
andyrockgood mornig all08:15
fhdHi, I've compiled Unity 2D and I'd like to fix a small bug with the launcher.09:43
fhdBut whenever I kill the original launcher to start mine, it restarts itself. How can I supress that?09:44
fhdJust renamed /usr/bin/unity-2d-launcher for now, but I bet there is a more elegant way :)10:31
andyrockfhd, if you install unity-2d when when you kill the old launcher, the new one will be runned10:56
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
fhdHi again. According to the wiki, Unity 2D development on Oneiric should be done on the 4.0 branch. However, it seems like most patches are written against trunk. Which version should I use?16:23
ephanIt's the official Oneiric Unity Version16:24
ephanhttps://launchpad.net/unity 4.4.0 is latest released version16:24
fhdephan: Is trunk further ahead or behind of 4.0?16:24
fhdephan: And fixes made against 4.0 get merged into trunk?16:25
ephanNot sure about that, but likely16:25
fhdephan: OK. I've made a merge request with a fix against 4.0, so I guess it's allright then16:26
ephanNice fhd, may I know what it was?16:26
fhdephan: Do I BTW have to add some reviewers to the request manually? Usually necessary with Google projects.16:26
fhdephan: Just a sec16:26
ephanYou need your code to be reviewed indeed16:26
ephanEverybody needs their code reviewer, wether you're the project leader or you're a newcomer16:26
fhdephan: Yeah, but do I need to add some manually?16:27
fhdephan: This is the issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-2d/+bug/79542216:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 795422 in unity-2d "Quicklist item "Keep In Launcher" should be "Keep in launcher" as design" [Medium,Confirmed]16:27
fhdephan: A super simple one to get me started16:27
ephanheh indeed super simple one, I wish I found one like that XD I haven't found the one to begin with16:27
ephanYou need a review request, so you need to request a review. I remember jcastro making that manually, he made a page on Launchpad, but I don't know how it works, maybe not even everything gets reviewed.16:28
ephanI'd wait for something who has a better understanding of how the Unity Project works16:28
fhdephan: Do you know the bitesized list? That's where I found it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-2d/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.tag=bit16:28
fhdThis link is better: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity-2D/Bitesize16:29
ephanI do know the bitesize list16:29
ephanhttp://goo.gl/tiheb It's int he topic too16:29
ephanBut I didn't find any as simple as that16:29
fhdephan: OK, I'll see if I can find some docs on the review process16:30
ephanfhd, try http://goo.gl/i1WA1 it may help16:30
fhdephan: Looks like I don't have to add reviewers manually, I'll wait if something happens16:35
ephanI'm commenting on some bugs now16:36
ephanIt's all I can do XD16:36
fhdephan: I've always wondered: Do you know what the difference between unity-2d and unity-2d (Ubuntu) is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-2d/+bug/79542216:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 795422 in unity-2d "Quicklist item "Keep In Launcher" should be "Keep in launcher" as design" [Medium,In progress]16:36
ephanI think Unity-2D is for computers that don't really run OpenGL fine16:36
fhdephan: Yeah, but it's there twice, once "unity-2d" and once "unity-2d (Ubuntu)"16:37
ephanThat I don't know, weird16:37
fhdephan: Does the first one mean "upstream"?16:37
ephanActually I think I just scrwed something16:39
ephanis there Compiz for Unity-2D?16:39
fhdephan: No, Unity-2D is compiz free16:40
ephanI thought so16:40
ephanI scrwed something16:40
oneporterHi, I'm not sure if anyone's here, but I've been interested in contributing for a while, and I am looking for a good reading resource that explains setting up the development environment to tackle bugs like the ones in 100 papercuts.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?16:49
oneporterhaha go figure, one of the links at the top is what I'm looking for, sorry for the noob question all16:51
TrevinhoHey... I've just placed my ubuntu membership candidature, If you want please support me in my wiki page :P https://wiki.ubuntu.com/3v1n0 [sorry for the ads] :)18:00
ephanCool Trevinho18:32
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