=== medberry is now known as med_out | ||
=== robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew | ||
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
=== negronjl` is now known as negronjl | ||
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan | ||
=== chuck_ is now known as zul | ||
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
* stgraber waves | 15:00 | |
* bdmurray waves | 15:00 | |
mvo | hello | 15:00 |
stgraber | #startmeeting | 15:02 |
MootBot | Meeting started at 10:02. The chair is stgraber. | 15:02 |
MootBot | Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] | 15:02 |
jhunt_ | o/ | 15:02 |
stgraber | [TOPIC] Lightning round | 15:02 |
MootBot | New Topic: Lightning round | 15:02 |
ev | hi | 15:02 |
stgraber | doko: around? | 15:03 |
stgraber | echo $(shuf -e bdmurray ev jhunt_ mvo stgraber) | 15:03 |
doko | yes, but at linaro connect in a meeting | 15:03 |
stgraber | bdmurray ev jhunt_ mvo stgraber | 15:03 |
bdmurray | yeah first! | 15:04 |
doko | my lightning round is just debconf last week, linaro connect this week | 15:04 |
stgraber | doko: ok, thanks! | 15:04 |
bdmurray | bug triage of grub2 regression- bugs that were moved from linux | 15:04 |
bdmurray | update-manager bug triage of bugs with Stacktraces (not python tracebacks) | 15:04 |
bdmurray | bug triage of ubiquity oneiric bug reports and grubinstaller failures | 15:04 |
bdmurray | invalidation of more ubiquity squashfs error bug reports | 15:04 |
bdmurray | cleanup of ubiquity problme with merge lists bug reports | 15:05 |
bdmurray | bug triage of apt-xapian-index, oem-priority bug reports | 15:05 |
bdmurray | adding bug watches to debian bugs while reviewing udd similar titles found via udd querying | 15:05 |
bdmurray | udd query - debian-ubuntu-similar-bug-titles modifications to skip translations bugs | 15:05 |
bdmurray | launchpadlib script package-fixed-find-similar improvements and adding it to ubuntu-qa-tools | 15:05 |
bdmurray | wrote crichton function to tag ubiquity bug reports with the package version and release | 15:05 |
bdmurray | wrote crichton function to find syslogs with tracebacks in them and modify ubiquity bug reports | 15:05 |
bdmurray | branch fixing update-manager's disabling of deb-src entries in /etc/apt/sources.list and a string fix for bug 510581 | 15:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 510581 in calibre (Ubuntu) "calibre don't start, error(<unknown>:4907): CRITICAL **: atk_object_set_name: assertion `name != NULL' failed, segmentation fault" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/510581 | 15:05 |
bdmurray | well that was the wrong number | 15:05 |
bdmurray | -- done -- | 15:05 |
ev | - Split libmap out of indicator-datetime to create libtimezonemap. | 15:05 |
ev | - Added GI bindings to the above and reworked the timezone structures as | 15:05 |
ev | GObjects so that they get exported by GI. | 15:05 |
ev | - cdimage fixes for Wubi. | 15:06 |
ev | - Merged evfool's usb-creator branch for Unity integration. | 15:06 |
ev | - Some integration work on the wireless page for Ubiquity. | 15:06 |
ev | - Fixes around the Wubi first boot code. | 15:06 |
ev | - Added image pruning and an .htaccess to the Wubi disk image builds. | 15:06 |
ev | - Started looking into trimming the fat on Wubi, as it's grown by 0.9 MB: | 15:06 |
ev | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PP8fw2IWgH5oU8ytrXv6Fzsdu5afLrRcDm6-d6u7-T0/edit?hl=en_US | 15:06 |
ev | - Fixes to the PyGI branch of Ubiquity. Will be ready to go after some CSS | 15:06 |
ev | work, untangling the mainloop mess, and libtimezonemap gets into the | 15:06 |
ev | archive. | 15:06 |
ev | TODO: | 15:06 |
ev | - Wubi migration. | 15:06 |
ev | - Cheese MIR. | 15:06 |
jhunt_ | Spent last week with Keybuk and travelling. Lots of juicy Upstart | 15:06 |
jhunt_ | discussions and coding. On holiday Monday. Yesterday + today spent | 15:06 |
jhunt_ | working on Upstart job logging feature (bug 328881). | 15:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 328881 in upstart "init: support logging of job output" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/328881 | 15:06 |
jhunt_ | EOT | 15:06 |
