
lifeless(sorry bac)00:15
StevenKlifeless: Haha, I did wonder if you were at your keys or wanted Brad's attention00:16
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs: 240 - 0:[#######=]:256
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: wgrant | Critical bugs: 241 - 0:[#######=]:256
wgrantAnyone around to review https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/iseriesbugtarget/+merge/69951?00:32
wgrantlifeless: You don't have a good suggestion for a primary bug target?01:08
wgrantie. product/distro/DSP?01:09
lifelesswgrant: 'thing', 'target', 'context', shrug.01:09
lifelesswgrant: I think we want to remove the series special casing eventually, so I don't really care about the name.01:10
wallyworldlifeless: following on from last week, could you please look at this mp (and +1 if you are happy). then i will land it for the contributor https://code.launchpad.net/~xaav/loggerhead/export-tarball/+merge/6640801:45
wgrant * 9967 Exceptions01:58
wgrantHi codehosting.01:58
pooliehi wallyworld02:08
wallyworldpoolie: hi02:09
pooliethanks for pushing it02:09
wallyworldi got caught up yesterday02:10
=== jtv-zzz is now known as jtv
jtvStevenK, wgrant: I uploaded a package to -partner (on dogfood) and ran publish-ftpmaster.  The pool now contains the .dsc and 2×tarball, and the package is in the Sources list, but it's not showing up in the Packages files and I don't see a .deb.  Is that bad?02:47
StevenKHas it built?02:47
StevenKAnd 2*tarball?02:48
wgrantNeeds build + potential acceptance02:48
jtvStevenK: orig.tar.gz and debian.tar.gz02:48
jtvHow do I find out about build and potential acceptance?02:48
StevenKWhat does dogfood.l.n/builders say?02:49
jtv2 builders: ferraz & rubidium, both idle02:49
jtvHaven't found my package ("bye") in the logs yet, but the package I based it on ("hello") failed to build.02:50
jtvchroot problem.02:51
jtvAh, "bye" built successfully on ferraz.02:52
wgrantIt probably ended up in NEW.02:52
wgrantYep, there it is.02:53
jtvThe source package page also fails to show a deb.02:53
wgrantIt doesn't really exist yet.02:53
jtvSo… do I need to approve the binary upload like I did the source upload?02:54
jtvOn the way.02:54
jtvThere we go.02:54
jtvAnd now… process-accepted?02:55
wgrantpublish-ftpmaster should do that, right?02:55
jtvYou have me there.  Checking.02:55
jtvYup, it does.02:55
jtvSo then I can just re-run publish-ftpmaster?02:56
jtvIt's mentioning the package now: "(Arch Specific)"02:59
jtvI don't know who Arch Specific is, but he seems to be doing something to my package.02:59
wgrant"arch specific" means "not architecture independent"03:01
jtvwgrant: to be really, really honest I did sort of gather it would be something like that.  :)03:05
jtvAnyway, it's done now.  Which seems suspiciously quick.03:06
jtvThen again, there won't have been any changes outside of -partner.03:06
wgrantAnd partner is both NMAF and small.03:06
wgrantNo More Apt-Ftparchive03:08
jtvAh, you mean it uses Launchpad's indexing code?03:09
jtvWell, all green lights so far.03:09
jtvMy package is in Packages for i386, and the +source page shows the i386 build.03:09
wgrantAnd it didn't delete 600GB of archive?03:09
mtaylorlifeless: fix all of my problems!03:11
jtvwgrant: the ubuntu-archive dir now contains about 15GB, I think.03:11
mtaylorhey all - the new launchpad haproxy stuff is killing me03:12
jtvI may lose power.03:12
wgrantmtaylor: Oh?03:12
wgrantjtv: Sounds good.03:12
mtaylorwgrant: it's causing tarmac to have its connections disconnected03:12
wgrantmtaylor: It maintains persistent connections?03:12
mtaylorwgrant: which is problematic03:12
mtaylorwgrant: it ddoes03:12
wgrantIt probably shouldn't.03:12
wgrantIt didn't have long-term connections open yesterday, interestingly...03:13
mtaylorwgrant: well, according to abently, bzrlib expects to stay connected for some reason03:13
jtvwgrant: the biggest chunks being in contents-generationold.  About 2GB in /srv/launchpad.net/ubuntu-archive/ubuntu/pool.03:13
wgrantmtaylor: I suspect you want to change your plugin to manage transports a little better.03:13
wgrantmtaylor: It can't expect to remain connected for weeks.03:13
mtaylorwgrant: it doesn't03:13
jtvwgrant: surprisingly, almost the same amount of data in ubuntu-partner.03:13
mtaylorwgrant: it just stays connected while it runs tests03:14
wgrantSomeone else is keeping connections open for weeks, so I thought you might be too.03:14
mtaylorwgrant: which sometimes is longer than 50s03:14
mtaylornope. that shouldn't be us03:14
