
hggdhof course, I run it under KVM00:00
SpamapSI do too00:00
SpamapSwould love to figure out how to record what I do, and have it re-played00:00
hggdhthere is a way, with the KVM tester00:01
SpamapSand of course, I don't even get to post my result because its a new build. :-P00:01
hggdhbut it is a pain to set up, and a change on D-I borks it00:01
SpamapSthats ok00:01
SpamapSwould only have to re-do it once when d-i changes right?00:02
SpamapSI *hate* this test00:02
SpamapSHate it.00:02
hggdhcorrect is HATE00:02
SpamapSbut its super important.. as our mdadm quality is still very low. :-P00:02
hggdhit is the most painful of them all00:02
SpamapSso, should I submit my result on the 20110802.1 build page or just be happy that I have a bug to fix?00:03
hggdhif there is no change relating to RAID, I would say go ahead and submit it00:03
SpamapSok, EOD for me.. have fun w/ i386 ;)00:05
slangasekubuntu-server arm image failing to build?00:24
NCommanderslangasek: ugh. something went pear-shaped, probably due to the racing builds (which caused the download-preinstall-filesystems to partially fail)00:29
NCommanderslangasek: once everything dies down, I'll redo the build CD image with the last live filesystem that successfully built00:30
skaetcharlie-tca, xubuntu alternate (20110802.1) amd64 + i386 posted.00:32
skaetNCommander,   am about to call it an evening now,  will leave sorting out the ARM images and Kubuntu rebuilds in your hands.  :)00:57
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NCommanderKubuntu 20110803 amd64/i386/powerpc posted01:49
ScottKskaet: Started on Kubuntu overview: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Alpha3/Kubuntu02:02
ScottKNCommander: I need Kubuntu armel respun since it's out of date for a bunch of stuff.03:24
NCommanderScottK: the entire armel batch of images are semi-fubared, we got a race between the manual builds and the crontba03:24
ScottKNCommander: OK.  No rush then.03:24
NCommanderwhich caused several things to break03:25
NCommanderI'm working on that :-/03:25
ScottKAs long as they are on the list, I'm happy.03:25
NCommanderCompleting the ubuntu and ubuntu-server preinstalls  now from the buildd explosion earlier tonight03:32
NCommanderScottK: kubuntu still needs a rebuild which I'm kicking off now03:32
NCommanderScottK: looks like Kubuntu Mobile built successfully so I'm posting that now03:33
NCommanderScottK: does x86 Kubuntu Mobile also need a respin (its show 080202011)03:34
NCommanderScottK: I think you missed my question above03:53
ScottKI did.03:56
ScottKWhat was the question NCommander?03:56
NCommanderScottK: does x86 Kubuntu Mobile need a respin?03:56
ScottKI see it.03:56
ScottKThere was a QA web page that showed if an image had out of date pacakges.03:59
ScottKNCommander: I'm not sure, but I'd respin it just to be safe it there's no others that need doing.03:59
NCommanderright, its not a big issue since the x86 builders are idle right now03:59
NCommanderso kicked04:00
ScottKBurning my Kubuntu i386 usb stick right now.04:03
NCommanderUbuntu ARM preinstalls are up04:06
stgrabersuperm1: just saw your comment on derivatives. Isn't 15autologin used by any derivative using lightdm? My understanding was that this should write a lightdm.conf with autologin turned on for everyone using lightdm which should at least give you a working live session?05:05
stgraberskaet: I'll have a look through the others tomorrow morning (as well as updating TechnicalOverview on the wiki for Edubuntu, sorry for not doing it yet)05:06
superm1stgraber, the syntax changed in the latest lightdm release05:35
superm1so the syntax it's using to correct derivatives isn't correct05:35
superm1oh and derivatives will already have a lightdm.conf if they are changing anything with lightdm (theme en/dis guest, default session)05:35
mvois a base-files upload appropriate that fixes a conffile prompt or should I rather wait for after a3 with that?09:09
jibelbug 82028410:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 820284 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "Oneiric DVD 20110802.1 i386 failed to install: /usr/lib/ubiquity/target-config/30accessibility: 41: log_end_msg: not found (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82028410:45
