
=== paultag is now known as ptagliamonte
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== ptagliamonte is now known as paultag
jmburgessIs anyone available to mark bugs as triaged? I have two kernel bugs that I think are ready.13:51
yofeljmburgess: most of us don't touch kernel bugs as the kernel team has their own procedure. You usually want to talk to JFo when he's here13:58
jmburgessYofel, ok ill go talk to ubuntu-kernel14:01
bullgard4_My Natty kernel crashed. It left 63 lines of code in a virtual terminal. How can I generate a meaningful error report to Launchpad on this?14:22
charlie-tcausually by filing a bug in terminal, with       ubuntu-bug linux14:24
charlie-tcaafter restarting14:24
charlie-tcaThat should include those lines automatically14:24
charlie-tcaand it helps to tell what you were doing when it happened14:25
bullgard4_Of course it helps to tell what I were doing when the kernel crashed. But I doubt that these lines of text will be included automaticalle. I will give it a try.14:26
bullgard4_s/automaticalle/automatically/ .14:27
charlie-tcawhy? everything gets logged in dmesg14:28
bullgard4_Not all goes logged in dmesg.14:29
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
bdmurrayyofel: did you find anything out about digikam and geolocation?14:36
yofelno sorry, was busy getting the last bits of kde 4.7 and deps into oneiric14:38
bdmurrayyofel: that sounds kind of imporant ;-)14:42
jmburgessHey guys isn't bug 81942 just how background processes in the terminal work?14:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 81942 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "[apport] update-manager crashed with DBusException in __call__() (dup-of: 81835)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8194214:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 81835 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "[apport] update-manager crashed with DBusException in __call__() (affects: 13) (dups: 36) (heat: 1)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8183514:43
bullgard4_charlie-tca: '~$ ubuntu-bug linux' automatically added the files BootDmesg.txt and CurrentDmesg.txt" to the bug report. But these 2 files do not include processor register states, for example.14:43
yofelit sure is, with FF ahead and some of us in berlin next week ;)14:43
jmburgessSorry I meant 81984214:43
yofellp 81984214:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 819842 in ubuntu "Commands in the background are terminated after closing the terminal (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81984214:44
charlie-tcabullgard4_: do the backups include those?14:44
charlie-tcalike /var/log/dmesg.014:44
yofeluh yeah, when you close the terminal the shell inside dies and the background jobs with it (AFAIK)14:44
charlie-tcaor /var/log/dmesg.114:44
yofelthere's nohup and screen if you need to keep them running14:45
bullgard4_charlie-tca: What backups do you speak about?14:45
charlie-tcaif you look in /var/log you will see that there are backups of all current log files. Many logs are started new when you reboot.14:45
charlie-tcaDo the previous logs have what you are looking for?14:46
jmburgessyofel, yeah that's what I thought. Maybe its a bug in git gui14:48
bullgard4_yofel: In welchen Räumen der Humboldt-Universität wird die GNOME-Konferenz stattfinden?14:49
hggdhjmburgess: no, it is not a bug. This is The Way It Works. The new process is still tied to the terminal. When a parent process dies, it carries all still-tied-in offspring14:56
hggdhjmburgess: so, this is not a bug. The user should run the background process disconnected from the terminal (via, for example, 'nohup')14:57
hggdhand, actually, 'nohup' describes the signal that is passed to the offspring (a kill -HUP)14:58
jmburgessHggdh, according to roadmr and the reporter this is different behavior than before. That's why I'm interested14:59
jmburgessHggdh, I agree with you though14:59
hggdhroadmr: ^ What did you see?15:00
roadmrhggdh: on Natty or even Oneiric with xterm, I can gedit & and then kill the terminal, and gedit stays15:01
roadmrhggdh: on Oneiric with gnome-terminal, I do the same and gedit dies when I close the terminal15:02
yofelbullgard4_: sry, was gone: https://www.desktopsummit.org/program has the schedule for the rooms15:03
yofelclick on workshops for the other schedule15:03
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hggdhroadmr, jmburgess: perhaps GTK disconnects/disconnected. Worth a look, indeed15:12
hggdhroadmr, jmburgess: I subscribed to it; when I have time, I will also look at it15:13
roadmrhggdh: using nohup to launch gui programs keeps them from dying when the terminal is closed :) (old Unix trick)15:13
* roadmr hadn't used nohup in years15:13
hggdhroadmr: indeed, but without nohup I expected the spawned process to die -- and it did not, on Natty15:14
roadmrhggdh: maybe the terminal didn't send any signals to its children before and it does now?15:15
bullgard4_yofel: I take it that the workshops will be held also in Audimax, Kinosaal, Rm2002, and Rm3038.15:16
hggdhbut it is not the term that sends HUP, it is the OS (init? Do not remember)15:16
yofelbullgard4_: here's the usable plan https://www.desktopsummit.org/program/workshops-bofs15:17
yofelI hope that one's right at least15:17