wgrantSo, sounds like your plugin needs to be fixed to not do that.03:14
wgrantWe can possibly increase the haproxy timeouts for now, if it is causing big problems for you.03:15
wgrantBut only very temporarily.03:15
mtaylorwgrant: rockstar told me to come bug you :) --- and it's actually the core tarmac code03:15
mtaylortarmac holds the connection around the post-merge hook03:15
wgrantrockstar: Any reason Tarmac can't handle transports a bit more sensibly?03:16
mtaylorwgrant: https://jenkins.openstack.org/view/Nova/job/nova-tarmac/109487/console03:19
mtayloror more excitingly: https://jenkins.openstack.org/view/Nova/job/nova-tarmac/109467/console03:20
wgrantThat's rather unpleasant.03:20
lifelessmtaylor: Use the source monty!03:22
mtaylorlifeless: these are not the droids you are looking for03:22
lifelessmtaylor: wgrant: so, this is a bzrlib bug.03:25
wgrant:( no criticals in that rollout03:25
lifelessnot the holding open03:25
lifelessthe handling of the disconnects.03:25
lifelesstransports are defined stateless.03:25
lifelessso are RPC calls.03:25
mtaylorlifeless: yay! nothing better than a bzrlib bug!03:26
lifelessso the bug is 'when an idle ssh transport is disconnected, bzrlib should not error'03:26
lifeless'when an idle ssh transport is interrupted, bzrlib errors'03:26
lifelessthe haproxy stuff is showing this up very visibly, but the bug pre-existed - bzr didn't seen keepalives, and if ssh wasn't configured to do so it could naturally happen anyhow03:27
lifelesshowever, lets up it for now to 10 minutes.03:27
* mtaylor filing bzr bug03:28
mtaylorbug 81960403:30
_mup_Bug #819604: when an idle ssh transport is interrupted, bzrlib errors <Bazaar:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/819604 >03:30
mtaylorlifeless: you gonna be at the next uds?03:32
lifelessnew sprog (we hope)03:33
mtaylorwhat's a sprog?03:34
mtaylorwell, in that case, coming to UDS would be the wrong choice03:35
mtaylor(and hopefully congrats)03:35
lifelessyes, we think so03:35
mtaylorLCA then?03:35
mtaylorgah. I'm starting to think you're avoiding hanging out with me :)03:35
lifelessthats it, totally.03:35
lifelessif you wanted to swing by christchurch after UDS we could put you up for a few days03:36
mtaylorooh. now _that's_ not a bad idea03:36
mtaylorand yeah - I read LCA there03:36
mtaylorI still haven't been to the south island03:36
mtaylorthinking about hanging out with Stewart for a while pre-LCA03:36
mtaylorspeaking of - I REALLY need to submit talk proposal...03:36
lifelessUDS +1 I expect I will be at03:37
* mtaylor lists UDS's and LCA as the important things he should attend03:41
nigelbSo, recently I used vagrant.03:55
nigelbI'm wondering how easy it would be to create a vagrant file to set up LP environement.03:55
jtvwgrant: I think partner publication works.  Next up is expedited -security publishing.  For that I need to copy a package into security, right?03:56
rockstarwgrant, the reason is because bzr doesn't handle transports more sensibly?04:06
rockstarI keep hearing launchpad people pushing back on this, and I understand why, but tarmac pushes as much as it can off to bzr.04:08
rockstarI'm unsure why we're timing out so quickly now.04:09
* rockstar sees that lifeless has already covered this, and goes to bed04:11
wgrantjtv: Right.04:17
wgrantjtv: You can copy from a public PPA, if you want.04:17
wgrantEdit before sending? [y/n]: yConnection to bazaar.launchpad.net closed by remote host.04:20
StevenKwgrant: Ouch04:21
lifelessStevenK: hi04:48
lifelessStevenK: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/pillarname-vocab/+merge/7009104:48
lifelessStevenK: vocabs depend on stable ordering to paginate04:48
StevenKIt is stable?04:50
lifelessho ?04:50
StevenKIt appeared to be when I tested it on DF04:51
lifelessits not stable with an order by rank, when two rows can have the same rank04:51
lifelessyou either need a more granular rank, or a disambiguator04:52
StevenKRight, then I want rank first and name second04:52
StevenKorderBy='rank- name' ?04:52
lifelessfor storm? order_by=(SQL('rank'), PillarName.name)04:53
wgrantDesc(SQL('rank')), PillarName.name04:53
lifelessonly if you want it to work04:53
StevenKlifeless: It will fail to land anyway, so I'll fix it once I'm sure no other tests have failed05:03
lifelesssorry for having to raise this05:04
StevenKI should have thought of it, by rights05:05
LPCIBotProject devel build #937: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 40 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/937/05:27
