
holsteinailo: YO21:11
holsteinlong time no see right?21:11
ailohi holstein21:12
ailoYea, I've just had the program off. Didn't think about it until I rebooted my computer21:12
ailoWhat's new?21:14
ailoHas there been any meetings btw?21:14
holsteinnot much at all21:14
holsteinnah, theres supposed to be one this sunday21:14
holsteinnext sunday21:14
ailoIt's only been off for about 5 days, but I suppose I haven't been talking for a while21:24
ScottLhi ailo 22:23
ScottLholstein, do you have a preferred date for recording the podcast?22:23
ScottLpersia, the linux-meta package built after i eliminated the date (-) in the version number in the changelog22:29
astraljavaScottL: We need to get discussion started before the meeting in a week from today. About the seeds/desktop. It's already August (well, here, not there.) Not too much time to fix everything prior to feature freeze (though there's obviously time for bug fixes even after that.)22:30
ScottLpersia, i think i'm ready for your notes on the kernel at your convenience22:30
ScottLastraljava, that is true, i commit to get you some notes about changes22:30
ScottLastraljava, has anyone tested the image lately, rlamerio was the last one i knew about a week or two ago22:31
astraljavaScottL: Sadly, I haven't. :( But, I have all my machines in the new apartment now, so I should be able to test tomorrow evening.22:31
ScottLi've been out of town this weekend but was going to download an image tonight22:31
ScottLabout to go out for dinner with the family in about five minutes22:32
astraljavaGo, have fun. That's what weekends are for. I'll test tomorrow and give you feedback during your office hours. :)22:32

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