
lubuntu20dashHello I just installed lubuntu, how I add the spell checker to pidgin?01:03
lubuntu20dashAnd that you very much for telling me how to create an usb installer, it worked.01:04
Unit193First, make sure you have   pidgin-plugin-pack   installed. Second, enable it in Tools > Plugins (or hit ctrl+u) and find it in the list. You may also need to configure it01:07
lubuntu20dashOk, I installed it, but I dont see the spell checker on the plug in list -_-01:11
lubuntu20dashI am using lubuntu default Pidgin 2.7.1101:11
lubuntu20dashwill reset the program and see what happens01:11
Unit193You need to do that too...01:12
lubuntu20dashNo, still not enabled -_-01:13
Unit193Switch Spell should be in the list01:16
silverarrowanyone here?01:16
silverarrowI have major trou ble with lubuntu01:16
lubuntu20dashUnit193, I enabled Switch Spell, still nothing01:16
silverarrowI think it is something with filesystem or something01:17
silverarrowspelling in browser or word processor?01:17
lubuntu20dash spelling in in pidgin01:17
silverarrowI'm not shore really01:17
lubuntu20dashHello I just installed lubuntu, how I add the spell checker to pidgin? I am using lubuntu default Pidgin 2.7.11. I have installed pidgin-plugin-pack and enabled Switch Spell01:18
silverarrowI have trouble booting, I get error message "no hard drive found" or "no filesystem found"01:18
silverarrowwith a few attempts it finally boots01:18
lubuntu20dashsilverarrow try the live option of the cd, and see if you can read the hard disk from there01:19
Unit193Do you have aspell installed?01:19
silverarrowbut then it keeps getting messed up, unresponsive ..01:19
silverarrowI managed to boot in lubuntu,01:20
silverarrowI shall try the live cd01:20
silverarrowis it possible to force a disc check? for filesystem check ?01:21
lubuntu20dashother option, is while online, to use recovery mode and try to fix the broken packages01:21
lubuntu20dashand whatever you do DONT use autoremove, ok?01:21
silverarrowhmm, is that possible?01:21
Unit193silverarrow: Are you sure the HDD isn't going bad?01:22
silverarrowno not really, but hard drive is about 3 months old01:22
Unit193lubuntu20dash: Make sure aspell-en (or your lang) is installed01:22
lubuntu20dashsilverarrow, first make sure the computer is conected to the internet, then on the bott manager select the recovery option, then select the fix the broken packages option.01:23
silverarrowunder applicatons?01:23
silverarrowaccessories I mean01:23
lubuntu20dashaspell-en is installed01:23
silverarrowoh, an option in live cd ?01:24
lubuntu20dash silverarrow, you need to reboot, then select the second boot option before the menu times out01:24
lubuntu20dashsilverarrow, then select the fix broken packages option01:24
Unit193silverarrow: You may have the hidden boot menu, hit shift as the computer is booting01:24
silverarrowthis is new to me01:25
silverarrow...going for reboot01:25
silverarrowI have trouble with irc on my other computer, it's a mac01:25
silverarrowmac are really bad for irc01:25
Unit193Just need to find a client and working internet01:25
silverarrowmaybe the firefox addon01:26
lubuntu20dash"(10:22:42 PM) Unit193: lubuntu20dash: Make sure aspell-en (or your lang) is installed, " Unit193, it is, maybe this version uses a diferent thing?01:26
silverarrowI don't get a boot option really, not automatically at least01:27
lubuntu20dashI see the spell check option, gonna reset this and see what happens01:27
silverarrowit goes from bios logo, straight to lubuntu01:27
silverarrowlubuntu are not suppose to be crappy or unstable longterm. like for a year?01:28
lubuntu20dashThank you very much, spellcheck now works01:28
Unit193silverarrow: That's why I told you to hit the Shift key as it's booting01:28
lubuntu20dashAll 11.x versions of ubuntu are having problems, dunno why.01:29
silverarrowwill retry01:29
Unit193lubuntu20dash: Great, now you have no reason to mess up words ;)01:29
silverarrowhi again01:32
silverarrowa bit embarresing, but I cannot make the reboot function work01:32
silverarrowI do press enter01:32
silverarrowshift button?01:32
silverarrowMaybe I'm not doing it correctly01:34
silverarrowI have made my self dependant on lubuntu and libre office this summer01:34