lifelesswgrant: fun stuff for oneiric : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/81962106:07
_mup_Bug #819621: lucid container start failure after calling lxc-stop (fails across reboots) <lxc (Ubuntu):New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/819621 >06:07
wgrantlifeless: I noticed that too, but decided it was probably the avahi or similar that I had installed.06:10
wgrantUpsetting to hear that it happens even when the container is not terribly mangled.06:10
wgrant(avahi sets odd rlimits for itself, which mean more than one instance can't run on a single kernel without a bit of work)06:10
wgrantnproc == 2, what could possibly go wrong.06:11
lifelessalso having plymouth in the container is just bong06:11
wgrantNot necessarily.06:12
wgrantIt's not just a splash these days.06:12
wgrantIt's the way upstart communicates with the outside world.06:12
StevenKjtv: Are you still playing in dogfood's wading pool?06:30
StevenKBloody *hell* (Error ID: OOPS-2040DOGFOOD18397)07:03
StevenKHow has DF generated 18,000 OOPSes?07:03
wgrantProbably the a-f warnings.07:04
StevenKAnd the publisher is running, so the webapp is being horridly slow.07:06
StevenKIt can't even load bugs.dogfood.l.n07:08
wgrantwallyworld: Hmm, so the question subscription stuff is based on the *old* Bugs stuff?07:17
wallyworldno, how did you think that?07:17
wgrant"Direct subscribers" and "Also notified"07:17
wgrantOld, but more sensible, terms.07:18
wallyworldthat's how questions subscriptions have always worked. i just made it use ajax07:18
wallyworldinstead of html forms07:18
wallyworldso i extended the new subscribers_list portlet07:18
wallyworldso, you ok with the change?07:19
jtvStevenK: still running07:19
wgrantwallyworld: Would be nice if we eventually integrated the same self-subscription stuff that Bugs introduced, but small steps.07:19
wallyworldwgrant: yes, one thing at a time. it's now much better than it was last week. it's now possible to unsubscribe without SQL :-)07:20
* wallyworld off to soccer07:22
adeuringgood morning07:29
allenapGood morning/evening wgrant :) Got time for a very short review? https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/dsd-base-view-dont-modify-globals-bug-809985/+merge/7007607:59
wgrantallenap: that's rather evil, but OK!08:01
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs: 241 - 0:[#######=]:256
allenapwgrant: Thanks :)08:02
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=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
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allenapMorning jelmer :)08:43
allenapjelmer: I saw that Dulwich made the front page of Hacker News.08:44
jelmerallenap: yeah :)08:50
jelmerallenap: I've met the Google code folks and have been in contact with them. They've contributed a bunch of patches which should help with performance.08:55
allenapjelmer: Also, bug 808035 is at the top of the deploy queue and needs testing :)08:55
_mup_Bug #808035: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'write' during git import <oem-services> <qa-needstesting> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by jelmer> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/808035 >08:55
jelmerThat should also have a significant impact on git code import performance.08:55
jelmerallenap: Yep, it's on the top of my todo list too.08:55
allenapjelmer: That's really cool :)08:55
lifelessadeuring: hiya08:56
danilosmrevell, hi, do you have any time today to help move the docs forward and potentially announce the change to maintainers by email (import queue stuff)?09:04
mrevelldanilos, Yes, certainly. In 30 minutes.09:05
danilosmrevell, excellent, let's talk then09:05
adeuringhi lifeless09:10
lifelessadeuring: https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/bug-739052/+merge/69625 - you're not landing it yet ? [I can't see the column issue addressed]09:12
adeuringlifeless: now running through ec209:12
adeuringforgot that yesterday...09:13
lifelessadeuring: and there were a bunch of suggestions that seem forgotten too :(09:13
adeuringI'm also working on the remaining suggestions you made09:13
lifelessadeuring: oh cool! - are you thinking of two separate landings ?09:14
adeuringlifeless: actually, three, to keep the diffs to review small09:14
lifelesssure thing; I'd be delighted to review those for you09:14
lifelessadeuring: have I mentioned how glad I am that you're doing this.09:14
adeuringlifeless: too late for this one : https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/bug-739052-2/+merge/70044 ;)09:15
