
cndbjf:     from lpltk.service                   import LaunchpadService00:06
cndImportError: No module named service00:06
cndany ideas?00:06
bjfcnd, yes, you want "from lpltk.LaunchpadService import LaunchpadService"00:07
cndbjf, I'm getting really antsy cause I can't figure this out :)00:27
cndI see setters in lpltk00:27
cndbut not everything I need has one00:27
cndso I looked at the setter code and I see things being set and a function called lp_save() being called00:27
cndbut I can't find where lp_save is defined00:27
bjfcnd, that could be the case, it's mostly implemented what we've wanted for working on bugs00:27
cndin lpltk and python-launchpadlib00:28
bjfcnd, ok, one sec00:28
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cndin fact, the whole launchpadlib source code doesn't make sense to me :)00:29
=== jk-- is now known as jk-
bjfcnd, if you look at the "status" setter for a BugTask, it is calling self.lp_bug_task.lp_save()  that lp_save() is part of the lp api, not the lpltk, it is using the raw LP object00:30
cndyeah, and that raw LP object is from launchpadlib I assume?00:30
bjfcnd, yes00:30
cndso I went over to launchpadlib to see if I could find out where lp_save is and what else I can set00:31
cndbut it doesn't make a lot of sense to me00:31
bjfcnd, not everything is documented00:31
bjfcnd, even for the launchpad library00:31
cndok, I might be starting to understand it00:33
cndit's just heavily abstracted00:33
jk-... and heavily dynamic00:34
jk-cnd: `print bug.lp_attributes` is handy00:35
bjfjk-, are you using the lpltk or the straight lp api?00:36
jk-or <any lp object>.{lp_attributes,lp_collections,lp_entries}00:37
jk-bjf: ah, just straight lp api00:37
bjfjk-, right, that doesn't work with the lpltk unless you get to the raw lp object in the wrapper00:37
cndjk-, how do I manipulate an lp object?00:42
cndlets say I want to create a project00:42
cndI may have figured it out00:43
jk-cnd: I've only queried LP myself :/00:44
jk-seen https://help.launchpad.net/API ?00:44
jk-particularly https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib00:45
jk-    me = people['my-user-name']00:46
jk-    me.display_name = 'A user who edits through the Launchpad web service.'00:46
jk-    me.lp_save()00:46
jk-but again, this is all launchpadlib objects, not lpltk.00:46
cndyeah, I'm trying to figure out how to create new objects00:47
cndto set up a test env00:47
cndon qastaging00:47
cndit doesn't appear that many people have wanted to do this before :)00:47
cndI see that there's a method new_project00:49
cndbut I don't know what its signature is00:49
cndit's rather opaque, and there's no docs that I can find...00:49
bjfcnd, looks like you need the lp projects collection00:50
cndI may have figured it out by finding a snippet through google :)00:51
cndgrep for new_bug00:51
jk-cnd: print new_project.__doc__ ?00:51
bjfcnd, you may be better off sticking with the straight LP api, you could look at "close-eol-nominations" in kteam-tools/bugs for an example00:53
rokr1Hello there !02:43
rokr1I am trying to install Mainline 3.0 in Linux kernel from ubuntu repository02:43
rokr1current version seems 3.0-oneiric02:44
rokr1I am running natty 64bit02:44
rokr1I would like to know if the new mainline version of kernel 3.0 supports XEN dom0 natively ?02:45
rokr1I hope the .deb packages are generic02:45
rokr1lamot u there ?02:46
rokr1sorry lamont*02:46
rokr1does kernel 3.0-oneiric support XEN dom0 02:50
rokr1Just installed 3.0 about restart please advise02:52
rokr1I am about to restart the machine !02:52
rokr1back after a reboot now on 3.0-oneiric02:56
jk-<jk-> CONFIG_XEN_DOM0=y02:56
jk-^ rokr102:56
rokr1is it enabled by default ?02:56
jk-that's the default config02:56
jk-so yes02:56
rokr1Oh okay02:56
rokr1thanks jk02:57
* jk- has no idea what else is required02:57
rokr1will be back once if I have a question bye for now!02:59
* apw yawns07:22
jk-hey apw07:32
apwjk- heya07:32
* smb crawls in08:01
* apw waves to smb08:01
smbapw, mornin08:01
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cooloneymorning apw and smb 09:43
apwcooloney, moin09:43
smbcooloney, morning09:43
cooloneyapw and smb, did you guys try the onieric for MAC?09:44
cooloneywhich is the same kernel as amd64?09:45
smbcooloney, What makes you think we even got a MAC09:45
cooloneysmb: oh, i found a special ISO for mac on cdimage.ubuntu.com09:45
smbcooloney, For which you would want to use the right hardware, no? ;)09:46
cooloneysmb: you know, i had a macbook pro and maybe test the iso on my mac09:48
apwcooloney, yep you need a special iso cause mac efi is sooooo broken09:49
smbcooloney, You are free to do, but I have not a single piece ow hardware with an apple on it09:49
