bkerensa | Me and Finn are DJing in the Ubuntu Room: http://turntable.fm/ubuntu | 03:53 |
zenrox | damn need djers in http://turntable.fm/ubuntu | 04:58 |
bkerensa | :) I will be back later hopefully | 05:03 |
bkerensa | :) | 05:03 |
zenrox | ya it will only preview music unless some one else is djing | 05:07 |
bkerensa | Hi :) | 08:16 |
bkerensa | valorie: Hi :) You even awake | 08:17 |
valorie | yes, I'm a nightowl | 08:19 |
valorie | not very awake tonight, though | 08:19 |
valorie | you? | 08:19 |
bkerensa | I'm awake... doing my first doc contribution and just wanna find someone to have a look :P | 08:20 |
bkerensa | Mostly just a clean up and added some stuff to existing doc | 08:21 |
valorie | I'll look, if you like | 08:21 |
valorie | I'm an experienced editor | 08:21 |
bkerensa | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo | 08:21 |
bkerensa | I just added the Natty install instructions and updated the links... But I think the title and url slug should be changed since the name of the product changed | 08:22 |
bkerensa | I also removed a Unsupported tag since the doc now has install info for Natty | 08:22 |
valorie | I would check with someone else about wiki standards for titles and URLs | 08:23 |
valorie | but for now, I would put VuzeHowTo, formerly AzureusHowTo | 08:24 |
bkerensa | k | 08:24 |
bkerensa | I think someone else would have to rename I dont have that permission :P | 08:24 |
valorie | except it says apt-get install azureus ? | 08:24 |
bkerensa | yeah they havent changed the package name | 08:25 |
valorie | I see | 08:25 |
bkerensa | but the entire branding is changed along with their own wiki and site | 08:25 |
bkerensa | I use the app | 08:25 |
valorie | everything looks good to me | 08:25 |
bkerensa | k | 08:25 |
valorie | you might link to the website here: 2. Azureus Vuz | 08:26 |
valorie | make that a link to the website | 08:26 |
valorie | odd that it wasn't already there | 08:26 |
valorie | also odd that they changed the naem | 08:27 |
valorie | name | 08:27 |
valorie | i read about that, but think it's a mistake | 08:27 |
valorie | ah, links at the bottom | 08:28 |
valorie | so link at the top not needed | 08:28 |
valorie | sorry | 08:28 |
valorie | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/DeletingAndRenaming for more on renaming, etc. | 08:29 |
bkerensa | Yeah I got that one up | 08:29 |
bkerensa | btw. I left testimonial on your wiki :) | 08:29 |
valorie | nice! | 08:30 |
valorie | thank you | 08:31 |
valorie | is yours up yet? | 08:31 |
bkerensa | yeah | 08:35 |
bkerensa | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/bkerensa | 08:35 |
bkerensa | Based of your layout | 08:35 |
bkerensa | :P | 08:35 |
valorie | which is based on someone else's | 08:35 |
valorie | not sure whose | 08:36 |
bkerensa | I'm probably going to go AFK shortly :) gnight | 08:37 |
valorie | niters, and thanks again | 08:37 |
bkerensa|mobile | hi | 22:13 |
bkerensa | Hi valorie | 23:20 |
bkerensa | You around? | 23:20 |
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