adeuringlifeless: and thanks :)09:15
adeuring(sorry, I have some reaally long lag between typing IRC messages and looking at incoimng...)09:16
lifelessheh no worries09:16
lifelessadeuring: so why won't (col1 >= M1 and col2 >= M2 and colN >MN) work ?09:18
lifelessoh, I see09:19
lifelessadeuring: however, using a tuple will work, I think ?09:21
lifelesshmmm, only if the direction on all the columns is consistent09:21
adeuringlifeless: no, I think we need, for three sort columns:09:22
adeuringcol1 == memo1, col2 == memo2, col3 > memo3, then...09:22
adeuringcol1 == memo1, col2 > memo209:22
adeuringthen col1 > memo109:22
lifelessadeuring: what about09:22
lifeless(col1, col2, col3) >= (memo1, memo2, memo3)09:23
adeuringthat wouldn't change much09:23
adeuringproblem is:09:23
adeuringwhen the value in col1 increases, the values in col2, col3... starting from the minimum09:23
adeuringso we end up with N conditions for N sort columns09:24
adeuringlifeless: I think we have at least three options to "join" these N conditions: a more or less huge OR (implemented for mow), or a UNION ALL on sub-selects for each conditions09:26
adeuringwe can iterate in Python over the conditions09:26
lifelessadeuring: if the direction is consistent, a tuple works09:26
adeuringlifeless: ah, right!09:27
adeuringlifeless: but how do we express this in SQL?09:27
lifelessjust so09:27
adeuringlifeless: cool!09:27
adeuringso, the content of my next branch is obvious ;)09:28
lifelesswe may have a lot where we can't do this09:28
lifelessbut we can probably group all the adjacent same-direction columns anyhow09:28
adeuringlifeless: right09:29
henningejml: Hi! ;)09:33
jmlhenninge: hi09:34
henningejml: I got a failed ec2 run for your branch.09:34
jmlhenninge: me too, but no actual failures09:34
henningejml: right09:34
henningeit's the "smtp message exeeds size limit"09:34
henningejml: same for you?09:35
jmlhenninge: I've corrected the default value as per StevenK's comments. I suspect that would have caused some tests to fail.09:35
jmlhenninge: yes.09:35
lifelessthat smtp error means a catastrophic failure09:35
henningelifeless: you mean "too many failures, the mail gets too big" ?09:35
henningejml: I see you pushed, shall I start the landing again?09:38
jmlhenninge: yes. thank you.09:38
lifelessallenap: there is a feature flag you can use for profiling too11:03
lifelessallenap: the default profile dir is $cwd, I think.11:03
allenaplifeless: Oh neat. I was just shuffling my wiki notes; I think that one is from back in the days when BjornT_ ran the bugs team :) Not sure if it'll even work any more.11:05
jtvAny reviewers in the house?  → https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/bug-819674/+merge/7013511:09
jmlwho actually uses checkUpload via the API?11:11
LPCIBotProject devel build #938: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 44 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/938/11:12
jelmerjml: I would imagine things like request-sync11:12
jelmerjml: to do things like determine if the current user requires sponsorship11:12
jmljelmer: ah, yeah, that would be a thing.11:13
jmlfor checking PPA uploads, it's not particularly useful11:13
jmlsince it errors when it doesn't recognize the source package, and insists that you supply component & pocket11:14
jelmeryeah, it's a bit odd11:15
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
lifelessnight all11:38
jelmerg'night lifeless11:38
jelmerjtv-afk: trade you for https://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/launchpad/logginguifactory-fixes/+merge/70144 ?11:38
StevenKThe publisher takes 4+ hours on DF? Srsly?12:14
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
bigjoolsStevenK: it sometimes does13:08
=== mrevell__ is now known as mrevell
abentleyadeuring: Is it considered a feature that https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bug/630891%20/+index works?13:59
_mup_Bug #630891: Unable to delete Notification messages <Mahara:Fix Released by richard-mansfield> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/630891 >13:59
abentleyadeuring: i.e. a URL with whitespace in it?13:59
adeuringabentley: I have no idea...13:59
abentleyadeuring: It seems bizarre, and it means that https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bug/630891%C2%A0/+index fails due to encoding issues.14:00
_mup_Bug #630891: Unable to delete Notification messages <Mahara:Fix Released by richard-mansfield> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/630891 >14:00
