
raginkestrelHow do you adjust the screen brightness in xfce?  Normally I would do this with the function buttons, but they don't work now that I have installed Xubuntu.00:34
Sysihave they worked with other linux OS?00:41
Sysiyou also shouldn't cross-post00:41
raginkestrelI have only installed Xubuntu on this laptop.00:47
raginkestrelIt had Win XP before.00:47
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!04:19
GridCubeoh... im late04:20
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lucas_hey, how can i sync my dropbox folder ?08:19
arpad2I'm trying to connect a second hard drive to the pc, however while its detected by the BIOS its not by xubuntu. any ideas? thank you!09:06
well_laid_lawnarpad2: does it show in   sudo fdisk -l   ?09:07
arpad2well_laid_lawn: no, it doesn't09:08
well_laid_lawnarpad2: is there a filesystem on it yet?09:11
well_laid_lawnit still should show up in fdisk tho09:12
arpad2yes, 11.04 is installed on it on another pc which motherbroard is defected09:13
well_laid_lawnarpad2: is it an ide hdd? is it set to be master?09:15
arpad2well_laid_lawn: I'm not sure about the type.09:16
arpad2but its an older hdd09:16
arpad2WD 400gb09:17
well_laid_lawnarpad2: does it have a wide ribbon cable?09:18
well_laid_lawnif so that's a pata/ide drive so you might need to move the jumper to make it a slave drive not a master drive09:19
well_laid_lawnwestern digital normally have that marked on the drive09:19
arpad2the os starts from the master drive?09:22
arpad2so, I have to change the jumper to slave...09:22
arpad2how I do that?09:24
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exs_if i add a ftp server with giglio13:08
exs_afther that i try to open it13:08
exs_he open a firefox tab13:08
exs_i want him to open a thunar window13:08
exs_do you know the solution?13:09
Mandrewhello the screenshot tool that is preinstalled can by looking at these pic host pic on the net, but i dont have that on my version. how do i fix that?    http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/applications/xfce4-screenshooter14:04
xrdodrxMandrew, what version of ubuntu are you using?14:26
xrdodrxTo be honest, for me it's not really worth it. I've tried to use the service "ZimageZ" included in the screenshotting application and I've found it to be pretty useless14:27
xrdodrxIt uploads them as low quality jpegs, requires an account and doesn't allow linking directly to the file14:28
xrdodrxI just use a bash script I found to upload directly to imgur14:28
Mandrewhello the screenshot tool that is preinstalled can by looking at these pic host pic on the net, but i dont have that on my version. how do i fix that?    http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/applications/xfce4-screenshooter11.04 version14:28
Mandrew11.04 version14:28
xrdodrxMandrew, it is pretty weird that you don't have it in your version14:30
xrdodrxis the package `xfce4-screenshooter' up to date?14:30
Mandrewits the 1.7.9 version14:30
xrdodrxMandrew, does `apt-cache showpkg xfce4-screenshooter' return something like `1.7.9-1ubuntu3 (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_universe_binary-i386_Packages) (/var/lib/dpkg/status)'?14:32
xrdodrxbetter yet14:34
xrdodrxtake a screenshot of the screenshot dialog that comes up :)14:35
Mandrewok problem solved, im just to stupid to actually taking a screenshot and getting the window with that option of uploading :S14:39
Mandrewit was there all along :(14:39
xrdodrxoh, well, you're welcome I guess :)14:39
Mandrewthanks for the help. next time ill try a bit harder before asking for help ;)14:40
Mandrewfell really stupid14:41
Mandrewdont know if i even should hehe but im back with more questions ;)15:13
Mandrewim trying to setup my own keyboard shortcuts but i dont really get them to add15:14
Mandrewjust going to setup the zimagez15:15
Mandrewand then ill add some pics15:15
Mandrewhttp://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-07312011-051740pm.php  http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-07312011-052001pm.php   http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-07312011-052115pm.php    http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-07312011-052224pm.php   http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-07312011-052445pm.php15:25