apwdoes anyone know if it is possible that a machine with wireless is not capable of doing wpa ?09:49
smbapw, Think that is possible09:49
apwis it a hardware feature09:50
cooloneyapw: ming lei or ikepanhc might know that, heh09:50
apwoh dear09:50
smbWith old wireless chipsets...09:50
apwpoor t3009:50
* ikepanhc ah?09:50
smbapw, But I thought wpa_supplicant worked around that to some degree..09:50
cooloneyapw: are you still using t30?09:50
ohsixit depends on the drivers too09:51
apwcooloney, i have one lying about as its tooo crap to run unity, so it defaults to unity-2d09:51
ohsixmac80211 drivers generally can do "anything", barring bizarre hw edge cases09:51
ikepanhcit must be a very old wifi chips, since 802.11i has announced for at least 5y09:52
* smb wonders that a t30 should be able to do wpa... His t21 could...09:52
ikepanhct30 should, I once have a x31, it works fine with wpa, I think they are about the same year09:53
apwikepanhc, hmmm ok ... it has a prism chipset09:54
apwand is only offering me password options for non-wpa levels oddly09:54
ikepanhcapw: which machine?09:54
ikepanhcand with ubuntu?09:54
apwikepanhc, it is a t30 and with natty yes09:56
* ikepanhc checking09:56
apwonly the SO is allowed to have windows, and only then cause screaming and crying didn't persuade them otherwise09:56
apwwell i plugged in some external thing that rtg gave me, and that just selects wpa correctly for my network09:59
apwi suspect the prism can't do it, i guess it might be cause i have selected tkip09:59
smbapw, Yeah, I think prism was "special"...10:00
apwyou mean that it was and is a POS ?10:00
smbapw, My memory may be wrong, but I think it had a special driver (not softmac) which did not do that and probably is not maintained much anymore...10:02
apwyay, fun, joy, BAH10:03
ikepanhcapw: for you reference: http://lists.shmoo.com/pipermail/hostap/2010-April/021329.html seems there are several drivers for Intersil prism 2.5 and not all of them supported wpa10:06
apwikepanhc, thanks, i suspect it is too shite to believe, i will therefore assume it cannot do it10:07
apwanyone owned one of those 10:07
apwnano USB adapters that actually worked ok ?10:07
smbI had one small but its currently on rental and I do not remember what chipset...10:08
smbbut it worked ok10:08
apwyou mean you have loaned it to someone ?10:08
ikepanhcI am glad that I can help10:09
smbapw, Yeah, to my brother in exchange to his seemingly broken (in Linux) one10:09
apwthey always do that, you end up with piles of junk which don't work for you and all the good stuff is gone10:10
smbapw, Though it turned out its only broken in the sense that it lies about connection speed10:10
apwoh so its working fine, just saying 0mb all the time10:10
smbYeah, 1Mbit but exactly10:10
smbStill runs at higher speed but you only can see that deeply hidden in debugfs10:11
smbapw, Though I may fix that when I have nothing else to do... Well clearly that is about to happen ... not soon10:12
apwright two random nano wireless thingies which claim to support linux purchased10:18
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tgardnerapw, I notice Mario has uploaded dkms.12:43
lilsteviejust wondering if security_yama and security_smack are required13:39
ogra_did you guys rework the enforcer parts of the packages ?13:53
ogra_(if so, is there a wikipage or some other doc that lists why something is needed, so we know if we need to patch third party kernels because userspace requires a feature patch)13:54
tgardnerogra_, what config option is bothering you?13:55
ogra_tgardner, well, lilstevie is just rolling a galaxy tab kernel for an ubuntu image and the enforcer wants things like aufs, security_yama and security_smack13:56
ogra_as you can guess he uses the ubuntu package infrastructure13:56
tgardnerwell, we tune these config options for the distro and not necessarily for an embedded system13:57
ogra_its not "embedded"13:58
ogra_its not different to the pandaboard 13:58
ogra_which is rather atom class 13:58
tgardnerogra_, ok, then what is the issue? you want to disable them ?13:58
ogra_and he rolls a normal unity-2d ubuntu desktop image for it 13:58
ogra_tgardner, i wonder if we have documentation anywhere why what is needed so i can go through the enforcer file and drop things for non ubuntu maintained kernels (missing aufs for a non live system wont do harm for example, but people need to know that its only for this)13:59
tgardnerogra_, there is probably a rationale somewhere. ogasawara, do you have this in our config review spec ?14:00
ogra_... if no userspace makes any use of security_yama and security_smack i wouldnt want to patch a 2.6.29 BSP kernel i package for universe to have it (and having to maintain that patch)14:00
