
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: cimi and I were just talking about firefox and thunderbird. What are their plans for gtk3? any word on timing yet?01:41
cyphermoxanyone familiar in vala could tell me what uint64.parse(somestring) would be now?01:45
cyphermoxor is it now done automatically or something?01:45
cyphermoxnevermind, I got it.. I'm dumb :)01:50
didrocksgood morning05:19
jasoncwarner_hey didrocks , how are you?05:21
didrockshey jasoncwarner_! I'm fine, thanks :) and you?05:22
jasoncwarner_didrocks: pretty good, thanks. trying to get all those final details sorted before leaving tomorrow morning05:22
didrocksjasoncwarner_: when are you arriving in Berlin? Friday evening?05:23
jasoncwarner_yeah, I'll be in on Friday05:24
didrocksok, just one MIR remaining to review06:39
didrockswhat is this "wayland" stuff? should be quick to review! ;-)06:39
RAOFWoo!  I won't have to revert the mesa wayland bits when the A3 freeze ends and I can upload mesa!06:41
ricotzRAOF, nice :)06:42
didrocksRAOF: I'm pretty surprised by the size of wayland TBH :)07:01
didrocksRAOF: any idea what the wayland-scanner is used for?07:01
RAOFdidrocks: How big it is, or how small it is?07:01
RAOFdidrocks: IIUC wayland-scanner turns the XML protocol definition into C headers.07:01
didrocksit's really small compared to what I was excepting :)07:01
RAOFThat's one of it's primary goals - simplicity ;)07:02
tjaaltonis the user-switching from the indicator supposed to work?07:10
tjaaltonwith lightdm07:10
tjaaltonit just locks the current session07:10
didrocksRAOF: ok, MIR reviewed, small questions/work needed but it's in the right direction :)07:17
didrockstjaalton: I don't think it is working yet07:17
RAOFdidrocks: Sweet.  Ta.07:18
rickspencer3lesson learned, don't use a picture of self in the morning when testing photobomb/gwibber integration07:18
didrocksrickspencer3: heh, is it so frightening? :)07:19
didrocksgood morning btw! :)07:19
rickspencer3I guess so07:19
rickspencer3the word "homeless" was used :/07:19
rickspencer3good morning didrocks07:19
didrocksrickspencer3: yeah, that looks mean :-)07:19
tjaaltondidrocks: ok, thanks07:19
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:25
didrocksmorning chrisccoulson07:26
seb128hey didrocks chrisccoulson07:26
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks, how are you?07:26
seb128how are you?07:26
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, i'm good thanks07:27
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm fine, thanks, and you? ;)07:27
chrisccoulsonhow are you?07:27
didrockshey seb12807:27
seb128I'm fine thanks07:28
* didrocks got yesterday his server up again! the power supply wasn't the only death by the thunderstorm, one disk died as well, had to replace it07:32
rickspencer3didrocks, seb128, chrisccoulson what's the word on the street for A3?07:38
* rickspencer3 gets increasingly worried by laggy replies07:39
didrocksrickspencer3: unity still have some known issues (like key and mouse events), compiz has been reverted to be usable for alpha3 (no tested release from dx). So at the end, an usable alpha3, not top quality from what we can have07:40
rickspencer3are we going to stick with the compiz that we have for Oneiric?07:40
didrocksfor GNOME3, I think that the team handled well the 3.1.4 release :)07:40
didrocksrickspencer3: I hope (and daily ping) dx to get a tested release from them07:41
didrocksright now, we are using the gtk-window-decorator and not unity-window-decorator which needs a lot of fixing07:41
seb128rickspencer3, it's an alpha with its alpha issues but no stopper I think07:42
didrocksso hopefully, they will deliver for next week a good compiz version07:42
chrisccoulsonthunderbird is rocking for A3! ;)07:42
rickspencer3didrocks, is that a *new* compiz, or basically Natty compiz with bugs fixed?07:42
didrocksrickspencer3: we had a new compiz with a huge rewrapping two weeks ago07:43
didrocksrickspencer3: we can't roll back to the previous version as there is too many dependency to this new one07:43
