
astraljavacharlie-tca: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjqEn7AAq5E00:03
charlie-tcanew alternate images are up00:33
charlie-tcastill waiting for desktop to finish00:33
micahgdid anyone test to see if accountsservice restored the user list on login?00:42
charlie-tcahaven't even had time to finish syncing yet00:43
micahgwas referring to upgrading a current system/logout00:43
astraljavaI can try tomorrow at the office, while waiting for code to compile or whatever.00:49
charlie-tcadesktop is up now00:51
charlie-tcasorry, will boot one up and find out00:52
charlie-tcaupgrading now, micahg 00:53
charlie-tcaI am a little slow some days00:54
charlie-tcamicahg: it worked, gave me the user list and the session prefilled01:04
charlie-tcaIt's even the correct session preselected01:05
charlie-tcaNow if only the background stayed one color01:06
charlie-tcastarting the image tests now01:34
charlie-tcawill run one test per image tonight, to make sure they work01:35
Unit193I'll run a few 32bit01:48
charlie-tcaMostly want to know if we have to fix things or not to get a good image01:51
Unit193Is bug 819609 really invalid?02:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 819609 in casper (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Oneiric live CD boots to login screen" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81960902:03
micahgcharlie-tca: great news02:05
micahgUnit193: yes, it was fixed another way02:05
Unit193Sorry. I still had to login :/02:06
micahgUnit193: xubuntu or ubuntu?02:07
micahgubuntu should be no, xubuntu, yes02:07
Unit193Xubuntu desktop 32bit02:07
micahgthat should be fixed after alpha3 I think02:07
micahgat least you should get a user to click on now02:08
charlie-tcaIt was against ubuntu, we may still not have a auto-boot to the live session, but that is bug 80640802:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 806408 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "After xubuntu upgrade or installation, default session on greeter must be xubuntu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80640802:08
Unit193That was the bug on our tracker. I didn't get the user actually02:08
micahgUnit193: do you have the latest ISO?  we added that this afternoon02:09
charlie-tcaThis is still valid for us. We are on hold for another bug to get fixed02:09
Unit193micahg: I should as I just synced it. I'll check MD5 again02:10
* charlie-tca booting a live cd now to verify02:11
charlie-tcaimage should be dated 2011-08-03 for desktop02:11
charlie-tcaThe live cd is the only time I get a splash screen in plymouth. 02:12
charlie-tcamicahg: the user list doesn't show up in live session02:13
charlie-tcaThe only user listed is "other"02:13
charlie-tcaWe have to seed it to use ubuntu somehow02:13
charlie-tcabut I don't think we can until we get the bug above fixed, which is on hold for Bug #79975402:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 799754 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Please let vendors easily provide their own config" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79975402:14
Unit193I'm glad it isn't just me as the md5 checked from cdimage.../current/02:15
Unit193Oddly, I got the plymouth screen in VBox02:15
charlie-tcastrange, that login bug is the only one I see now02:24
charlie-tcaspoke too soon, still has two xubuntu sessions02:26
micahgcharlie-tca: :(02:32
charlie-tcaubiquity is different than the installed systems. Things don't work the same02:33
charlie-tcaI think something has to happen in casper to make it work02:33
charlie-tcamicahg: I guess if it is broken on live session, but fixed after installing, that is still a gain02:34
charlie-tcaWe won't get things working in lightdm for live sessions until those bugs get fixed, which mr_pouit has spent a lot of time on.02:35
charlie-tcaunfortunately, sometimes it seems like they are fighting us all the way02:35
charlie-tcaum, this is bad02:36
charlie-tcaI lost all video after restarting 02:36
charlie-tcaI ran the 64bit encrypted install, and the restart has shut the monitor off02:37
charlie-tcarebooted, did it again02:38
micahgcharlie-tca: RAOF might still be around in #ubuntu-desktop02:43
charlie-tcaI will assume it is hardware again. will run that test tomorrow now02:43
charlie-tcaI give up tonight02:43
charlie-tcaI have to unplug one drive in the computer to get the lvm encrypted install to work02:44
