
micahgcan someone give hplip back please?06:21
ajmitchmicahg: ok06:28
micahgajmitch: thanks06:29
mdkeLaney: thanks, I will play around with that and see if I can make it work13:14
mdkeLaney: sorry for the delay in responding, I haven't checked irc for a while13:16
DooMMasteRhi there13:38
DooMMasteRanyone keen to update the netatalk package to 2.2.0?13:39
DooMMasteRit is still at version 2.1.4 which is nearly one year old13:39
DooMMasteRand only 2.2.0 supports Mac OS X Lion13:39
infinityDooMMasteR: oneiric is on 2.2~beta4.13:40
DooMMasteRisn't 2.2.0 final?13:41
infinityDooMMasteR: Getting older releases updated would require either decent backported patches for just the Lion support, or a well-thought-out bug with reasoning why we need to upgrade the a new upstream.13:41
infinityDooMMasteR: I'm sure oneiric will get the final release soon enough.13:41
DooMMasteRhmm ok13:41
DooMMasteRatm TimeMachine backups are not working to my Ubuntu server13:42
DooMMasteRand so I will porbably have to make my own build of 2.2.013:42
DooMMasteRthx for the info infinity13:43
mdkeLaney: I added something to revision 11 in bzr lp:ubuntu-docs but it doesn't seem to be working. Not sure why - will play around a bit more later but any pointer you can give would be much appreciated13:58
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=== warp11 is now known as warp10
Laneymdke: think it needs to be in preinst actually, testing17:17
Laney♥ lintian lab17:17
Laneymdke: try this http://paste.debian.net/124690/17:24
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
micahgcan someone give back libxml2 please?22:15
ajmitchmicahg: looks like it's done already22:18
micahgajmitch: thanks for trying :)22:19
stgraberyep, I did it22:19
micahgthanks stgraber22:20

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