[05:15] Project db-devel build #773: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 47 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/773/ [05:41] I finally understand zope better than before. [05:41] nigelb: have your eyes imploded? [05:41] lifeless: Not yet. I assume that's the rite of passage. [05:42] Eyes bleeding tends to do it, too [05:42] I picked up one of those JS + Python bugs. [05:42] Fun so far. I had to read the text I hate on how to fix it thrice to find out where to start. [05:42] *have [05:43] heh :) [05:44] Utter respect to people who have to do it everyday. [05:44] And furthermore for wgrant for figuring out *before* he joined Canonical. [05:46] btw, there's a short cut to not running make run everytime, what was that again? [05:50] no idea [05:50] -> evening stuff. ciao. [05:50] laters! [06:43] nigelb: You'll see it run 'bin/run -r librarian -i development' or so. [06:43] nigelb: That's the magical command. [06:44] Actually, it runs -r librarian,googletestservice,memcache or so, but you can make it quicker by just doing -r librarian. [06:44] If you need to change CSS, 'make csscombine' before bin/run. For JS, make jsbuil. [06:44] +d [06:45] \o/ [06:45] Thanks! [06:45] Should save it this time! [06:46] Indeed. [06:46] Means you can restart in ~7s rather than 90s. [06:47] (FWIW, I knew Zope 3 well before LP) [06:55] wgrant: Ah. No wonder. [08:37] wgrant: fwiw its 40s for me (make run) [08:37] Hmm. [20:35] Is Australia/NZ awake yet? [20:35] no [20:35] :P [20:36] ha [20:36] I guess I need to wait a bit more for wallyworld to be on IRC. [20:37] its 0630 for him now I think [20:37] gah, timezones :| [22:17] can i send https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/dpkg-xz-support-619152/+merge/32868 to ec2 for colin? [22:18] s//is it safe to [22:55] poolie: I'm not sure; are all the deps available in the relevant production archives etc ? [23:00] it's in lucid-updates as far as i can tell [23:00] lp does get that, doesn't it? [23:01] anyhow it's in ec2 now [23:34] poolie: Not to land, I hope. [23:34] poolie: buildbot is not upgraded yet. [23:34] Oh, different branch. [23:34] Not sure about that one... maybe. [23:34] But the apt one is definitely not upgraded everywhere yet.