[08:39] I want to create a rsync backup of my entire hd. is that easy to do [08:46] philipballew: not difficult but depends on what you want to do with it afterwards. [08:47] Well what are things I can do with it that make it difficult? [08:47] If you're wanting a 1:1 copy I'd suggest something more suited to cloning like dd or clonezilla. If you're just backing up data select the right switches from man rsync and away you go. [08:47] i just was gonna back up from / [08:48] if you know what i mean [08:49] Ah it's always problematic to backup a running system. If you want a FULL copy I"d suggest booting a livecd to run from (there are many liveCDs with inbuilt cloning software) and copy that way. You'll never be able to get a proper copy of a system drive that's in use. [08:49] Well that's been my experience anyway. [08:53] well most all I need is in my home directory [09:02] philipballew: that shouldn't be too difficult then [09:02] something like rsync -azv /home /destination [09:03] what in the main file system might i want to back up in your opinion head_victim [11:14] So anybody out there play Volley Brawl? [18:18] hi [18:19] i need some advice. anyone here [18:19] ??? [18:20] Anyone alive? [18:20] does'nt look like it :( [18:20] and i need help [18:20] :'( [18:20] Haha [18:20] me 2. [18:21] Whats yer prob? [18:21] lol [18:21] you just ask ;) [18:21] i installed ubuntu 11.04 but not booting up [18:21] haha [18:23] kallis4, whats your screen showing? please elaborate [18:23] !ask | Nubi1Kenobi [18:23] Nubi1Kenobi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [18:23] (: [18:25] That was really weird [18:25] still around? [18:25] maybe [18:25] :P [18:25] haha [18:25] Well...my issue...I have limited to no knowlege about this linux businees..... [18:26] finding it difficult diving right into [18:26] I have ubunto setup as a dual boot - no issues and having problem with part image....maybe a filesystem navigation issue [18:27] part image? [18:27] i have a seperate hdd setup as my image drive.... [18:27] yeah [18:27] elaborate on what 'part image' is [18:28] My friend set this up for me. it is a program i have to access in terminal [18:28] sudo su....then part image [18:28] it writes partition images [18:28] I am using ubunto to back up images of my windows instalations [18:29] at least to begin with.... [18:29] ok... whos your friend? [18:29] problem is.. [18:29] damn pc [18:29] the drive i have set up for the images......i cant access it [18:29] holstein, lol [18:29] so. i need help [18:29] he is bad at answering thew phone [18:30] ]when i need help [18:30] jokes on me...right? LOL [18:30] Nubi1Kenobi_: you can access the drive in what format? and from which OS's cant you *not* access it [18:30] Nubi1Kenobi_, so are you using some virtual machines? or? [18:30] no [18:30] i will explain [18:30] kallis4, shoot [18:30] is there a way to set the grafix for ubuntu? [18:31] I have a 500gb hdd set up into 3 partitions, 100gb for win7 100 for ubunto and 300 for data [18:31] i installed ubuntu ealier, but its not starting up, i think it hangs coz of the grafix [18:31] i have a second hdd set up for my images [18:31] kallis4, what screen are you getting? [18:31] i have it set up as a dual boot with both os [18:31] kallis4, are you able to see the boot screen? [18:32] yes [18:32] i can mount the image hdd and view it, but cant move files off of it or even get part image to recognize it.... [18:32] its a dualboot with win7 [18:32] not sure what I am doing wrong...my friend was aboe too...but I cant [18:33] able not aboe [18:33] kallis4, and are you getting the Ubuntu logo? [18:33] kallis4: how did it run live? [18:33] no [18:33] i did'nt run live [18:34] ah [18:34] just installed [18:34] Nubi1Kenobi_, tried moving with the terminal codes? [18:34] i would get a live CD, and try 'nomodeset' [18:34] no [18:34] still...aint there a way to fix it ? [18:34] see if you can get tot he desktop that way... im guessing its the graphics hardware [18:34] Nubi1Kenobi_, sudo cp /meda/sda4 /media/sdb6 or something? [18:34] Nubi1Kenobi_, you