seb128rickspencer3, compiz bug fixed? you wish07:44
seb128rickspencer3, it's basically the natty one with half working feature rolled out from a distro side to have something we can use07:44
chrisccoulsoni'm going to start fixing compiz bugs when i've figured out why it always gets focusing wrong!07:44
seb128chrisccoulson, \o/07:44
RAOFI'm looking to fix bug #410264 While I'm futzing with mesa08:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 410264 in mesa "Translations: .pot template files missing, existing .po files won't be used" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41026408:04
RAOFBah, premature <enter>08:04
RAOFAnyway - does anyone have an idea about how strict launchpad is with respect to those translations?  Also, the translation replacement is done at build time - does launchpad have any way of handling that, too?08:06
lifelessyou can upload them separately if you want08:09
lifelessor lp can suck them directly from a branch08:09
RAOFHm.  Maybe there's not much point in getting those translations.08:11
jibelgood morning.08:19
seb128hey jibel, how are you?08:20
jibeldidrocks, thanks for the nux upload yesterday.08:20
seb128jibel, how is a3 testing?08:20
jibelseb128, I'm good, thanks08:20
didrocksjibel: yw ;)08:20
jibelseb128, there was problem with live session autologin yesterday but stgraber fixed it, I'll verify this morning08:21
seb128how come nobody noticed those before? ;-)08:21
jibelother bugs are known or cosmetic issues08:21
seb128like the new config format landed over a week ago08:21
seb128but nice to see it fixed ;-)08:23
chrisccoulsonwoohoo! my screen wasn't all messed up when i docked my laptop :)08:52
chrisccoulsonbut that's only because compiz crashed and restarted, which fixes it anyway ;)08:52
Davieyupdating this morning + reboot caused desktop not to start.. lightdm auth'd, then got the 'x' rather than a mouse pointer.09:09
DavieyIs it just me?09:10
seb128Daviey, yes09:17
jibelDaviey, there was a crash like this yesterday but it is now fixed. What is your graphics and and version of libnux-1.0-0 ? any crash file in /var/crash ?09:17
jibelseb128, what would you suggest for derivatives which still use gnome-system-tools 2.32 e.g bug 789333 ?09:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 789333 in gnome-system-tools "users-admin crashes on start because of mixed GTK2 and 3 symbols" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78933309:18
seb128jibel, that they fix the bug or stop using g-s-t? ;-)09:19
Davieylightdm seg faulting.09:19
DavieyI am using non-free nvidia09:19
seb128jibel, no special suggestions, I've enough work with Ubuntu bugs to not want to spend time fixing outdated tools09:20
seb128jibel, but I'm happy to help if they have specific questions on how to solve an issue09:20
Daviey(The good news is that gdm doesn't segfault.)09:22
seb128Daviey, can you use apport to report the bug?09:22
Davieyseb128: seems to not be finding the crash report on it's own. awesome09:24
seb128Daviey, is it in on disk?09:24
seb128lut huats09:24
huatshello seb128 !09:26
Davieygah, w3n is not that much fun with LP anympre09:33
lifelessDaviey: ?09:33
Davieylifeless: for some reason i was getting a "missing field", but nothing was asking me for more data09:35
Davieyseb128: bug 82025509:35
seb128Daviey, ok, needs to be retraced I guess09:36
lifelessDaviey: doing what?09:38
Davieylifeless: it's probably me being a donut, apport-bug /some/.crash/file .. launch browser..09:39
cassidyseb128, hey. Any reason you didn't build empathy 3.1.4 with gudev support?09:41
seb128cassidy, no, kenvandine probably overlooked that09:42
seb128cassidy, let me check09:42
seb128cassidy, is it of any use if we build without cheese?09:42
seb128cassidy, seems only cheese-camera-device-monitor.c uses it09:43
seb128so that's probably why09:43
cassidy   PKG_CHECK_MODULES(UDEV, [gudev-1.0],09:43
cassidy        have_gudev="yes", have_gudev="no")09:43
cassidythat's it09:43
cassidyno, we ship this file so you don't have to depend on cheese to use it09:43