jibelonly on i386 DVDs10:45
jibelev, ^10:45
evjibel: I've uploaded casper 1.274 to fix this.11:03
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smoseranyone around who can answer...12:15
smoseris there any reason that I should not go through with testing 20110802.2 AMIs ?12:15
stgrabergood morning12:58
stgrabersuperm1: right, derivatives who already ship /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf will get a login screen (as the sed expressions won't apply either)12:59
stgraberI haven't checked but Edubuntu should be fine as we haven't customized lightdm yet12:59
ScottKKubuntu is still using KDM, so not affected.13:01
charlie-tcaxubuntu will need a desktop respin for bug 82028413:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 820284 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 3 other projects) "Oneiric DVD 20110802.1 i386 failed to install: /usr/lib/ubiquity/target-config/30accessibility: 41: log_end_msg: not found (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82028413:04
skaetgood morning all13:55
stgrabergood morning skaet13:55
* skaet working through the backscroll13:55
skaetstgraber,  any uploads pending on the bugs highlighted before I start off the rebuilds?13:57
stgraberskaet: I'm still syncing my images at the moment so no upload pending on my side at the moment13:58
stgraberlightdm will most likely be broken for mythbuntu/xubuntu. I can have a look at fixing that if that's something we want for alpha-313:58
stgraber(it's going to show a login box for any derivative shipping with a /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf)13:59
skaetsmoser,  not aware of any issues,  most of the churn is on desktop side.13:59
skaetcharlie-tca, looks like you've need a respin for the Xubuntu,  do you want to wait and see if stgraber can fix the lightdm issue?  or should I go ahead and respin and pick up the current fixes?14:00
charlie-tcaSure, we can wait, but my desktop images are un-installable at this time14:01
stgrabercharlie-tca: can you paste the content of your /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf?14:01
charlie-tcain a fresh install?14:02
stgrabercharlie-tca: the one in your live environment14:02
skaetmvo, can you give me the bug number?14:03
superm1stgraber, http://paste.ubuntu.com/657949/ is the one in mythbuntu14:03
* skaet has started off Ubuntu DVD rebuild14:09
stgraberok, I'm tempted to just overwrite the lightdm.conf file in all cases. That should be good enough for alpha-3 and as lightdm isn't actually visible to the user, it's not really important what theme it'd be using14:09
stgrabersuperm1, charlie-tca: makes sense?14:09
superm1stgraber, hm probably does make sense i guess14:11
charlie-tcaI just found it, deep in /usr/share/xubuntu14:11
charlie-tcaThat will re-enable guest logins, though?14:11
superm1well only if someone logs out from the live session14:11
stgrabernope, my config disables guest login14:12
charlie-tcaworks for me, then. The only change I see is disabling guest login14:12
stgraberas it's done with casper, that's just going to affect your live environment. Post-install you'll be back to using whatever your usual lightdm.conf is14:12
charlie-tcaXubuntu lightdm.conf is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/657955/14:14
superm1there is still a ubiquity bug with when it tries to modify lightdm.conf too for autologin still14:15
superm1so that will still be busted14:15
stgrabersuperm1: what happens in that case? Just no autologin post-install or something worse?14:15
superm1no autlogin post install yeah14:16
stgraberskaet: new casper uploaded14:16
mvoskaet: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/base-files/+bug/820233 is the bug14:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 820233 in base-files (Ubuntu) "conffile prompt during natty -> oneiric upgrade (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [High,In progress]14:17
skaetstgraber,  thanks14:17
