
=== paultag is now known as ptagliamonte
=== ptagliamonte is now known as paultag
=== darkmatter1 is now known as darkmatter
stephenthemartyrdoes anyone know if there is a way to check fan function in the terminal?19:03
astraljavastephenthemartyr: Usually, lm-sensors provide an excellent base for monitoring whatever on the hardware. There seems to be a fancontrol package, which might (or might not) provide a way to check lm-sensors' services' output. But it doesn't work on my laptop, for one reason or another.19:11
stephenthemartyrim sensors?19:12
stephenthemartyrwhere might i find that?19:12
astraljavalm-sensors, not im-sensors19:12
stephenthemartyrthat confused me19:31
=== paultag is now known as paulbag
=== paulbag is now known as paultag

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