seb128cassidy, oh ok, so yeah just an overlook I guess, I will check with ken when he wakes up and get it fixed09:44
lifelessDaviey: IIRC it was w3m we got working, so if its no longer, thats a serious issue09:46
Davieydidrocks: Am i reading the nux d/changelog correctly.. that it went from version 1.X to 0.X ?09:46
didrocksDaviey: it was 0.9 in natty, and now it's 1.X right09:47
Davieylifeless: second attempt it worked.. doing the same thing, i believe - so i'm not sure it's a massive failure09:47
seb128RAOF, hey09:58
seb128RAOF, did you find a Debian sponsor for colord?09:58
seb128if not what about uploading to Ubuntu to get it in and sync later when they take it?09:58
RAOFseb128: I've lined up Laney10:06
seb128RAOF, great ;-)10:07
ricotzseb128, hello10:15
seb128ricotz, hey10:16
ricotzi will look into a new rhythmbox snapshot later10:16
ricotzseb128, could you add this to gdk-doc-tools http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk-doc/commit/gtk-doc.make?id=3939e9473aa5cc848ff6295e5e16e7f5203c39aa10:16
seb128ricotz, thanks10:16
seb128ricotz, what issue does it fix in practice? is there a launchpad bug about it?10:16
ricotzcurrently using gtk-doc.make broken10:17
ricotzi am just seen this with rhythmbox10:17
ricotzand using $(build) is clearly wrong10:17
ricotzwhich lead to things like this "cp x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/tmpl/*.sgml ../../rhythmbox-2.90.1/doc/reference/tmpl"10:18
ricotzthe current gtk-docs git trunk already uses another solution though10:19
seb128ricotz, ok thanks10:21
chrisccoulsonm'eh - http://is.gd/TXIHqu :/10:36
chrisccoulsonnot sure what's going on there10:36
chrisccoulsonseems to be quite frequent in oneiric :(10:36
ricotzseb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/780747/comments/611:32
ubot2Ubuntu bug 780747 in rhythmbox "Window does not always close when running gnome-shell" [Low,New]11:32
seb128ricotz, thanks!11:32
seb128ricotz, what clutter build depends would the new code add?11:32
ricotzseb128, mx11:33
seb128hum ok11:33
seb128we will not to mir those one day11:34
seb128other things in GNOME 3.1 want to use it11:34
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ricotzi think i should get a MIR11:35
seb128sorry ;-)11:36
seb128if you are interested by writing those mir please do11:37
ricotznot really -- more needed would be to update cogl and clutter ;)11:39
seb128did you find somebody to sponsor those in debian?11:41
seb128i.e pochu maybe?11:41
seb128would be easier to sync them ;-)11:41
seb128otherwise feel free to open sponsoring bugs in ubuntu11:41
ricotzi didnt asked for sponsoring yet, cogl should be ready though, but clutter has some outstanding ubuntu patches11:43
seb128cogl needs to get in, newed etc first11:43
seb128you should ask for this one ;-)11:43
seb128you have time to work on clutter while that happens11:44
ricotzright, i might get to it at the weekend11:45
ricotzseb128, do you know if gnome-menus gets an release soon?11:46
didrocksjbicha: in case you didn't notice, I sponsored your work and acked the MIR thanks! :)11:46
didrocksjbicha: just ping me back to push it in main once transmission will dep on it11:46
seb128ricotz, you should ask vuntz but from what I read for 3.1.511:46
seb128didrocks, isn't that already the case?11:47
ricotzseb128, ah, i see -- i hope he feels to answer ;)11:47
didrocks    - Bump build-depends on libappindicator3-dev11:47
didrocksfor 2.3311:48
didrocksdidn't see the additional one?11:48
seb128didrocks, well there is an update patch from debian to use system libs11:48
seb128but I didn't check11:48
didrocksso yeah, it deps wait11:48
seb128didrocks, I though it was just depwaiting since the previous version11:48
didrockshum, let's maybe do the promotion after alpha3?11:48
seb128but that's sloppy tracking, I'm not sure11:49
didrocksto avoid having a new transmission ;)11:49
seb128didrocks, your call, it can for sure wait tomorrow11:49
* didrocks opens a new tab for having less sloppy tracking ;)11:49
jbichadidrocks: thank you it looks like libnatpmp has built now11:52