superm1stgraber, and actually the bug is user-setup for installer.  it's doing the same thing casper used to.14:18
skaetmvo, since the fix is ready,  go ahead and upload.  we'll pick it up on the same respin as stgraber's latest upload14:19
stgrabersuperm1: ok, except that the same trick won't work for user-setup as we probably want to keep the lightdm.conf they ship14:20
stgrabersuperm1: I guess the fix will be to create lightdm.conf if it doesn't exist, make sure whoever ships a lightdm.conf has the autologin value in there but commented and then modify user-setup to sed these14:21
superm1stgraber, yeah.  so somehow or another all the smarts has to get written in sh.14:21
superm1that's a good enough solution i think14:21
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skaetScottK,  are we looking like we'll need any Kubuntu respins today, or are your images looking good?14:37
ScottKskaet: I don't know of any Kubuntu specific issues that would drive respins.  If Ubuntu is respinning for 820284 then perhaps we need to too.14:38
ScottKI'd like to pick up mvo's conffile fix too.  I know that affects Kubuntu because I hit it myself.14:39
mvook, sorry for the delay, I can upload it now14:41
skaetmvo,  let meknow the package version for it, so I can monitor and kick things off as soon as it publishes.14:56
mvosubject: [ubuntu/oneiric] base-files 6.4ubuntu4 (Accepted)14:57
skaetok, looks like casper and base-files are published now,   will start the respinning:  ubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-dvd, xubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-dvd, kubuntu-dvd15:35
skaetstgraber, superm1, charlie-tca, ScottK, ^^ have I missed any that need a rebuild?15:35
charlie-tcanot here15:35
charlie-tcawell, not any missed here15:36
charlie-tcamythbuntu working?15:36
skaetmythbuntu desktop is affected by one of the casper fixes, so yes it should probably be added to the list.   superm1 - are all the necessary pieces in place to do a respin of mythbuntu?15:38
skaetNCommander,  builds started off,  in this order:15:49
skaetecho building ubuntu daily-live; buildlive ubuntu daily-live && for-project ubuntu cron.daily-live; echo building edubuntu dvd; buildlive edubuntu-dvd dvd && for-project edubuntu cron.dvd; echo building xubuntu daily-live; buildlive xubuntu daily-live && for-project xubuntu cron.daily-live; echo buiding kubuntu daily-live; buildlive kubuntu daily-live && for-project kubuntu cron.daily-live; echo building ubuntu dvd15:49
skaet; buildlive ubuntu-dvd dvd && for-project ubuntu cron.dvd; echo building kubuntu dvd; buildlive kubuntu-dvd dvd && for-project kubuntu cron.dvd15:49
skaetsuperm1,  ^^ let me know if mythbuntu is ready to be added to the respin list?15:56
superm1nothing left to add for mythbuntu respin15:57
superm1wasn't planning to fix anything else15:57
skaetsuperm1,  ok  I'll queue it up and mark that its being respun.15:59
charlie-tcaskaet: Xubuntu encrypted LVM fails. It won't accept any password as correct to let me login to the computer16:10
charlie-tcaand it can be release noted.16:11
skaetcharlie-tca, thanks.16:12
jibelskaet, slangasek , stgraber charlie-tca : DVD 20110803 i386 fails to install. 820284 is fixed but ubiquity stops at "configuring target system"16:36
jibelI'll replay the installation in debug mode and file a bug with the logs16:36
stgraberjibel: ok. I'll go grab some lunch and can look at that when I'm back if nobody else does it first (ev? :))16:37
charlie-tcaThanks, jibel16:39
skaetthanks jibel, stgraber16:40
skaetubuntu desktop (20110803) has been posted16:43
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skaetgilir,  do you want a respin to pick up the bug fixes that have gone in last night and this morning or are you good to release with the images you have?17:12
jibelbug 82048517:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 820485 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "ubiquity stops installation at 'Configuring target system' (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82048517:12
skaetev, stgraber,  ^^ could one of you look into this?17:13
