[05:28] Maaz: convert 0.17 USD to ZAR [05:28] nuvolari: 0.17 USD (America (United States of America) Dollars) = 1.15 ZAR (South Africa Rand) (Last trade rate: 6.788, Bid: 6.7629, Ask: 6.813) [05:29] o/ mornings [05:29] anyone know what mobile-to-mobile costs? [05:29] vodacom-to-vodacom [05:31] I think it depends on whether you're prepaid or contract [05:33] meh :-/ [05:33] nuvolari: what package do you have? [05:33] * nuvolari wants to try out google voice [05:33] superfly: weekend everyday [05:34] OK, same as me I think... you get 120 free off-peak minutes? [05:34] superfly: yup. that one [05:34] http://www.vodacom.co.za/vodacom/Deals/Contract/Contract+Price+Plans/Everyday+Off-Peak+120 [05:34] lol, googling for "vodacom weekend everyday" returns a hellkom result [05:35] thanks superfly [05:35] they changed the names of the packages recently [05:35] whoa, if google can make this work... I'll use it :D [05:36] Maaz: convert 0.05 USD to ZAR [05:36] nuvolari: 0.05 USD (America (United States of America) Dollars) = 0.34 ZAR (South Africa Rand) (Last trade rate: 6.788, Bid: 6.7857, Ask: 6.7903) [06:05] morning superfly and whatever other early bird there might be [06:06] hi Kilos [06:13] goeiemore kilos [06:13] môre Kerbero [06:13] koud ne [06:14] nie rerig nie [06:14] 12.9 [06:14] 18 binno [06:14] *e [06:14] dit is seker laag [06:14] maar ek kry nie koud nie [06:14] , gtg [06:14] sjoe die gras is nog wit hier buite [06:35] morning [06:35] hi sakhi [06:38] * nlsthzn waves [06:38] hiya nlsthzn [06:39] Hey uncle Kilos [06:39] All is well? [06:39] yes ty and there? [06:41] Hot as hell but staying cool inside :) [07:02] http://www.vilnius.lt/newvilniusweb/index.php/116/?itemID=94256 <=== 2 much top gear! [07:02] lol thats some funny crap right there === sdehaan_ is now known as sdehaan === sdehaan_ is now known as sdehaan [07:32] hehe hi sdehaan [09:49] good morning [09:51] hello [10:07] morning [10:38] o/ [10:56] \o [10:59] hey [12:58] Maaz, coffee on [12:58] * Maaz flips the salt-timer [13:02] Coffee's ready for Kilos! [13:02] Maaz, ty [13:02] Enjoy Kilos [13:04] eish, I missed that [13:22] is everyone struggling to connect to gmail or is it just my evolution [13:23] once connected mails download quickly [14:12] Kilos: will check :) [14:12] Kilos: Nope... everything here seems fine [14:12] thats strange hey [14:12] mine takes minutes to connect [14:13] ty nlsthzn [14:13] it still connects so i spose its ok [14:13] I guess [14:32] I don't suppose we'll see you at the dbnlug tonight nuvolari? :) [14:40] hoe hoe apie [14:41] hi hi Kilos [14:41] lol [14:43] gaan dit goed my vriend? [14:43] baie goed dankie en jy [14:44] yup yup :] [14:44] mooi [14:56] lo kissakiza [14:57] hi Kilos [14:59] time to drive, maybe catch you peeps later tonight :] [15:38] bah :-/ [15:39] Maaz: tell kbmonkey nope, ongelukkig nie. Ek kan nie dit in die week maak nie. Ek sal die LAN geleetnheid oor die naweek (daai naweek) kan maak. [15:39] nuvolari: Okay, I'll tell kbmonkey on freenode [15:39] Kilos: hallo oom [15:39] mirrag oom ek meen [15:40] ek gaan noui huistoe [15:40] pfft. my spelling is opgevoeter [15:40] bbiab [15:51] kissakiza, is it your first time here? [15:51] I suppose so yes [15:51] might've visited before, but I can't remember hanging out here [15:52] anyone from Cape Town? [15:52] ok tell us a bit about yourself. what you do and what OS you use etc [15:52] there are quite a few here from that area yes [15:55] I'm a compsci student from UCT, I'm currently running Ubuntu 10.04, waiting for some spare time to upgrade to 11.04 (or better yet, upgrade my laptop!) [15:55] how about you, Kilos? [15:56] i am kinda retired. stay just outside pretoria and use maverick [15:56] 10.10 [15:57] I'm curious about Unity, still running Gnome [15:57] looking forward to trying out Unity [15:57] there are other guys here that work at UCT i am sure [15:58] lol my pc doesnt do unity. it says the hardware cant take it [16:00] oh, well, in that case I might stick with Gnome [16:00] my pc is old [16:00] I don't want something to chew up more RAM [16:00] so you're in Gnome or? [16:00] first p4 that came out [16:00] yes gnome [16:01] i like gnome, but will try unity one day [16:01] haha, cool... I turned our old P4 into a gateway PC, sadly it's RIP now [16:01] lol [16:02] whats a gateway pc? [16:02] im an appy [16:03] oh, just a PC to share a Internet connection (in my case at least) [16:03] ah [16:03] it was actually back home when I was still with a 56K modem :P [16:04] and what connection you using now? [16:04] I made it automatically disconnect before peak time the next morning so I wouldn't have to pay $$$ on our Telkom bill [16:04] usb 3g [16:04] lol [16:04] I'm on Neotel, switching to 8ta soon (with a TPLink 3G router) [16:04] hi kissakiza, there are a couple of guys from UCT... have you heard of LEG? [16:05] I have heard of LEG, never attended a meeting though! [16:06] been meaning to download some of their videocasts(?) [16:06] some of their talks sound interesting [16:08] lo Wolfeyes [16:11] grrr unattended pc [16:19] gotta run, cheers for now [16:19] * kissakiza bbl [16:20] cheers [17:28] eish superfly you gonna freeze tonight [17:28] and tomorrow [17:59] hiya magespawn [17:59] whats up? [18:00] down actually [18:00] the temp [18:00] ahh the benefits of being in kzn [18:00] lol yeah [18:01] my inlaws are with thick sheets blankets duvets and pj and they are still cold [18:01] me too. the cold here goes through everything [18:02] even your bones [18:02] maybe its an age thing [18:03] nah i think its above sea level thing. [18:03] lol [18:05] amazing how quite it is in here sometimes. [18:06] yeah this whole years so far has been very quiet [18:09] wonder why? all the geeks getting real/other lives? [18:09] hehe [18:09] no , not so many noobs needing help [18:11] well then must certainly do something about that. [18:12] yeah i think not enough people are being made aware that there is life after mstinks [18:43] night all. sleep tight and warm [19:03] later all. === apie is now known as kbmonkey