[01:18] in additional drivers, where it states "Driver is activated but not currently in use", does that ever change? [01:19] Doyle: Did you reboot after install? [01:20] yep [01:21] Its the nvidia drivers. They do say version current - recommended. [01:25] When I go to network manager, manage connections, network connections, wired tab it doesn't show my current device yet I can connect to the internet. [01:25] I can make a new entry there and have it change my IP address but it never sticks [01:26] Anyone got any clue what I'm doing wrong? [02:07] I'm running Kubuntu 11.04 and I'm getting a 'can't find a valid FAT filesystem' on my iPod which is keeping Amarok from seeing it and loading it.... 2).... [02:07] ohh? [02:08] I'm having lag issues with a linksys/cisco rt2800usb variant could you point me to some docs that might help? [02:08] maybe bcuz ipod is made by apple? [02:08] vuth: speak proper English please [02:08] hello all [02:08] :) === boss is now known as Guest86890 [02:08] it loads in banshee and rhythmbox on ubuntu 11.04 and there's no lag for the usb wireless dongle in ubuntu either. === Guest86890 is now known as Coded2 === Coded2 is now known as Coded1 [02:10] hello all === me is now known as Guest12697 [02:12] I'm having a real slowness issue with kubuntu 11.04 on an older dell laptop (Inspiron 6000) w/ ATI X300 GPU. top & htop both don't go above 20% cpu usage overall and the only thing running is firefox. Memory usage is about 700MB used out of 2GB of physical RAM and none of the swap is touched. [02:13] the mouse is bouncing around like its starving for clocks [02:14] what CPU? [02:14] hi Coded1 [02:15] Coded1: Tried turning off visual effects? [02:26] CPU is a processor [02:26] like a pentium chip or amd athlon [02:26] vuth: that wasn't the question :P [02:28] coded1 my laptop is pentium 4 1.7ghz with 2gb ram and mine runs smooth [02:28] hi. i'm having trouble networking kubuntu with windows 7. attempted to use samba. shared folder is detectable but keeping getting error code 0x80070035 when attempting to open it [02:28] everything up to date on ur update manager? [02:28] and now the other windows computers are no longer communicating to each other. :/ [02:55] guys can someone help me figuring out how to have custom keyboard shortcuts? system settings isnt helping. === joshlegs_ is now known as joshlegs [04:30] Hellooooo [04:31] I'm having issues installing Kubuntu that I cant find an answer for anywhere. Is anyone awake? [04:32] best to ask your question and see [04:39] rww: I guess it wasn't that important === sean is now known as Guest71646 === zz_Who is now known as Who === Who is now known as zz_Who === zz_Who is now known as Who === Who is now known as zz_Who === zz_Who is now known as Who === Who is now known as zz_Who [06:23] Who has changed nick to zz_Who ... I see that so many times and it seems like a question always === zz_Who is now known as Who [06:24] !away > Who [06:24] Who, please see my private message [06:28] .seen sirtaco [06:31] .seen SIR_Taco [06:32] !seen SIR_Taco [06:32] I have no seen command === Who is now known as zz_Who [06:36] !away > Who === zz_Who is now known as Who [06:41] !away > Who [06:41] o_O [06:42] Insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different results :P [06:44] why does poor who want that message anyway? [06:45] * valorie has met Who, who is a real person [06:45] valorie: they're /nickchanging on away, it's traditional to spam people with clients misconfigured in that way with messages about it :P [06:46] * Unit193 wish he added Doctor to the front of it [06:46] indeed, that is a bad habit [06:46] Unit193: lol [06:46] * rww ponders pulling out one of his altnicks [06:47] I had to fix mine here as well [06:47] I'm used to changing it on smaller networks === Who is now known as zz_Who [06:48] dude [06:48] its also considered annoying on some networks [06:49] yup === zz_Who is now known as Who [06:49] I've stopped doing it pretty much everywhere, after being warned here [06:50] Who, darlin'! [06:50] zz_Who: use "/away add your away message" instead [06:52] There used to be a factoid for how to ignore them ;) === Who is now known as zz_Who [06:53] Unit193: on irssi you can pipe them to another window, including parts/joins. But that isnt the point ;) === zz_Who is now known as Who [06:54] svaksha: I fully understand, I just knew there used to be and I can't find it (I was thinking ignore, not pipe as I didn't remember you could) [06:55] valorie: err its my ZNC [06:55] yeah my connection is acting really weird [06:55] hmmm [06:56] it should allow you to set "silent away" though [06:56] with no change of nick [06:56] Unit193: you can do both. [06:56] yeah changing it === Bodia_ is now known as Bodia === coaboa|afk is now known as coaboa === boss is now known as Coded1 [08:08] I'm having a real slowness issue with kubuntu 11.04 on an older dell laptop (Inspiron 6000) w/ ATI X300 GPU. top & htop both don't go above 20% cpu usage overall and the only thing running is firefox. Memory usage is about 700MB used out of 2GB of physical RAM and none of the swap is touched. [08:09] the mouse is bouncing around like its starving for clocks [08:09] I've noticed that FF with lots of tabs does that to me [08:10] I am using the FOSS radeon driver is that what you are using? [08:10] no, I have the non-free one [08:10] sec [08:10] my x300 is too old for the non-free [08:12] I only have about 8 tabs going, nothing with flash (not even installed btw) [08:14] ok [08:15] ? [08:15] someone else might have more insight [08:15] np thanks anyway [08:16] just as I was starting to warm up to AMD/ATI ... they bring me right back in .... [08:16] lol [08:17] valorie: what kind of GPU do you have? [08:17] ati radeon [08:17] Sysinfo for 'valorie-HP-Pavilion-dv7-Notebook-PC': Linux 2.6.38-10-generic running KDE Development Platform 4.7.00 (4.7.0), CPU: AMD Turion X2 Dual-Core Mobile RM-74 at 550 MHz (4389 bogomips), HD: 239/365GB, RAM: 3673/3708MB, 188 proc's, 12.26h up [08:17] ah, that isn't in there [08:17] lspci [08:17] sorry for the spam [08:17] np [08:18] VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics] [08:18] cool, it works ok