adeuringabentley: I don't see how these two URL-oddities are related14:01
abentleyadeuring: If URLs with spurious characters were not permitted, the second would give a LocationError instead of trying, and failing to render.14:02
abentleyadeuring: i.e. a "Not found"/ "Lost something"?14:02
adeuringabentley: sure, a "not found" would be more reasonable, but the failure for your second URL is a separate issue: A unidoce decoding problem14:03
adeuringabentley: we would get that too for a project name like "mülltüte"14:04
adeuringbut such names a not allowed14:04
abentleyadeuring: Our URLs don't have non-ascii characters, so they can't have a unicode decoding problem.14:04
abentleyadeuring: Except bug URLs, which can have spurious non-ascii characters.14:04
adeuringabentley: do we have a referer for the \xa0 / %C2%A0 URL?14:05
adeuringabentley: I mean: you can always type URLs manually14:05
abentleyadeuring: No, but it was googlebot.14:06
adeuringabentley: so the URL has been somewhere/somehow generated. So we have two issues: the unicode error, and the fact that a spurious space at least in bug URLs does not result in a 40414:08
abentleyadeuring: Yes, that's my view.  It hardly seems worth fixing the encoding bug if non-ascii URLs are supposed to be verboten.14:09
abentleyadeuring: Who knows what other bugs non-ascii URLs might reveal?14:09
adeuringabentley: yeah,,,14:10
adeuringabentley: but regarding the working URL with the %20:14:10
adeuringPython 2.7.1+ (r271:86832, Apr 11 2011, 18:13:53)14:10
adeuring[GCC 4.5.2] on linux214:10
adeuringType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.14:10
adeuring>>> int('1')14:10
adeuring>>> int('1 ')14:10
adeuringabentley: I guess that the travesal code does just such a simple int('630891 ')14:12
abentleyadeuring: Interestingly: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '2\xa0'14:12
adeuringabentley: try int(u'1\xa0')14:13
abentleyadeuring: Fascinating.  So that is only permitted for unicode strings, because only in unicode strings does \xa0 refer to the same codepoint consistently.14:16
adeuringabentley: doesn't the "can't encode character u'\xa0'" in the traceback indicate that dict['PATH_INFO'] already _is_ a unicode object?14:19
abentleyadeuring: yes, that's what I think.14:21
adeuringabentley: so again not a "clear border" where 8-bit sequences with some encoding are supposed to live on one side and unicode objects on the other...14:22
abentleyadeuring: Right.  Requests appear to use a "sane_environment" where values are unicode, but converting the browser request to a web service request appears to re-convert the environment.14:24
adeuringabentley: so.... a trvial but bad workaround would be to convert to utf-8 in this case.14:25
abentleyadeuring: Might be a necessary workaround, depending on how these calls are structured.14:26
adeuringabentley: if you want more fun, try this URL: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bug/630891%C3%A4/+index14:27
_mup_Bug #630891: Unable to delete Notification messages <Mahara:Fix Released by richard-mansfield> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/630891 >14:27
adeuringquite different error...14:28
adeuring%C3%A4 is a 'ä'14:28
abentleyadeuring: Yeah, that's kind of error I'd expect.14:28
adeuringabentley: I assume that this error is raised for a failed int('630891ä')14:30
adeuring(for the bug id)14:30
abentleyadeuring: me too.14:30
abentleyadeuring: a0 is non-breaking whitespace.14:31
adeuringso it might be a replacement from the regular '\x20' space14:32
abentleyadeuring: Maybe.  Since googlebot is the source, I imagine it's in some web page, though.14:33
adeuringabentley: right. And the s/\x20/\xa0/ might be deliberate: To avoid wrapping the URL...14:34
adeuringthough as far as I know most webbrosers ignore the "don't wrap" for \xa014:35
abentleyadeuring: but of course URLs shouldn't have whitespace.14:35
adeuringabentley: sure, but we can't stop the world mangling our URLs ;)14:35
abentleyadeuring: we can, it's just hard to get venture capital :-)14:36
adeuringabentley: it might help to add a check like "strip(path_element) == path_element" before the int(path_element)14:36
adeuring...where path element is the bug ID14:37
abentleyadeuring: Yeah, that would work, or re.match('[0-9]*', path_element)14:37
adeuringabentley: right14:37
adeuringa nitpick: re.match('^[0-9]+$')14:38
adeuringabentley: for even more fun: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mahara/+bug/630891%E4/+index14:39