cant boot ubuntu and on win 7 you cant mount hdd image right? [18:34] kallis4: sure... what graphics hardware do you have? [18:34] I am used to navigating through the files structure with dos or windows and am completely lost here [18:35] uhm ... [18:35] @Cronos200: Correct [18:35] its an intel thing onboard [18:35] :o [18:35] Nubi1Kenobi_, you have a LIVE CD? [18:35] Cronos: i can mount to it but part image read/write to it [18:35] iamnotthatguy:no [18:36] kallis4: intel is usually well supported, but you'll need to help me help you, and either try forcing vesa, the nomodeset live idea, or give more info on what hardware you have [18:36] @holstein:http://www.partimage.org/Main_Page [18:36] Nubi1Kenobi_, My name is Mohi =] and to autofill a nick name, type first two characters and press tab [18:37] * IAmNotThatGuy reads [18:37] Nubi1Kenobi_, ok lets fix ubuntu first, when you boot what you see? or is just black screen [18:37] uhm..let me check quick and get back to u. [18:37] thx [18:37] IAmNotThatGuy: thnx [18:37] IAmNotThatGuy: I am bryan, nice to meet you. [18:38] CrOnOs2000: I do not think I have an Ubuntu problem. I beleive I did not explain well enough [18:38] nice to meet you too =] [18:38] CrOnOs2000: I have no problems booting and getting into either Ubuntu or Win7 [18:39] Nubi1Kenobi_, ok then what program do you use to make and mount images on ubuntu [18:39] CrOnOs2000: IAmNotThatGuy : I beleive I am really having an issue navigating/understanding the structur of the file system. [18:39] http://www.partimage.org/Main_Page [18:39] CrOnOs2000: http://www.partimage.org/Main_Page [18:40] Nubi1Kenobi_, so you are trying to access one partition by staying in the other OS ? [18:40] CrOnOs2000: IAmNotThatGuy: I think I may not be typing the correct path in [18:41] CrOnOs2000: I am saving the windows partition from ubuntu, and trying to save it on my image drive [18:41] CrOnOs2000: but I can not read or write to that drive or "find" or have proper permissions do access it. [18:41] CrOnOs2000: BUt [18:42] ah [18:42] CrOnOs2000: I can mount it and view the initiall image my friend saved to it. [18:42] Nubi1Kenobi_, so you are in Ubuntu now [18:42] IAmNotThatGuy: you created a monstaer with the tab thingy [18:42] Si [18:42] :) [18:42] okay. now. open terminal and type sudo nautilus [18:42] http://www.partimage.org/ is down or is just my isp? [18:42] uno momento [18:43] hmmm! Polish [18:43] your isp [18:43] it worked for me [18:43] haha [18:43] it loaded for me [18:43] lol lame isp [18:43] Nubi1Kenobi_, did that? [18:43] CrOnOs2000, ha ha [18:44] lol [18:44] CrOnOs2000: done [18:44] Nubi1Kenobi_, following me or him? [18:44] :P [18:44] CrOnOs2000: root came up [18:44] Nubi1Kenobi_, you can find the partition on your left right? [18:44] CrOnOs2000: IAmNotThatGuy I am following both [18:44] you mounted it before? [18:44] it= the partition you wanted to copy [18:44] IAmNotThatGuy: of coarse [18:45] IAmNotThatGuy: CrOnOs2000 check it out [18:45] I need ahk for linux :( [18:46] IAmNotThatGuy: CrOnOs2000 :it is not shown on the left [18:46] well he can try on a terminal fdisk -l and show result on pastebin [18:47] CrOnOs2000: IAmNotThatGuy : how can I easily take and paste screen shots in here? [18:48] Easier to show than tell :P [18:48] just copy the text and paste it on pastebin and giveus the link [18:48] I am new to IRC also [18:48] fyoi [18:49] fyi [18:49] LOL [18:49] where is the paste bin> [18:49] http://pastebin.com/ is a webpage [18:50] CrOnOs2000: IAmNotThatGuy : So um,,, I am used to ^c to copy.....doesnt seem to be working [18:52] did something happen [18:52] guess not [18:52] just use menu, and use a x based terminal no a normal acessory->terminal i think not on linux rigth now [18:52] ok [18:53] CrOnOs2000: http://pastebin.com/DLg6Wc92 [18:55] Nubi1Kenobi_, ok thats the root nautilus open other terminal and type sudo fdisk -l post the result plz [18:55] 10-4 [18:55] Nubi1Kenobi_, fdisk -l is a L letter not a 1 [18:56] if I want to have my comp run rsync -azv /home /myusername /path/to/externalharddrive once a week