yofelyou coming to DS?15:17
bullgard4_yofel: Yes, I will.15:18
jmburgesshggdh, I think it is bash that's supposed to send the signal.15:29
roadmrif a bug is marked upstream as won't fix (MP3 support on Firefox), should I mark the Launchpad bug won't fix as well, or is it best to make it invalid?15:41
charlie-tcaI tend to go with upstream in most cases.15:43
hggdhmakes sense -- and add a comment we are wont-fixing following to upstream decision15:44
charlie-tcabut you should be checking what the upstream status vs launchpad status means. Sometimes they are not the same, and we have to adjust launchpad status to match15:44
micahgroadmr: bug #?15:44
roadmrmicahg: bug 820343 on launchpad, and upstream bug is here: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56273015:45
ubot4Mozilla bug 562730 in Video/Audio "Reproducing Mp3 files with html5" [Enhancement,Resolved: wontfix]15:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 820343 in firefox (Ubuntu) "No support for HTML5 Audio tag (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82034315:45
roadmrmicahg: I'm still preparing the comment with this information, just wanted to be certain about what status to set to, so I can include an explanation in the comment15:45
roadmrit seems to match LP's won't fix status (feature request that developers do not want to implement)15:46
micahgroadmr: well, it's not entirely true, there won't be native support in Firefox for it, but if a gstreamer backend is added, it should be possible to play mp3 files with HTML5 audio15:47
roadmrah, interesting15:48
micahgso, native support is won't fix, the ability to play mp3 w/HTML is wishlist triaged...15:49
micahgoh, wait, hmm, there's a bug for gstreamer video support, I should make sure there's audio as well :)15:50
micahgroadmr: I don't see an upstream bug for a gstreamer HTML5 audio backend, maybe worth filing16:02
roadmrmicahg: something like this (for video)? https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42254016:09
ubot4Mozilla bug 422540 in Video/Audio "GStreamer backend for HTML5 video element" [Enhancement,Assigned: ]16:09
micahgroadmr: yep, but for audio, probably won't be worked on unless someone has an itch to scratch, but might as well file it16:11
roadmrmicahg: ok, I'll work on that then (filing it, not actually implementing :)16:11
micahgroadmr: thanks16:11
bullgard4_persia: ping16:37
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara
tomtiger11hello all18:24
tomtiger11its very quiet18:25
Picino more bugs18:26
tomtiger11is anyone going to talk?18:27
PiciWell if you have a question about traiging just ask.  #ubuntu is the support channel though.18:27
tomtiger11i know that but thanks, i was just expecting more chat18:28
charlie-tcaWe seldom chat about anything except bugs here18:30
tomtiger11i suppose we do18:34
tomtiger11but who would talk about bugs alot18:34
bdmurrayAnybody remember an update-manager bug report about not offering to upgrade to the next release if on a Live CD?18:38
bdmurrayoh I do! bug 77565618:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 775656 in update-manager (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "'Ubuntu 11.04 Upgrade Available' must not be displayed when 10.10 is started from a Live CD (affects: 2) (heat: 44)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77565618:38
charlie-tcaThat's right! It showed up in a big window in the middle of the screen18:40
tomtiger11any help on bug 657788 ?18:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 657788 in grub2 (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "grub minimal bash after first Maverick update (affects: 5) (heat: 27)" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65778818:51
tomtiger11im looking for a good simple bug to triage as im quite new18:53
tomtiger11anyone find me an easy bug to triage?18:54
tomtiger11as i dont think bug ^^ is any good for me18:55
yofelwhat's the application you use most frequently - triage bugs for that18:56
yofelmicahg: ^18:57
* micahg hides18:57
charlie-tcaheh, that was easy18:57
micahgfirefox is a little tricky, a lot of "bugs" are caused by addons18:58
tomtiger11what, i like the internet?!?!?18:58
tomtiger11so you think i am totaly new eh?18:58
tomtiger11il look for one in firefox18:58
micahgtomtiger11: no, no comment about you, just about firefox triage in geenral18:59
* micahg certainly doesn't want to discourage help though since there are so many bugs to look at19:00
tomtiger11@micagh how about bug 629164?19:01
* micahg kicks ubot4 19:01
tomtiger11whats the * for19:02
micahgthat's not a firefox bug19:02
micahgit's for an "action" versus a statement, one can do it by starting a line with /me19:03
* tomtiger11 19:03
* roadmr greets tomtiger1119:10
tomtiger11i would love to be a member of the ubuntu council19:10
* tomtiger11 sobbs loudly as he wants a *@ubuntu.com forwarder =[19:12
paultagtomtiger11: that's not a reason to get one.19:12
tomtiger11how do you comment me?19:12
* tomtiger11 is new is irc channels19:13
paultagtomtiger11: type the name, or part of it then hit tab19:13
charlie-tcatomtiger11: you can get that by becoming an ubuntu member19:13
tomtiger11paultag: i didnt say it was19:14
paultagtomtiger11: generally the people who care about the email don't so much care about the work :)19:14
