DarkwingDuck | apachelogger: ping | 00:09 |
apachelogger | DarkwingDuck: pong | 00:10 |
apachelogger | doing a video right now, so I am not really here :P | 00:10 |
DarkwingDuck | apachelogger: Quick question... the OMAP3 image for Natty... will it fit on a 2GB sd? | 00:11 |
DarkwingDuck | Or, is it like Maverick where it requires a 4GB? | 00:12 |
apachelogger | DarkwingDuck: I don't think 2gb is sufficient | 00:23 |
apachelogger | certainly not for the preinstalled | 00:23 |
apachelogger | I mean, you can try, but I do not find it very likely to work | 00:24 |
DarkwingDuck | apachelogger: Thanks. | 00:24 |
ScottK | JontheEchidna: I don't think you are correctly characterizing the apt default. Try and install a package from a PPA that you don't have the key for. It'll fail. In either case, I still think the more conservative default (failing outright) is better. | 01:39 |
* ScottK logs into a fresh chroot to double check. | 01:39 | |
ScottK | OK. You're right. | 01:51 |
ScottK | micahg: JontheEchidna is correct. apt allows untrusted packages to be installed by default. | 01:51 |
ScottK | I don't think that makes Muon right, I think that means apt is wrong too. | 01:51 |
micahg | ScottK: true, I would agree with your assessment | 01:52 |
ScottK | Do you want to file the bug? | 01:53 |
ScottK | micahg: ^^^ | 01:54 |
ScottK | Back later. | 01:54 |
micahg | ScottK: let me ask the team what they think | 01:55 |
Tm_Tr | ScottK: throw me with url and I burn them later today (: | 06:13 |
bambee | morning | 08:38 |
Tm_T | bambee: good morning | 08:53 |
Tm_T | and congrats, well deserving | 08:53 |
bambee | Tm_T: hehe, thanks ;) | 08:54 |
* bambee has a nice IRC cloak now :) | 09:02 | |
tsimpson | you didn't have to reconnect to activate it though ;) | 09:02 |
Tm_T | bambee: now go and get yourself a nice kde addition to it | 09:03 |
bambee | Tm_T: you mean, kde dev? | 09:04 |
Tm_T | yes (: | 09:04 |
bambee | Tm_T: it's too earlier | 09:06 |
bambee | but it's the next step for me :) | 09:06 |
bambee | phonon <3 | 09:06 |
* bambee is now on planet! woo!! | 10:31 | |
jussi | awww, bambee learned to walk... :P Congrats bambee | 10:31 |
bambee | jussi: thanks :D | 10:31 |
bambee | jussi: it's just the beginning, I plan a lot of things :) | 10:32 |
ScottK | Tm_T: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20110803.1/oneiric-desktop-powerpc.iso | 10:33 |
bambee | 1)° get kubuntu the default OS on every PC with phonon used by ALL media players :P | 10:33 |
bambee | 2)° conquer the world | 10:33 |
bambee | 3)° there is no third item... | 10:34 |
bambee | :P | 10:34 |
bambee | apachelogger: your fan club got a new member :P | 10:37 |
bambee | people.ubuntu.com is dead? | 11:06 |
bambee | yofel, jussi: does it work for you? | 11:06 |
yofel | Not on a pc i can try from right now :/ | 11:09 |
yofel | bambee: remember you need the ssh key you're using on LP for that. | 11:10 |
bambee | yofel: it's my default ssh key | 11:10 |
bambee | ssh -v says "Authentication succeeded" | 11:10 |
bambee | "Authenticated to people.ubuntu.com ([]:22)." | 11:11 |
yofel | No idea then :/ | 11:11 |
bambee | it blocks on | 11:11 |
bambee | debug1: Sending env LC_MESSAGES = fr_FR.utf8 | 11:11 |
bambee | debug1: Sending env LANG = fr_FR.UTF-8 | 11:11 |
bambee | :\ | 11:11 |
yofel | hm... Are you using ssh? | 11:11 |
bambee | yes | 11:12 |
yofel | That's SFTP only | 11:12 |
yofel | No shell | 11:12 |
bambee | ah! | 11:12 |
bambee | xD | 11:12 |
* bambee blames himself | 11:12 | |
bambee | I am an idiot! | 11:12 |
yofel | I tried that too :P | 11:12 |
bambee | lol | 11:12 |
yofel | Well, back to driving. Got about 1.5h left till berlin. | 11:15 |
yofel | Laters | 11:15 |
* yofel arrived at his room | 13:10 | |
shadeslayer_ | yofel: dude | 13:49 |
yofel | hm? | 13:49 |
shadeslayer_ | yofel: coming to c base? | 13:49 |
yofel | just sitting in my room looking at the map | 13:50 |
shadeslayer_ | Ok, we are about to leave | 13:50 |
yofel | I'll probably go in a few mins, not sure how long It'll take | 13:50 |
yofel | 30-40mins I guess | 13:50 |
yofel | I hope I'll be there before 5 | 13:50 |