didrocksjbicha: yeah, just waiting post-alpha3 to do the real promotion. Thanks to you! :)11:52
jbichaoh ok, that makes sense, transmission works fine in alpha3, it's just an older version11:53
vuntzricotz: there'll be one for 3.1.511:54
vuntznot before, since we broke api11:54
jbichaoh, and that was just said, still catching up on reading the backlog :-)11:54
ricotzvuntz, thanks, i noticed, when is 3.1.5 about to be released?11:57
seb128ricotz, http://live.gnome.org/ThreePointOne/11:58
seb1282 weeks11:58
ricotzseb128, right,  thanks ;)11:58
chrisccoulsondidrocks, http://www.andreasn.se/diverse/temp/unitytheme.jar ;)12:06
chrisccoulson(theme for thunderbird)12:06
didrockschrisccoulson: nice! :)12:06
didrockslet's see how to import that12:06
andreasnnote that compose and address book is broken right now :) Hacking at that right now12:08
didrocksandreasn: chrisccoulson: love it!12:11
andreasndidrocks, glad you like it!12:14
pedro_cyphermox, good morning!12:42
cyphermoxhey pedro_!12:42
pedro_cyphermox, upstream is asking for testing on a evolution patch that could fix https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65550712:42
ubot2Gnome bug 655507 in Plugins "crash on startup when initializing spamassassin" [Critical,New]12:42
pedro_cyphermox, any chance to include that in your evo ppa?12:42
pedro_cyphermox, thanks!12:43
cyphermoxwhat's the lp bug for this one?12:43
pedro_is linked at that bug12:43
kenvandinechrisccoulson, good morning!12:55
kenvandinechrisccoulson, is the google contacts extension packaged for thunderbird?12:55
desrtchrisccoulson: same story for you every day, it seems :)12:56
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, no, but m_conley_away is working on e-d-s contacts integration12:56
chrisccoulsonwe generally don't package third party extensions any more12:57
kenvandinepoor chrisccoulson :)12:57
cyphermoxpedro_: https://launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/+archive/evolution-staging/+sourcepub/1844284/+listing-archive-extra12:57
chrisccoulsonheh :)12:57
kenvandineseems silly that it isn't included in thunderbird by default12:57
kenvandinemoving to thunderbird feels like i am going back to the 90s :/12:57
kenvandinefunctionality wise12:57
kenvandinenever thought i could describe evolution as "modern"12:58
andreasnkenvandine, what are you missing?12:58
pedro_cyphermox, merci!12:58
kenvandinegoogle contacts12:58
kenvandineand google calender12:58
kenvandinei knew there was no google calender...12:58
cyphermoxnow to debug connman's dns cache :'(12:58
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davmor2kenvandine: there is no calendar fullstop ;)12:59
kenvandinebut i just assumed thunderbird worked with google contacts12:59
kenvandineguess i've been using evo too long12:59
kenvandinethe idea of a local address book is weird12:59
seb128kenvandine, hey13:00
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seb128kenvandine, cassidy asked if there was a reason you didn't built the empathy update with gudev?13:00
kenvandinehey seb12813:00
kenvandineno reason13:01
kenvandinei could do that13:01
cassidyyou should, camera detection is good to have13:01
kenvandinecassidy, will do :)13:01
kenvandinei wasn't looking for new stuff to enable13:01
andreasnkenvandine, http://www.google.com/support/calendar/bin/answer.py?answer=99358#sunbird13:01
cassidytss you should read the release notes :p13:01
seb128kenvandine, btw feel free to upload for that or the indicator-power update13:01
kenvandineseb128, ok... will do!13:01
kenvandinecassidy, :)13:01
seb128kenvandine, standalone components are fine to update during the soft freeze13:01
seb128kenvandine, just don't do renaming or transitions ;-)13:02
kenvandineas long as the gudev support doesn't add new depends that aren't already on the cd13:02
kenvandinei doubt it does13:02
jbichammm, I can't help but think of ice cream when you say "soft freeze"13:02
kenvandineandreasn, indeed... just sad users have to go find that stuff13:03
kenvandinewho is that joining!13:03
