
skaetEdubuntu DVD 20110802.1 posted00:20
skaetXubuntu alternate 20110802.1 posted (i386, amd64)00:34
NCommanderskaet: 20110802.1?,00:46
NCommanderXubuntu desktop 20110803 posted (i386, amd64)00:47
NCommandercharlie-tca: poke meif you need any more respins, I'll be on most of the evening00:53
charlie-tcaOkay, will do. Thanks00:53
skaetNCommander,  yeah it finished 6 minutes before midnight UTC00:54
NCommanderskaet: ah, k00:54
charlie-tcaI would hope not to respin again.00:54
* GrueMaster calls it a night, armel-desktop images or not.01:35
GrueMasterGotta have something to do tomorrow.  :P01:35
charlie-tcastarting mine now, will run one test per image tonight, to make sure they work01:35
NCommanderKubuntu images are up01:53
NCommander(DVD images are still building)01:53
charlie-tcaNCommander: I have a fail to build log on that last alternate run. Is it a mistake? I seem to have both images.02:04
NCommandercharlie-tca: I killed it cause I ran it by accident02:04
NCommanderwhich generated a failure02:04
charlie-tcahm, maybe I am too tired. Xubuntu alternate 64bit encrypted install fails to restart the monitor02:41
charlie-tcaduring the boot, the monitor shuts down and doesn't come back.02:41
charlie-tcaprobably hardware messing me up again02:42
NCommanderkubuntu dvd posted02:49
NCommanderCompleting the ubuntu and ubuntu-server preinstalls now from the buildd explosion earlier tonight03:32
NCommanderUbuntu ARM preinstalls are up04:06
mvogood morning! has anyone else seen a conffile prompt during the upgrade form natty to oneiric? in base-files for /etc/update-motd.d/00-header ?07:59
jibelmvo, good morning, I did.08:04
mvogreat, thanks jibel, I will file a bug and look into it then08:05
xdatap1jibel, morning08:12
charlie-tcaboth Xubuntu desktop images fail to work12:58
charlie-tcaInstall gets stuck at "Configuring target system... "  on both hardware and VBox12:59
jibelcharlie-tca, good morning13:01
jibelcharlie-tca, probably bug 82028413:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 820284 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 3 other projects) "Oneiric DVD 20110802.1 i386 failed to install: /usr/lib/ubiquity/target-config/30accessibility: 41: log_end_msg: not found (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82028413:01
charlie-tcaum, not so good, but good morning13:01
charlie-tcaso, got to respin?13:03
hggdhgood morning charlie-tca and jibel13:03
charlie-tcagood morning, hggdh13:03
jibelcharlie-tca, yeah, we need the automatic live session login fix in.13:05
jibelgood morning hggdh13:05
charlie-tcajibel: we have one?13:05
jibelstgraber uploaded a fix yesterday. that will fix the problem for derivatives that doesn't ship lighdm.conf13:06
charlie-tcaWouldn't that have made my spins last night, since I was last13:08
charlie-tcamaybe not, I don't have autologin for live sessions13:08
fader_charlie-tca: Sorry, are you saying that xubuntu did not get the fix for bug 820284 in the current spins?13:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 820284 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 3 other projects) "Oneiric DVD 20110802.1 i386 failed to install: /usr/lib/ubiquity/target-config/30accessibility: 41: log_end_msg: not found (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82028413:12
fader_I think I'm seeing the same thing on amd64, though I get one more message in the log past the noted one13:12
charlie-tcaI tried in vbox a couple of minutes ago, and it is still stuck. That bug was fixed about 1 hour ago, and my images are from last night13:13
charlie-tcafader_: since those are images from 12 hours ago, I don't think the fix is in them.13:14
fader_charlie-tca: Ack, thanks.  I'll not try again then as I'm seeing the same thing in the xubuntu desktop amd64 image13:15
charlie-tcaWell, that's three of us then13:15
charlie-tcaI have another tester that tried the i386 image and did not put it on the tracker13:16
fader_Out of curiosity, are you seeing anything like bug 820361?13:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 820361 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) ""Install Now" accelerator placed before any letters (dup-of: 811642)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82036113:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 811642 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) ""_Install Now" text shown (affects: 4) (dups: 2) (heat: 24)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81164213:16
fader_Ah, heh13:16
fader_Okay, it got duped, so I guess other people saw it13:16
* fader_ fails at searching launchpad.13:16
charlie-tcaTBH, I haven't looked that close. I am more concerned about just getting things to install13:17
charlie-tcaThese are the first images I have gotten with a live session that works.13:18
fader_Well, that's progress at least :)13:18
jibelfader_, you're seeing 820284 on ubuntu desktop amd64 or xubuntu ?13:19
fader_jibel: xubuntu desktop amd6413:23
charlie-tcame is not going crazy afterall.13:25
fader_Well, let's not be hasty13:25
jibelfader_, ok thanks, strangely I don't get it on Ubuntu Desktop only DVD i386 but that should affect all desktop images.13:26
davmor2charlie-tca: promise fader_ pie and he'll do all your testing after fixing all the issues ;)13:27
fader_jibel: Based on the bug and what charlie-tca said, it looks like it got fixed after the xubuntu images were built13:27
fader_Not sure when the other desktop images were built though13:28
fader_davmor2: WHERE IS PIE13:28
davmor2fader_: In my tummy mmmmmm pie13:28
jibelfader_, desktop images were built before the fix.13:28
fader_jibel: I have not tried non-xubuntu images yet; would it be useful for me to try an ubuntu desktop image on this hardware?13:29
charlie-tcahm, Ubuntu dvd and Xubuntu were run after the caspar fix last night. Ubuntu desktop was run before it13:29
charlie-tcajibel: I am still getting fails when running encrypted lvm install with two drives on real hardware13:30
jibelfader_, no, other testers have installed ubuntu desktop successfully. thanks for your help.13:30
charlie-tcaI blamed the hardware again last night. I will have to try it today13:31
arajibel, did you guys have now automated daily testing reports somewhere?15:16
jbichahi, I had some problems with oneiric checkbox and it wasn't clear which IRC channel I should use to15:42
jbichareport them15:42
jbichaI tried to submit my results using checkbox's built-in submission tool: http://fpaste.org/C4WL/15:43
jbichaand when I tried from the command line (not sure what command to use), I got http://fpaste.org/G7ZG/15:43
charlie-tcaEncrypted LVM fails in Xubuntu; system will not accept a password to allow login15:55
charlie-tcaboth i386 and amd64 images15:55
skaetall, new set of desktop and dvd builds has been started to pick up latest bug fixes.  Will let you know as they come off the builder.16:01
PaoloRotolohi all16:03
charlie-tcabug 820460 needs to be in the release notes16:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 820460 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Encrypted LVM install will not allow login in Xubuntu Alpha3 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82046016:08
skaetubuntu desktop (20110803) has been posted.16:43
skaetjibel, ^16:43
ScottKfader_: I appreciate you working on testing Kubuntu.  Once they are done respinning, I'd really appreciate it if you could look at the live CD tests since that's our primary focus this cycle.17:29
fader_ScottK: I'll give it a shot if I have some time... unfortunately I'll be in meetings for much of the afternoon but I should be able to pick off at least one live test17:32
ScottKfader_: Thanks.  At the rate we're going we're not going to run out of needing help anytime soon.17:32
fader_ScottK: :)  No problem17:32
ScottKISO testing is one of the places we really miss Riddell this cycle.  He usually did most of it.17:33
ScottKThe same is true for anyone else too (would love some help), of course.17:33
charlie-tcaAny installs using encrypted /home and Xubuntu alternate images will fail to allow login.17:37
charlie-tcaAnyone testing Xubuntu images, please select the second Xubuntu session17:37
cr3jbicha: hi there, I'm all yours about checkbox. what's up?17:56
jbichaok, I'm having trouble submitting my test results using checkbox's built-in submission tool I got http://fpaste.org/C4WL/17:58
jbichaand when I tried from the command line (not sure what command to use), I got http://fpaste.org/G7ZG/17:58
cr3jbicha: do you still have the file ~/.cache/checkbox/checkbox.log on your system?18:03
jbichacr3: yes18:04
cr3jbicha: awesome, can you either pastebin it or email it to me?18:05
jbichait's 18MB!18:05
cr3jbicha: bzip2 will probably make it more sane18:05
charlie-tcawell, try again. power blinked with 4 tests running on hardware18:07
jbichaoh, yeah, much smaller, email sent18:08
* yofel does some kubuntu alternate i386 testing18:09
cr3jbicha: interesting! 'udevadm: not found'18:15
cr3jbicha: can you try running udevadm to confirm whether it's installed on your system or not?18:16
jbichaudev, who needs it? lol, let me see18:16
jbichahmm, I don't have that18:16
cr3jbicha: odd, is there anything about your installation I should know about?18:16
jbichabut I have udev 172.0ubuntu5 installed & python-pyudev 0.11-118:17
jbichaah, it's /sbin/udevadm18:18
cr3jbicha: hm, that would explain it!18:18
jbichadid checkbox use sudo when it tried to run it?18:18
cr3jbicha: nope, it should've run it as you18:19
cr3should /sbin be in the default PATH on Ubuntu?18:20
cr3if not, should checkbox extend the PATH with /sbin and probably /usr/sbin too?18:20
jbichano, as far as I know /sbin is in the default for root only and I think that's a good thing18:22
jbichajust call it as sudo or use the full path18:23
cr3jbicha: I'd be more inclined to do PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin in the checkbox environment for all its subprocesses18:24
cr3I try to avoid running this as root unless absolutely necessary18:25
jbichaI agree, using the full path is better than needlessly using root access18:26
jbichaI had several of the tests claim to fail but they actually worked18:27
cr3jbicha: do you happen to have a bug open for this? if not, I'll create one, link a branch and all that18:27
jbichano, the testing took so long (that 30-suspend cycle one is intense) that I didn't have a chance to properly write up18:27
jbichathe issues I saw18:27
jbichaalso, the bundled bug-reporting didn't work18:28
cr3jbicha: no worries, I'm on it and I'll subscribe you. one minute...18:28
cr3jbicha: done, now for the second pastebin18:34
cr3jbicha: it might take a little while to test the problem with results2launchpad, I need to dist-upgrade and setup my oneiric kvm instance18:39
jbichabut do I even have the right syntax when I tried running the command?18:40
jbichathe Amazon page says <PROJECT NAME> <SUBMISSION FILE> and there's no indication of what in the world those are supposed to be18:41
cr3jbicha: yep, that looks right, I suspect maybe launchpad lib changed in oneiric or I did something wrong18:44
jbichacr3: good because I just guessed, can that description be improved, or at least documentation somewhere about how to18:44
jbichasubmit test results18:44
cr3jbicha: that description is the second attempt to be clear, I'm open to suggestions :)18:47
jbichait should say "ubuntu ~/.cache/checkbox/submission.xml" be specific18:49
jbichait was a very lucky guess that I figured out what the project name and submission file were18:49
cr3jbicha: good suggestion, thanks!18:50
jbichaI want the Ubuntu Friendly testtool to be something anyone can do easily18:51
jbichathe more automated the better18:51
cr3jbicha: at this point, the tool is checkbox which submits to launchpad which is then polled periodically to get the information into the tracker which will be displayed in the ubuntu friendly presentation layer18:52
cr3in other words: checkbox -> launchpad -> results tracker -> ubuntu friendly18:52
cr3it might seem complicated but users should only see the edges: checkbox and ubuntu friendly18:53
jbicharight, the manual submission is obviously just a workaround18:54
cr3jbicha: right, it's temporary for starting to play with the results tracker. eventually, checkbox might just submit like results2launchpad directly to the results tracker but that remains to be seen18:55
jbichabut checkbox is now asks way more questions than it used to and perhaps too many questions18:55
jbichaa bunch of the questions seem more like isotesting, checking to see if apps work instead of checking to see if the hardware works18:55
cr3jbicha: that should be raised on the ubuntu-friendly-squad mailing list, could you start a thread about that? something short like: I just ran checkbox for 30 minutes, that not friendly :)18:56
jbichaI think both are good things for checkbox, but they should be two different modes18:56
jbichayes, I'll write up my impressions this week18:56
cr3jbicha: launchpad doesn't really do anything with the submissions, it's only being used as a data store but it could remain as such18:57
cr3jbicha: the sooner the better, feature freeze is coming next week so we need time to push changes before then18:57
jbichaok, I'll get it done tomorrow, have some other things I'm working on today18:58
cr3no worries, tomorrow is awesome. thanks man!18:58
pace_t_zuluhi nagappan19:02
PaoloRotolohi all19:07
cr3jbicha: regarding your second pastebin, I can reproduce the problem and it's related to launchpadlib which has changed in oneiric for desktop integration purposes. I'll keep this on my radar for the next release of the results tracker, thanks for the heads up19:13
rickspencer3join #ubuntu-release19:18
nagappanpace_t_zulu, hi20:49
fader_I'm seeing a bug when shutting down the live session in kubuntu desktop, but I'm not sure where to file it; KDE Base?20:56
fader_ScottK: ^^20:56
ScottKWhat happens?20:56
fader_After selecting reboot, the session shuts down but then I am prompted to kill active console sessions20:57
fader_(I did not switch to any virtual terminals)20:58
fader_Got a screenshot; let me get it shared20:58
fader_The good news is that other than that, the live session looks good so far, persistent and everything :)20:58
fader_ScottK: ^^20:59
fader_Sorry, s/console//20:59
ScottKfader_: AFAIK it's always done that.  I think it's a feature and not abug.21:00
fader_ScottK: Hmm, I don't recall it doing that on an installed system.  Is this a feature of the live image?21:00
ScottKIt's because of how the live system starts up all the VTs I think.21:01
ScottKMaybe stgraber or someone knows better.21:01
fader_If it's intentional I won't file a bug, but it definitely gave me a "WTF?" feeling :)21:01
ScottKI can understand that.21:01
ScottKWhat it's triggering is the warning about shutting down if someone else is logged in.21:02
ScottKSo the warning is good.21:02
ScottKIf there's a reasonable way to avoid it for the live session, I'm not sure.21:02
fader_Yeah, I can understand that, and it's a Good Thing for sure.  But it seems spurious as I didn't log in anywhere other than the X session21:02
ScottKI don't understand that part of the system well enough.21:02
* fader_ nods.21:02
stgraberI honestly don't know much about that part of the system either. I can have a look once I'm done validating Edubuntu installs and boots :)21:03
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
fader_I know Ubuntu doesn't prompt like that on the live session, but now I'm not sure if it gives anything similar on reboot/shutdown on an installed system with someone logged in elsewhere.  I'm leaning toward 'no' as I know I have shut down while being logged in on a VT21:04
fader_Eh, I'll file a bug and if it gets invalidated I won't cry :)21:04
fader_stgraber: You mean you don't just trust that your work is good?  ;)21:08
fader_Testing shmesting!21:08
hggdhis a missing depends between system-config-printer-common and python-packagekit known for desktop?21:11
stgraberfader_: I know "my" work will work because I tested it ;) I'm more worried of the other few thousand of packages ;)21:15
stgraber(my work between alpha-2 and alpha-3 is basically a translation update in edubuntu-live ;))21:15
fader_stgraber: See, nothing could possibly have broken!  It's perfectly safe!21:16
fader_(Is that smoke I smell?)21:16
bdmurrayanybody testing alternates?21:25
bdmurrayIt didn't seem to auto reboot for me21:25
skaetjibel, hggdh,  ubuntu desktop 20110803.1 posted.    Please let me know soonest if this one doesn't boot21:26
skaetstgraber, ^ I'm going to speculatively start off the edubuntu dvd while waiting to hear an ok.21:26
stgraberskaet: my laptop just did an emergency shutdown as I was running too many VMs and it got too hot, but I was at around 90% of an Edubuntu install and I tested all our alpha-3 changes21:28
stgraberskaet: so I'm pretty sure it's safe to start building them21:28
skaetthanks stgraber,  kicking them off now.21:30
pace_t_zulunagappan: was there a particular reason you greeted me yesterday?21:31
nagappanpace_t_zulu, sorry that was by mistake21:32
nagappanpace_t_zulu, during autofill, I just typed patrickmw pa<tab> and said hi21:32
cyphermox_grabbing ubuntu desktop i386 now...21:34
charlie-tcaI have ubuntu desktop 64 whole disk installing from "install now"21:59
charlie-tcait appears to be working, too21:59
charlie-tcafingers crossed22:00
charlie-tcaIt's taken me all day to find a workaround when the user picks the wrong xubuntu session22:01
charlie-tcabut I got it now22:01
* skaet crosses fingers, though it is rather hard to type this way.. ;)22:03
* charlie-tca nods22:03
charlie-tcaI really figured one of those people with super fast connections would have said something by now22:04
* charlie-tca has a super slow internet22:05
charlie-tcaConfiguring target system...22:05
charlie-tcaand still working22:05
charlie-tcanow downloading language packs22:06
hggdhand I am syncing the new desktop ISOs.22:26
hggdhcharlie-tca: sorry, I was busy on the server tests22:26
charlie-tcahggdh: no problem. Mine is past the failure point, at least22:29
* fader_ starts pulling down Kubuntu amd64 DVD.22:29
* hggdh feels a bit better now22:29
fader_Ugh, no seed for this one; gonna take a bit :/22:29
charlie-tcafresh install of Ubuntu desktop 64 restarting now22:46
charlie-tcaskaet: ubuntu desktop 64 works now22:55
skaetthanks charlie-tca!22:55
skaetxubuntu should be emerging shortly from the builder...22:56
charlie-tcajibel: screen reader install is not ready yet22:58
skaetEdubuntu DVD 20110803.1 now posted23:26
Claudinuxbug 820574 seems to be invalid...last kubuntu-i386 image works fine23:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 820574 in busybox (Ubuntu) "Unable to start a live session: Busybox error (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82057423:35
hggdhOK. Alternate AMD64 is complete, except LSTP still running23:54
hggdhI will have a look at my wife now, and BRB23:55

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