gilirskaet, no it's good for me, unless security fixes of last upload of chromium are really needed in the alpha17:14
skaetgilir,  should be fine then.   alphas are work in progress, and security fixes can be picked up on updates.  :)17:15
micahggilir: it's the standard type of exploits, and there will be another round in 2 weeks, so I don't think it's worth respinning for17:15
gilirmicahg, skaet ok thanks :)17:17
charlie-tcasuperm1: I finally found where the missing icons come into things. If Xubuntu is installed, and the first xubuntu session is picked at login, the icons are missing and network manager icon doesn't give the connections.17:45
charlie-tcaIf the second Xubuntu session is selected, everything works as expected17:46
superm1charlie-tca, hm that still doesn't seem to make sense.17:47
charlie-tcaIt's because if the first Xubuntu session is picked, it uses Xfce defaults instead of Xubuntu. If the second session is picked, it defualts properly17:47
charlie-tcatechnical part:17:47
charlie-tcaXDG_CONFIG_DIRS end up containing /etc/xdg/xdg-default/ instead of /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu17:48
charlie-tcaand can not be reset, even if the other session is picked on next login17:48
superm1by that logic, it shouldn't happen on mythbuntu though because we don't have the 'default' session option though.17:50
superm1eg no symlink /usr/share/xsessions to default.desktop17:50
jibelskaet, stgraber , desktop images 20110803 fails with the same error then DVD, 20110802.1 were ok.17:51
skaetjibel,  thanks for letting us know.17:53
charlie-tcasuperm1: That's the only time xubuntu has those missing icons and missing info in network manager17:53
superm1does nm-applet actually care about XDG_CONFIG_DIRS?17:54
superm1grep'ing the source I don't see references to it17:54
charlie-tcaI don't know. I just know if they pick the right session for us, they get all the icons and info17:54
seb128superm1, not sure but glib,gtk do care17:54
seb128superm1, it might be using glib functions which care17:55
stgraberskaet: I'll have a look18:06
stgraberjibel: what's the hostname of the box running the iso tracker again?18:07
skaetThanks stgraber.18:07
stgraberjibel: also, your log shows the last action was running ma-apply (migration assistant). Do you also have Windows in that VM?18:08
ScottKskaet: Any idea how long until we'll see Kubuntu live images?18:09
jibelstgraber, limequat18:10
jibelstgraber, and there was no Windows in that VM and I choose to install on the whole disk18:11
skaetstgraber,  the edubuntu dvd is off the builders,  is it worth posting?18:17
skaetScottK,  Xubuntu's building and Kubuntu live is right after.    See posted list above ^^18:18
ScottKWhat's that in time?  roughly?18:19
stgraberskaet: if ubiquity is broken somehow, probably not18:21
highvoltagestgraber: can you jog my memory about wubi? is there anything we need to do to have it on the dvd?18:27
stgraberhighvoltage: I need some artwork done and then have a branch merged by ev (currently just on my laptop)18:27
stgraberhighvoltage: I can send you the specs for the 2-3 images we need18:28
stgraberhighvoltage: lp:~edubuntu-dev/wubi/edubuntu-support what we need is the various images in data/images/Edubuntu*18:30
highvoltagestgraber: ok, will do that tomorrow18:35
highvoltagestgraber: ah I see it's just simple logos, I'll do it now18:38
stgraberjibel: running the same install here, hopefully I'll find something18:38
stgraberhighvoltage: yep, the .ico is probably the same as our favicon, the two others need a bit more work but still quite easy to do I guess18:38
stgraberjibel: ok, stuck at the same point. Now trying to figure out what's wrong18:42
NCommanderskaet: thats a heck of a lot of builds18:45
skaetNCommander, yeah and we'll be rebuilding them likely, based on what stgraber finds out.18:46
stgraberjibel: can you do a quick test for me?18:46
stgraberjibel: remove /usr/lib/ubiquity/target-config/50gkd-caps before running ubiquity and see if that "fixes" it18:47
NCommanderskaet: sounds like its going to be another long day of rebuilds18:47