shadeslayer_ | Yeah, I'm looking at it as well | 13:51 |
shadeslayer_ | apachelogger: what about you? | 13:51 |
yofel | search for bismarckallee 23 if you want to know where I'm currently | 13:51 |
shadeslayer_ | yofel: cya at c base | 13:54 |
* yofel gets going too | 13:56 | |
bambee | on natty ubiquity uses 6.5% of the memory only :) | 14:45 |
bambee | on oneiric yesterday it was 15.5% | 14:45 |
bambee | natty <3 | 14:52 |
bambee | woo!! my mother love kubuntu!!! :D | 14:55 |
bambee | loves * | 14:56 |
trackingsquad | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Udm4KHqMAo | 15:39 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: I am in warsaw making monies | 16:25 |
blueyed | A dist-upgrade currently would remove a whole lot of packages, probably because of the new KDE backport?! http://paste.ubuntu.com/659384/ | 16:25 |
blueyed | I am on (basically) Natty, using the beta PPA (IIRC). | 16:25 |
blueyed | aptitude's safe-upgrade had pulled in quite some packages already. | 16:26 |
apachelogger | I think you have more ppas than that :P | 16:26 |
blueyed | Yep.. ツ Just cleaning/removing some of them.. | 16:31 |
blueyed | It's OK to have the backports and default "ppa" for kubuntu-ppa, isn't it? | 16:33 |
apachelogger | Well, yes, it should be anyway, as backports carries packages from oneiric those need to be overriding our PPA packages properly, so if backports had a problem with the updates ppa that would also be a bug in oneiric :P | 16:36 |
* apachelogger wonders if that actually made sense | 16:36 | |
ulysses | apt-get dist-upgrade is recommended instead of aptitude, no? | 16:39 |
apachelogger | yes | 16:39 |
apachelogger | in fact aptitude is not supported at all | 16:39 |
apachelogger | it is like russian roulette | 16:39 |
ulysses | it's even not part of default install since maverick | 16:39 |
blueyed | I tend to use aptitude, because it allows good resolving of upgrades and provides different solutions. | 16:41 |
blueyed | Also it has a semi-interactive mode, where you can interact with it. | 16:41 |
apachelogger | I am not saying it is bad, just that aptitude dep resolving it is not supported/QA'd :P | 16:43 |
blueyed | Quelle surprise.. it interferes with my Debian testing/unstable sources (which are pinned at 150 though). | 16:51 |
blueyed | Should kdebase-runtime-data be installed? It's still 4.6.5 for me.. | 17:05 |
blueyed | 4.6.5-0ubuntu1~ppa1 | 17:05 |
debfx | blueyed: no, it's been renamed to kde-runtime-data | 17:09 |
blueyed | debfx: That explains some.. what about kdebase-apps? | 17:14 |
debfx | -> kde-baseapps | 17:15 |
blueyed | ok. aptitude dist-upgrade looks quite ok then: http://paste.ubuntu.com/659421/ ? | 17:16 |
debfx | blueyed: yep | 17:22 |
yofel | apachelogger: and when are you getting to berlin? | 17:35 |
apachelogger | yofel: sunday evening | 17:45 |
yofel | k | 17:47 |
blueyed | what's up in berlin? (/me is living here since June, too) | 18:06 |
apachelogger | https://desktopsummit.org/ | 18:16 |
yofel | blueyed: pre-registration party is just going on, drop by if you've got time. Many cool people here ;) | 18:36 |
ScottK | yofel: Please make shadeslayer test the amd64+mac ISO so we can release it. | 18:42 |
yofel | heh, he's outside somewhere, I'll look for him later. | 18:42 |
ScottK | Thanks. | 18:43 |
* ScottK wonders what Tm_T's excuse is ... | 18:44 | |
debfx | apachelogger: how do I disable subtitles in dragon player? the subtitles menu is disabled ... | 18:45 |
apachelogger | debfx: by fixing dragon player's code I reckon | 18:50 |
debfx | *sigh* the video player situation just gets worse | 19:02 |
ScottK | yofel: Why is your pbuilder fix in Ninjas and not just in Ubuntu? | 19:16 |
ScottK | debfx: If you're around, indi-apogee and prison will both hit New, so it'd be nice if you could upload them. | 19:17 |
ScottK | micahg: Did you have a chance to discuss apt preferences yet? | 19:17 |
micahg | ScottK: no, sorry, been distracted | 19:18 |
debfx | ScottK: what's indi-apogee? | 19:18 |