then? [08:19] yes [08:19] better and better, actually [08:19] newest KDE is the best yet [08:20] I thought the FOSS drivers would be a bit better especially on an older card .... but I have a really slow UI and dual screens corrupts the video badly [08:20] :P [08:21] if it doesn't work for you, you can always go back, I believe [08:22] dual monitors ? ya. ... but then I wouldn't be able to use my nice 20" monitor :{ [08:24] does anybody know how to update the KDE to 4.7 [08:28] ssfdre38: what version Kubuntu, what SC of KDE you on now? [08:28] ya I killed desktop effects and its quick again ... [08:28] sinclair_, the one that is on the Kubuntu-desktop download [08:29] ssfdre38: in Dolphin or something, check "about KDE", as for kubuntu I assume 11.04 [08:29] or in Quassel... [08:29] http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.7 [08:30] ssfdre38: ^^^ [08:30] simple to do, and it's very nice [08:30] * valorie did it last night [08:30] lol cool [08:30] valorie: what it does NOT say is that you must do dist-upgrade or fullupgrade [08:31] whats the best way to do a dist-upgrade? [08:31] it should be fine for ubuntu with KDE on it [08:31] ssfdre38: follow instructions for adding ppa - then use command line to do apt-get dist-upgrade [08:31] :) [08:32] Hello. Please help me with my digital camera. [08:33] you point to something and take a photo and ta da your done [08:33] coder2: what is the problem more specific? [08:34] I cannot transfer photos from my camera anymore. digikam claims that it cannot connect to the camera. gphoto2 says that device is already in use. f-spot reports about IO Error [08:34] coder2: did you try it on another computer so you know it is not the camera? [08:34] I have a question to kmail2... can I copy all my mails from kmail1 (.kde/share/apps/mail) to .local/share/.local-mail.directory? and start the sync in akonadi again? [08:34] I have tried this... so the message count is correct but kmail2 does not show any messages... only the loading icon is visible... so I am not sure if that works what I want to do :-) [08:35] ssfdre38: should be sudo apt-get dist-upgrade of course... [08:35] sinclair_: I've tried from windows sessiion. It worls. [08:35] yeea [08:35] coder2: done any update, eg to KDE 4.7, between it working and not? [08:37] sinclair_: KDE hasn't been updated, but there were some kernel and library updates. [08:38] My KDE version is [08:38] coder2: is there a setting in the camera for "mode", eg as a disk or other methods? Have no camera here so can't remember optios [08:38] if so try different ones [08:39] sinclair_: Unfortunately only one mode available: device is being detected as a digital camera (Canon A5xx). [08:40] coder2: am afraid I don't know then, was hoping that might be it [08:41] can not see why kernel update etc should botch syncing camera [08:41] sinclair_: It is odd, but f-spot is even able to display list of photos with thumbnails from the camera memory, but failed to import them. [08:41] coder2: maybe try a live usb or live CD to see if your install is OK or not? [08:42] coder2: that sounds like a permission problem [08:42] preferrably live usb with memory for "saving"? [08:42] persistence it is called [08:42] valorie could be very right [08:42] valorie: how to check those permissions? [08:43] dolphin can do that for you [08:44] valorie: The camera is not in "disk mode" [08:44] I always use dolphin for copying or moving photos [08:44] so dolphin can't see it? [08:44] #kubuntu-de [08:44] nope [08:44] boo [08:46] I think something (auto-mounter?) is locking the camera and it prevents applications accessing it. [08:48] That auto-mounter is quite stupid thing, it even prevents k3b from erasing non-empty RW-DVDs [09:03] sinclair_: I see something suspicious in my "home" directory: ".gvfs" folder is displayed in red color with "?" in mc and the permissions is drx instead of drwx. And I cannot do chmod u+w [09:04] I believe it is connected with the camera problem [09:04] How to fix the .gvfs folder ? [09:04] coder27: red color should be an ownership problem I think [09:05] sinclair_: Do you know how to fix it? Even as root I cannot access this folder. [09:06] coder27: if you check properties by right-clicking you can see what is owner and group, what are they? [09:07] sinclair: under my login it displays my ownership and dr------- permissions, and under root it displays root:root and --------- as access rigts [09:08] guys, i would like to create translation for one plasmoid, as i can see there is file with .qm extension - how should i edit this ? [09:10] coder27: it sounds messy alright.. try changing ownership/group to your user and then set rwx rights [09:11] sinclair_: chmod does nothing. No errors and no effect. The same with chown [09:12] how to force fsck? [09:12] coder27: is your user in the correct groups, such as sudoer? [09:12] valorie: yes [09:12] coder27: have no idea.. you might have to use knoppix or something to rm the directory [09:13] sinclair_: ... and then, recreate it? [09:13] coder27: it "should" recreate itself via the app or the camera connection [09:14] just love that expression.. "should" [09:14] sinclair_: excuse me, English is not my native language. [09:15] coder27: not a problem [09:15] for fsck force check via google, I have done it but can not remember how === Bodia_ is now known as Bodia [09:30] How smooth is it to upgrade between major releases? I want to give a friend a kubuntu disk but I do not know whether to use 10.04 lts or 11.04. [09:30] valorie: I've done fsck, then I have deleted the ~/.gvfs folder, but it re-appears again, and again without write permission. Any ideas? [09:31] I want from Ubuntu (gnome) 10.10 to 11.04 and it broke a great deal of things for me, which I can tolerate but I don't want to thrust that onto someone else [09:31] I went* [09:31] MK`: it usually is supposed to be rather smooth [09:32] MK`: it all depends on if there is used sources outside of ubuntu's official repositories for installing any packages [09:32] and other variables that aren't up to ubuntu directly [09:32] Well the things that broke were like, plymouth and gnome-panel X) [09:34] coder2: I would search for a bug [09:34] because that def. seems buggy === ocs is now known as faLUCE === EyesIsMine is now known as EyesIsServer === larsivi_ is now known as larsivi === bazhang__ is now known as bazhang [11:54] Howdy [11:54] hi [12:06] hi everyone, someone has already tried "Bumblebee" software to manage the GPU nvidia with nvidia Optimus technology ? [12:48] is anyone else seeing that "active windows" get "halfed" when more than 3 active in "task manager"? [12:49] kde 4.7 [12:49] I mean halfed in size, that is... [12:50] what is "active windows"? [12:51] in the task manager, the minimized icons of running apps [12:52] guess a screenshot is needed [12:54] !paste [12:54] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [13:08] incarus6: http://imagebin.org/165921 [13:08] incarus6: look at the task manager part of the panel [13:11] sinclair_, under right click on the panel > settings is a option called "Maximal amout of rows" or similar (I had to translate it). I think the default option is now 2. By changing it back to 1 this should be 'fixed' ;) or disable "Force rowsettings" (also translated). [13:12] incarus6: should but does not - for me at least [13:12] try to change both settings I mentioned. That force-thing worked for me [13:12] ok let me try [13:13] sinclair_, increase the height of the panel slightly ...that might work === ipot is now known as iPot [13:15] nope, non of this works. More than 3 active applications I get this look [13:17] what are your current settings? [13:18] hold on now I played around so much... === hacked is now known as vinces [13:20] my desktop http://imagebin.org/165925 [13:22] incarus6: http://imagebin.org/165926 [13:22] BluesKaj, I don't like the old KDE 3 window theme that much, I'm using one called oxygen-air [13:24] sinclair_, it may have to do with your "desktop theme" ...I had that problem earlier and it disappeared when I changed themes. [13:25] Plastik and huge widgets.. ewww.. [13:25] blueskaj: was playing around with that too :-), have used Breathe for quite some time now [13:25] Incarus6, I'm using kde 4.7 and some themes are freezing , so I'm sticking wirh the older versions right now [13:25] but no, it does not help [13:26] szal, large screen monitor , 42" plasma [13:26] BluesKaj, Intel graphic card? [13:26] and I'm 3M away [13:27] nvidia 8400gs Incarus6 [13:29] http://www.abload.de/img/20110801_fullscreen25ue2.png <- (still KDE 4.6.5) [13:29] I can't post a screenshot of my system yet because the KDE Update (4.7) broke a dual-screen feature. (I sadly got only one systemtray at the moment) [13:30] szal, well , to each his own :) [13:30] heheh [13:32] szal, sticking with plastik because the mininimze and maximize etc are easier to see at this distance [13:33] err minimize [13:33] Yes! Nvidia released a new driver version but they haven't released the site of it yet > 404. [13:33] Incarus6: huh? [13:34] they censored Mumford & Sons.. :o [13:35] szal, GeForce; GeForce 200 Series; Geforce GT 220; Linux 32-bit, then search and you'll find the newer version 280.13. click on it > 404. http://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us [13:35] * szal has received a 275 update just a few days ago [13:36] incarus6: I suspect wacky interaction w System Tray.. [13:36] when I quit one app there things "normalised" in Task Manager ?? [13:37] That's my dualscreen desktop. It was screenshotted with KDE 4.6.x but it still looks the same (except the second systray .__.) http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/9906/desktopqb.png [13:37] sinclair_, you can open a bug report on bugs.kde.org. Version 4.7 is still buggy [13:38] incarus6: think I will keep trying to figure out WHAT to report so to speak.. [13:38] and it seems I am only one here w problem in question [13:39] * szal decided to skip 4.7.0 and go with 4.7.1 next month [13:39] szal: that might be the way for sure... [13:39] szal, its working perfectly for me, except the second systray [13:40] but as I am on 4.7 already - not for me [13:40] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=278947 [13:40] KDE bug 278947 in widget-systemtray "Can not add more then one systemtray" [Crash,Unconfirmed] [13:40] Incarus6, I see you have dropbox , are you using it with nautilus , can't seem to get kfilebox (kde version) to work at all. [13:40] I would fix that by myself if I would know how to read those backtraces [13:41] BluesKaj, nope, never used dropbox [13:41] That blue desktop icon is VirtualBox [13:42] ok Incarus6 , my mistake [13:43] BluesKaj, whats the difference between kfilebox and kdropbox? [13:43] Oh I see, it's the same. [13:44] yes [13:44] let me try. Using 0.4.7? [13:45] kfilebo has been broken since 1o.10 ..try to keep my gnome/gtk stuff to a minimum, so I'm waiting til kfilebox is fxed [13:45] 10.10 [13:46] !info kfilebox [13:46] Package kfilebox does not exist in natty [13:46] IMO synaptic is still the best gui package manager , so I use it as a reference for default apps === sayakb_away is now known as sayakb [13:47] blueskaj: try Muon, I like it [13:47] there is a ppa for it [13:48] sinclair_, I hav muon as well, I just don't care for it's interface as much [13:48] * szal doesn't use any GUI package manager [13:49] I just us them for reference [13:50] and fixin broken packages in synaptic [13:50] kfilebox is working for me, but it is using nautilus [13:50] blueskaj: got it, same for me w synaptic [13:51] Which programm calls itself a kde software when it is using nautilus? [13:59] Incarus6, yeah I'm dissapointed in it's poor dolhin integrtion [13:59] dolphin [13:59] oops keyboard is too far from the receiver [14:01] I prefer ubuntu one, I think they upgraded the free space to 5 GB [14:05] hey, i have a problem getting opengl to work with kubuntu, anyone can help me? I am using an ati hd4850 matrix card [14:07] Is that a Kubuntu (KDE) related issue, helpneeded? [14:07] i dont think so [14:08] You can ask in #ubuntu - there are more people who could help you [14:09] Incarus6, does ubuntu one work ok with windows pcs ? Family occasionally shares files thru dropbox , does ubuntu do the same ? [14:09] ubutu one [14:12] hw to change screen resoultiom of kubuntu? [14:12] BluesKaj, Yes, I