skaetNCommander,  server images and lubuntu are pretty much set at this time.   waiting to hear back on ARM,  alternates seem ok.  but desktops and dvd have picked up a snag.18:47
NCommanderwhich snag?18:48
stgraberskaet: I'm 90% sure gnome-keyring is the problem. It got uploaded yesterday and introduces a new ubiquity target-config plugin doing a setcap call in the target.18:49
stgraberskaet: removing it seems to make ubiquity work again though gnome-keyring will most likely be broken post-install. I'll poke cyphermox to try and get a fix for that script18:49
NCommanderthat snag18:49
NCommanderI saw it in the bug list :-/18:50
skaetstgraber, ok, please go ahead and revert it.18:50
skaetwe can release document it.18:50
stgrabercyphermox: ping?18:50
highvoltagestgraber: added it, not sure how it will look in wubi, but I'll try it out at some point18:51
stgraberhighvoltage: I can send you a wubi.exe if you have a machine to test it on18:51
highvoltagestgraber: I'll see the artwork if I run it under wine right?18:51
stgraberguess so18:51
highvoltageyes please send it, lets see what it does18:52
utlemmingjamespage: ping18:56
GrueMasterskaet: No critical issues on the arm desktop images that would require a respin.18:57
stgraberhighvoltage: http://www.stgraber.org/download/wubi.exe18:58
* skaet hugs GrueMaster 18:58
skaetGrueMaster, thanks, that's good news.  :)18:58
GrueMasterWell, not to say there aren't issues.  Just nothing preventing release.  :P18:59
highvoltagestgraber: that seems to be an ubuntu one (I just get the ubuntu branding)18:59
skaetheh,  caveats appreciated.  :)18:59
highvoltagestgraber: (ah sorry I had to choose edubuntu first)18:59
skaetcharlie-tca,   do you want me to post the xubuntu as it comes off the builders or is it likely affected by gnome-keyring?19:00
charlie-tcano point in posting it. If Ubuntu won't install...19:00
* skaet nods19:01
charlie-tcagonna be a long day today19:01
skaetcharlie-tca, are the xubuntu alternates in reasonable shape?19:03
charlie-tcawell, as long as no one uses encrtyption19:03
charlie-tcaIf the only thing that fails is encrypting the drive, I will go with it19:04
stgraberskaet: just talked to cyphermox on the phone. I'll try a potential fix quickly, if that doesn't work I'll revert the code in gnome-keyring and upload it19:06
skaetstgraber, thanks!19:07
NCommander /win 3819:12
GrueMasterAm I wrong to assume that the pool is frozen during release?  I am having issues reporting bugs because of obsolete packages on images built this morning.19:12
GrueMasterNCommander: Everyone knows that the correct answer is 42 for the /win.  :P19:13
* NCommander stabs GrueMaster 19:13
NCommanderGrueMaster: its soft freeze, so only seeded packages are frozen, and even then its only at teh point where its a gentlemans agreement keeping everything in place19:14
skaetGrueMaster, its a soft freeze for main and seeded universe.19:14
skaetheh,  what Ncommander said.19:14
cyphermoxstgraber: any idea why setcap would hang like this ?19:22
cyphermoxit certainly didn't when I tested the script in a live session19:23
stgrabercyphermox: I'm finishing the test when directly using chroot. It looks good, I'll just need to run a getcap to make sure it worked.19:23
stgrabercyphermox: my guess is that in-target does some weird stuff with stdin/stdout, debconf or similar stuff that setcap doesn't like or that ends up locking the install process somehow19:24
* cyphermox stabs in-target19:25
stgraberskaet, cyphermox: Replacing by a simple call to chroot worked fine. getcap confirms that cap_ipc_lock+ep is set19:25
stgraberI'll upload a new gnome-keyring in a few minutes19:25
skaetstgraber,  thanks.   Let me know what version to look for from the publisher.19:28
stgrabercyphermox: is there a separate packaging branch for gnome-keyring or are you using the UDD one for that package?19:30
stgraberskaet: Uploading gnome-keyring_3.1.1-0ubuntu4_source.changes: done.19:31
skaetstgraber thanks!19:31
cyphermoxstgraber: lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-keyring/ubuntu; but it contains some 3.1.4 stuff19:31
