
=== Guest50646 is now known as GhostFace777
GhostFace777Could anyone help me?11:00
GhostFace777I have a simple question:)11:00
GhostFace777Can someone tell me how I change the background that is purple to anything I want or to some default please?11:03
Sidewinder1GhostFace777, Right-click on your background (on the desktop), left-click "Change Desktop Background; at least that's the way it's done in 10.04 Lucid Lynx.11:06
=== Guest1769 is now known as GhostFace777
GhostFace777Hey guys. Can someone please help me? I am trying to add  quicklists to the Nautilus Home folder launcher(think thats what you call it) and I opened up terminal and pasted the commands I was told to put but it does not work.12:10
encaitarnew to irc and ubuntu, is this the correct place to ask a ssh rsa setup question?12:27
Sidewinder1encaitar, You'll probably get more/quicker responses in #ubuntu.12:29
Sidewinder1I know nothing about ssh,rsa, sorry.12:29
encaitarSidewinder1, thank you will do12:30
=== Ghost is now known as Guest76512
f3lipeHey guys, how do I choose between ubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu, or Edubuntu?19:11
kristian-aalborghi all20:24
kristian-aalborganyone know where to find a cheap SSD? I only need like 1-2 gb on it20:24
kristian-aalborgfor a laptop20:24
stlsaintnewegg or tigerdirect20:30
redanthemanyone know why python-software-properties would say no installation candidate when i try to install it on 11.04 server, thanks20:59
stlsaintredanthem: is it in the official repos?21:00
redanthemhow do i check that21:00
redanthemstlsaint: sources.list?21:02
stlsaintredanthem: run command: apt-cache search python-software-properties21:02
stlsaintit seems to be there21:02
charlie-tca!info python-software-properties21:03
charlie-tca!info ubottu python-software-properties21:03
charlie-tcaheh, what a deal21:03
stlsaintredanthem: if you see no output than you probably dont have the repo enabled21:03
redanthemstlsaint ya i was just gonna ask, is there supposed to be output21:04
redanthemthere want any21:04
redanthemcharlie-tca says it doesn't like !info21:04
stlsaintyea you probably dont have its repo enabled, one sec21:04
charlie-tcaIt never gave me a response21:05
stlsaintredanthem: what command are you using to install it?21:08
redanthemsudo apt-get install python-software-properties21:08
stlsaintredanthem: you say you are on server edition?21:09
holsteinredanthem: did you run sudo apt-get update before?21:09
redanthemstlsaint yep21:09
stlsaintredanthem: well that package is part of the GNOME desktop environment21:09
redanthemyea i actually came across this problem trying to get gnome21:10
stlsaintso if you want to use it, it seems you will need to install gnome21:10
stlsaintredanthem: ok, why are you installing gnome on a server edition?21:10
stlsaintyou are essentially getting the ubuntu 11.04 desktop now which defeats the purpose of doing a server install21:10
redanthemi think what i may be finding is that i should have gotten the desktop version21:10
stlsaintredanthem: are you actually running this on a server for real server uses??21:11
redanthemjust home media storage21:11
redanthemnothing really important21:11
stlsaintredanthem: well a server install will work great for that, i just am not seeing why you would need to install a desktop environment21:11
redanthemgotcha, well i guess my better question would be this21:12
redanthemi want to be able to remote admin it21:12
redanthemand i want it to be able to run xbmc21:12
redanthemcan it do that without a guy?21:12
holsteinGUI... i have forwarded X over from my server21:13
redanthemwhat do you mean21:13
holsteini would want xbmc running locally though, and accessin the share via SSH or whatever21:13
stlsaintredanthem: yes you can21:13
holsteinyou can do VNC as well... but i agree... you dont need a DE21:13
redanthemgotcha, ok21:13
redanthemwell whats the best way to setup ssh21:14
stlsaintredanthem: 1. Install server21:14
stlsaint2. Update server with sudo apt-get update21:14
stlsaint3. Install package openssh-server21:14
stlsaint4. Setup server to use ssh keys21:14
holsteinyou dont have to set up keys... you just should if its going to be accessed from outside your network21:15
holsteinat that point, after installing ssh, you can navigate to the IP and login with the password21:15
holsteinbefore you put it out in the wild, i would read up on some security though.. like ssh keys21:16
redanthemgotcha, yea looking for some tutorials now21:16
redanthemanyone got any experience with atheros wireless cards21:16
redanthemmy ethernet works21:17
redanthembut my wireless has been no go21:17
holsteinyou want wifi on that server?21:17
redanthemhaven't decided21:17
stlsaintredanthem: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers21:17
redanthembut it would nice to at least have them both working21:17
holsteinyou can run the server headless, so i would put it by the router and plug it in21:17
redanthemyea, thats where it is now, just kinda nagging that i know wireless isn't configured21:18
stlsaintredanthem: yes you do not have to setup keys unless you open up your network to be accessible from outside your home but in the even that you forget and use port forwarding than you are going to be in a world of hurt for attacks!! ;)21:18
stlsaintredanthem: make that link i just posted your friend and at the bottom it says Home server...maybe that will be of use21:18
holsteini read and read about it, and still did some testing before i forwarded the port :)21:19
redanthemhaha yea, it will be something that happens down the road a bit i imagine21:19
redanthemthanks for the link though21:19
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
redanthemi created a share yesterday21:20
stlsaintredanthem: i will tell you from some very personal experience with my own servers being attacked....as soon as you open up those ports...your asking for trouble!!21:20
stlsaint(thats IF you dont take security serious!!)21:21
stlsaintjust be prepared is all im saying21:21
redanthemyea i got you21:21
redanthemthanks for the heads up21:21
holsteinredanthem: the ssh keys make it where you can also login without entering a password21:21
holsteinthat could come in handy locally if you are visiting a box remotely often21:22
holsteini do both though... ssh key with a pass21:22
redanthemyou know why a samba share would be really slow/strange21:29
redanthemlike sits and prepares to copy files for a long time21:29
tripelbhi, I'm twisted. all my controls were on the left I swear, now they are on the right. I mean MAX MIN X -- and I try to get the most readable theme. I have one better now BUT the contorls are all DOTS and the alternatives in "change desktop background" are all dots too.21:59
tripelbI use 10.04 -- am I dreaming about the controls changing sides. Did using the computer at the library, windows, warp me??22:00
tripelball I want are BOX line X  -- is that too much to ask? Any side is ok but I want to know if I imagined it.22:00
tripelbI've used som many computer "in my times" from mac to windows to amiga to ubuntu that I dont care about side I just want to know.22:01
tripelbI feel I've moved into an alternate universe.   no drugs22:01
tripelbI dont want no dots22:57
tripelbarg ignored, slow channel.22:57

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