[02:18] how do you download 64bit from the site? i change it under advanced but the button doesn't change from 32 to 64 bit. [03:12] neoteny, do you have some sort of ad blocker, or script blocker extension? [03:12] haven't heard of anyone raising something wrong with it yet, but those would be the first things i would check [03:13] superm1, i'll check. [03:13] superm1, nope [03:14] neoteny, i think there is something wrong then in the script that's refreshing the dialog, does the check box still function to switch the target (just not the text)? [03:14] that's what it's looking like for me in chrome at least [03:14] rhpot1991, ^ [03:15] yes [03:15] superm1, you're right [03:15] it's does switch just doesn't change the button [03:15] thanks [03:16] rhpot1991, should be able to fix whatever broke [03:16] superm1: I'll poke at it tomorrow and see whats up === peterpops_ is now known as peterpops === peterpops_ is now known as peterpops [14:51] hi, I'm trying to get mythbuntu 10.04LTS working with my analog pinnacle card.... tvtime works without problems, but mythbuntu says it can't get any channel locked [14:55] afaik I setup all correctly: using PAL-BG, europe-west and V4L, but still no show [15:01] brb through an IRC-client instead of webchat [15:11] I once had it working, about 2 years ago, but that was in 9.04.... I did already try 9.04 again, but I seem to have the same problem there [15:11] I just don't know anymore what I did back then to get it all up and running [15:12] and besides, 9.04 isn't supported anymore, so I can't get any upgrades at all which could fix the problem.... so 9.04 is more or less out of the question I guess [16:14] new_tolinux, I am not 100% sure,but I think you should be using mpeg-2 not V4L.. [16:18] just tried that (IVTV MPEG-2 encoder card) and that doesn't work either [16:18] MJPEG doesn't work either: failed to open card [16:25] new_tolinux, Try #mythtv-users perhaps someone there can point you in the right direction.. [16:26] ok, I'll join there too, thanks so far :-) [16:31] Hello! I am having a bit of trouble with mythgame. I am trying to get my ubuntu diskless images to get the rom directory on my backend any idea on how to do that? [16:32] er mythbuntu diskless rather*