
paultagczajkowski: heyya ma'am00:28
paultagczajkowski: here now00:28
jcastrohey popey00:38
jcastroany questions/comments from my segment last week? Like, any follow up questions from the audience or anything I need to address?00:39
doctormopleia2: What do you think of this guide blog entry? http://doctormo.org/2011/08/02/spreadsheet-awesome-check-mark-totals/00:47
doctormoIs it good to post to planet the day after tomorrow?00:48
pleia2doctormo: that's great00:49
doctormoThanks for the review :-)00:50
doctormoHow's your week going?00:50
pleia2doctormo: surviving :) you?00:51
doctormoHaving fun with a virus thing, blood pressure that could kill a rhino and earning money slowly from my contract. First time in 2 years since being ejected from Canonical that I've got some income :-D00:53
doctormoSo some good, some bad.00:53
=== paultag is now known as ptagliamonte
pleia2now we'll call you pt<tab>00:58
doctormoptagliamonte: When you next in Boston?00:58
ptagliamontepleia2: I'm hiding00:58
ptagliamontedoctormo: I'm here now :)00:58
* doctormo looks left and then right00:58
ptagliamontedoctormo: swells00:59
ptagliamontedoctormo: I got back from brighton, had some sushi00:59
doctormoWhere is swells? Down town?00:59
ptagliamontedoctormo: oh, no. S'Wellesley :)00:59
doctormoThat's not Boston!00:59
ptagliamontedoctormo: we called it the sweels growing up :)00:59
ptagliamontedoctormo: "greater boston area"00:59
doctormoThe "greater boston area" seems to include most of Vermont and Connecticut too.01:00
ptagliamontedoctormo: meh :)01:00
pleia2and Maine!01:00
ptagliamonteand Maine! :)01:00
doctormoptagliamonte: Let me know when your in a larger, but not so greater boston area. Cambridge, Somervile, Dorchester, JP or Boston.01:01
ptagliamontedoctormo: sure 'nuf01:02
ptagliamontepleia2: -- http://i.imgur.com/Js2qJ.jpg -- :)01:03
pleia2nice :)01:04
hggdhjcastro: we need to sync a bit on the upstream candidates for -control01:08
jcastropleia2: that's awesome01:10
jcastrosomeone did these throwback posters for the trilogy too01:11
pleia2jcastro: so our sales guy sent me my talk on USB, it's not as horrible as I expected, uplo[D[D[D[Dading to youtube01:12
jcastrooh cool!01:12
pleia2(also, laggy ssh because I'm uploading to youtube)01:12
jcastrohggdh: what's up?01:14
hggdhjcastro: the calumind candidate that I had just declined...01:15
jcastrohow come?01:15
jcastroI was just talking to him01:15
hggdhI declined him a few hours before you approved him01:18
jcastrohe's upstream deluge whose triaging deluge bugs01:18
jcastroI told him his boundaries, etc.01:18
hggdhoh, no, the point is I should not have declined him01:18
hggdhI usually leave proposals without the email to -control hanging for a few day, on the chance it might be from one upstream01:19
jcastrousually the wiki instructions say "and if you're an upstream go find jorge"01:19
jcastrowhich he did in chat about an hour ago01:19
mhall119jcastro: missing your first ubuntu-fl team meeting, for shame01:19
jcastromhall119: I'm idling01:19
hggdhjcastro: yes, he did it *after* I declined -- so I guess it was good01:20
hggdhwe are cool, man01:20
jcastrowhew I thought you were going to yell at me for approving him01:20
hggdhc'mon, man, why would I do that?01:20
jcastrowell, I suppose he'll be fine until popey deletes his account01:20
* jcastro gives up on this formula for now01:21
jcastroman, CPAN.01:21
jcastronuff said01:21
Davieyjcastro: Surely if you /really/ want to use alice trunk, you can still use the archive deps?01:34
Davieyso you don't need cpan?01:34
jcastroDaviey: that's exactly what I am trying to figure out01:41
jcastromy problem was I couldn't figure out what packages corresponded to it's deps01:41
jcastrobut then I said "WAIT, daviey had to had figured this out for the packages"01:41
jcastroso I was just doing that01:42
jcastroDaviey: ec2 is so slow, I need LXC, heh01:42
jcastroit's like, I don't have time to wait for the stupid instance01:43
Davieyjcastro: check the deps of the package.. there are a few :P01:49
jcastroI did01:49
jcastroa few not in 11.04 too01:49