mvo | software-center: work on exhibits functionatlity (paging dots, UI etc), discuss more flexible exhibits API with #isd, branch review/merges, fix webkitgtk window open/close, lots of tests added for the gtk3 code | 15:06 |
mvo | a3: upgrade testing, fix file conffile issue #82023, command-not-found data update, ap-install-data update (not uploaded as the size was quite big) | 15:06 |
mvo | app-install-data: work on improved extraction and reducing the size of the icon data (looks pretty good so far) | 15:06 |
mvo | apt: work on 0.8.16 (ABI break), fixes two crashers in multiarch apt, fix python-apt test-suite failure, invalidate pkgcache if sources.list changes to catch updates in e.g. sources.list line ordering, merge another patch from Jonathan Thomas to speed up the debcache, cleanup in the cdrom method | 15:06 |
mvo | patch pilot! | 15:07 |
mvo | aptdaemon: add reboot-required property | 15:07 |
mvo | update-manager: debug/workaround issue with incomplete grub configs seen in the auto-upgrade-tester because of the transition from update-grub to /etc/kernel/postinst.d, merges, cleanup | 15:07 |
mvo | EOF | 15:07 |
stgraber | oh, already my turn :) | 15:07 |
mvo | *lighting* | 15:07 |
stgraber | - multipath testing last week, started to play with my SAN this week | 15:07 |
mvo | ;) | 15:07 |
stgraber | - implemented the DBUS filtering proxy for arkose: http://www.stgraber.org/2011/08/02/introducing-arkoses-protocol-aware-dbus-filtering-proxy/ (useful if you want to restrict or trace a software using DBUS) | 15:07 |
stgraber | - done some more IPv6 testing and poked NM upstream to get Network Manager RFC compliant | 15:08 |
stgraber | - fixed LTSP to boot on Oneiric again | 15:08 |
stgraber | - patch pilot last Wednesday afternoon | 15:08 |
mvo | eh, lightning even | 15:08 |
stgraber | - worked on fixing Edubuntu and Ubuntu for alpha-3 (still doing so) | 15:08 |
stgraber | - Next week at the LXC hackfest in Austin and the week after that in Vancouver for LinuxconNA | 15:08 |
stgraber | (done) | 15:08 |
mvo | dbus proxy \o/ | 15:09 |
stgraber | yep, I should have it integrated next week during the LXC/container hackfest. My goal is to put nice names on top of all these DBUS interfaces/paths | 15:09 |
stgraber | so ideally gedit should show you: | 15:09 |
stgraber | - Use the Ubuntu Global menu | 15:10 |
stgraber | - Access gedit configuration | 15:10 |
stgraber | just need to work on a set of basic profiles and put names on them | 15:10 |
stgraber | [TOPIC] Oneiric bugs | 15:10 |
MootBot | New Topic: Oneiric bugs | 15:10 |
stgraber | bdmurray: anything? | 15:10 |
bdmurray | yes there have been some showing up with the iso testing | 15:11 |
bdmurray | bug 819106 | 15:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 819106 in msttcorefonts (Ubuntu) "msttcorefonts fails to install because of bad fontconfig interaction" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/819106 | 15:11 |
bdmurray | that actually has a patch in it if someone could review it | 15:11 |
mvo | I can have a look | 15:12 |
bdmurray | mvo: thanks | 15:13 |
bdmurray | stgraber: and bug 820372 looks like something for you | 15:13 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 820372 in ltsp (Ubuntu) "default session set to GNOME and fails. Should be Unity" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/820372 | 15:13 |
stgraber | bdmurray: this one is gnome-session's fault :) | 15:13 |
bdmurray | okay | 15:14 |
stgraber | bdmurray: I'll poke didrocks, I think he was the one who fixed it for Natty | 15:14 |
stgraber | basically LTSP calls /etc/X11/Xsession which is supposed to start the default session | 15:14 |
stgraber | which is currently gnome-session | 15:14 |
stgraber | but starting gnome-session without --session=ubuntu gives you that error message | 15:14 |
bdmurray | sounds good thanks | 15:14 |
stgraber | (and that's obviously wrong) | 15:14 |
bdmurray | thats it so far - still reviewing the iso-testing bugs | 15:15 |
stgraber | thanks | 15:15 |
stgraber | [TOPIC] AOB | 15:15 |
MootBot | New Topic: AOB | 15:15 |
mvo | the code in the patch looks fine, but I really would like to understand whats going on there, before applying it, it smeels a bit like a workaround | 15:15 |