ogasawaratgardner, ogra_: nope, I don't recall we've documented the config enforcer in any or our wikis or specs14:01
lilstevieWell I just want to know what are the absolute required patches14:01
ogasawaratgardner, ogra_: I think some of the configs being enforced have a comment in the file itself for why it's there, otherwise one would likely have to parse the git history14:01
ogra_lilstevie, my ac100 works fine without security_yama and security_smack on oneiric 14:01
tgardnerlilstevie, I think anything in the ubuntu directory is optional since its not part of mainline. aufs, yama, etc...14:01
lilstevieyeah I am working fine without yama and smack14:02
lilstevieI am just wondering if there is any reason that I may not be seeing14:02
ogra_ubuntu should generally be able to run with mainline kernels14:03
ogra_the ubuntu patches are usually fo special features (i.e. aufs -> livecd)14:03
tgardnerogra_, apparmor will complain a little, but things will still work14:03
lilstevieand we don't have a live cd on arm do we?14:04
lilstevietgardner: well I have apparmor14:04
ogra_hmm, it doesnt complain here on an up to date oneiric14:04
keesogra_, lilstevie: running without Yama will open a system up to a few classes of security vulnerabilities, so I would recommend keeping it.14:04
lilsteviekees: it isn't available in my kernel14:04
lilsteviethis is why I am wondering14:04
ogra_kees, "keeping" isnt the discussion point ;)14:04
keesogra_: oh, I have misunderstood, then. :)14:05
lilstevieYama and Smack are not available in my kernel14:05
ogra_its an older kernel version (as BSP kernels usually are) that misses such features14:05
ogra_to be packaged in universe for a certain device 14:05
keesnothing in the default ubuntu userspace uses smack, so that's fine.14:06
* ogasawara back in 2014:06
ogra_great :)14:06
keesthere are a few regression tests that will fail if Yama is missing, and while a few things are tuned to work with Yama, they will operate fine without it.14:06
lilstevieok that is good to know14:07
ogra_lilstevie, so i would look how much effort adding yama is :) 14:07
lilsteviekees: is this all there is to yama http://codereview.chromium.org/667706514:10
lilstevieif so that isn't too bad14:10
keeslilstevie: it's small, yeah. the "current" set of patches is as mentioned from that url, in my git tree: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=kees/linux-2.6.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/yama14:15
jmburgessHey kernel team. I have two bugs that I think are ready to be marked as triaged. Can anybody look them over for me? I'm new14:16
jmburgessBug 565543 and 81442614:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 565543 in linux "Alps touchpad detected as ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse(in VAIO E series) after the kernel upgrade" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56554314:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 814426 in linux "Natty Narwhal Crackling Sound" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81442614:17
lilstevieactually smack seems pretty easy to implement too14:17
charlie-tcajmburgess: looking14:19
jmburgessThanks charlie-tca14:19
keeslilstevie: smack should just be a CONFIG_* option, iirc.14:20
charlie-tcajmburgess: Done; very nice work on those14:20
charlie-tcaThanks for helping with those bugs.14:20
lilsteviekees: heh yeah, smack is implemented in kernel, just not refered to in the makefile or Kconfig14:21
lilstevieI just didn't notice before14:21
jmburgesscharlie-tca, :) glad I can help14:23
charlie-tcakernel bugs are difficult to work. It is good to have some help with them14:23
Q-FUNKGreetings!  It seems that I have a serious regression in Oneiric since kernel 3.0 that has forced me to revert to 2.6.38. 15:32
Q-FUNKI'd love to report it, except that 'ubuntu-bug linux-image-3.0.0-7-generic' would obviously attach the wrong boot logs. Any ideas on how to work around that?15:33
apwQ-FUNK, i think it doesn't attach the running ones if you use a binary like that15:57
* smb -> away16:03
* herton -> lunch16:04
Q-FUNKapw: could be.  any other way to get the log from the previous boot, to shot what crashed?16:10
apwnothing in syslog?  and it crashes hard ?16:14
Q-FUNKit freezes half-way thru the boot.   it already started misbehaving during the 2.6.39, but it was fairly random at that time.  mostly odd segfaults whenever running dpkg.  with 3.0, it's nearly systematic.16:16
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara
apwQ-FUNK, and booting without splash vthandoff and adding debug wahts that look like17:15
Q-FUNKapw: I'm probably missing half of your sentence?17:15