silverarrowit will take too much money and effort to get a new computer01:34
silverarrow...but if I have to, I have to01:35
Unit193You hit shift on boot, right? No menu?01:35
silverarrowno, no menue01:35
silverarrowhmm shift is not tabulator?01:35
silverarrowis it?01:36
silverarrowI pressed the "enter" key01:36
silverarrowlike line shit when writing01:36
Unit193Right under caps lock and right abocve ctrl for me01:37
silverarrowmaybe it has to be done at the right second, and I am too early or too late?01:37
Unit193Open a terminal and type     sudo nano /etc/default/grub    You should see a line like    GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0    make it look like this    #GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=001:37
silverarrowoh, I am sorry01:37
silverarrowmy english could do with some improvement01:37
silverarrowbrb after reboot01:38
Unit193If he is doing the second, he needs sudo update-grub too01:38
=== LostMyNAS is now known as FIXEDMYNAS
silverarrowhi again01:50
silverarrowI cannot make the boot option appear01:50
silverarrowI have tried several times01:50
log`hi there. im having trouble selecting which audio device to use for default playback. i inserted a usb headset and it looks in dmesg like it gets recognized ok and it loads a driver called snd-usb-audio01:51
log` but how do i tell alsa to use it01:51
log`i can see the card in alsamixer01:51
silverarrowit  might be a bit tricky, but I think it is mainly about checking the parameters along there, if they are on or off01:53
silverarrowthen press tab to mark for active or off01:53
log`hmm ill goof around with it01:54
silverarrowany idea on how to fixs major troubles with lubuntu?01:56
silverarrowlike filechecks, package repairs...01:56
silverarrowI am searching on google, but are a bit unshore how to tackle the pro blem01:56
w30hey people I solved my "no lpr problem" by installing cups-bsd. I don't know if it's right or not but it works.  Installing lpr would not get the job done.01:58
silverarrowI'm in deep shit if I cannot fix this02:02
silverarrowis file shearing  really bad for linux os?02:04
silverarrowI might have to convert to machs02:08
silverarrowthey are suppose to be more stable02:09
silverarrowand no problem computers02:09
w30silverarrow, I have never had any filecheck or package repair problems with Lubuntu so I wouldn't have any experience with that.02:13
silverarrowfilecheck turns up every so often02:13
silverarrowor is that disc check?02:13
w30I have problems with machs because every problem requires money to fix them.02:14
silverarrowthat might be02:14
w30I don't have enough money, *sigh*02:14
silverarrowand I never really got to now OS x or what they call it02:14
silverarrowthough, working on a mac comes easily02:15
=== FIXEDMYNAS is now known as KM0201
KM0201well, that only took ENTIRELY TO LONG!02:17
w30like Steve says "There's an app for that but each app costs $39.95 or more.02:17
silverarrowthough I need a lubuntu expert, even if I need to pay him02:17
silverarrowor her02:17
KM0201silverarrow: what do you need help with?02:17
KM0201i'm far from an expert, but sometimes someone who knows what you don't, seems like an expert.02:17
KM0201i need a break from wanting to punch some FreeNas Dev's this weekend02:18
KM0201what a train wreck that project turned into.02:18
silverarrowmajor mess with lubuntu; hangups, unresponsive, will not recognize hard drive or file system on boot up, but will boot after a few atempts02:19
KM0201hmmm, sounds like a major hardware issue.02:19
silverarrowaj aj aj02:19
silverarrowhard disk is fairly new02:19
KM0201well, it doesn't necessarily "have to be the hard drive"...02:19
silverarrowI see02:20
w30KM0201, when you deep dive into something you become a vertical expert and of course something right next to it stumps you completely.02:20
silverarrowperhaps I need a new laptop02:20
KM0201it could be the hard drive controller, it could be the something wrong w/ the motherboard.. it could be something as simple as a SATA/IDE cable.02:20
KM0201silverarrow: ah, laptop, scratch that sata/ide cable.02:20
KM0201silverarrow: there's a simple check... can you boot a Live USB/CD, and it run normally (mount drives, etc..) or is it also problematic02:21
