[00:47] o/ [01:11] wrst: wow, days [01:11] you've settled in more than I'll likely ever do [01:16] ha ha cyberanger being settled in is good [01:16] but not is good also ;) [01:24] wrst: not saying I'd up & leave, but I do like the option of having good mobility [01:25] i've noticed with your mobile internet setup ;) [01:31] that's only the tip of the iceburg, and more for the prepaid nature than mobility, however they do go hand & hand nicely [01:40] cyberanger: live cd's are so nice, my wife is changing schools and needed to get stuff off of her computer at the old school just put in a live cd hooked up an external and copied it over 10 minutes and done [01:45] more data can be more time [01:45] but yeah, that's how I do it [01:45] oh yeah just but 20GB but about 15 minutes total time [01:45] live disc plus two more packages, cryptsetup & lvm2 [01:46] (due to my FDE setup) [01:46] FDE? [01:49] Full Disk Encryption (hence cryptsetup, and lvm2 deals with my partitioning under FDE) [01:49] yes, something I've just never seen the use in me fooling with [01:50] lvm has given me pains in the past when i had it and didn't need it :) [01:54] yeah, limited usefulness [01:54] I seem to maintain it enough [01:55] learned to deal with it [01:55] but it can be a mess [03:55] hey guys [03:56] hey vychune [03:57] whats up dude [03:57] am i the only one who didnt know empathy could do IRC lol [04:09] vychune: the question is, can it do it well [04:09] define well lol [04:10] I never liked empathy & purple-irc just felt weak [04:10] so while I knew empathy could, It's on my software "hit list" [04:10] never heard of pulpre irc [04:10] LOL [04:10] hit list really? [04:10] purple is the plugin system for finch & pidgin [04:11] oh ok [04:11] sudo apt-get purge $(hitlist.txt) [04:11] quite literally the command I run [04:11] LOL [04:11] sudo apt-get purge $(cat hitlist.txt) [04:11] wow \ [04:11] sorry, left out the important bit [04:12] I may have to peak at that... And make my own [04:12] i need to make one [04:12] Unit193: it's gotten so long & a pain, it's easier to see my other list & method [04:12] I was thinking about doing it round about and oddly, but that will work too :P [04:13] cli install from the alternate cd, then run [04:13] sudo apt-get install $(cat packages.txt) [04:13] whats he installing on? [04:13] and a little config work [04:13] ubuntu's alternate cd [04:13] ok [04:13] select your language, but don [04:13] 't click on install, first hit f4 [04:13] any exp with netbooks? [04:14] then go to cli install, then continue as usual [04:14] boot into the system, and then do that bit [04:14] vychune: I own an Asus EEEPC 2G Surf [04:15] i have a knock off [04:15] converted it into my router & access point [04:15] cool [04:15] i cant get android off mine lol [04:15] android 1.5 [04:15] oh, an android knock off [04:15] oh, and an old version, wow [04:15] yep [04:16] um, have any terminal software [04:16] connectbot, terminal emulator? [04:16] not yet why? [04:16] on the netbook right? [04:16] if it was rooted, there might be some options [04:16] yeah, android netbook yes [04:16] refuses to be rooted [04:17] with what methods? [04:18] automatic [04:18] apk packsa [04:18] theres another way? [04:18] version 1.5, hard to believe you couldn't [04:19] yeah, depending on the device, there are many [04:19] getting root is privalige esclation [04:20] right [04:20] so you gotta go for what's technically a privalige esclation exploit, and get it to stick [04:20] and 1.5 should have enough holes for that [04:21] ok [04:21] I doubt it's using a signed bootloader, and if it were, that should stop getting root, just loading unsigned code like cyogenmod [04:21] ok [04:22] forgive my spelling, getting a little groggy, probally heading to sleep soon, when this task finishes no doubt [04:22] thanks [04:24] * cyberanger looks at the laptop behind him, realizing that the task is unlikely to finish for awhile [04:24] shredding partitions and reinstalling [04:24] maybe you should hit the hay [04:32] why are you reinstalling in the first place? [04:32] vychune: soon enough [04:33] You get... Sleep? [04:33] LOL [04:33] i do [04:33] sometimes [04:33] battries on charge, gotta either wait or pull them off & mark the remaining time [04:33] Unit193: necessary tonight [04:33] testing tommorow [04:34] TSA job hunting requirement I really should be able to pass [04:34] sleep deprivation isn't something I want tommorow [04:34] ikr [04:52] logging off [05:21] got it rooted [12:29] wish me luck [12:29] chat later [12:34] good luck cyberanger, let us know how it goes === Xpistos1 is now known as Xpistos [12:57] mornin' yo! [12:57] wrst [12:57] hey Xpistos you doing ok? [12:58] not bad [13:07] good [15:31] * pace_t_zulu is rebooting [15:56] wb pace_t_zulu looks like the reboot went well [17:38] wrst: thanks [17:38] go ok cyberanger? [17:38] it went well, as I described before the NDA [17:38] NDA? [17:39] don't know how I did, I think I did well, but TSA will tell me later [17:39] Non Disclosure Agreement [17:39] over test materials [17:40] I don't think describing what I knew before the NDA would be an issue, but to play it safe, check the logs so I don't have to repeat [17:41] anyhow, gotta wait a week or so for results [17:41] wait, email time [17:41] TSA is in the inbox [17:44] dang, their ignoring my email prefrence again, sent as html [17:44] I much prefer text [17:45] ahh cyberanger yes I should have known that [17:45] cyberanger: most of them probably don't use the terminal all the time [17:46] wrst: common IT term, much simpler than your avg IT NDA though [17:46] & the issue isn't terminal, it's who sends in html [17:46] ahh ok [17:46] 9 out of 10 times it marketing, spam [17:47] family email & such is dual or just txt [17:47] and so I use txt, see html code, check sender, and if it's worth checking, I may switch [17:47] html & remote images & such concern me, exploits [17:49] I passed, got a contigent offer, 14 days to review and accept (or decline I suppose) [17:49] cyberanger: that sounds good [17:49] or i think? [17:50] wrst: sorta, gotta see which post [17:50] ok good, nothing is simple anymore it seems [17:50] the subject line suggests one with slightly higer pay & expenses (adak, alaska) [17:51] (FAA Airport code ADK, hence my clue) [17:52] idk, even if it is, I have time to think & choose [17:53] alaska... wow [17:53] cyberanger: hate to see you leave but have to say if I were single and free to move about that would be pretty tempting :) [17:55] indeed, all the more reason to sit back a week and think [17:55] I have other offers out, including the TSA [17:55] Huntsville would barely mean a move [17:55] and I could sit on the state line [17:55] others are closer to home [17:56] or family [17:56] * cyberanger wonders if he actually applied for ADK, figures I did, merely to have a better chance at that time [17:57] (Decemer 2nd I think is when I applied to a quater of them, another quater the next day, the rest this month) [17:58] wrst: and besides, to really see me go, it'd take an op [17:59] (wait, my last act as trustee made you an op, D'Oh) [17:59] ha ha ha :) [17:59] nah we aren't going to kick you, you would just over rule and come back anyway [18:00] yeah, and then pace_t_zulu would overrule me and strip my rights to op [18:00] but you all love me, your kind dictator, right? ;-) [18:01] I'll be around on breaks and such, and still help chugalug & this loco progress [18:01] and the state loco for that matter [18:01] * cyberanger didn [18:01] t send a meeting reminder out on the 31st, drat [18:02] guess tonight's project is GNU Mailman [18:05] seems this offer is merely a step in the process, not a job offer or letter of acceptance [18:05] I can't use that site easily from a netbook [18:09] but I did pass my test gonna head home, be back on in 30 minutes and read on the desktop [18:10] oh, and the contingent offer bit seems to be the status on all applications, so that's great news [18:10] I may even be able to pick between two or three [18:10] pay or location, that'd be the tradeoff [18:10] anyhow, see you all shortly [18:12] see you in a bit cyberanger [23:17] wrst: nice thing about exciting news, it travels [23:17] and it travels fast [23:18] (the unspoken part is it travels as fast as the kid in the 1988 Ford F150 can get it out) [23:33] ha ha you have exciting news cyberanger? [23:40] I told you the second I got it, at my lunch [23:40] passed the test, and got a contigent offer to review [23:41] and a job should follow that [23:42] (I know I've not landed the job, but it's likely, and the closest in awhile to a solid stable job)