mvo | software-center was on OMGubuntu | 15:16 |
stgraber | again? :) | 15:16 |
bdmurray | mvo: it is the debian bug has more info | 15:16 |
mvo | stgraber: well, two days ago :) | 15:16 |
bdmurray | http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=636173 | 15:16 |
mvo | or so | 15:16 |
MootBot | LINK received: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=636173 | 15:16 |
ubottu | Debian bug 636173 in fontconfig "fontconfig: Don't "clean up" on a new install" [Normal,Open] | 15:16 |
mvo | thanks bdmurray | 15:16 |
* stgraber refreshes his copy of the software-center code | 15:18 | |
mvo | stgraber: check the ./software-center-gtk3 if you want to see the fancy new stuff | 15:18 |
stgraber | mvo: did you port my weblive stuff to the gtk3 version yet? or should I do that? | 15:19 |
mvo | stgraber: that should work, but I did not test it much | 15:19 |
* mvo actually double checks | 15:19 | |
mvo | works for me | 15:20 |
stgraber | ok, it starts but doesn't give you progress information when used with x2go | 15:20 |
stgraber | so seems like the events sent by the backend are lost somewhere. I'll have a look later. | 15:21 |
stgraber | anything else? | 15:21 |
mvo | oh, thats possible | 15:21 |
mvo | the progress I have not checked | 15:21 |
stgraber | when you disconnect, the button also remains greyed out, so it doesn't even get the DISCONNECTED event from the backend | 15:22 |
mvo | I get some lambda error here, maybe that is releated | 15:22 |
stgraber | should be easy enough to fix at least | 15:22 |
mvo | yeah | 15:22 |
stgraber | ok, I guess that's it then | 15:23 |
stgraber | #endmeeting | 15:23 |
MootBot | Meeting finished at 10:23. | 15:23 |
ev | thanks | 15:23 |
stgraber | everyone can get back to fixing whatever they need fixing for alpha-3 :) | 15:23 |
* Ursinha looks around | 17:02 | |
* Ursinha wonders if her calendar is mistaken | 17:04 | |
bdmurray | I thought it was now too | 17:04 |
Ursinha | hggdh: hi :) are we missing something or the QA meeting was supposed to happen around.. now? | 17:05 |
jibel | who is chairing today ? | 17:06 |
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara | ||
Ursinha | jibel: previous logs say "chair auto-selection: jibel" | 17:08 |
Ursinha | :) | 17:08 |
jibel | haha, easy I was not there and I chaired twice previously. | 17:09 |
jibel | anyway, do we have the quorum | 17:09 |
jibel | hggdh, patrickmw pedro_ bdmurray charlie-tca Ursinha around ? | 17:09 |
Ursinha | I suppose :) | 17:10 |
bdmurray | o/ | 17:10 |
Ursinha | o/ | 17:10 |
hggdh | ~o~ | 17:10 |
Ursinha | lol | 17:10 |
* charlie-tca waves | 17:10 | |
pedro_ | \o/ | 17:10 |
jibel | patrickmw, PATRICKMW ! | 17:10 |
patrickmw | jibel: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 | 17:11 |
jibel | heh | 17:11 |
jibel | Lets go | 17:11 |
jibel | #startmeeting | 17:11 |
MootBot | Meeting started at 12:11. The chair is jibel. | 17:11 |
MootBot | Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] | 17:11 |
* hggdh begs pardon, in the middle of a blasted RAID1 test | 17:11 | |
jibel | [TOPIC] Previous Actions (all) | 17:11 |
MootBot | New Topic: Previous Actions (all) | 17:11 |
jibel | any action anyone ? | 17:12 |
hggdh | none here | 17:12 |
jibel | ok thanks hggdh | 17:12 |
charlie-tca | I don't remember any | 17:12 |
jibel | [TOPIC] Community testing | 17:13 |
MootBot | New Topic: Community testing | 17:13 |
jibel | we are currently testing Oneiric alpha3 | 17:13 |
jibel | new images are currently being rebuilt | 17:13 |
jibel | fresh Ubuntu DVDs and desktop images are available but there is a failure with the installer | 17:14 |
jibel | bug 802485 | 17:14 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 802485 in firefox (Ubuntu) "flash player crash problems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/802485 | 17:14 |
jibel | the engineering team is investigating | 17:14 |
jibel | bug 820485 | 17:14 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 820485 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "ubiquity stops installation at 'Configuring target system'" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/820485 | 17:14 |
jibel | hm better | 17:14 |