charlie-tcaI can't do that. I am running the same install in VBox to verify02:46
* micahg is heading to sleep02:47
charlie-tcaGood night, micahg 02:51
charlie-tcaUnit193: working for you?03:11
Unit193charlie-tca: I'm not doing encryption yet03:22
Unit193Hung for a little, but I went and took a shower so it's fixed :P03:23
charlie-tcaI will finish these two I got running, and call it a night03:27
charlie-tcaI am pretty sure it is the hardware making the encrypted test fail, it did that testing alpha2, too.03:28
Unit193Shouldn't the network bug go in the install and not the live?03:28
charlie-tcaIt's issues with both SATA and PATA hard drive in the same computer03:28
Unit193I'll run a VBox of that test tomorrow (or late tonight if you really want it)03:28
charlie-tcaIt could, but it doesn't really matter. It did come up while installing from the live desktop03:29
charlie-tcaThe only one I know will be against the install is bug 81406003:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 814060 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "shares-admin crashed with signal 5 in g_option_context_parse()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81406003:30
charlie-tcabecause I don't ever add users to the live session03:30
charlie-tcaand that crashes as soon as you select users and groups03:31
charlie-tcaI give up. I can't make anything work now03:40
charlie-tcagood night03:40
Unit193Adios, I'll finish this and amybe another (one at a time)03:41
Unit193Hmmmmm.... Still configuring system...04:35
Unit193Still configuring, I'll call this a fail and try again tomorrow05:00
charlie-tcaOur alpha3 images are failing. The desktop images are starting the install and getting stuck at "Configuring target system..." forever.12:53
charlie-tcaThere seems no way to make these work.12:54
charlie-tcamicahg, mr_pouit ^ ^ ^12:54
charlie-tcaboth i386 and amd64 desktop images12:54
micahgcharlie-tca: bug 820284?13:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 820284 in casper (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Oneiric DVD 20110802.1 i386 failed to install: /usr/lib/ubiquity/target-config/30accessibility: 41: log_end_msg: not found" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82028413:03
* micahg disappears again13:03
charlie-tcablamed it on too tired last night, but Unit193 said the same thing, and it does it today again13:04
madnickIs there a work around?13:41
charlie-tcaThey will have to respin the desktop images again13:47
charlie-tcabut first, they have to fix them. This is a direct result of the fix yesterday to lightdm to force an auto-login for live sessions13:47
astraljavaMeh, probably respinning them too late, so I can't download at the office. :(13:49
charlie-tcahaven't even started yet13:50
charlie-tcaThey are trying to figure out how to fix it13:50
charlie-tcaalternate images are working, though13:50
madnickIll get me one of those :) I was so dumb, I read the bug report and it said "DVD", so I went for a normal image and still got the problem, i need to read better13:52
charlie-tcahey, I found the lightdm.conf for Xubuntu. It is in /usr/share/xubuntu/lightdm/lightdm.conf14:27
charlie-tcain oneiric14:27
madnickIn todays images? 14:29
charlie-tcain both live session and installations14:29
charlie-tcaalthough, for alpha3, live session will be over-ridden by a default file to give the auto-login 14:29
madnicksweet, hope its the complete version, im installing now (53%)14:30
micahgcharlie-tca: the xubuntu settings package is supposed to move replace the lightdm.conf in /etc with the one in /usr/share14:31
micahgcharlie-tca: so, another casper upload just happened to overwrite any custom configuration, so we should get autologin14:32
charlie-tcamicahg: it's all symlinked to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf14:33
charlie-tcaso, yes, it should overwrite what we have to make it work14:33
micahgbut that's about to be blown away in casper14:33
micahgat least for alpha314:33
charlie-tcabut it will not over-write in installs, only on the live session14:33
charlie-tcawhich should be fine. What we have now is not working all that great14:34
charlie-tcaWe can't even have the same color background each time14:34
charlie-tcaoh, by way, Good morning14:35
micahggood morning to you too :)14:37
charlie-tcaXubuntu alpha3 alternate images fail encrypted LVM installs. Can not login after the installation16:12