how would i do that with a script and a crong job? [18:56] CrOnOs2000: http://pastebin.com/fuuvYsHp [18:59] !manual [18:59] The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ [18:59] they need to change the !manual to !rtfm [18:59] Muahaha [19:01] CrOnOs2000: i sec [19:01] i just saw that [19:02] CrOnOs2000: http://pastebin.com/TYyZfV17 [19:04] CrOnOs2000: /dev/sda1 is what I am trying to image and saving it on/dev/sda5 or 6 - cant remeber for the life of me which one is the seperate hdd [19:06] ok [19:06] CrOnOs2000: was that what you were asking for? [19:06] <--needs Linux training wheels [19:08] a sec [19:11] go system->Administration->disk utility [19:12] CrOnOs2000: There [19:13] ok is your disk there [19:14] ? [19:14] Yes [19:15] CrOnOs2000: it is also under the "Places tab on the top of the screen as "Image Drive" [19:15] ok mount the drive you want [19:15] select then mount [19:16] CrOnOs2000: mounted [19:17] ok then you are done, check if you can make the image now [19:18] CrOnOs2000: OK, question. [19:19] CrOnOs2000: Thank you....I think you helped me figure Why it was not working. [19:19] CrOnOs2000: no question yet...srrry [19:19] ok great [19:19] CrOnOs2000: I did not have it mounted when trying to save the image to it [19:20] CrOnOs2000: gonna try a coply things real quick...brb [19:20] <-cant type strsight either [19:20] straight [19:20] lmao [19:20] ok good luck [19:24] CrOnOs2000: while i am testing this [19:24] CrOnOs2000: is there a pastebucket-like site for screen shots? [19:25] CrOnOs2000: pictures instead of text? [19:25] http://imagebin.org [19:25] wb [19:25] nice [19:25] internet issue [19:25] IAmNotThatGuy: wb [19:25] sorry [19:25] Nubi1Kenobi_, what happened? [19:26] done [19:26] CrOnOs2000: testing right now...and now that I know about image bin......will be much easier to understand what I am asking,, [19:26] if needed [19:26] :) [19:26] he needed to mount the destination drive for de image [19:27] hmmm [19:27] CrOnOs2000: that was only part of the issue [19:28] CrOnOs2000: what would be the path to write the image to my image drive. [19:28] CrOnOs2000: also....is there a paintbrush utility like MS paintbrush in ubuntu? [19:29] I can take a couple screen shots and show and tell.....might be quicker to show me where I am malfunctioning at [19:30] night all. Its 1 Am here. o/ [19:30] gn [19:31] Nubi1Kenobi_, try gimp i guess [19:31] screen shot in ubuntu is how? [19:32] try printscr key [19:33] ah.....i was alt-ps and ctrl-ps LOL [19:33] makes sense [19:40] alt+prtScn will be better also dont reveal much data of yours in public Nubi1Kenobi_ :) [19:45] IAmNotThatGuy: which data? [19:45] I cant imagine what I ame screen shotting here would compermise anything' [19:45] CrOnOs2000: 1 sec cronos [19:48] i have a broadcom bcm4311 wireless card [14e4:4312], i tried using the wiki guide to install the STA wireless driver, but now its not working yet before installing i atleast had "wireless network (no-firmware) but now i dont even get the "wireless network (no-firmware )" thing coming up....can some one help [19:50] chenthu, the wiki involves to recompile that module on the kernel? [19:50] CrOnOs2000: http://imagebin.org/166417 [19:51] CrOnOs2000: http://imagebin.org/166418 [19:51] check it out === hggdh_ is now known as hggdh [19:52] Nubi1Kenobi_, did you try to run imagedrive as root? sudo imagedrive [19:53] no [19:53] says it can not find it [19:54] CrOnOs2000: says it can not find it [19:55] well go to the menu when you run it and use right click check the real name for the program then run sudo [19:55] * rigth click and properties [19:56] Holy smokes....dow jones dropped 500 points [19:56] CrOnOs2000: i dont know what do u mean by recompile.... i am completely new to linux and the wiki (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx) i followed i did everything it said but still not working... should i try the b43 one but it doesnt have antty thing [19:56] chenthu, letme check wiki to see what you did [19:58] CrOnOs2000: ok ... :) [19:59] chenthu, youp you compiled a new kernel