* charlie-tca nods | 17:14 | |
jibel | so we will need a lot of testing to get the images on time for the release tomorrow. | 17:15 |
jibel | any help is welcome | 17:15 |
jibel | that's all from me | 17:16 |
jibel | any question ? | 17:16 |
hggdh | \o | 17:16 |
jibel | hggdh, what is your question ? | 17:16 |
jibel | or comment | 17:16 |
hggdh | should we expect a respin? | 17:16 |
jibel | hggdh, yes. | 17:17 |
jibel | at least desktop images | 17:17 |
hggdh | generic, or just desktop (specifically, I am worried about the server :-) | 17:17 |
hggdh | oh | 17:17 |
* hggdh is too slow to type | 17:17 | |
hggdh | thank you jibel | 17:18 |
jibel | did you identify something that would require a respin of server images ? | 17:18 |
bdmurray | hggdh: you noob | 17:18 |
hggdh | :-) | 17:18 |
jibel | hggdh, ^ did you see my question or are you still typing ;-) | 17:18 |
bdmurray | lol | 17:18 |
hggdh | jibel: (still typing) | 17:19 |
jibel | :) | 17:19 |
hggdh | jibel: nothing seen so far, going through all tests now | 17:19 |
jibel | oh I forgot. | 17:20 |
jibel | for A3 there is a new candidate available for testing: Lubuntu | 17:20 |
jibel | the lubuntu team will be happy if you can help them testing their images | 17:20 |
jibel | and we removed eucalyptus from the test plan | 17:21 |
jibel | .. | 17:21 |
jibel | [TOPIC] Automated/Systems Testing patrickmw | 17:21 |
MootBot | New Topic: Automated/Systems Testing patrickmw | 17:21 |
patrickmw | hello | 17:22 |
patrickmw | = Kernel SRU = | 17:22 |
patrickmw | * Lucid -updates and -proposed running ltp tests with the correct update workflow and cd images | 17:22 |
patrickmw | = QA Lab = | 17:22 |
patrickmw | * sigh | 17:22 |
patrickmw | * another machine is out of service - albali | 17:22 |
patrickmw | * new new alderbaran is awaiting an RT to be completed in order to finish setup for testing | 17:22 |
patrickmw | * currently we only have 1 server running all tests - Wazn aka Old Faithful | 17:22 |
patrickmw | * Jenkins backup script in progress | 17:22 |
patrickmw | = Public Jenkins = | 17:22 |
patrickmw | * update from IS - should be this week! | 17:22 |
patrickmw | = Status Blog = | 17:22 |
patrickmw | * http://ubuntuqa.wordpress.com/ - note may not be permanent location | 17:22 |
patrickmw | questions? | 17:22 |
patrickmw | .. | 17:22 |
jibel | o/ | 17:23 |
patrickmw | yo | 17:23 |
jibel | not a question but an advertisement | 17:23 |
jibel | the automated framework used by the QA team for kernel and image testing is there https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-server-iso-testing | 17:24 |
jibel | If you're interested in contributing to testing automation you can start here and provide new tests or improve the framework. | 17:25 |
jibel | don't hesitate to ping us on #ubuntu-testing or the qa mailing list if you need help with this. | 17:25 |
jibel | .. | 17:26 |
* hggdh notes that the name -- ubuntu-*server*-iso-testing is misleading: this has *ALL* tests , server or not | 17:26 | |
hggdh | so please help :-) | 17:26 |
jibel | moving on | 17:27 |
jibel | [TOPIC] Engineering Team Bug Status bdmurray pedro_ Ursinha | 17:27 |
MootBot | New Topic: Engineering Team Bug Status bdmurray pedro_ Ursinha | 17:27 |
Ursinha | I've been working in two things: | 17:27 |
Ursinha | - triaging bugs | 17:27 |
Ursinha | - concentrating all ubuntu-server reports in status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/ | 17:28 |
Ursinha | triage report and sru report are being generated every 10/30 minutes | 17:28 |
Ursinha | also, I'm working on graphs to measure how many bugs we file/close per cycle | 17:28 |
Ursinha | can also be found there | 17:29 |
Ursinha | .. | 17:29 |
bdmurray | I've been looking at update-manager bug reports a fair bit and introducing some auto triage | 17:29 |
bdmurray | well to a degree - I'm autotagging bug reports with the version of ubiquity and also the release of Ubuntu that version existed in | 17:30 |
bdmurray | Additionally, I'm currently search log files for Tracebacks in them and tagging those bugs installer-crash and adding the traceback to the bug as a comment | 17:30 |
bdmurray | From there hopefully I can do some duplicate consolidation | 17:31 |