apwi am trying to work out what level of kernel loggin is visible when you are booting17:16
apwtherefore i am asking if you have disabled splash etc and turned on debug17:16
apwQ-FUNK, ^^17:20
=== tgardner is now known as tgardner-afk
Q-FUNKapw: if your have cmdline recipe I could input into grub, I'd welcome that.17:32
apwwhen at the boot menu, edit the entry and change the set gfxmenu=$xxx to =text17:32
apwthen drop "splash" and "vt.handoff=N" from the command line and add "debug"17:33
apwthen boot that17:33
cndbjf[afk], sconklin: how is the sru bug tracking page generated?18:03
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
bjfcnd, look in kteam-tools/web the makefile shows all18:04
cndbjf, ok, thanks18:05
Q-FUNKapw: thanks.  where will that drop the log ad how do I grab it when I reboot into my backup kernel to attach to the bug?18:06
dupondjeFor a gps device, a /dev/gpsX should be created or ?18:21
sforsheedupondje, no /dev/gps that I'm aware of. What kind of device is it?18:29
ohsixsforshee: they're usually serial ports, barring devices that don't talk NMEA18:32
sforsheeohsix, depends, a lot of consumer models just have a USB mass storage interface18:33
ohsix(so they're on the serial ports, not gpsX)18:33
ohsixmy only experience is garmin devices where it's a proprietary protocol or nmea18:33
ohsixi presume he actually meant to get gps information, not something like a tomtom situation where you copy maps or whatever to it over usb18:34
sforsheeohsix, that's why it depends on the model :)18:34
=== tgardner-afk is now known as tgardner
dupondjeiInterface             18 Dell Wireless 5540 HSPA Mini-Card GPS Port18:35
ohsixyup, i was more speaking to getting nmea and it showing up as a serial port; he'd probably notice a disk :P18:35
dupondjewould be cool if it worked :P18:36
sforsheedupondje, my first guess would a serial port then, but I don't know anything about that device18:37
dupondjeBus 002 Device 004: ID 413c:8184 Dell Computer Corp. F3607gw v2 Mobile Broadband Module18:37
dupondjeits 3G & (A)GPS in one18:37
dupondjemmm :) serial it seems indeed18:39
dupondjegot 3 of them18:39
sforsheedupondje, from there it depends if it used NMEA or some proprietary protocol18:40
JanCthat's an Ericsson I guess?  ☺18:40
dupondjeany idea how I can find out what one of the 3 it is ?18:41
JanCdupondje: try pointing gpsd to all 3 of them and see which one it gets data from?18:41
ohsixtry "cat" on all of them, one at a time :>18:43
ohsixone of them will probably be the modem baseband, dunno what the third will be18:43
dupondjenone of them gives output :P18:44
sforsheedupondje, you could also try looking at the data from 'udevadm info --export-db' for the ttyUSB devices, see if there are descriptive names associated with them18:44
ohsixthose cards tend to need firmware and special knocks too18:45
JanCnot sure if this has useful info: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/mbm/index.php?title=MBM18:46
dupondjeNetworkManager does see the modem, so thats fine18:46
dupondjeJanC: seems nice18:47
dupondjelets read18:47
dupondjemmm, the tool depends on HAL :(18:54
apwbjf, ok finally remembered to fix those two reports ... should be ok now19:20
bjfapw, it would seem so19:20
apwbjf, i've also moved your update jobs a couple minutes earlier to miss the matrix update19:21
bjfapw, wfm19:21
dupondjeJanC: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Ericsson_F3507g_Mobile_Broadband_Module19:47
dupondjeseems like it can be enabled manually also :D19:47
JanCright, that's at least based on the same Ericsson card, it seems19:48
JanCor a similar one?19:49
JanC3507 vs. 360719:49
dupondjehehe :D19:53
dupondjewaiting for a fix :)19:56
* JanC only has a 12 € "GPS mouse" ☺20:26
JanC(which gets a fix within seconds)20:28
dupondjestill no fix btw20:58
dupondjesad :(20:58
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== kentb is now known as kentb-out
robbiewany known issues with power management in Oneiric?  my x220 is getting sucked dry:22:06
robbiewPower usage (ACPI estimate): 19.8W (2.3 hours)22:06
robbiewTop causes for wakeups:22:06
robbiew33.9% (526.4)   [Rescheduling interrupts] <kernel IPI>22:06
robbiew23.1% (358.6)   SignalSender22:06
Sarvattrobbiew: thats chromium sucking your power dry22:17
robbiewall hell22:17
Sarvattrobbiew: supposedly fixed by 14.0.835.0 according to the bug report22:18
* robbiew is running chrome browser...but I guess it's there too22:19
manjoSarvatt, u genius22:21
* robbiew switches to the unstable package...maybe the fix is there...damn sure ain't in stable22:22
Sarvatt14.0.835 should be dev channel22:23
robbiewyep...fixed in unstable Chrome browser22:25

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