
orangeninjaR u h4X0R? n33d @ jo8? NSA wants you (locked up in a cubicle, not a cell) http://www.itworld.com/security/189101/r-u-h4x0r-n33d-jo8-nsa-wants-you-locked-cubicle-not-cell00:33
orangeninjacyberanger congrats ^^^^^^^^^00:35
Unit193He be pinged out00:43
orangeninjahah, I saw after I sent it...00:56
orangeninjaduh, explains why I couldnt tab complete his name...00:57
orangeninjaI am smart!!00:57
Unit193Well, now we get the chance to talk about him ;)01:00
wrstwb cyberanger02:58
orangeninjacongrats cyberanger glad you did well04:23
cyberangeranyone here gone through their old music and current music & just wonder, how did this happen?12:47
wrstha ha cyberanger all the time!12:50
cyberangerwrst: some of it suprises me12:51
wrstyes some of it I want to burn the evidence!12:51
cyberangerI have Hootie & The Blowfish, who's lead singer Darius Rucker (Hootie) is now country, the most sucessful african american in country in my lifetime12:52
cyberangerI've got Eminem in the middle (dear god, what was I on, and who prescribed it)12:53
cyberangerand now all rock (mostly stuff a little heavier than hootie & the blowfish)12:53
cyberangersome pop, artists that really lost their art but some reason people still love them12:54
cyberangerhard to imagine how my music styles have changed, then going a step further, seeing they've changed too12:55
cyberangersome about as drastically12:56
* cyberanger thinks this is worth a blog post, mapping out music history & follow up by following some of the artists as my own timeline changes12:56
cyberangercronological comparison, that could be cool12:58
cyberangerwrst: ever thought of doing that (perhaps without the burned evidenc...music)13:02
wrstha ha good idea cyberanger13:03
wrsti think darius rucker while in hootie was good I hate country music however :\13:03
cyberangerI know, it's the same way with me13:04
cyberangerjust heard Let her cry a moment ago, followed shortly by "Don't think I don't think about it"13:05
cyberangerapperently he did an R&B album in the middle, didn't chart from it though13:06
cyberangerIt was definately different, and actually not that bad13:07
cyberangerI'd prefer hootie & the blowfish, but that isn't over the top stuff the others do13:07
wrstyeah I think rucker is way too good to be wasting himself on country13:07
cyberangercountry and rock seem to have merged in areas, if not crossed13:09
cyberangermakes me wonder if hootie was too mild rock, which now seems to be more country artists than rock going for mild13:10
cyberangerI hate to admit, I actully forgot about hootie & the blowfish for about 10 years13:11
wrsti think we all did at some time cyberanger13:12
wrstok cyberanger i have a processor running at 73C is that good, bad, or ugly?13:12
cyberangerwrst: yeah, but compare that to the stuff on the radio now, why? you know13:13
wrstoh yeah i can't stand the radio13:13
wrstcyberanger: i've had fan issues and thought that might be a little on the warm side13:13
cyberanger73C, seems ok, I think my stuff sits there or higher13:13
wrstok I need a new fan for this laptop I may actually look for one since it seems it has been ressurected13:14
cyberangerhowever I think I'd want to cool it more13:15
cyberangerthe laptop & netbooks one can only do so much to cool them13:15
cyberangerand that's the processor, that usually is the hottest component13:16
cyberangerunless you've got a massive graphics card13:16
wrstyeah this got so hot the computer shut down and stunk :)13:16
wrstthat's pretty warm13:17
cyberangerso it got hot and has a cooling issue, that's too much then13:17
wrstyeah I need to get a fan for it13:17
cyberangerif cooling is fine, the sensor might shoot high13:17
wrstyeah this thing got to the point you couldn't have it on yoru lap it got so hot13:17
cyberangermy cooling is, close to fine, laptop makes the goal unreachable, and 73 to 83c usually13:18
cyberangerno overheating, since the sensor just reads the exaust I figure13:18
cyberangerat 83C (181.4) I'd start to wonder13:19
wrstyeah I'm just glad to see this beast working again probably use it to test random stuff on13:21
cyberangerand if not, I see a lifehacker article in the works13:22
cyberangerhow to cook eggs like a geek13:22
vychunehey guys o/13:31
cyberangerhey vychune13:32
vychunehow ya doing13:33
wrsthey vychune13:36
vychunehowd the reinstall go?13:36
vychuneo/ wrst long time no seee13:36
cyberangervychune: went well13:36
wrstvychune: i've been here :P13:37
vychunecyberanger:  the android still refuses so i ordered a usb male cord to wipe it with13:38
vychunewrst: WELL YOU DIDNT SAY NOTHING!13:38
wrstwasn't in the mood vychune :P13:39
wrstcyberanger: what is the best way to set up a file server on linux boxes on a local network,13:50
wrstand there aren't really any security concerns13:50
cyberangercross platform or all linux?13:54