Ursinha | (cool!) | 17:31 |
bdmurray | adding bug watches to debian bugs while reviewing udd similar titles found via udd querying | 17:31 |
bdmurray | udd query - debian-ubuntu-similar-bug-titles modifications to skip translations bugs | 17:31 |
bdmurray | launchpadlib script package-fixed-find-similar improvements and adding it to ubuntu-qa-tools | 17:31 |
bdmurray | branch fixing update-manager's disabling of deb-src entries in /etc/apt/sources.list | 17:31 |
bdmurray | .. | 17:31 |
pedro_ | Hello, besides normal bug triage, I wrote a few apport bug pattterns for g-s-d bug 804896, bug 804472 and bug 804221 zeitgeist bug 807950 metacity bug 797078 gnome-terminal 810681 nautilus bug 804891 and totem bug 816740 and an apport hook for lightdm | 17:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 804896 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Oneiric) "gnome-settings-daemon assert failure: gnome-settings-daemon: ../../src/xcb_io.c:140: dequeue_pending_request: Assertion `req == dpy->xcb->pending_requests' failed." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/804896 | 17:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 804472 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "gnome-settings-daemon assert failure: gnome-settings-daemon: ../../src/xcb_io.c:221: poll_for_event: Assertion `(((long) (event_sequence) - (long) (dpy->request)) <= 0)' failed." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/804472 | 17:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 804221 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "gnome-settings-daemon assert failure: gnome-settings-daemon: ../../src/xcb_io.c:515: _XReply: Assertion `!dpy->xcb->reply_data' failed." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/804221 | 17:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 807950 in zeitgeist (Ubuntu Oneiric) "zeitgeist-daemon crashed with LookupError in remove_from_connection(): <_zeitgeist.engine.remote.RemoteInterface at /org/gnome/zeitgeist/log/activity at 0xb74ee2cc> is not exported at a location matching (None,None)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/807950 | 17:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 797078 in metacity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "metacity crashed with SIGABRT in raise()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/797078 | 17:32 |
bdmurray | hooray for bug patterns! | 17:32 |
pedro_ | (sorry for the flood) | 17:32 |
Ursinha | :) | 17:32 |
pedro_ | and a PS: i won't be around next week for the meeting or most of it since i'll be at the desktop summit | 17:32 |
Ursinha | pedro_: I have a branch to propose merging to the code you pushed to ubuntu-defect-analysts | 17:33 |
pedro_ | Ursinha, cool! lets work on that after the meeting :-) | 17:33 |
pedro_ | .. | 17:34 |
jibel | any question ? | 17:34 |
jibel | [TOPIC] Other topics | 17:35 |
MootBot | New Topic: Other topics | 17:35 |
jibel | any other topic you'd like to discuss today ? | 17:35 |
jibel | [TOPIC] Chair selection | 17:38 |
MootBot | New Topic: Chair selection | 17:38 |
charlie-tca | Well, I am feeling left out. I guess I can volunteer for it | 17:38 |
jibel | $ shuf -e hggdh, patrickmw pedro_ bdmurray charlie-tca Ursinha|head -1 | 17:38 |
jibel | bdmurray | 17:38 |
Ursinha | hahaha | 17:38 |
jibel | bdmurray, you lucky | 17:38 |
hggdh | hey I like that | 17:38 |
pedro_ | lol | 17:39 |
pedro_ | we should do that every week | 17:39 |
jibel | [ACTION] charlie-tca to chair next meeting | 17:39 |
MootBot | ACTION received: charlie-tca to chair next meeting | 17:39 |
jibel | (because he volunteered) | 17:40 |
charlie-tca | I have to remember that shuffle thing, though | 17:40 |
jibel | #endmeeting | 17:41 |
MootBot | Meeting finished at 12:41. | 17:41 |
Ursinha | gotta love irc logs for that :) | 17:41 |
charlie-tca | That's pretty neat | 17:41 |
jibel | thanks all | 17:41 |
pedro_ | jibel, thanks for chairing! | 17:41 |
charlie-tca | Thanks, jibel | 17:41 |
Ursinha | thanks all :) | 17:41 |
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=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk |
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