think so [14:12] hello [14:13] anybody [14:13] plz help me [14:13] BluesKaj, you can use http://one.ubuntu.com (the web interface) or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Windows [14:22] bummer, kfilebox is also a cpu hog ... and ubuntuone won't upload folders ..great :P [14:23] BluesKaj: Try sugarsync [14:27] GirlyGirl, not paying just to share a few files occasionally over the internet , but thanks for the suggestion. [14:28] BluesKaj: Free version exists I thought, I don't use it sorry [14:39] * BluesKaj solves ubuntuone older problem by installing ubuntuone client [14:39] folder [14:58] hi. i get notifications about some crashed program every time i log in. when i click on the notification to view the details, it says i don't have permission to do so. do i have to be in a specific group to view the apport kde stuff? [15:10] ppq: can you explain what happens exactly? Details provide better answers [15:12] i created a desktop sharing invitation using krfb, than deleted it. there's no invitations available on krfb now. but my other computer finds two invitations on this computer whit destop client. and often some people attemt to connect but fail. as long as i removed all invitations, why my other computer still finds them? [15:16] hello [15:16] if it possible to switch to chinese input method with in english env [15:16] i can not do that [15:22] Linkmaster: http://ompldr.org/vOXBxZg --> http://ompldr.org/vOXBxZw [15:23] Linkmaster: i use kubuntu 11.04, this happens every time i log in [15:24] Do you mind translating those for me? [15:25] Linkmaster: sure, sorry. in the first screenshot it says "an application crashed", in the second "you don't have permissions for this problem report" [15:25] excuse my english [15:27] Your english is fine, I didn't know until I saw the screenshots [15:27] Hm, its kind of strange though..have you launched anything like 'sudo application' from the terminal? [15:28] Linkmaster: no, it happens right after logging in using KDM. i don't do anything before this pops up [15:28] I meant 'have you' as in the past. Though also, when did this start happening? [15:29] ah, i see. i never started a GUI application as root [15:30] this happens since i did a 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' today. i installed this system some days ago but never really used it. [15:30] okay, because what it looks like is something has had its permissions changed, and it can't run properly. It then promptly crashs, and since you're not root, it won't work [15:30] Did you run "apt-get update" beforehand? [15:30] yes [15:30] alright, good [15:31] You should probably start at changing the ownership of your /home back to you [15:31] btw, i have some autostarts: 'synergyc bene' (bene is the hostname of another pc), 'yakuake' and 'gtk2-default-theme.rc.sh' (i didn't create the last one) [15:34] Linkmaster: http://paste.ubuntu.com/656467/ "bene" is my username [15:38] ppq: interesting... [15:38] everything is you, so I don't know why it is doing that [15:38] neither do i :( [15:42] have you tried 'sudo chown bene /home' in a tty session? [15:43] well, i don't know if that's a good idea [15:43] but i'll try [15:47] Linkmaster: the notification still pops up [15:48] hi, I want to stop akonadi from using mysql backend, I've installed akonadi-backend-sqlite but still uses mysql... any clue? [15:48] '/etc/akonadi has only mysql config files [15:53] mmm trying /usr/share/doc/akonadi-backend-sqlite/README.Debian.gz [16:01] wow, from 140MB to 216K of space :) [16:06] ppq: I'm not sure D: [16:12] how or where could I put a akonadiserverrc to be globally valid? === Bipolar is now known as bipolar [16:21] markit: probably /etc/kde4/ [16:22] tsimpson: is now under .config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc [16:22] not under .kde4.... [16:22] akonadi is xdg software, not specific to kde [16:23] at least it was meant to be like that when it was created [16:23] yofel: I see... how can be globally setup? [16:23] the config is also a "mess" since hardcodes the db path to explicit home dir [16:23] i.e. Name=/home/marco/.local/share/akonadi/akonadi.db [16:23] but this is a different story :) [16:23] IIRC /etc/akonadi/ should work the same as .config/akonadi [16:23] but ask in #akonadi [16:23] yofel: oh, good tip! [16:24] guys need some help: i set one folder to read content from different folder? [16:24] tsimpson, I did a clean install and mispelled the pc name , I changed the /etc/hostname but when I ssh into my other linux machine the message still reads the wrong host spelling. Is there anywhere that I can correct this ? [16:25] soee: just make a it a symbolic link [16:25] tsimpson, how ? [16:25] BluesKaj: You need to modify /etc/hosts as well. [16:25] i never dif anything like that :) [16:25] Pici, ok thanks [16:26] Pici, it comes up correct in /etc/hosts [16:27] BluesKaj: What message are you talking about exactl? [16:27] soee: from Dolphin, right click, Create New -> Basic link to to file or directory [16:29] how can I change the font size of digital clock in KDE 4.7, I can't seem to find the option :-( [16:30] Pici, Last login: Sun Jul 31 17:09:17 2011 from:mispelled -host :) [16:31] skramer_: iirc that automatically changes according to your panel size [16:31] BluesKaj: maybe you need to do "sudo hostname " to make the system start using it (guess) [16:32] btw, when I logoff from the server console, the screeb becomes black and sometime ctrl-alt-rsys-k works, other just I have to reboot! [16:32] ok tsimpson , will try that [16:32] yofel: hmm.. could it be the font is bigger after the upgrade to 4.7? [16:32] (ssh session is alive, so the system is ok on it's own) [16:32] BluesKaj: How is the server you're sshing to resolving the name? DNS? [16:33] skramer_: I didn't notice a change in particular, but I never modified those settings either [16:33] at least not in anything plasma related [16:33] Pici, it's a local machine [16:34] yofel: so maybe it's more obvious because the colour changed to white... [16:34] I use a dark theme so my color was always white ^^ [16:35] skramer_: there is a custom font color setting though [16:35] yofel: [16:35] could