
holsteinaaas: ive done some of that with VNC02:15
holsteinive used VNC to control my studio machine from a netbook in the other room or whatever02:16
swamptinWell well14:19
holsteinswamptin: o/14:25
swamptinhow's holstein14:27
holsteinim doing well, and you?14:28
swamptinSame old. Contemplating coming back to Linux when I get my new machine... still putting together a spec for it though14:29
holsteinwhat are you on now?14:30
swamptinXP. Using a borrowed machine until I can afford to get a new machine14:34
swamptinIt at least allows me get online. Had a Ubuntu laptop for a couple of years before, but it finally crapped out on me14:35
swamptinNow trying to see what I can get for about500 to 600 pounds.14:36
holsteincheck the system76 site14:36
holsteinim sure there is the equivalent in your area :)14:37
swamptinOh cool... this could be helpful14:40
holsteinHP sell ubuntu boxes too14:41
swamptindo they? hmmm... I was thinking of just getting a machine without an OS and adding Ubuntu when it got here.14:42
swamptinBut at least if these ship with Ubuntu I don't have to worry about driver issues.14:43
holsteinyou *alway* have to worry about driver issues14:44
holsteinunless you want to get something all intel14:44
swamptinSurely if they ship with Ubuntu they'll make sure it works first?14:44
holsteinhell, i can make it work14:45
holsteindoes it have 3D?14:45
holsteinwhats the driver support like?14:45
holsteincan you update?14:45
holsteini know system76 have their own software in there for drivers14:45
holsteinnot sure about HP14:45
holsteinim just saying, dont thing you can buy a preloaded linux box, and all is good14:46
swamptinA fair point, well made.14:46
holsteini bought a suse preloaded HP mininote with VIA hardware (before i realized how bad that could be)14:46
holsteini have the most challenging time with it14:46
swamptinyeah? "fun" is it?14:47
holsteineh... its fine14:48
holsteinits a netbook with an express card slot, which is what i wanted anyways14:48
holsteinthose are not available anymore14:48
swamptinGot a spec together of an i5 machine with and X-Fi sound card in budget. So we'll see how that stacks up on the forums14:55
swamptinOther than that, i *think* it's all good. But I'll research it all, just in case14:56
holsteini use a dual core box with 8gb's of ram15:05
holsteini got that machine and a laptop for recovering data on 4 hard drives, so i didnt mind spending some money bumping up the ram15:06
holsteinit depends on what you are planning on doing, but i can really do quite a bit of audio work on a decent P4 with a gig of ram or so15:06
holsteini only say that because i see that a lot... 'when i save up a ton of money, im goin to buy the perfect audio machine and make music'15:07
holsteinwhen in fact, whatever machine you are on now is probably perfectly capable of doing a lot of audio work15:07
swamptinholstein: yeah, my last machine was perfectly fine. I'd do work on this but it isn't mine, and it's only gor 256mb ram... which is far from ideal23:25

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