silverarrowI can boot live cd02:21
KM0201w30: if i were a drinker, i'd be having a huge alcoholic beverage right now.. I will never use FreeNas again after what I've been through the last 2 days.02:21
KM0201and actually, i'm learning a little bit of command line being ssh'd into my file server.. so.. can't complain (although I've not took it live yet, still running it in vbox, but it shouldn't be an issue)02:22
KM0201silverarrow: if a live cd boots/runs normally, this strongly suggests a hard drive issue.02:23
silverarrowdarn, hard  drive is 3 months old02:24
silverarrowhope there is a waranty02:24
w30silverarrow, are you getting any IO errors in any logs dmseg or some such?02:25
silverarrownot that I know of02:25
silverarrowbut then again, I don't know everything02:25
w30I0 errors says drive issues to me, like when I don't umount properly my attachable drives. duh02:26
silverarrowsorry, but where do I check for I0 errors02:27
w30silverarrow,  in /var/logs02:28
silverarrowall I am asking for is a laptop that boots fine, and runs trouble free02:29
silverarrow..how to get things stableized02:30
w30/var/log/dmesg or /var/log/boot.log for a couple02:30
silverarrowin terminal?02:31
log`who here was it that was having problems selecting the audio device like me?02:32
silverarrowI have in the past02:33
log`wait that was another chan02:33
w30silverarrow, yes you cat cat or less the file name in terminal or click on it in your gui file browser. some are access denied unless you gksu <file  browserz>02:33
w30or gksudo02:35
w30that puts your gui into admin mode so to speak02:35
informiloudHello. Wasn't there a "find files" feature in pcmanfm? I can't find it in my newly-installed lubuntu natty!09:54
informiloudbioterror, I know, but I'm looking for a GUI tool09:58
informiloudI was showing lubuntu to my friend and he didn't find a way to search for files. No menu entry, no file-manager option... I think a user-friendly OS must have a find-files feature.10:04
=== bittin_ is now known as bittin`
head_victimGood to see the cpu issue is resolved in 11.10, unfortunately due to rising power costs I've had to shut down my only bare metal Lubuntu installed computer. I'm only running VMs now.13:17
head_victimI can't afford to have 5 computers running 24/7 :/ So I've downsized to 3 for now, 2 desktops and a server (for me and the wife) and soon to move all the 24/7 stuff to the server so only turning on PCs as required.13:20
bioterrorI have router (atom 330), desktop computer, htpc (atom D525) and two laptops13:23
bioterrorlaptops and htpc suspends when not in use13:23
head_victimYeah, this computer can do everything I need all at once, I just preferred having the dual screen, dual PC setup.13:25
head_victimGoing to have to go to dual screen single pc setup now :/13:25
bioterrorwhat's the matter?13:25
bioterrorit's ultimate13:25
head_victimStill running VMs of the ubuntu+1 and Lubuntu+113:25
head_victimI found the dual PC was a better mix for my needs.13:25
stlsaintphillw: can i stil use zsync with the images you posted on your site or is it still best to go with daily images from cdimages.ubuntu.com??14:23
stlsainthead_victim: ^^14:23
stlsaintbioterror: ^^14:23
stlsainteither of you know?14:23
head_victimI've never even looked at zsync sorry mate14:23
phillwstlsaint: I never update the images on the server, so you'd have to use that daily's section14:23
stlsainthead_victim: awesome way to keep updated daily iso changes so you dont have to keep redownloading iso's ! :D14:24
stlsainthead_victim: zsync just downloads what has changed within the iso, sorta like a deb-delta :D14:24
head_victimI never understood dailies, I just upgrade the alpha I installed14:24
stlsaintphillw: aye ok14:24
stlsainthead_victim: with zsync you can get the final release from the alpha without having to re-download...or just update your machine as you stated...14:25
stlsainthead_victim: BUT....what if your machine borks... O_O14:25
head_victimI guess that's one of the benefits of having a semi-reasonable internet connection14:28
head_victimOnly takes a couple of minutes for a CD14:28