you pls. tell me where to find it? [16:36] open the digital clock settings, first page? Below Bold,Italic [16:38] yofel: got not help on #akonadi, but if I put, as you suggested, in /etc/akonadi, then the "personal" config files is build upon that one, so uses sqlite3, thanks! [16:38] :) === Guest52402 is now known as dnivra [16:39] hello. I am running kubuntu 11.04-just installed it. I dual boot windows but my grub doesn't detect my windows partition when I run update-grub2. Any suggestions on how I could access windows? [16:42] yofel: I changed to another font, which is much better. But still strange that the time is shown in white digits, while date is black... [16:45] skramer_: uh... can you logout and back in again? I saw that *once* during RC, never again [16:46] yofel: already tried that & also tried removing my whole .kde folder, but same result [16:46] :/ [16:48] but what's worse is that since the upgrade to 4.7, I have many apps crashing when I close them. [16:49] skramer_: can you get a backtrace? [16:50] yofel: yes, could get some. [16:51] yofel: but trying just now, no problem... [16:51] heh [17:00] Hello everyone === william is now known as Guest63480 === sayakb is now known as sayakb_away [17:15] trying pw-less login from other linux machine to this one but ,.../usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found...odd that the pw-less login works from this machine to the other [17:16] dam uuids are screwed up , i guess [17:18] they share the same rsa key since it copied over [17:18] BluesKaj: Do you not have your keyfile in a standard location or filename? === paolo_ is now known as faLUCE [17:18] Pici, yes both are in ~/.ssh [17:19] BluesKaj: Odd then. I've had to use ssh-copy-id -i in the past to specify the location if non-standard identity files. [17:21] Pici, ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ipaddress [17:22] BluesKaj: did that work? [17:23] Pici, no that's the command that gives the ID error [17:28] BluesKaj: check that ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub exists and isn't empty, that's probably the only reason it'd fail like that (that I can tell) === hacked is now known as vinces [17:38] tsimpson, thanks at least I can ssh in with a pw without errors [17:43] is there a method to change the time setting to a 12hr clock ? I can't seem to find that option in system settings , or anywhere else. [17:45] BluesKaj: 'system settings -> local -> Date & Time' [17:51] Linkmaster, nope , no such option [17:51] what KDE are you using?? [17:51] date& Time yes , but no AM/PM [17:52] BluesKaj: kcmshell4 language -> date & time, change HH:MM:SS to pH:MM:SS [17:53] (or PH, if you wish leading zeros) [17:54] ppq, right thanks..I recall doing that before , my memory fails , again :P [17:55] ;) [17:56] how can I revert the oxygen icons to the version that came with 4.6? [17:56] skramer_: sudo apt-get install oxygen-icon-theme=4:4.6.2-0ubuntu1 [17:56] no patience... [17:57] skramer_: sudo apt-get install oxygen-icon-theme=4:4.6.2-0ubuntu1 [17:57] after that pin/hold the package so it doesn't get updated [18:18] So in Hardware Drivers, I've enabled my Broadcom STA Wireless Driver. Bluetooth works on it. However, there's no wlan0 or wpa0 in /sys/class/net. How do I make sure that the driver is running? [18:19] nope. no AM/PM despite the settings , still on the 24hr clock [18:21] freeone3000: output of lspci [18:22] GirlyGirl: lspci -n | grep 14e4 (from broadcom docs) gives "0b:00.0 0280: 14e4:4315 (rev 01)" [18:27] !bcm | freeone3000 [18:27] freeone3000: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs === petr is now known as Guest78428 [18:34] you speack portuguese???? [18:37] olá joaquim [18:38] alguém ao fala português??? ou spanish? [18:38] wbalves: Try a different local community [18:40] !pt | wbalves [18:40] wbalves: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. [18:40] !es | wbalves [18:40] wbalves: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. [18:42] join #ubuntu-br === AciD__ is now known as AciD` [18:44] join #kubuntu-pt [18:44] join #ubuntu-pt [18:45] wbalves: /join #channel [18:46] one more question: there is an additional frame around krunner since the upgrade to 4.7 (http://wstaw.org/m/2011/08/01/Screen1.png). Is it a "feature"? How could I remove it? [19:05] Hey pals ! I need a hand finding the source of a arp mapping problem. My router keeps broadcasting arp request to map my server and he never respond. Got any ideas ? [19:09] juemo: Have you asked in ##networking ? [19:09] juemo: iirc the answer is in unicast, are you sure you are sniffing right? [19:09] Pici: yes, of course... without success. [19:10] gomiboy: no I am not sure ;) === faLUCE is now known as faLUCs === faLUCs is now known as faLUCE [19:11] I start wireshark on the right interface, I see the arp requests broadcasted by the router, again and again [19:11] and the server say unaccessible from the LAN [19:11] say->stays [19:13] juemo: broken ethernet cable? no blinking lights? just guessing :) [19:15] gomiboy: I tested with several different cables, using different interfaces (my server has 6 interfaces). If I put the internet directly in the server (skipping the router) I get connected. If I connect to the server through static IP with a laptop I get connected too. [19:16] gomiboy: lights are blinking, of course ;) [19:17] I would like to test static arp entry, but I don't think my router supports it. === Nexus6_ is now known as Nexus6 [19:29] juemo: mmm... checked the arp table on the server? Maybe it has an old entry for the router on the wrong interface [19:29] gomiboy: if so, how can I change this ? [19:31] gomiboy: I got two entry for the router, one for eth0 in which the mac address is wrong, and the other for eth2 in which the mac address is [19:31] juemo: arp -d [19:33] gomiboy: done this, arp -a outputs the same thing [19:35] juemo: if you see incomplete it's ok, but if you see a wrong mac you have a conflicting ip on your net [19:36] Isn't the proper command to build dependencies = 'sudo apt-get build-dep 'packagename'? [19:38] gomiboy: so, what can be done ? [19:41] juemo: something on your net is using the same ip as your