Davieyperl, libany-moose-perl, libanyevent-dbi-perl, libanyevent-http-perl, libanyevent-irc-perl, libanyevent-perl, libdbd-sqlite3-perl, libfile-sharedir-perl, libirc-formatting-html-perl, libjson-perl , liblist-moreutils-perl, libplack-middleware-session-perl, libplack-perl, libsql-abstract-perl, libtext-microtemplate-perl, libtry-tiny-perl, twiggy01:50
jcastrotwiggy isn't in 11.0401:50
jcastroand some others but I sorted it01:50
Davieyjcastro: they are all *now* in Oneiric01:50
jcastroyeah, but the images are 11.0401:50
Davieyas of 5 mins ago01:50
Davieyjcastro: well who uses THAT?01:50
=== ptagliamonte is now known as paultag
jonoheading to bed, back in a few06:19
jononight all!06:19
dpmmorning all06:19
kim0Morning all08:16
ejatmorning ..08:32
macopleia2: i dont see the launchpad example as upstream. if we didnt have launchpad we'd...have bugzilla and github13:40
macoits a tool. just because canonical decided to roll their own doesn't, IMO, make it *part* of ubuntu13:41
macoubiquity is my example of "pretty clearly part of ubuntu with no alternate upstream" where id count the contributions as part of ubuntu.13:42
macojcastro: <czajkowski> jcastro: you work with the Ubuntu community so eh that counts    <-- hell, if you *don't* work with the community at all but do lots of tech, you won't get membership13:43
macoits the community involvement that i see as the absolute requirement13:43
maco(i know im really really late, but i wasnt online after work)13:44
macoczajkowski: with the DMB, what we do if there's a "could get in if there was one more person here" is take it to the mailing list after the meeting.  the Americas RMB tends to be unanimous on most stuff though, so it hasnt had to do that since I joined13:45
macoDMB considers quorum enough to approve but not enough to veto13:46
czajkowskimaco: right but we had enough for the meeting to go ahead, should we go to a ml every time we need one more +1 ?13:47
macothats what we do13:47
czajkowskiit leads to going down a rocky path13:47
macoit doesn't happen frequently, mind13:47
macoUpstart is used in both Ubuntu and ChromeOS, and AIUI Google's started to do some dev on it (what with Keybuk and all...) so now that it's a more-than-just-Ubuntu thing, I don't think I'd be as inclined to count at as not-really-upstream13:50
kim0huats: wrt the openstack docs, can we get the PDF doc in a ready-to-publish quality soonish ?14:24
kim0I'd love to push it asap :)14:24
huatskim0, I am doing it before tonight14:26
huatswell I'll start and I give you the result :)14:26
kim0I hope the output PDF will look nice .. I trust sphinx though :)14:27
jcastrowe have a call today right?14:58
jonojcastro, dpm, kim0 all set?15:01
* kim0 nods15:01
jonokim0, invite sent15:03
=== daker is now known as daker_
paultagBoohyeah. First contribution to pkg-java-maint in Debian.15:55
h00kPardon me asking...does this involve the public (non-Canonical) teams as well? For instance, a LoCo contact?15:57
h00k(this channel, apologies)15:57
jcastroh00k: sure hang out!15:57
paultagh00k: it's mostly for community teams to sync with eachother, it's open to anyone, but you might find it dull some times :)15:57
paultagkim0: but yeah, totally :)15:58
paultagOh jeez15:58
paultagsorry kim015:58
h00kpaultag: it's just another idle number on my list of open channels ;)15:58
h00kjcastro: cool, alrighty.15:58
h00kI saw it mentioned, figured I'd check it out.15:58
h00k(we were talking about it in -ops-team)15:59
paultagsounds like a community-team to me :)16:00
h00kyep, that too.16:00
IdleOnejono: y u never call me?16:02
h00kIdleOne: I'll call you. I'll call you 'guy who should bring me coffee'16:03
IdleOneh00k: I have experience in waiter type duties16:03
IdleOnecream and sugar?16:03
topyliIdleOne: i knew there was a place for you!16:04
IdleOneDo you have one of our CoffeeCards, buy 400 and get 1 free?16:04
IdleOnetopyli: no more freebies for you sir :(16:05
macoh00k: its also often offtopic16:05
topyliit's too big for my suitcase :(16:05
h00kI make copies, I purchased your special hole-punch and make my own.16:05
h00kmaco: wooo!16:14
h00kjcastro: you'd be one to ask (I tweeted you that one day about deleting articles, you'd be happy, etc), but there's an article https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mac_mini which is irrelevant because it deals with 7.10. Delete?16:15