stgrabercyphermox: can I let you merge what I pushed to the UDD branch into the ~ubuntu-desktop branch?19:32
stgraberjibel: btw, ubuntu desktop i386 with the new gnome-keyring package installs and boots fine here!19:32
stgrabernow to finally try Edubuntu and update the TechnicalOverview19:33
cyphermoxstgraber: sure.19:33
stgrabercyphermox: thanks19:34
charlie-tcaI have held off on updating until I know I will have something19:34
skaetcharlie-tca, is there an issue with the xubuntu alternates as well?19:37
charlie-tcaI am keeping them19:37
charlie-tcaI won't have an encrypted install working19:37
jibelstgraber, sorry dinner time. I'm back.19:56
skaetjibel,  we're waiting for the gnome-keyring fix to build and publish,  then will be kicking off the desktop and DVD builds again.19:58
stgraberjibel: if you want to do some testing while waiting for the new builds, just updating gnome-keyring in the livefs should work fine19:58
jibelskaet, I was reading the backlog. Thanks for the summary :)19:58
ScottKLooks like the new Kubuntu images are up.20:00
skaetScottK, 20110803.1 Kubuntu Desktop published to iso tracker.20:00
skaetScottK, if they look sane,  I'll respin the Kubuntu DVD's while we're waiting for the gnome-keyring fix to get published.20:01
jibelstgraber, ok trying that now.20:01
jibelstgraber, do I need another test with  50gkd-caps disabled too, I assume that's needless now20:02
GrueMasterskaet: I hear there is a respin in the works?20:03
stgraberjibel: nah, updating gnome-keyring will give you a fixed 50gkd-caps20:03
skaetGrueMaster,  for images with the bad gnome-keyring update in them.20:04
skaetGrueMaster, wasn't planning on respinning ARM images unless you indicate it was necessary.20:04
GrueMasterWhat is the issue?  And does it affect arm?20:04
GrueMasterOk, thanks.20:05
GrueMasterThat was what I was wondering.20:05
GrueMasterMake sure everyone knows not to respin armel.  All the testing is extremely manual and time consuming at this point, so if I don't benefit from a respin, I don't want it.20:06
GrueMasterCloser to final release would be understandable to ensure everything is in sync.20:06
* skaet nods20:09
skaetNCommander, ^^ ,  FYI.  :)20:09
* ScottK reads "Make sure ... respin ... armel." Got it.20:10
ScottKskaet: "Sane" requires an install, right?20:13
* ScottK is starting one.20:13
skaetScottK,  yup.   or a check that you don't have gnome-keyring_3.1.1-0ubuntu3 in your manifest.20:14
ScottKThat should be pretty easy20:15
skaetjibel, stgraber, NCommander,  gnome-keyring_3.1.1.-0ubuntu4 has published,  have kicked off Ubuntu desktop rebuild.20:16
ScottKThat's not it, right?20:16
skaetScottK,  doesn't look like it to me,  but cyphermox is the expert.20:17
ScottKskaet: Assuming that doesn't worry you, I think we're good.20:17
cyphermoxScottK: I don't think you should have 3.1.4-0ubuntu1 yet :/20:18
ScottKskaet: If you've got a slot open now, I'd go ahead and do the DVD respin then.20:18
skaetNCommander and I will be standing by.   Will kick off the Kubuntu DVDs when the next slot occurs.20:18
skaetUbuntu Desktop building now.20:18
cyphermoxnevermind, that's fine20:18
skaetWould like to confirm its sane, before starting off Edubuntu and Xubuntu.20:19
ScottKThat's what is says in http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/oneiric-desktop-i386.manifest20:19
stgraberskaet: I'm doing a quick test of Edubuntu by manually updating the current image20:19
skaetstgraber,  that would be appreciated. :)20:20
cyphermoxScottK: that looks fine20:20
jibelstgraber, ubuntu desktop amd64 installs and boots with gnome-keyring 3.1.1-0ubuntu420:23
ScottKWas there an issue earlier with hanging at the "Detecting file systems ... 100%" point?20:32
charlie-tcaConfiguring target system... was20:34
charlie-tcaI don't remember one at Detecting file systems...20:35
ScottKI think I got one.20:36
ScottKOh, no.  Just really slow20:36
NCommanderright no ARM respins20:57
stgraberskaet: just finished a first edit of TechnicalOverview of edubuntu. I'll re-update once I actually tested it :)21:02
skaetstgraber,  thanks!   (and fair enough ;) )21:02