wrstall linux cyberanger13:57
wrstbut wanting it to be auto mounted at boot13:57
cyberangerat which point any option has to tie into fstab14:00
cyberangerI hate being tied into acroread14:08
wrstyeah sshfs does not work so well with that14:08
cyberangerwrst: nothing works real well with that, since it beats the network up14:09
wrstyeah i prefer just using sshfs and manually mounting its not preferred but its solid14:10
cyberangerthere is a way to configure fstab but leave out the automount, tie that into if-up & if-down14:10
cyberangerI agree, samba is the same pain14:10
* cyberanger hates acroread14:10
vychuneuninstall it14:13
cyberangervychune: yeah I prefer evince14:14
cyberangerhowever for this moment, that's not an option14:15
vychuneoh ok14:15
vychunenever heard of evince14:15
vychunebut ill check it out14:15
cyberangercrunchbang's pdf viewer last I checked14:15
cyberangerubuntu has one they use too14:16
cyberangerkde has kpdf14:16
cyberangerbut browser plugin and adobe only features (features I dislike)  are required for the moment14:24
cyberangertwo forums generated, then it hangs, gotta re-enter everything14:27
cyberangerrinse & repeat14:28
cyberangerwelcome twayneprice16:40
=== Xpistos1 is now known as Xpistos
cyberangerhey Xpistos16:41
XpistosWhat up peeps16:42
XpistosHas anyone heard from pace_t_zulu?16:42
Xpistos\join #nlug16:43
cyberangerhe's been on at various times16:43
cyberangerXpistos: he is already there, as are you16:44
cyberangergood channel usually16:44
Xpistosif i can master these crazy slashes16:44
cyberangerXpistos: anything I can help with perhaps?16:45
XpistosI just wanted to make him aware and get his opinion of http://nashvillegreekfestival.com16:45
* cyberanger likes16:48
cyberangerthat is the longest dhcp lease ever, wow17:02
=== cyberanger1 is now known as cyberanger
cosmicpizzahi there howdy ?17:11
cosmicpizzawhere is my wordpress folder please, i try to find it but i only see my wordpress one to the var/www17:12
cosmicpizzaon my own server of course17:12
cyberangerls -l /var/www should point at it17:20
cosmicpizzathanks but i' m searching for it to my system; not in var/www17:22
cosmicpizzai can see it in var/www17:22
cosmicpizzawhat time is it in tenessee ?17:23
cyberangerI think something is getting misunderood here, what folder are you seeking17:23
cyberangercosmicpizza: two time zones I have 13:23 and to my west is 12:2317:23
cosmicpizzai' m searching for another place where wordpress can be17:24
cosmicpizzaso afternoon cyberanger17:24
cyberangeryes, just after lunch for me17:24
cosmicpizzaso you think that there' s no place in ubuntu system where wordpress is ?17:26
cosmicpizza(not in var /www)17:26
cyberangerno, it's there, /var/www/wordpress is only a symlink17:26
cyberangera pointer to another folder17:27
cosmicpizzaok so where it' s pointing ?17:27
cyberangerthat's what "ls -l" should show you, and I'm trying to lookup the default location in case it's not17:29
cyberangerand example of the output of "ls -l" on a symlink17:29
cyberangerlrwxrwxrwx 1 infocop411 infocop411 6 2011-08-03 17:27 symlink -> target17:29
cyberangerthe symlink is symlink, and it's pointing at "target"17:30
cosmicpizzai try thanks a lot cyberanger17:30
cyberangerit should be similar output "/var/www/wordpress -> ???"17:30
cyberangercosmicpizza: hope that helps, glad if it did17:31
pace_t_zuludid i miss something19:00
* pace_t_zulu is scrolling up19:00
pace_t_zuluXpistos: ping19:01
Xpistoswhen you get a change check out http://nashvillegreekfestival.com19:02
XpistosI registered it, designed it real quick and an donating the hosting space for the festival19:02
XpistosTell me what you think19:02
* cyberanger thinks it's dope19:07
cyberangererr, greek ;-)19:08
pace_t_zuluXpistos: i'll be glad to contribute if you need anything done for it19:54
XpistosI will let you know. But what do you think?19:54
Xpistoshow does it look?19:54
XpistosCustom made19:55
cyberangerwrst: what would you say if I told you I was expirementing with Dial Up again?20:25
cyberangerwow, either a busy day or he doesn't want to give that a response20:33
pace_t_zuluXpistos: looks good21:31
Xpistospace_t_zulu: I also have google apps, youtube and a twitter setup plus I am debateing to make a facebook page or use the group that is already out there21:32
pace_t_zuluXpistos: facebook event21:39
pace_t_zuluXpistos: and post it to the group21:40
Xpistosmost likely21:40
wrstcyberanger: i would say you are nuts!23:20
wrstand yes very busy day23:20
cyberangerwrst: while I might agree, this just seems like a cheap method for after the move23:22
cyberangeron the off chance my card won't work there (whereever there is, idk still)23:22
wrstwell we arepulling for knoxville ;)23:27
cyberangerthought you were only going 5 minutes23:29

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