stlsainthead_victim: aye, very true, but sure is a life saver for me here when i a "good" connection for me is 23KB/sec14:31
* head_victim sends you some internets14:31
socratesxdi know what it is, stlsaint14:33
socratesxdtry use torrents14:34
stlsaintsocratesxd: torrents are blocked14:35
stlsainthead_victim: i need all you can spare lol14:35
phillwthe dailies are mainly used for qa - to ensure that they install. That is one of the tests required :)14:35
socratesxdthat's bad14:35
head_victimSpeaking of machine borks, my 11.10 just updated and now wont boot14:50
stlsainthead_victim: haha :P14:51
* stlsaint points at head_victim!!14:51
head_victimThank god for VMs ;)14:51
head_victimHanging after "checking battery states"14:51
head_victimOn a brighter note, Lubuntu 11.10 is still going strong even after updates.14:52
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
lubuntu20dashhello, I am having some problems with firefox17:36
lubuntu20dashnevermind fixed it17:42
jwernerhi, has anyone experience using some special keys on an ASUS EEEPC?21:22
lubuntu20dashHello, how do I still the propietary drivers to play mp3 and that?22:45
lubuntu20dashthe lubuntu-restricted-extras package22:47
lubuntu20dashah right Medibuntu22:49
lubuntu20dashHello, I would like intructions to install the video driver in lubuntu and dont get errors and that22:56
lubuntu20dashI am installing medibuntu right now, So I arent in a hurry22:57
sagacilubuntu20dash: you don't need medibuntu23:00
lubuntu20dashI plan to play dvds23:01
lubuntu20dashedit videos, make music, all that junk, so I do need it23:01
lubuntu20dashbesides I already installed it, and with all the media editing I do, it will be useful23:04
sagacicant you just use the multiverse pkg23:05
lubuntu20dashok gonna try to see sounds work in youtube now23:10
lubuntu20dashnow it works23:12
lubuntu20dashnow, if anyone has a step by step to install the nvidia driver without it ruining the display every time I use flash in a web browner, that would be great23:14
phillwlubuntu20dash: I'm just having a dig for you... be a couple of minutes.23:24
phillware you on 11.04?23:25
phillwlubuntu20dash: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia whilst it seems a duplicate page, it is recent and should be up to date. I use AMD, so cannot help you.23:30
lubuntu20dashyeah lubuntu 11.0423:30
lubuntu20dashevery 11.x ubuntu version seems to have problems,23:31
lubuntu20dashbasicaly, if your video card is no good, skip 11.x23:32
phillwlubuntu20dash: whilst not a Nvid person, I did pick up some chatter about it, but this was for older cards, IIRC, they dropped support.23:32
lubuntu20dashonboard cards also don't work well on 11.x23:33
phillwwhich was a bit of a bitch for Lubuntu, as we support 'old' kit!23:33
sagaciancient kit23:34
phillwour 10.04 is going to have 10.04.3, the dev for that is real busy and has an RC out for it. It is a case of too many requests and not enough people!23:35
lubuntu20dashwell, long term suport 10.4 expires in 201323:35
phillwlubuntu20dash: Lubuntu will support it as long as the kernel is viable.23:35
lubuntu20dashbut my card doesnt like the 96.43.1923:35
phillwlubuntu20dash: let me check my emails, I know one of the guys raised this re: 10.04. I could be a few minutes, please be patient!23:37
lubuntu20dashanyway, I will try 185.18.36 and see what happens. But I have to remove the generic driver first because it really causes trouble.23:37
lubuntu20dashwhat was it called?23:38
lubuntu20dashah right its "sudo apt-get --purge remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau"23:39
lubuntu20dashOk, done, here goes nothing!23:40
sagacigood luck23:42
phillwlubuntu20dash: I may have been reading this.... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1440183 (the news, not the thread)23:47
lubuntu20dashso, anyone else here uses freedos?23:47
lubuntu20dashmy card is not that new23:48
lubuntu20dashand in fact my problems come from the closed source driver, nouveau have me very little problems23:49
lubuntu20dashbesides it not being able to handle 3D23:49
=== P4R4N01D1 is now known as P4R4N01D
lubuntu20dashit looks like the driver download is going really slow23:56

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