ScottKskaet: I got a good install from the current Kubuntu Desktop image, so I think we're on track.21:18
skaetScottK,  excellent.   NCommander has started off the Kubuntu DVD builds.   Ubuntu desktop is about to be published...21:19
skaetjibel, stgraber, NCommander, Ubuntu Desktop 20110803.1 posted21:27
NCommanderDVD builds almost done21:41
skaetNCommander Kubuntu DVD builds almost done,  Ubuntu and Edubuntu still pending.  yes?21:46
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
NCommanderxubuntu kicked21:57
evskaet: here now.  Apols, was out all evening.22:03
evWhere can I be of help?22:03
skaetev,  thanks for checking in!  stgraber sorted issue.22:04
GrueMasterNot sure how I missed it, distraction from multitasking probably.  Netinstall fails on omap (beagleXM). Bug 820621. Can be worked around, but very annoying.22:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 820621 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "netinstall fails to make omap system bootable during install (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82062122:05
skaetGrueMaster, my preference is that since there's a workaround to document it for now.  But would like NCommander's opinion (since he'll be the one staying up late spinning image ;) )22:08
* NCommander looks at the bug22:09
GrueMasterNot an image to respin per-say.22:09
NCommanderlooks like f-k-i is wrong22:09
skaetScottK,  NCommander,   Kubuntu DVD 20110803.1 posted.22:11
NCommanderGrueMaster: grumble, its a f-k-i bug, boot.script doesn't get created22:12
GrueMasterso...fix it.  :P22:12
NCommanderGrueMaster: I'm sorely tempted to let it slide for A3 with a note saying OMAP3 netboot images are broken22:13
NCommanderuploading f-k this close to release is probably a bad idea22:14
ScottKNCommander: GrueMaster was saying earlier he was anxious to retest all the armel images.22:14
GrueMasterI actually have no problem with that.  It isn't too difficult to manually fix, and this is still alpha.22:14
ScottKGrueMaster: Did you get a chance to look at the Kubuntu images?  It would be really appreciated if you could.22:15
* GrueMaster fires flaming toads at ScottK22:15
* ScottK has toad for dinner.22:15
NCommanderScottK: well it won't directly require a respin; to update f-k in preinstalls would require an ubiquity bug, but f-k-i is only part of netinstalls22:15
ScottKHmmm crunchy.22:15
GrueMastersigh.  No, but I can.22:15
ScottKGrueMaster: Thanks.22:15
NCommanderskaet: I'm going to let this slide for A3, and release note it22:16
ScottKNCommander: I think for an Alpha it's perfectly fine to release not.22:16
skaetNCommander,  fair enough.22:16
NCommanderbug information updated22:16
NCommanderthus noted22:17
ScottKOur new package manager for Kubuntu defaults to allowing untrusted packages to be installed.  Ugh.22:19
ScottKskaet: If we end up respinning Kubuntu for any reason, I definitely want to fix Bug #82063822:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 820638 in muon (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "Muon defaults insecure (affects: 1) (heat: 258)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82063822:24
ScottKThe fix is a one liner, so it's just a matter of if there's a target.22:25
skaetScottK,  ah that answers the question I was about to ask.22:30
skaetScottK,  if you want it in,  after the rest of the desktop/DVDs are in,  we can do the builds.   Will you have enough testers available to check out the images in that window before release?22:30
ScottKIt's the testers that are the problem.22:32
ScottKWe just don't have that many.  Otherwise I'd respin without hesitation.22:33
* GrueMaster resembles that remark.22:33
GrueMasterOk.  "lack of" testers is the problem.  :P22:34
skaetScottK,  your call.   We can probably have images ready before tomorrow morning Europe.  Unfortunately Ubuntu desktop & DVD will be in test mode as well then.22:34
ScottKLet's leave it.22:34
ScottKGrueMaster: Yes, lack of, sorry.22:35
skaetScottK,  ok.22:35
skaetstgraber, Edubuntu DVD 20110803.1 now posted23:25

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