tomtiger11charlie-tca: get what?!?19:14
tomtiger11paultag: i care about the work, and the email19:15
ubot4Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership19:15
charlie-tcatomtiger11: the *@ubuntu.com19:15
tomtiger11paultag: and honestly i didnt know about cloaks until 5 seconds ago or near bouts19:15
tomtiger11charlie-tca: i have looked at what i get, and how i join19:17
tomtiger11charlie-tca: and i probaly wont use the cloaks, but id use the rest19:18
bdmurrayso depressing19:18
bdmurrayI found a ubiquity bug with 36 duplicates!19:18
charlie-tcaThat is depressing19:18
bdmurrayBut wait that's only 2.4% of the total19:18
tomtiger11bdmurray: really?19:18
bdmurrayso still lots more work to do19:18
tomtiger11bdmurray: have you ever been called a nerd, because i have.19:19
paultagbdmurray: nerd.19:20
paultagThere, now he has19:20
charlie-tcaThat's funny19:20
tomtiger11paultag: nerd19:20
paultagtomtiger11: how old are you, by chance? You read like someone under the age of 1719:20
paultagtomtiger11: dude, I went to public school. I've been called worse things by better people :)19:21
roadmrbdmurray: I think bug 784442 has been wrongly set as a duplicate of bug 74335919:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 784442 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu install fails (dup-of: 743359)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78444219:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 743359 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "Installer: LockFailedException: Failed to lock /target/var/cache/apt/archives/lock (affects: 45) (dups: 36) (heat: 316)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74335919:21
tomtiger11paultag: why the hell would i tell you my age19:21
tomtiger11charlie-tca: by chance, what does the red nick mean?19:21
roadmr784442 has a syslog that a user with another problem attached, and the dupe status was set based on that, but it's not the original reporter's syslog19:21
paultagtomtiger11: because you read like someone under 18, and generally I stay away from them. Also, might want to check out ubuntu-youth, they are a group of kids. Might help :)19:22
bdmurrayroadmr: okay unmark it19:22
roadmrbdmurray: ok, will do, thanks19:22
bdmurrayI didn't check for squashfs-error tags when marking those dupes19:22
tomtiger11paultag: i never read well on the internet, whats the point?19:22
charlie-tcatomtiger11: it is the color your irc client uses for that nick19:23
paultagNo point. I'm off. Have a nice day :)19:23
tomtiger11bdmurray: how do i change the status of a bug?19:23
charlie-tcaUsually those of us who are older don't mind telling ages19:23
charlie-tcatomtiger11: is the red nick a highlighted nick or just normal?19:24
tomtiger11charlie-tca: Id rather not start an irc argument19:24
charlie-tcaIs it the only nick in a different color?19:24
tomtiger11charlie-tca: ^ is normal19:24
charlie-tcaAre all the other nicks one color?19:25
tomtiger11charlie-tca: but the one above that is red19:25
tomtiger11charlie-tca: yes, but yours and pauls is red19:25
charlie-tcaMost of the clients will color nicks to let you see them rapidly19:25
charlie-tcathat's all it is19:25
charlie-tcaUnless it only shows red when I give your name19:26
tomtiger11charlie-tca: i dont think mine does that19:26
charlie-tcatomtiger11: did this go red?19:26
tomtiger11charlie-tca: yes19:26
charlie-tcaor do all the lines from me go red?19:26
charlie-tcaIt is telling you someone wrote directly to your nick19:26
tomtiger11charlie-tca: just that one that you said my name on19:26
charlie-tcaThat is called a highlight19:27
tomtiger11charlie-tca: ok!19:27
charlie-tcaIt is to get your attention19:27
tomtiger11charlie-tca: i know that but it could have been different19:27
tomtiger11charlie-tca: ok, guys ive got to go19:27
tomtiger11charlie-tca: il talk tomorrow (GMT)19:27
charlie-tcaokay, have fun19:28
paultagsomeone's pre-pubesent19:28
paultagOh crap, did not mean to write that out loud. /clear19:28
* charlie-tca hates when he talks out loud by accident19:29
=== paultag is now known as paulbag
hggdhnow, that one was an interesting dialog19:50
* hggdh is happy to have been elsewhere19:50
roadmrbut you still got to read it - best of both worlds19:51
yofeldoes someone know why the debian-installer apport-hook doesn't collect /var/log/installer/* ?19:55
hggdhyofel: /var/log/installer/ is only created after the install completes. Maybe because of that?19:58
yofelwell, I wanted to file a bug about the installer *after* install, wouldn't the installer logs be usefull?19:58
hggdhthen yes, certainly19:58
hggdhand, stoipping to think about it, I doubt apport would be able to run *during* install... bdmurray ^?19:59
bdmurrayhggdh: could you repeat the question fully?20:00
hggdhbdmurray: why the apport hook for debian-installer does not collect /var/log/installer?20:01
bdmurrayhggdh: I don't have an answer but do know how to fix it20:03
hggdhyofel: ^ :-)20:04
hggdhbdmurray: so you will do it, or should I?20:09
bdmurrayI'll do it20:09
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=== paulbag is now known as paultag
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== kentb is now known as kentb-out

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