router, find it and change it's ip to something else [19:44] gomiboy: it isn't the case. This network is really small. To make it easier solving my problem I reduced it to : router, server, laptop. [19:44] gomiboy: nothing else has this IP [19:46] gomiboy: I just realised I made a mistake and the router's mac address is correct [19:47] gomiboy: sorry :S But this doesn't slve my problem [19:49] juemo: oh, ok then, is it on the right interface? none of the other interfaces of the server is physically connected to the same switch/hub? [19:50] gomiboy: Yes, no. I mean, it is the right (eth0). No other interface is connected === Axlin_ is now known as Axlin [19:53] gomiboy: by the way, thanks for your help :) [19:53] Isn't the proper command to build dependencies = 'sudo apt-get build-dep 'packagename'? [19:54] juemo: so we have arp, and you can't ping the router from the server... is there a way to see the router's arp table? If not just reboot the the router and try again :P [19:56] gomiboy: I can see the router's "client list" which contains the right mac address for the server [19:58] juemo: then i see no reason why you can't ping the router... firewalls? [19:59] gomiboy: desactivated all tables. iptables -L lists nothing :( [20:01] juemo: can you ping both the router and the server from your laptop? [20:01] gomiboy: not the server [20:02] gomiboy: when I start a ping sequence from the laptop, I can see the arp requests from the router flowing in the server without responses. This is pretty frutrating [20:04] juemo: on the server: ifconfig ethX down on every interface except the one you have connected [20:06] gomiboy: done [20:07] juemo: can you ping the server now? [20:07] juemo, is the laptop eth0 or wlan0? [20:08] gomiboy: no [20:08] BluesKaj: no wireless connexion is possible here. the interface is eth1 [20:10] juemo: i ran out of ideas... :( [20:10] juemo, sudo dhclient eth1 [20:11] gomiboy: thanks for your efforts :) [20:11] BluesKaj: the problem is not the laptop. But if you insist ;) [20:12] BluesKaj: dhcp requests and offers always goes well [20:13] BluesKaj: but then, any connexion requieres a arp mapping. The server does not respond arp request the router broadcasts [20:13] BluesKaj: so this is just like if I was not connected [20:20] juemo, so the server IP is recognized but the router doesn't connect to it due to mac address errors , is this correct? [20:21] BluesKaj: I can't say these are error. [20:21] BluesKaj: The server just seems not to respond to arp requests [20:24] BluesKaj: But the router seems to have the server's mac address and IP in cache but don't use it. [20:26] I get a "package with gear" icon appear for about one second every few minutes in the taskbar. It is quite irritating- what is it, and how do I kill it? [20:27] CoJaBo: isn't it the package manager checking for updates ? Updates are good for your security. [20:28] update every minute? [20:28] CoJaBo: you can configure it via KPackageKit [20:29] its set to update st the default rate. which def. ain't every minute o_o [20:29] juemo, so the server is discarding and not updating the arp cache with the proper address, so the router keeps requesting [20:30] BluesKaj: arp -a on the server gives me correct information about the router mac address and IP [20:34] juemo, but the router isn't resolving the server address , then maybe the IPs should be set manually in the router for all hosts ..just a thought [20:36] BluesKaj: I have set up dhcp reservation based on mac address on the router. [20:37] BluesKaj: Base on a capture with wireshark, the server makes regular queries to the name server of google. I get the responses successfully. So this can't be an arp issue. [20:39] BluesKaj: I got to go for today. Thank you for your help ! [20:39] never fiddled with mac addresses .just set the IPs in the router [20:46] Is there anone here who could help with installing adobe air on 64bit kubuntu? [20:49] I am following instructions on http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/521/cpsid_52132.html but when I get to $ sudo ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin it says file not found and then when I click http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nss/libnss3-1d_3.12.3.1-0ubuntu0.9.04.2_i386.deb I get a 404 error. [20:49] James147, there is a new takeoff ver [20:49] now i cat run it via plasmoidviewer [20:49] and looks promising [20:51] help! need a step by step guide how to inst a printer driver which is not on os list [20:51] wow ot even works as other plasmoids :D [20:54] seawing, that's apretty old version anyway ..probly break if you tryto install that one [20:55] adobe has stopped supporting linux and they say you have to use version 2.6 [20:57] so why are you trying to install it , seawing? [20:57] I want to run svBuilder for simpleviewer [21:01] how do you build the dependencies of a file [21:01] anyone know when kde 4.7 will be in the repos for 11.4? [21:01] raevin: it already is [21:01] o.o how come it's not showing up as updates in kpackagekit? [21:01] add 'ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports' I believe it is [21:02] ah, alright [21:02] thanks! [21:03] raevin, nvidia user ? [21:03] yeauppers [21:03] soee: what's up? === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === yofel_ is now known as yofel [21:03] radivis, than i hope it will work for you better than for me :) [21:04] * raevin [21:04] soee: what card do you got? [21:04] soee: i got a 9600 gt [21:04] raevin, 8800gt [21:04] soee: what happened to you? [21:05] well im not sure if its nvidia related but xorg and kwin used to much cpu so all effects were slow, very slow ;/ [21:05] i couldnt work on 4.7 [21:06] soee: what's your ram and cpu?? [21:06] 2GB, c2d 3.2GHz [21:06] soee: i might not have the same issues. i got 8 gb & 2.5 ghz quad core [21:07] raevin, tell me how it works for you after upgrade [21:07] soee: will do. you gonna be on for a while longer? [21:07] seawing, are you trying to install flash ? [21:07] raevin ~ 1.5h [21:07] no, just air [21:08] soee: should have it done before then [21:08] yeah :) [21:08] if so sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer [21:08] just