module and you are using that insted of default module for your wireless [19:59] CrOnOs2000: so how to use the default one?....but the default one said no firmware [20:01] one second your card is bcm4311 rigth? [20:01] CrOnOs2000: hey its working now i installed the b43 one..... :)..... thanks for the help [20:01] CrOnOs2000: yeah but its working now...thank you [20:01] np [20:01] CrOnOs2000: Not understanding "where" to right click on the drive to get its real name. But its file system label in disk utility is "Image drive" when I type sudo image drive, it says can not find Image: and it it mounted [20:02] CrOnOs2000: how to install adobe flash player? [20:03] chenthu, repository is automatic just select and install [20:03] CrOnOs2000: select from where? [20:03] Nubi1Kenobi_, from the main menu [20:03] CrOnOs2000: ok thank you [20:04] CrOnOs2000: in partimage or in the desktop [20:04] chenthu, that wast not for u repository system->admin->synaptics [20:04] Nubi1Kenobi_, on ubuntu main menu [20:05] CrOnOs2000: its real name is Image Drive [20:05] yea but the comand name cant have a space [20:05] ic [20:05] CrOnOs2000: ok thaks anyway ... i got it from edbian at #ubuntu "sudo apt-get install flash-plugin installer" [20:06] chenthu, ok [20:06] CrOnOs2000: When I right click it it opens it...not sure on the "main" menu, but was using the Places drop down menu [20:07] close all partimage you are using [20:07] try sudo partimage on terminal [20:08] from yours pics seems you have a privilege problem thats why you cant write or read those images you can only see them [20:08] ok [20:08] i have a i386 .deb file and i am running a amd64 arch....this deb file is the UI for my 3g data card....i already have notified the vender and asked for a 64 bit .deb but will take time, till then is there any way to install it like extract and recompile it? [20:09] CrOnOs2000: I thought the sudu su thing a ma jiger took care of that [20:10] it shud but try sudo anyway [20:11] CrOnOs2000: real name for image drive is sda5 [20:11] chenthu, you can use 386 programs on ubuntu x64 you may need to install some 386 libs but synaptics manages that [20:11] CrOnOs2000: so i just have to use dpkg or double clcik it? [20:12] Nubi1Kenobi_, thats the device where your partition is , /dev/sda5 most likely [20:13] chenthu, i will say yes you can always run System-Admin->synaptics to unistall that package [20:13] CrOnOs2000: I just changed it to 1 word [20:14] ok you do a sudo su, then you start partimage on same terminal rigth? [20:14] CrOnOs2000: coreect, will sudo su, then run partimage [20:14] CrOnOs2000: in thesame terminal [20:15] CrOnOs2000: I thank you for your help, but I have to crash and rest, getting ready for a 12hr shift [20:15] ok [20:15] one last [20:15] CrOnOs2000: k [20:16] CrOnOs2000: ok thank you [20:16] comand chmod 777 /somedir/* will give acess to all users to those files [20:16] not secure way to do things but may work [20:17] chenthu, let me know if that work [20:17] CrOnOs2000: See the thing I am missing here.....you have an idea how I am set up not. [20:18] CrOnOs2000: When my friend was doing it, he was doing it /media/Image Drive/WindowsBase.000 [20:18] yea [20:18] I could not repeat what he did.... [20:19] well /media is where normaly ubuntu mounts drives [20:19] CrOnOs2000: Maybe........lemme try something [20:19] Image Drive probably is the same as partition label [20:21] if you have mounted Image Drive try sudo chmod 777 /media/"Image Drive"/* [20:24] CrOnOs2000: I changed Image Drive to Image [20:25] tried simply to mount /media/data and /media/image not working in terminal mode. [20:25] i am missing something somewhere. [20:25] I need to crash [20:25] we will chat again soon [20:26] ok but im shure is a privilege problem [20:26] cya [20:36] What causes a torrent to slow way down when almost done download - say about 99.96 to 99.98 and slows way down? Using Deluge client?? [20:37] can any one tell me how to install a login screen theme? === yofel_ is now known as yofel === TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108