seb128jbicha, don't talk of ice cream with vuntz around!13:03
seb128he will stop working and look for it ;-)13:04
kenvandinexchat-gnome randomly trying to reconnect on my other box :)13:04
jasoncwarner_hey seb128 , we are doing thunderbird meeting right now and had a cdspace question...do you know where we stand at A3?13:06
andreasnkenvandine, we currently have a gsoc student working on automatic setup of google calendar (and others), as long as you provide your google account name13:06
andreasnkenvandine, but I agree it's currently really hard to set up13:07
kenvandinegoogle contacts extension doesn't support thunderbird 6 :(13:07
jbichaandreasn: what about Thunderbird tying into gnome-online-accounts to pick that up?13:07
kenvandineandreasn, i saw you had a  theme for tb... where is that?13:07
andreasnkenvandine, http://www.andreasn.se/diverse/temp/unitytheme.jar13:08
andreasnkenvandine, in a very unstable state right now though :)13:08
kenvandineandreasn, thx... i won't complain :)13:09
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jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson: not sure you saw my earlier question. Any idea when Firefox and Thunderbird move to GTK3? Cimi and I were talking.13:32
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, not sure yet. i haven't been following the recent review comments on the bug which covers that13:33
seb128chrisccoulson, if that's not before the LTS you win the GTK2 stack to maintain ;-)13:34
jasoncwarner_seb128: well, that is unless chromium rules the day! mwuhahaha13:34
jasoncwarner_then chrisccoulson wins chromium to maintain13:35
seb128and the gtk2 stack!13:35
seb128chromium still use gtk2 as well right?13:35
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, did you see my response to your post on G+ ;)13:35
jasoncwarner_and firefox and both of their 6 week release cycles13:35
jasoncwarner_it might, but I heard kenvandine was going to rewrite chromium in vala after his fun with gwibber this cycle13:35
* kenvandine ignores jasoncwarner_13:36
jasoncwarner_vala and an experimental gtk4 branch13:36
jasoncwarner_anyway...going to sleep...see some of you at summit. Others, online ...13:36
kenvandinei like vala... but man it is a pain to do anything that touches outside of gtk with it13:37
kenvandineuntested bindings... love that!13:37
kenvandinegood night jasoncwarner_13:37
mterrympt, where is the spec for what the unity lightdm greeter should look like?13:37
mterrykenvandine, you can always off-road and make your own local bindings13:38
mterrykenvandine, or make a tiny C file that links in with your app13:38
mterrykenvandine, both of which are pains I guess  :)13:38
mptmterry, I didn't know there was one, sorry13:39
mterrympt, that might be the answer then  :)13:39
kenvandinemterry, i did have to bundle my own vapis... as i found things broken13:40
kenvandinethen submit the fixes13:40
kenvandinejust painful to find those13:40
mterrykenvandine, for the indicators in the unity-greeter, there would need to be a "greeter mode" where they didn't show links to such things like "updates available" and settings.  Has there been a DX discussion about how they want to do that?  env var or gsetttings or such?13:40
seb128mterry, there is one, check maybe with john13:41
mterryseb128, ooh, ok13:41
seb128mterry, robert_ancell had it at the rally but not sure if it's published and where13:41
seb128mterry, I will ask him on friday to share it with you if you don't find it before that13:41
mterryseb128, thanks13:41
seb128mterry, I don't think the indicator limited mode was discussed in dx13:42
seb128dx didn't get involved in the lightdm discussions that I know about13:42
mterryseb128, k, I'll ask in #ayatana then13:42
mptmterry, I have located it, I'm just getting access to it now13:42
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chrisccoulsondidrocks, this has happened to me twice today whilst opening an application: http://people.canonical.com/~chrisccoulson/Screenshot%20at%202011-08-03%2015:01:44.png14:03
chrisccoulsonhave you seen that before?14:03
