
janimoGrueMaster, ok, wifi works for me too now on panda/headless. network-manager was interfering with ifup, that's why it was behaving erratically07:30
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sijipersia, hi10:52
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sijiHi All11:09
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sijiu there?13:12
sijifriends, am trying to make, autostart fro xbmc with ubuntu LXDE13:13
sijiAnd it's starts working but keyboard and mouse is not working13:13
sijii have added xbmc entry at  /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart13:14
sijiSo any idea why the mouse and keyboard is not working ?13:14
rOxxHello, i have installed the natty image on my sd card and now i want to build a new kernel. i found the linux-headers in the folder /usr/src, but i need the linux-source too ? is this right ? someone can help me ? it is the first time that i build a kernel13:54
sijilot of things are missing ...13:58
sijiyou can build kernel from your host pc13:59
sijir0xx, which processor /board you are using ?14:01
sijiwhy you want to build the kernel from source ?14:01
rOxxyes this is my idear, i want to download the files to my beagle, after that copy the files to my host pc, cross compile a new kernel and copy the uImage to the SD-Card.14:02
rOxxim using the beagleboard xm (rev. A)14:02
rOxxi want to build a new kernel, because i want to deactivate the kernel pinmux, i made the pin changes in the bootloader14:03
ogra_in any case if you want to recompile the omap3 kernel, just do: apt-get source linux; sudo apt-get build-dep linux14:05
ogra_omap3 is built from the linux package14:06
rOxxogra: do you mean "sudo apt-get install linux-source" to get the sources ?14:08
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rOxxor can i build a new kernel with the "linux-headers-2.6.38-8-omap" and "linux-headers-2.6.38-8" ?14:15
rOxxi want to use the old config file to build the kernel and only change the OMAP multiplexing support there, because i made the pinmux changes in the bootloader14:24
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rOxxsomeone can help me with compiling a kernel for the beagleboard xm (rev.A) ? i only want to deactivate the OMAP multiplexing support, because i made this changes in the boot loader14:45
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mahmohGrueMaster: bug 656410, if it's timer and not USB related I'm tending to think it's critical - needs a major push from where it is, what do you think?15:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 656410 in launchpad "connection not closed with time-out" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65641015:32
GrueMastermahmoh: What???  That is a firefox/launchpad bug.15:36
mahmohGrueMaster: let's try again ;)  bug 70924515:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 709245 in linux-ti-omap4 "panda: USB disk IO slow" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70924515:37
GrueMastermahmoh: By the nature of Arm, we cannot mark them as critical (yet).    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance "Critical: A bug which has a severe impact on a large portion of Ubuntu users."15:40
mahmohGrueMaster: oh, good point15:41
ogra_should be high (as it is)15:41
mahmohGrueMaster: so is there a way to get more focus on this?  I can't tell if it's actively being worked or not15:42
ogra_critical would be rather arch independent ... i.e. "udev formats your / if it finds it ..."15:42
GrueMasterYea, something like that may be bad.15:43
ogra_its actively being researched since three releases15:43
ogra_so dont expect quick solutions here ... it has been filed late though15:43
GrueMastermahmoh: It may not be getting that much attention here, but It is getting a large amount of eyes looking at the issues from other groups (Android, Fedora, #pandaboard, etc).15:44
GrueMasterIt appears to be more widespread than just Ubuntu on Omap4.15:45
mahmohwell, I'm guessing it's going to something that's going to hurt us soon if we don't find a fix, just want to ensure it has the right eyes on it like davidm or NCommander's15:45
GrueMastermahmoh: It has top engineers at TI looking at it.  And yes, davidm & NCommander are both monitoring it as well (but since neither are kernel developers...)15:47
ogra_mahmoh, its a longstanding problem with the panda, dont worry15:48
GrueMasterThe bug is filed.  At this point, the best you and I can do is monitor the bug for additional changes, and document any new findings we may come across.15:48
davidmmahmoh, Andy Green from Linaro TI Landing team is well aware and we are escalating to TI this week15:48
mahmohit's not just the panda and not just USB15:48
davidmBut it is beginning to look like a hardware issue :-/15:49
mahmohdavidm: thx15:49
davidmis is a chip used on Pandaboards and Beagleboards15:49
ogra_mahmoh, what else is "it" beyond panda ?15:50
ogra_did you see it on non-TI hardware ?15:50
GrueMasterogra_: I have seen others mention the issue on the nVidia Tegra2 Dev platform.15:51
GrueMasterNot confirmed, but mentioned.15:52
mahmohnot yet but it's definitely omap, originally thought only to be USB, not more, concerned it may be ARM/Kernel related but have no idea15:52
GrueMasterIt is believed to be an issue with the SMC USB hub.15:52
ogra_i cant see any issues with the ac100 (that doesnt say anything about other tegras with other peripherials indeed)15:53
lilstevieI have good speed USB on the transformer15:53
mahmohGrueMaster: does anyone here have this tegra dev platform to verify?15:53
mahmohdoes anyone here have this tegra dev platform to verify?15:54
jburkholderjanimo: thanks15:54
GrueMasterNot me.  I have a different tegra dev board but haven't set it up for testing.15:54
GrueMasterBut I doubt mine has this issue.15:54
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mahmohGrueMaster: it might be interesting to double check if you had time, I don't think you do16:14
GrueMasterI don't this week.  Release testing and last minute push to finish work items for A3.16:15
ogra_well, who cares about dev boards anyway, as long as the production devices dont expose the issue ;)16:15
ogra_(which they apparently dont, at least for two devices)16:15
GrueMasterogra_: Not a whole lot of production systems with the necessary hardware to test.16:15
ogra_there are tens of tegra based production devices out there ;(16:16
GrueMasterAnd how many of those have both USB & ethernet on the same hub device?16:16
ogra_and for two we have verified it doesnt occur16:17
ogra_did you read the recent comments on the bug ?16:17
ogra_its very likely its not usb related at all16:17
lilstevieand tbh dev devices are not as important as making sure that consumer devices are fine16:18
ogra_since also Sd cards are significantly slower than on other systems16:18
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ogra_i would love to get a rooted playbook in my hands to actually test omap4 on a production device with our images :O16:19
lilstevierunning from sd was hell slow on my class 2 card fir the transformer16:19
ogra_but you dont get rooted playbooks anywhere16:19
lilstevieogra_: do playbooks even have kernel source16:20
ogra_lilstevie, but your class2 SD wont be faster on other HW either ;)16:20
lilstevieogra_: very true16:20
ogra_playbooks are omap4, they shouldnt be to far from the panda16:20
ogra_surely they arent identical16:20
lilsteviewould be interesting on loading your own kernel16:21
ogra_but i bet you could boot to a graphics-less system with the omap4 kernel16:21
lilsteviewonder how the QNX kernel loads16:21
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rOxxsomeone can help me with cross compiling a kernel for the beagleboard xm (rev.A) ? i only want to disablethe OMAP multiplexing support, because i made this changes in the boot loader17:22
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