having trouble adding the backports repo right now lol [21:08] what's air anyway , seawing [21:08] nvm [21:08] the simpleviewer builder only works with air [21:09] it is an adobe work environment [21:10] simpleviewer and adobe both say it can be installed on Debian versions of Linux [21:12] kde looking to move to version 5 soon? o.o [21:16] The Adobe AIR runtime enables developers to use HTML, JavaScript, Adobe Flash® and Flex technologies, and ActionScript® to build web applications that run as standalone client applications without the constraints of a browser. [21:18] seawing: they forget to mention that they are anti-Linux tho :/ [21:24] hi, im using kubuntu 11.04 on my laptop and i have some strange behavior that i cannot track down. maybe somebody can point me in the right direction... [21:25] giantpune: what's the issue...? [21:25] no doubt Raevin. I guess I will have to go with a VM solution [21:25] seawing: I'm sorry :/ Adobe used to be cool, but now even their 64-bit flash plugin is lame... [21:26] every few days, i will try to open a program and i i will get the title in the star of the taskbar like the program is starting and after a while it will go away. i get a message like "the plasma desktop tried to start XXX program but it couldnt". no programs will open for me. either using the terminal to try and start them or anything. [21:27] THey say they removed support for linux to direct their resources to mobile devices. follow the $ I guess [21:27] hey do anybody know where the downloaded backgrounds are stored at when i get them from the Desktop Settings [21:27] when this happens, i cant open any program to try and debug what is happening, and any program i try to start via the terminal doesnt crash, so there is no crash dump [21:27] ssfdre38: /usr/share i believe, look in there [21:27] the only thing i can do is restart the computer and everything is back to normal for a few days [21:27] or do this: cd /usr && find . -iname *.jpg [21:28] giantpune: I had a similar issue w/ Kmail (wouldn't start up after i had to do a killall on it)...i ended up just reinstalling the OS unfortunately. [21:28] giantpune: any errors in /var/logs anywhere? [21:28] its not in there [21:29] ill have to wait until it happens again raevin. it was yesterday that it happened last, so later this week i guess === coaboa is now known as coaboa|afk [21:32] giantpune: There'll still be log entries, lol. Or check the system monitor or some other tool (too used to doing things thru cli, not enough gui lol) [21:32] soee: did you have to restart your computer when you installed kde 4.7? [21:34] raevin, i did [21:39] soee: did it get stuck on libkresources4 for you? mine isn't moving past that point on installing lol [21:40] raevin, i was using muon and it stoped while running dpkg ~70% [21:40] i had to run dpkg reconfigure -a [21:41] raevin, iv tried 3 times to sintall it - upgrade, frash install etc and it stoped all 3 times [21:42] soee: this isn't going to go well, is it....? [21:43] raevin, dont worry should be ok [21:43] soee: it not going past a certain package makes me feel bad lol [21:44] :D usig console ? [21:44] soee: i was using kpackagekit, lol, but now trying console [21:44] yeah :-) it will tell you to reconfigure dpkg if im right [21:45] soee: yeah, lol; should i? [21:45] raevin, yop [21:45] *yup [21:46] soee: i don't see how backports can be such a pita lol [21:47] things happen :) [21:47] 4.7 will be/is really cool but ill wait till 4.7.1 or even 4.7.2 [21:48] i was sold on the whole kdm-integrating-grub thing [21:48] as long as it wont work as smooth as 4.6.5 [21:48] off to reboot tho, soee, let you know what happens [21:48] ok [21:52] okami@onikami:~$ /usr/bin/free -m [21:52] total used free shared buffers cached [21:52] Mem: 7999 1270 6729 0 33 422 [21:52] -/+ buffers/cache: 814 7185 [21:52] Swap: 1952 0 1952 [21:52] raevin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [21:52] soee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/656698/ [21:53] soee: i notice a slight degration in performance, but i might have to actually use it more [21:53] raevin, how it works for yoo when you minimize/maximize windows [21:53] open 3,4 widnows [21:53] and minimize, maximize tem [21:53] alright [21:54] :) [21:54] soee: works just fine for me...i think your issue is more so your memory than your graphics [21:54] soee: i was having the same problems with ubuntu and others as well with 2 gb, went to 4 gb it helped a bit, got 8 now and it's all smooth [21:55] raevin, its more related to kwin and xorg and their cpu consumption [21:55] soee: i'm not sure about that. i dunno intel's line though. core2duo have 2 or 4 procs? [21:55] *cores [21:55] 2 [21:55] soee: ahhh, that could play a part in it itoo [21:55] *too [21:55] they said the increased performece so it should work better for me but didnt [21:56] soee: i dunno, it seems more responsive to me personally. [21:56] soee: can you file a bug report or something w/ kde? [21:56] im not sure what bug should i file as long im not sure what couse this issue [21:56] should be a generic option there too? i dunno [21:57] it is something to bring to their attention, tho, in some way...even goin on their irc channel (if they got one) [21:58] the only thing w/ kde 4.7 i dislike (right now) is that the start menu, when you go to the different catagories in the applications panel, doesn't have that back arrow anymore [21:58] yuo have breadcrumb at the top [21:59] what you mean? [21:59] but im not using it, iv been using old style menu but now this: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Takeoff?content=144078 [21:59] soee, it's called the "cashew" :) [22:00] soee: i might try that out, it looks interesting...just afraid of rolling back, if it'll cause issues [22:00] breadcrump -> Applications/Multimedia/ [22:00] ah, kk, didn't know the exact name of it thanks :D [22:01] raevin, not sure if takeoff works with 4.7 [22:01] soee: i'm gonna wait a bit anyways [22:01] :) [22:02] moment [22:02] classic menu works better as the kicker than the default app launcher [22:02] soee: it doesn't look bad, just too much like unity imo [22:02] hehe :) but i like