ScottK | JontheEchidna: One other datapoint to consider: On Android their default it to completely disallow non-Marketplace apps with a checkbox option to enable them. I think the current Ubuntu change in Muon matches that. Not that we should blindly ape Android on stuff, but I think it's a sign of what's a good idea. | 19:19 |
ScottK | debfx: It's a driver package for indi. | 19:19 |
ScottK | We got indi updated so we can build kstars, but without drivers it can't actually be used (AIUI) | 19:19 |
* debfx doesn't even know what libindi is | 19:21 | |
debfx | I'd prefer if someone who is familiar with it uploads that | 19:23 |
ScottK | shadeslayer: ^^^ please find someone familiar with it. | 19:25 |
blueyed | yofel: do you mean you're at the location already? I could be there in an hour maybe.. nothing planned for tonight, but quite powered out. | 19:37 |
bambee | I am on vacations from tomorrow until the next saturday, I gonna sailing, BUT I've my eepc with me, so I will probably be on IRC few evenings | 19:46 |
ScottK | bambee: Have a nice vacation. Where are you sailing? | 19:46 |
bambee | ScottK: Atlantic Ocean, "La Rochelle" , between "Nantes" and "amgouleme", South West Coast | 19:50 |
bambee | thanks :) | 19:50 |
ScottK | Ah. Interesting. I've never been there. | 19:50 |
ScottK | Sounds lovely though. | 19:50 |
bambee | with a sailboat 11.9 meters, a nice boat , my father loves sailing (me too) :) | 19:51 |
bambee | I will probably test kde 4.7 on natty during this week | 19:54 |
ScottK | Decent size. I've sailed similar. | 19:54 |
maco | boats with sails are something i never saw til i moved here, even though i grew up around boats | 19:55 |
bambee | I will take photos ;) | 19:57 |
Tm_T | ScottK: no excuse, I just arrived to my pc and am downloading iso | 19:57 |
ScottK | Tm_T: Great | 19:57 |
Tm_T | ScottK: I have results in ~30 minutes | 19:58 |
ScottK | Excellent | 19:58 |
Tm_T | again, no installation possible, but will try test the rest | 19:59 |
bambee | everyone is at berlin ? | 19:59 |
ScottK | Tm_T: No OOo on the CD due to space, but it should have all the KDE stuff you'd find on amd64/i386. | 19:59 |
ScottK | bambee: No. Not everyone. | 19:59 |
bambee | ok | 19:59 |
maco | ScottK: are you a couple miles from me right now? | 20:00 |
ScottK | For a large value of "couple" yes. | 20:00 |
maco | haha | 20:01 |
bambee | +1 | 20:01 |
maco | meaning you're in berlin or maryland? | 20:01 |
ScottK | Maryland. | 20:01 |
maco | not a very large value of "couple" then | 20:01 |
ScottK | But neither your work nor your home are within two miles of my house, so it requires a large value. | 20:01 |
maco | fine, few! | 20:02 |
maco | columbia and ellicott city are practically walking distance, right? | 20:02 |
maco | ive seen ellicott ambulances like 3 streets down on snowden | 20:02 |
debfx | ScottK: is it ok to add missing licenses in a patch instead of repacking the upstream tarball? | 20:07 |
ScottK | debfx: OK, but not preferred. | 20:07 |
bambee | ScottK: ScottK: oh you live near to Baltimore, it seems to be a nice city :) | 20:07 |
ScottK | Yes. It's an interesting place. It's a mix of nice/modern and industrial/run down. | 20:08 |
bambee | oh it's huge city too | 20:09 |
ScottK | Yes. | 20:09 |
bambee | everything is huge in the USA :D | 20:10 |
ScottK | Also the various areas between Baltimore and Washington, DC are almost all built up so in many respects it's like one huge metropolitan area. | 20:10 |
ScottK | Population density in US cities is generally far lower than European cities, so for their size they have relatively few people. | 20:11 |
maco | DC has only about 500,000 people | 20:13 |
maco | well ok 590,000 | 20:13 |
maco | which is still more than the entire state of wyoming...but...still not that many people | 20:13 |
ScottK | Actually it has fewer. | 20:14 |
ScottK | Wait. | 20:15 |
ScottK | I was mis-remembering. | 20:15 |
ScottK | It's the DC school census that's way off, not the overall one. | 20:15 |
debfx | ScottK, yofel: I've uploaded prison, once it's accepted prison and qrencode need a MIR | 20:19 |
ScottK | debfx: Thanks. | 20:19 |
ScottK | I'll look at it in a bit. | 20:20 |
