
kelmshi there03:06
signalnineSo we're thinking about having a more regular Linux meetup thing at Quelab03:09
signalnineseems like there's a reasonable level of interest03:10
signalnineprobably September03:12
signalninefor the next one03:12
kelmsI like to be there03:15
signalnineI'll let you guys know when we have a date nailed down.03:26
tritiumGood evening.03:41
kelmshi there03:42
tritiumHi, kelms.03:42
tritiumHow are things?03:43
kelmssignalnine was saying that quelab wants to have another linux meetup03:47
kelmsmaybe in sept03:47
tritiumSounds good.  I've not been there, but it sounds like something good.03:48
tritiumI'm back on IRC after some time away.  I'm now running screen + irssi on the debian install on my Seagate Dockstar.03:50
tritiumNot a bad little 8 Watt system!03:50
kelmsthe last one had about 15 people03:52
tritiumThat's good.03:53
tritiumCanonical sent me a table runner and banner for the LoCo, in case we ever go to a conference or trade show.03:53
signalninelately I've been moving away from irssi+screen to this thing: https://github.com/andyherbert/WebIRC/tree03:54
signalninewhich is basically irssi+screen but web-based.03:54
tritiumAh.  And some others were trying tmux + weechat.03:55
signalnineI've heard good things about bip03:56
tritiumI have too.03:59
tritiumGood night, all.04:03
vixtal-epiacabo de copiar una libreria a la carpeta \usr\include y cuando compilo el programa me dice que la libreria no existe. Alguna posible soluciĆ³n???22:46

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