
=== ShaneM_ is now known as ShaneM
czajkowskiebel: thanks16:33
tdr112hey cztab16:44
czajkowskitdr112: howdy16:48
=== luke__ is now known as Featurefreak
czajkowskitdr112: hows work going ?17:08
=== airurando_ is now known as airurando
airurandoevening all20:46
czajkowskihows you airurando20:54
airurandohi czajkowski20:54
airurandonot bad, had a crazy July but getting back to normal now.20:54
airurandohow are you keeping yourself?20:55
czajkowskijust booked to come back from 23/8 - 1/920:58
airurandopity you will miss the UGJ here on the 4th20:59
airurandoall going well that is.20:59
* airurando is trying to get around MootBot letting us down during the July meeting :(21:00
airurandoczajkowski will you be around Dublin during this trip home?21:01
czajkowskinot sure...21:02
czajkowskiairurando: whats wrong with mootbot?21:02
airurandoas far as I can make out it didn't record the minutes or logs of our last meeting21:03
czajkowskihow odd21:03
airurandoI chaired21:03
czajkowskiI'd ask alanbell21:03
czajkowskihe tends to know these things21:03
airurandostarted the meeting and ended it correctly I think.21:03
airurandoI'll ping him21:04
MootBotMeeting started at 16:12. The chair is AlanBell.21:12
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]21:12
MootBotMeeting finished at 16:13.21:13
AlanBellthat isn't one of my bots21:13
airurandoany idea who owns it?21:15
AlanBellit is the 'official' mootbot from #ubuntu-meeting21:15
AlanBellbut it isn't identified which is odd21:15
AlanBellask in #ubuntu-bots21:16
AlanBellbecause that will be an issue for others I expect21:16
AlanBellmeetingology is supposed to be growing the ability to re-process logs into minutes21:16
AlanBellso you point it at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/07/20/%23ubuntu-ie.txt and it will read it and make minutes in moin wiki syntax21:17
airurandoAlanBell you are speaking way above my head on this but thanks21:18
czajkowskiairurando: ahh my bad21:18
czajkowskiairurando: meet AlanBell he has a newwer bot which does funky stuff to help do the wiki bit afterwards21:18
airurandoI'll raise it in #ubuntu-bots21:18
czajkowskiI forgot ours isnt that bot21:18
airurandoczajkowski I've met AlanBell on IRC before21:19
AlanBellit has reminded me to finish my bot21:20
airurandofor now though I'll pull the minutes and logs manually21:21
airurandois there a backup we can use for future meetings?21:22
AlanBellI can send in one of mine, but you would have to kick out the other (they don't get along)21:22
AlanBellhowever best to get that one fixed in the short term as that will be screwing up everyone who has meetings in #ubuntu-meeting21:23
airurandocurious as http://www.novarata.net/mootbot/ doesn't appear to have recorded logs since the end of June21:27
airurandofor anyone if my initial scan is correct21:27
airurandointo #ubuntu-bots I go21:28
airurandoAlanBell I'll chat to the guys about kicking MootBot and get back to you21:35
airurandoThanks for the offer.21:35
AlanBelllooks like this may be the time to finish the thing and make it official21:36
airurandoWe need to get this sorted for our next meeting later in August21:36
airurandogo for it AlanBell21:36
AlanBellthe plan is to put the plugin that I have written into the loco bots21:36
AlanBellso lubotu3 etc will just grow the ability to conduct a meeting21:36
airurandosounds cool21:38

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