46] yep you can but you need to modify the Makefile [18:47] open it then look at line 35 [18:47] it's : [18:47] $(django_manage) runserver [18:47] change to : [18:47] $(django_manage) runserver [18:47] daker: ensemble? [18:47] mhall119, yep [18:48] they only have a formula for mysql [18:48] daker: did you see jcastro's blog post? [18:48] http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/8237594556/my-first-attempt-at-an-ensemble-formula [18:48] yep i saw it [18:48] cool [18:48] daker: then after I change that I need to do what? [18:49] open the browser [18:49] then type http://ip_of_your_server:8000 [18:49] no need to restart the server? [18:49] or re-do the make stuff? [18:50] cprofitt, run : make run [18:50] working now [18:50] thanks daker [18:50] wooww [18:50] yw [18:50] so any code changes I make would need to be followed by a make run? [18:52] if there is a change on the python code(forms, views, models) django will restart the server automatically [18:52] k [18:52] if not just stop the server with Ctrl+C then re-run the make run [18:53] awesome [18:53] enjoy [18:53] mhall119, there will a problem if we use mysql instead of postgres ? [18:56] no [18:56] ok cool [19:26] mhall119: is there an LP team I should eventually join if I get this stuff under my belt? [19:53] there's loco-directory-dev, which you only need once you start approving other people's merge proposals [19:53] everything else you can do without being on a team === Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum