
=== negronjl` is now known as negronjl
=== darkwingduck is now known as DarkwingDuck
MarkDudehttp://www.ustream.tv/channel/at-home-with-jono-bacon  << LIVE now18:03
philipballewis there any reason why I should enable ipv6 on my computer?18:08
philipballewit seemes to be moving to that, but is there a need now?18:08
jyophilipballew: Well, does your ISP provide ipv6 right now?18:39
philipballewyeah, it does jyo18:40
pleia2lucky :)18:40
pleia2one of my systems has an he.net tunnel, but I don't use it very much (mostly just for testing my own sites ipv6 connectivity)18:41
philipballeware all ipv6 addresses gonna be static do you think or will I still have to but a block of ip's? seems like they should be static18:42
jyoWhat's up with comcast's ipv6 trials these days?18:42
pleia2jyo: they're still chugging along, we got an ipv6 modem from a comcast guy last year for the trial but connectivity never made it to us18:43
pleia2so boo18:43
jyoHooray for being dual stacked at work. I can see the dancing kame.18:44
pleia2oh yeah, sometimes I turn on my tunnel for ipv6 only content :)18:45
pleia2you work at the ipv6 headquarters though ;)18:46
DarkwingDuckMorning people.19:06
DarkwingDuckWell, afternoon19:06
pleia2g'day DarkwingDuck19:06
DarkwingDuckHows life?19:06
* pleia2 checks pulse19:07
pleia2still going!19:07
bkerensapleia2: You around?20:19
pleia2bkerensa: yep20:19
bkerensapleia2: Can I PM?20:19
jyosudo apt-get install thunderbird23:22
jyooh damnit23:22

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