chrisccoulsoni can click through the grey box and the transparent empathyt window, and it appears to be open somewhere else on the screen (but it's invisible)14:04
didrockschrisccoulson: better to ask smspillaz about that one ^^14:05
didrocksbut yeah, the grey box is known, not the other one though14:06
dobeymvo: ping14:14
mvohey dobey14:21
dobeymvo: hey. i'm trying to use python-aptdaemon, but it seems to be having some mainloop contention issues or soemthing. and i'm not quite sure how to resolve that. adding a call to DBusGMainLoop() didn't seem to help14:23
seb128mpt, hey14:24
mvodobey: do you have a example somewhere? I'm happy to have a look14:24
seb128mpt, the bluetooth indicator should be dropped in oneiric right?14:24
mptseb128, no, why?14:24
seb128mpt, the way to configure bluetooth is using the session indicator entry opening the control center panel?14:25
ronoci would have thought so14:25
seb128mpt, because we have bluetooth in 2 indicators and that seems confusing14:25
mptseb128, no, you can't change any of the settings from that menu, it just opens the settings panel14:25
seb128mpt, well the panel let you change those settings14:26
seb128mpt, I though the recommended way would be to open the panel from the session indicator?14:26
chrisccoulsoni thought we were getting rid of the current bluetooth indicator too (and having a proper implementation, rather than the current appindicator one)14:26
mptseb128, no, that would be a regression.14:26
chrisccoulsonthat was my understanding from the rally14:27
seb128yeah, that's what I got told as well14:27
mptFor example, you couldn't tell whether Bluetooth was on or off by looking at the menu bar.14:27
seb128mpt, so what's the point to have it in the session indicator?14:28
mptseb128, I don't know, sorry.14:29
seb128mpt, sorry I assumed you were designing the indicator refactoring14:29
seb128mpt, who should I ping about it?14:29
mptseb128, John or Oren14:29
seb128mpt, thanks14:29
mptseb128, as I understand it, the choice of which settings panels were included was just a guess as to which ones are most popular. Even if Bluetooth is one of the most popular, it wouldn't then make sense to make Bluetooth functions *slower* to access.14:32
seb128hum, ok, will check with john or ted when they are there14:37
seb128ronoc, do you know if there is any design document somewhere why says that the bluetooth indicator is deprecated by the device one?14:38
* ronoc checks14:39
ronocseb128, doesn't mention it in the spec I'm working off of right now14:43
seb128ronoc, ok thanks; I guess I will let it around until I check out with ted or john14:43
seb128but what mpt said about having an indicator showing if it's on or off in some way would make sense14:44
ronocseb128, it would, just needs to be put in the spec and I'll see if i can get it in before ff (should be relatively easy with the bluez dbus interface)14:45
seb128ronoc, can you talk to the design guys about it?14:45
ronocseb128, mpt owns that spec, i'll chat to him about tmrw when I'm at the office14:46
seb128ronoc, ok, but see backlog, mpt said to talk to john or oren14:46
seb128ronoc, well I will let you guys sort that at the office, thanks ;-)14:47
pedro_cyphermox, FYI re the evolution bug , mbarnes committed a fix to http://git.gnome.org/browse/evolution/commit/?id=4fc04af617091c77dfc9f6353299378918cb69cc14:54
pedro_cyphermox, so the previous patch was not the 'correct' one14:54
cyphermoxI'll cherry-pick a few patches from git14:55
seb128usb-creator is a fail today, it breaks on the boot loader creation14:59
seb128ok, let's try if dd if=iso of=usbkey works ;-)15:02
didrocksseb128: it did last time I tried, apart that the double iso partition format on /dev/sdX and /dev/sdX1 puzzled gvfs for mounting it15:04
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seb128cyphermox, what evolution version do you use?17:39
seb128cyphermox, the current oneiric one still fails to display gpg signed email for me, like the debian-devel-changes ones17:39
cyphermoxI wish 3.1.5 could be released17:39
