
orangeninjaanybody out there?22:11
cyberangerout where?22:12
cyberangerlol what's up orangeninja22:12
orangeninjacyberanger: what's happing bro.22:12
cyberangerorangeninja: not much, you?22:13
orangeninjaI was wondering, could an old MN-100 router be used as a switch on my home network?22:13
orangeninjanothing much just messing around in my computer lab....LOL!22:14
orangeninjafor some reason, I think I read where one might could use and old router as a switch... but I could be totally off base here.22:15
cyberangerorangeninja: don't know the model22:25
cyberangerbut in general, it can be done, as long as the device supports it22:28
orangeninjahttp://download.microsoft.com/download/B/6/9/B69C956C-85D9-4641-AA6F-1548391E0967/MN-1003-10.pdf (http://download.microsoft.com/download/b/6/9/b69c956c-85d9-4641-aa6f-1548391e0967/mn-1003-10.pdf)22:28
orangeninjawhat would I be looking for to know if it is supported?22:28
orangeninjaspecificlly "Switch" support? ...lol  sorry I'm clueless22:29
cyberangerthis is a microsoft router?22:31
orangeninjayep OLD router I found in a box22:31
cyberangeridk if I'd bother, based on manufactuer22:32
orangeninjaLOL I also have a netgear  WNR1000 comcast/xfinity sent me22:32
cyberangereither it has a mode in the actual settings like the dd-wrt type firmware22:33
cyberangeror an ability to disable the dhcp server at least22:33
orangeninjathat's what I think I read.... turn off DHCP and it was a switch. don't know if it is that simple though.... GUess I could take 50 dollars and buy one.22:35
cyberangerdon't think it's that high lately22:39

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