paultagh00k: you can poke the doc guys about that :)16:16
paultagh.u.c is maintained by thems :)16:16
huatskim0, I have been trying to build the pdf, but there is a bug on the generator :(16:16
huatsI need to look closely at it16:16
kim0huats: mm ok, I hope it's not an ugly one16:27
huatskim0, I am not sure really...16:28
huatsI'll try using the latest version (not packaged yet)16:28
czajkowskimaco: who moderates developer-membership-board-bounces@lists.ubuntu.com17:17
macoczajkowski: all of us17:17
macosomething stuck right now?17:18
* maco looks17:18
czajkowskimaco: thanks17:19
macothe "something's pending" email hadnt even gone out yet17:19
nigelbdoes any one have the partner repo entry handy?17:42
* nigelb messed his sources.list17:42
jcastro<--- late lunchin'17:46
jcastrodeb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu oneiric partner17:46
jcastrodeb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu oneiric partner17:46
jcastronigelb: ^17:46
jcastronatty of course17:46
nigelbjcastro: Thanks!17:50
=== paultag is now known as paulbag
jcastronigelb: got a minute?19:44
jcastrocjohnston: or you19:49
nigelbjcastro: yeah19:50
nigelbjcastro: what's up?19:50
jcastrosee that sponsor bar on the right?19:51
jcastrothe vertical one with the logos19:51
nigelbwant something like that?19:51
jcastroI would like to put something like that on the uds.u.c home page (just the home page)19:51
jcastrobut like, the photos mess me up and it ends up looking stupid19:51
jcastrolike I want to just tack it to the right19:51
jcastroand then shift the whole thing so it's centered19:52
nigelbthis is on uds.ubuntu.com?19:52
nigelbah, yes19:52
nigelbjcastro: err, I didn't understand the bit about tack right19:53
jcastrobasically just have it running along the right border19:53
jcastrowhere the dots are19:53
jcastroor would it look better if it was within the column19:54
nigelbthat's going to be harder than you thin,19:54
jcastroand the pictures shrunk?19:54
nigelbwe can increase the width and stick it in there19:54
nigelbor yeah, shrink the pictures19:54
nigelb(sorry its 1:30 am local time, I may be slow)19:54
jcastroit's ok!19:55
nigelbjcastro: If I get some time, I can do something in firebug over the week and give you a screenshot19:59
jcastroit's ok I'll mess with it19:59
jcastrocheck it out yo20:22
huatskim0, are you around ?20:25
huatsjcastro, I got a not found page20:26
huats(on the frontpage)20:26
jcastroworks for me, can someone else confirm?20:28
Pici'Apologies, but we were unable to find what you were looking for. Perhaps searching will help.'20:28
maconot found20:29
* huats feels less lonely :)20:29
jcastrooh oops20:29
jcastrotry now20:29
huatsway better :)20:29
PiciMuch better20:29
jcastrojono: are you sitting down?20:38
jonojcastro, yep20:38
jcastrojono: hetfield turned _48_ today.20:38
jonojcastro, that is insane20:38
jonoI was thinking about this today - my brother in law's gf is 21 - the year she was born...Home Alone came out20:39
pleia2jono: the individual RMB lists are going away, you want ubuntu-membership-boards@lists.ubuntu.com20:47
pleia2(the individual ones are slated to be disabled, no one has done it yet)20:47
pleia2but they're not maintained and new members aren't on them20:48
jonopleia2, ahhh thanks20:49
jonopleia2, I added them to the thread20:50
pleia2thanks :)20:50
pleia2added your address to accepts20:50
jonopleia2, could you approve me as a sender on that list?20:50
huatskim0, the creation of openstackbook is OK, using the latest available tarballs20:58
huatskim0, and they are on oneiric, so I'll try to build it there soon20:59
huatsbut the result is not very good yet... I'll try to figure out what I can do since we can use templates...20:59
huatsjono, you should think that kind of fact (HomeAlone) you hurts everyone around :)21:00
huatsjono, sorry, I meant : "you shouldn't think to ..."21:01
kim0huats: we're making good progress then :)21:08
huatskim0, indeed21:10
huatskim0, not really an easy way but a way :)21:10
kim0huats: awesome stuff, rock n roll21:11
* kim0 jumps back to real life21:12
=== paulbag is now known as paultag
h00kkim0: what is this 'real life' you speak of23:17

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