cyphermoxmine displays the emails fine but shows an error for the gpg key17:40
seb128I get that as well17:40
seb128cyphermox, oh btw while you there :p17:42
seb128(yeah, now is a good time to close IRC for you ;-)17:42
seb128cyphermox, bug #81824317:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 818243 in bluez "Bluetooth fails after suspend/resume with bluez 4.95" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81824317:43
seb128cyphermox, the user says it works after downgrading to 4.9417:43
seb128cyphermox, I've assigned the bug to you, could you check if that's broken for everybody or not?17:44
seb128if it's broken for everybody we probably want it milestoned, other feel free to unassign yourself from it17:44
seb128ricotz, ^ etherpad is in the title ;-)17:49
cyphermoxseb128: almost certainly not broken for everyone, because I see there one of the usb ids that match for hid2hci.17:49
ricotzseb128, oh, this xchat topic field is clearly to small ;)17:49
cyphermoxso my guess is it tries to switch it again when bluez is using the device, then hells breaks loose.17:49
seb128cyphermox, well he says on suspend resume, that clearly shouldn't break whatever you are doing17:50
seb128cyphermox, thanks for checking ;-)17:50
cyphermoxseb128: given that hid2hci is giving me more headaches now, I'm very tempted to disable it again; it's a big pain in the ass, if only because on install if all you have is a bluetooth MX 5500 for instance, you'll have fun trying to associate your mouse and keyboard17:51
cyphermoxon the contrary17:51
cyphermoxdoesn't udev re-trigger on resume?17:51
cyphermox(in case usb devices changes in the meantime)17:51
seb128not sure, it should17:51
seb128if you disable hid2hci chrisccoulson is going to be unhappy17:52
cyphermoxi know ;)17:52
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's mandatory for my device17:52
seb128he said he has no mouse at the rally because that was not enabled ;-)17:52
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: so how did you get by before?17:52
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, yeah. hid2hci has always been enabled. it was just shipped by udev before17:52
chrisccoulsonand now it's moved to bluez (this cycle)17:52
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/hotplug/udev.git;a=commitdiff;h=07f1d2860e8ee393abaaead75a6ab3af0f10efbb17:53
seb128ricotz, let's discuss it there, it's not really a debian issue17:53
cyphermoxalright... but hid2hci didn't trigger for *my* MX5500 device17:53
seb128ricotz, not sure if that could be an amd64 thing, I've an i386 install17:53
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, then you need to fix the udev rule rather than disabling it entirely :)17:53
ricotzseb128, i am on amd6417:53
seb128ricotz, but totem and totem-plugins work there, I've tried to enable the list of plugins and disable it, no difference17:53
cyphermoxi don't know, it's really not a new thing, so I'm trying to figure out why it's being an issue now17:54
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: so I don't break it, what's your device usb id?17:54
ricotzseb128, this reporter stated after updating peas and soup before noticing this problem17:55
seb128ricotz, is that an issue on start or when doing something special?17:56
ricotzit crashes instantly on start17:56
seb128ricotz, it would be nice if you tried to downgrade gobject-introspection and libsoup just to see17:56
ricotzsoup should be related17:57
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: also curious if you get that resume from suspend issue too17:57
seb128ricotz, only if you have totem-plugins used right?17:57
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, my device is 413c:815817:57
chrisccoulsonand resume from suspend is broken too, i need to re-run hid2hci to fix it17:57
cyphermoxvery interesting17:57
ricotzseb128, just the installation of the plugins packages triggers it17:57
cyphermoxso that S3 resume rule is borked17:57
ricotzseb128, but there was probably one enabled17:58