Mandrewi cant add <Super>w to the shortcut to activate firefox in thous settings15:26
Mandrewand a get stuck on the last pic  and need to press enter cuz everything freezes up except that window15:27
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SpeedfxIs there any way to use the xubuntu alternate version with wubi?16:51
MandrewSpeedfx, isnt that described on the alternate download page?16:56
average_guyHow do I downgrade my browser to firefox 3 or 4?18:52
orngjce223I think there's a way with dpkg pinning something, but you might get into real dependency trouble there, so...19:04
average_guyok. thx ne way19:06
sdle123Hi, I'm looking for help in order to share my internet connection to bluetooth devices19:09
sdle123could not find any documentation about that19:10
madnicksdle123: you have to find the device19:27
madnicki could give you instructions19:28
sdle123madnick, I sure could use some :) , tx19:29
madnicksdle123: have you setup your device?19:30
sdle123madnick, yes, its paired already19:30
madnickoh, you wanted to share the COMPUTERS connection with the phone, not vise versa19:30
sdle123I  can even  use my phones gprs in my laptop19:30
sdle123madnick, yes19:31
sdle123madnick, my landline internet to my phone via BT19:31
madnick1 sec19:32
madnickSorry, I was too unable to do this19:38
sdle123madnick, tx anyway :)19:38
sdle123I shall continue my quest next week19:39
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MathiasR1Good Day, All!20:50
Mandrewhi charlie-tca how is it swinging20:51
charlie-tcastill going20:52
dscorzoniMandrew, hi man!20:52
Mandrewhi dscorzoni20:52
dscorzoniI'm new here in the channel...20:52
Mandrewcharlie-tca, do you have the time to help me?20:53
Mandrewcool welcome20:53
charlie-tcahelp with?20:54
charlie-tcaUsually it is best to go ahead and ask the question, if anyone knows, they can answer.20:54
Mandrewi posted this 6 hous ago :)20:54
charlie-tcaI am not sure super is valid. To add shortcuts, you go to Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard, shortcuts tab20:55
charlie-tcaclick add, type the command, then hit the keys you plan to use20:56
charlie-tcaBut "super" is a special key, and not all keyboard layouts recognize it20:56
Mandrewyes i tried to do that but it refused to let me add a shortcut20:56
Mandrewaaah well not super important, but i would have been pretty nice to add shortcuts20:59
Mandrewtnx charlie-tca anyway21:00
charlie-tcano problem. I seem to be at zero for helpfulness today21:00
Mandrewyour doing a good job ;) keep it up21:01
charlie-tcaXubuntu community meeting in #xubuntu-devel in 60 minutes. Everyone is invited to attend. Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings21:01
Mandrewdo you know if xfce team is working one something like unity or gnome3 shell?21:02
Sysinever I guess21:02
Mandrewthats a relief21:03
charlie-tcathey are not21:04
Mandrewcool good to know21:04
Mandrewthen i can relax a bit ;)21:05
Mandrewit seems like everyone is going for that look and feel. what happened to the proper desktop :)21:05
SysiI like gnome-shell and unity21:11
Mandrewhehe i hate unity, i thing its utter crap21:11
Sysiworkspace system is a bit weird/lacky in gnome3 and unity (2d) is ~ubuntu-only21:11
Sysibut I prefer both over old gnome21:12
Sysiyou know gnome2 is still in 11.04, oneiric will include fallback of gnome3 that is quite traditional21:12
Sysilimited but well, as 90s as you wish21:12
charlie-tcaI thought oneiric would fall back to unity 2d, same as normal unity 3d without compiz?21:14
Mandrewi like a proper desktop, this shell stuff i dont like. if i want to limited ill just whoop out a tablet or JuliOS21:14
Mandrewto go*21:14
SysiI think shells are way more functional than aiming to tiny objects21:16
Mandrewwell yea if you have limited hardware and a really small touch screen thats the way to go21:17
SysiI fed up with my netbook, expecially scrollin webpages21:19

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