_mup_Bug #630891: Unable to delete Notification messages <Mahara:Fix Released by richard-mansfield> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/630891 >14:39
abentleyadeuring: what the??14:39
adeuringabentley:  %E4 is not vaild UTF814:40
adeuringcool, right?14:40
abentleyadeuring: That's wacky.14:40
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abentleyadeuring: merge proposals are also affected.14:58
adeuringabentley: interesting. Again via an integer ID?14:58
abentleyadeuring: Right.14:58
abentleyadeuring: I'm gonna guess that everything that has an integer ID is affected.15:00
adeuringabentley: seems this is worth a general helper function "check an int ID in a URL wfor all sorts of oddities"15:00
abentleyadeuring: Yes, though I expect this kind of thing will rot.  Maybe we should just reject URLs with whitespace from the beginning.15:03
abentleyadeuring: Or more precisely, URLs with whitespace in the PATH.15:04
adeuringabentley: the you can also add checks for the other issues: any byte value outside the ASCII set15:05
adeuringmore precisely: all bytes in the URL should have integer values between 33 and 12615:05
adeuring...after replacing the %xx encoding15:06
adeuringouch.. the latter check should _not_ be done for the part after '?'15:07
abentleyadeuring: Right, only the PATH.15:12
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LPCIBotProject db-devel build #775: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 59 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/775/16:56
LPCIBotProject devel build #939: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 45 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/939/16:57
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jcsackettsinzui: are you free to mumble?17:52
sinzuijcsackett, I am otp. I will be available in 45 minutes17:53
jcsackettsinzui: dig.17:59
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sinzuijcsackett, I can talk now18:42
jcsackettsinzui: cool.18:42
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benjiAnyone want a small (and possibly even slightly fun) JS review? https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/launchpad/bug-809511/+merge/7021920:48
benjisorry, gary claimed it so you all missed out20:53
allenapHi, can anyone take care of reverting rev 13574 (from bug 810290). It's qa-bad, but I really have to go.21:39
_mup_Bug #810290: no way to set scopes for incoming mail <feature-flags> <mail> <qa-bad> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by mbp> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/810290 >21:39
lifeless13574 ?21:47
lifelessallenap: does it work *without* the feature rule in place ?21:49
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LPCIBotProject db-devel build #776: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 39 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/776/22:35
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!22:46
LPCIBotProject devel build #940: FIXED in 5 hr 48 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/940/22:46
sinzuiStevenK, mumble?23:02
wallyworldsinzui: my sound is @!%@!%$!@^. rebooting23:09
lifelessmatsubara-afk: wow, nice defect finding23:13
=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: StevenK | Critical bugs: 241 - 0:[#######=]:256
pooliehi all23:42
wgrantHi poolie.23:54
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: StevenK | Critical bugs: 248 - 0:[#######=]:256
wgrantpoolie: Seen the latest on bug #810290?23:54
_mup_Bug #810290: no way to set scopes for incoming mail <feature-flags> <mail> <qa-bad> <Launchpad itself:Triaged by mbp> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/810290 >23:54
poolienot yet, was just wondering about it23:54
poolieso is that ok just rolled back, or is anything else needed?23:55
wgrantShould be all OK.23:56
wgrantJust takes 8 hours.23:56
poolieto roll it back out?23:56
pooliei did have some worries about whether this was sufficiently tested23:56
wgrantYeah, because it missed buildbot by 3 minutes.23:56
wgrantSo needs to wait for two runs.23:56
pooliei guess if it's trapping there the answer is that this code is not reached at all in the test suite23:57
sinzuiwallyworld, is this what you were expecting? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/657556/23:57
* wallyworld looks23:57
wallyworldsinzui: yes, i think that's a bit nicer?23:58
sinzuiThe tests passed23:58
sinzuiI will commit23:58
sinzuiwallyworld, Changes are pushed23:59
wallyworldthanks, will approve and organise a mentor23:59

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