seb128ricotz, I will try on a livecd later but I can't confirm on my oneiric18:00
seb128i386, not uptodate but with the current totem and libpeas versions18:00
ricotzseb128, patching totem with the apropriate peas api changes worked at least to have it started18:01
ricotzbut it crash on exit18:01
seb128ricotz, btw I noticed after uploading rhythmbox but you don't install the libnotify .so18:01
seb128nor some of the documentation18:01
seb128ricotz, ok, weird, I will check on that later18:01
seb128would be useful to know if 3.1.2 has the same issue18:02
seb128dinner time here18:02
ricotzseb128, ok, i will about rb18:03
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ricotzseb128, would this be ok? http://paste.debian.net/plain/12499518:57
seb128ricotz, hum, better to just install the documentation in the dev binary18:58
ricotzthought so too ;)18:58
seb128we try to not create binaries over debian when not required and usually having the documentation in the dev is ok18:58
ricotzseb128, https://code.launchpad.net/~ricotz/rhythmbox/ubuntu/+merge/7035219:04
micahgjbicha: or anyone else, any idea why the commits hashes would change in gedit-plugins?19:04
micahgin the Changelog I mean19:05
seb128ricotz, thanks19:05
micahgah, I see, the 3.1.x branch didn't have 3.0.4 and 3.0.519:05
cyphermoxseb128: ok, now the multipart signed stuff really is fixed with the patch from git19:24
jbichathis is crazy https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65470719:39
ubot2Gnome bug 654707 in general "[PATCH] favorite-apps: Use firefox.desktop & libreoffice-writer.desktop" [Minor,Unconfirmed]19:39
dupondjeSmall question (yes again :P), activating a GPS module on a HSDA card19:56
dupondjedoes that fall in the functional description of NetworkManager ? :)19:56
micahgRAOF: I can look at colord later tonight for you19:59
cyphermoxdupondje: potentially but not now.20:13
cyphermoxdupondje: may want to look into the ModemManager dbus interface20:14
dupondjecyphermox: seems it already has MM_MODEM_LOCATION_CAPABILITIES etc21:05
dupondjebut damn, I don't know how to handle it :)21:05
broderdoes anybody know if any nvidia optimus implmentations will enable the discrete gpu by default? i had thought that it always started with the integrated chip and the windows drivers switched to the discrete one, but i just ran into a case where that might not be happening21:22
dupondjethink it enables the nvidia by default21:23
broderthat's definitely not the case in general21:23
dupondjenot sure how I can see it btw21:23
broderi'm wondering if it stores the previous state in some sort of bios memory or something21:24
dupondjedon't think so21:24
broderi feel like apple's first implementation of switchable graphics did that21:25
dupondjewell yea21:25
dupondjebut apple is not nvidia :D21:25
dupondjeif the nvidia is disabled21:25
dupondjeit shouldn't show up in lspci21:25
dupondjewhich does now21:25
broderno, that's not true21:25
brodernot if optimus is turned on21:25
broderthen they both show up in lspci21:26
broderbut X will only be driving one21:26
dupondjeI saw examples where it really gets disabled (aka gone from lspci)21:26
dupondjebut thats switcheroo/bumblebee21:27
broderno, switcheroo doesn't remove it from lspci21:27
broderit just adjusts what chipset is connected to the outputs21:27
brodersome laptops have bios options that let you totally disable optimus and pick one chipset21:27
broderif you choose integrated there, i think *that* will remove it from lspci21:27
dupondjeMine doesn't :(21:27
broderyeah, most don't21:27
dupondjeguess it quite hard to support it also21:28
dupondjecause like in my laptop, hdmi output = nvidia card only21:29
dupondjedisplayport = intel only21:29
dupondjescreen = both21:29
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hallynhm, lightdm was just taking up 100% cpu22:57
hallyn(killed it, lost my desktop :)22:57
RAOFmicahg: Thanks; Laney's already done it :)22:58
micahgRAOF: great, I'll review something else22:58

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