charlie-tcabug 82046016:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 820460 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Encrypted LVM install will not allow login in Xubuntu Alpha3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82046016:12
charlie-tcaI will put this in the release notes. It is getting to late to keep trying to test these.16:37
charlie-tcaWe still don't have valid desktop images16:37
charlie-tcaEncrypting /home also causes login to fail16:41
astraljavacharlie-tca: So the respins are ready?17:20
charlie-tcaonly the alternate images are ready17:27
charlie-tcaThe desktop images will have to re-built again after they fix the bug blocking the install17:28
charlie-tca18 hours and I finally got the amd64 alternate image tested. That must be a record.17:43
charlie-tcamr_pouit: any workaround after we choose the wrong session?21:36
charlie-tcaIf the wrong Xubuntu session is chosen, we get a fragmented xfce session. 21:36
charlie-tcaNext login, we can choose the other Xubuntu session, but it only changes the wallpaper21:37
charlie-tcawe still don't get the right panels, menu, applets, etc.21:37
charlie-tcaDeleting ~/.cache and deleting ~/.drmc doesn't work21:40
charlie-tcamr_pouit: do we really have to tell people to reinstall because they picked the wrong Xubuntu session?21:42
madnickAlso on the newest lat image, I picked "se" (using detect keyboard, that is swedish keyboard) but it uses US layout21:47
madnickalt* :)21:47
charlie-tcafound it. We can release note it. If the icons don't appear, logout, rm -r ~/.config, login using the other Xubuntu session21:51
charlie-tcait will work21:51
Unit193I was about to say that fix (I've done something like that, picked Xfce Session)21:52
Unit193I was just never able to fix GDM or my mouse :/21:52
charlie-tcaIt's a long way around to login, if you haven't used it before, but it works21:57
charlie-tcamadnick: we are a ways from having things work, but we are gaining21:58
madnickcharlie-tca: just saying :) thing is that i could not figure out why i couldnt login, until i saw it used another keymap, but there is no way of changing at the login screen, so you have to dump to terminal and fix it22:00
pleia2hehe, oh my http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/08/linus-switches-to-xfce-calls-gnome-3.html22:33
charlie-tcaAin't it great!22:36
madnickhehe, g3 makes my desktop as useless as an android pad :)22:37
pleia2old news I guess :) but phew22:37
madnicki dont understand why they push those things22:37
madnickg3 = gnome322:37
charlie-tcaI don't know, but let's hope Xfce stays away from the "easy to use interface" thing22:39
pleia2me too22:40
charlie-tcaI am beginning to really like linus22:41
madnickyou didn't before? :D22:41
charlie-tcaI have to say I do agree with his assessment of gnome3 and it applies to unity too.22:42
pleia2well, unity was created because they saw that gnome3 was turning out to be.... an unholy mess22:42
pleia2but yeah, I feel pretty much the same way about the both of them22:42
* pleia2 supposes this is better for -offtopic22:45
charlie-tcayeah, I suppose it is. But isn't xfce likes and dislikes on topic here?22:45
Unit193If I want to use Windows, I'll use windows :P "I'm using Xfce. I think it's a step down from gnome2, but it's a huge step up from gnome3. Really" :/22:59
pleia2yeah, not exactly a glowing review but eh23:00
charlie-tcaThat's because Xfce is still very young compared to gnome and kde23:00
Unit193Better than what Gnome 3 got though :P23:00
charlie-tcaIt really is still maturing23:00
Unit193But it isn't bad as it is23:01
charlie-tcaI sure dislike that "no restart button" in ubuntu now23:01
Unit193I haven't really tried Ubuntu and I even pointed someone I know in person to X/K/LUbuntu (Give him all the options!)23:02
charlie-tcaIf they are coming from windows, the easiest one to learn is Ubuntu. But they are all a big change to set up and install software for.,23:06
charlie-tcaIt is a real education to learn that you don't have to go find drivers and programs anymore. 23:06
madnickWhen I was at uni, and netbooks were new, they all shipped linux, and me and some classmates got netbooks23:09
madnickThey said they were unsuable, until i got them to install ubuntu flavours, they never been happier :)23:10
charlie-tcaGreat! 23:12
charlie-tcait's all a gain for non-windows OS's23:12

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