it, btw i was using unity for some time [22:03] soee: me too, which is what made me change back to kde lol [22:03] soee: it's just too bloated and requires WAY too much resources for what it does [22:06] I get a "package with gear" icon appear for about one second every few minutes in the taskbar. It is quite irritating- what is it, and how do I kill it? [22:07] raevin, this is how it works for me: http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/6873/takeoff.png [22:07] CoJaBo: it's kubuntu checking for updates, or you got updates waiting...start up kpackagekit to see if htere's any updates available [22:08] raevin: it displays the icon every minute when theres an update? [22:08] soee: see, lol, too much like unity. though it does have a bit of a nicer look to it, more polished [22:08] :) [22:08] CoJaBo: no, but it could be searching for one [22:08] CoJaBo: that's why isaid check to see if there's any avaialable [22:09] *available [22:09] soee: know of any good plasma themes for kde? [22:09] dunno i like defualt, there is androbit - the most popular these days i think [22:10] there were 6. however, it still does it after update, and did it before they were available. it displays that icon on and off constantly [22:10] but i dont like dark themes [22:10] soee: i'm not even looking for dark, lol, but androbit apparently won't work for 4.7?? i installed it but it won't display in the list lol [22:11] not sure didnt test with 4.7 [22:11] CoJaBo: check to see what the check updates period is set to. might be set to something less than 1 day [22:11] raevin: androbit works just fine with 4.7 : [22:11] soee: didn't think so lol, just didn't know if that's a way to test if it's not compatible [22:11] mendred: is there a reason why it won't show up in my listing, even after choosing something else then going back to it? [22:12] raevin: its st to thedefault [22:12] CoJaBo: not sure what to say, unfortunately. i've never ran into that issue before. [22:13] raevin: hmmm..ur adding the theme from the get new themes window right? [22:13] it says something aboutchecking fit distribution updates? [22:13] for* [22:13] raevin: and other themese are getting added? [22:13] mendred: yeah, i just go to get new themes, click install, and says its installed, but its not listed [22:14] mendred: i added volatile just fine, after that nothing else is being added [22:14] raevin: thats wierd.. [22:14] mendred: apparently androbit is displaying now but h2o black sitll isn't, i dunno [22:15] raevin: anyways i now use glassified...androbit doesnt play well with lancelot on dark themes..so thats worth checking out [22:15] mendred: i used glassified before and actually quite nejoyed it, but forgot the name of the themes i had before, thanks! [22:16] CoJaBo, kmenu/aps/sytem settings/software management/choose settings, uncheck "notify........" [22:16] aps=applications [22:17] BluesKaj: gm, thanks I'll try that [22:17] anyone know why xorg/nvidia doesn't like dual monitors? when i had it set up, flash would act funny (it'd go full screen, but the video itself wouldn't, just black border) [22:19] not sure using flahs 64bit beta and works fine [22:19] soee: in dual-monitor? wat browser? [22:20] it works fine in single-monitor set up, but when i use my other monitor is f's up [22:20] no sjust single [22:20] might be why lol [22:21] also, been wondering this...i got an external (usb) soundcard, and an onboard...i use the external for speakers and interla for headset...how come setting hte master mixer from the usb device to onboard doesn't redirect sound from the usb device to the headset? [22:21] it works fine with gnome's volume control app, but not with kde's kmixer stuff [22:25] hmm im isong pavucontrol [22:25] raevin, sudo gstreamer-properties (A GUI will open) (After configuring a reboot may be in order [22:26] not installed, and apt-get install says it doesn't exist :/ [22:26] raevin, you may need to set gstreamer as your backend in phonon as well [22:27] try installing gstreamer then runb the command I posted [22:28] BluesKaj: i have gstreamer set as the backend to phonon already, it's my only option there o.o [22:30] raevin, ok , install pavucontrol for pulseaudio , it has options you can set for usb devicesI believe , unless you don't have pulseaudio [22:30] i might, but i've been sticking w/ alsa [22:30] bbl...bbq needs atth [22:30] BluesKaj: kk [22:38] raevin, ok I'm back for a few ...any luck with pavucontrol , otherwise F4 in alsamixer for the capture ctrls [22:38] BluesKaj: nah :/ i installed pavucontrol but it didn't make any difference, i'll try alsamixer [22:39] raevin, yeah , pulseaudio hasnever done much for me either [22:39] BluesKaj: but it's not the capturing i want, it's sending the audio from the speakers (usb) to the headset (internal) that's causing me issues [22:40] oh I/m sorry , I misunderstood ..I thought your soundcard was usb , raevin [22:40] it is [22:40] it's kind of a weird set up lol [22:40] i have an external soundcard (usb), used mainly for recording music and stuff which i have to re-setup, and i got my speakers hooked up to it [22:40] usb spkrs and sndcd ..ok that's a new one on me :) [22:41] but hwne i want the audio to go to the eadset instead, and choose the internal one in kmixer, it still goes through the speakers [22:41] well, the speakers aren't usb, but the soundcard is [22:41] right [22:42] ugh, brb, lol. think i made a mistake somewhere [22:42] need to reboot [22:43] yeah, gotta check the bb for a few [22:45] i think i'm just going to do what i used to...use the external card for everything lol [22:45] only thing that bothers me is that audio from red eclipse goes to the headset, no matter what, but...meh [22:45] BluesKaj: thanks very much for the help though :) is much appreciated [22:51] ok raevin ..whatever works for you :) [23:27] how do you build the dependencies for an application? [23:27] Linkmaster: 'sudo apt-get build-dep some-program' [23:28] I thought so. But when I try, it complains [23:28] Says 'can't fi...oh [23:28] Nevermind [23:28] :D [23:30] I did something stupid awhile back xD === sean is now known as gwin74 === sebastian is now known as s3sebastian_