bambee | DC only about 600,000? wow... I thought that the population was greater o_O | 20:34 |
yofel | debfx: thanks | 20:51 |
yofel | ScottK: I took that from the Debian BTS and later simply forgot about it -.- | 20:52 |
yofel | also, I missed shadeslayer, so let's hope he pops in later | 20:52 |
debfx | yofel: you're welcome. are you planning to push the package to debian? | 20:52 |
yofel | I intended to at least, but I've no idea how to do it | 20:53 |
yofel | I'll talk to svuorela, met him earlier | 20:53 |
bambee | woo! my @kubuntu.org email works!!! :D | 20:56 |
debfx | yofel: first step would be to open an ITP bug, http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/#l1 | 20:57 |
Tm_K | ScottK: seems to run, apps work, although I get occasional errors I don't get any hold of | 21:05 |
Tm_K | nothing that really restricts | 21:05 |
ScottK | OK. | 21:05 |
ScottK | Tm_T: Could you put a result in http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/6221/1011 | 21:06 |
Tm_K | for example kwallet doesn't get activated (and thus used) with networkmanager (: | 21:06 |
Tm_K | sure | 21:06 |
ScottK | Interesting. I'd suggest filing a bug on that one. | 21:06 |
Tm_K | I don't have any useful logs though | 21:07 |
Tm_K | aah, found | 21:08 |
Tm_K | no kwalletd.desktop | 21:09 |
Tm_K | quickaccess plasma widget doesn't get loaded, prolly similarly missing desktop file | 21:10 |
ScottK | quickaccess has an open bug about it. | 21:13 |
ScottK | Please file one on the kwallet thing. | 21:13 |
ScottK | We removed quickaccess because it's dead, but forgot to remove it from the panel. | 21:13 |
Tm_K | righto (: | 21:13 |
debfx | Tm_K: /usr/share/kde4/services/kwalletd.desktop doesn't exist? | 21:14 |
Tm_K | nope | 21:14 |
Tm_K | ScottK: so, should I mark this as success anyway? | 21:15 |
ScottK | Yes. | 21:15 |
bambee | Is it possible with kwallet to don't ask password each time? for example each time my eepc starts the wifi is automatically connected and kwallet ask a password... (it's for my mother everything must remain simple) | 21:15 |
ScottK | I don't think so. | 21:15 |
ScottK | It's been awhile since I looked into it. | 21:16 |
debfx | Tm_K: that's weird, is kde-runtime-data installed? | 21:16 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
yofel | debfx: k, I'll do it tomorrow, dead tired right now | 21:16 |
Tm_K | debfx: is | 21:17 |
debfx | bambee: use an empty password :) | 21:18 |
Tm_K | bambee it doesn't ask a password when there's no one set, or what debfx said | 21:18 |
Tm_K | debfx: so a bug should be filed against that package? | 21:18 |
bambee | an empty password? for the keyring... why not.. | 21:18 |
bambee | debfx, Tm_K: I will try that, thanks | 21:19 |
debfx | Tm_K: that package contains kwalletd.desktop, no idea how something could eat that file | 21:20 |
ScottK | debfx: kdeutils FTBFS on powerpc. | 21:21 |
ScottK | He's got an old version. | 21:21 |
* ScottK forgot about that. | 21:21 | |
Tm_K | hmmm | 21:21 |
Tm_K | bah, this gprs connection is slow | 21:21 |
ScottK | persia: ^^^ If you could fire up your powerpc box and look into that it would REALLY be appreciated. | 21:21 |
debfx | ScottK: the mainifest file says: kde-runtime-data4:4.7.0a-0ubuntu1 | 21:22 |
debfx | that's the most recent version | 21:22 |
ScottK | Oh, right. | 21:22 |
ScottK | I was looking at kwalletmanager | 21:23 |
ScottK | (which is in utils) | 21:23 |
Tm_K | I'm puzzled now where and what I should file in a bug report (: | 21:23 |
ScottK | Give us a moment. | 21:23 |
Tm_K | roger, I'll get back upstairs | 21:24 |
Tm_T | I didn't find any I/O errors from my logs either, a bit of a surprise | 21:29 |
ScottK | Ah. Right. That was kdesdk. | 21:31 |
ScottK | kde-runtime-data is arch :all, so it's got to be there. | 21:31 |
ScottK | Tm_T: If you're sure it's /usr/share/kde4/services/kwalletd.desktop that's missing, file the bug against kde-runtime. | 21:32 |
Tm_T | that file isn't there in my live session | 21:36 |
Tm_T | actually, I tried with "find /user -iname 'kwalletd.desktop'" too, no hits | 21:37 |
ScottK | OK. | 21:38 |
ScottK | And kde-runtime-data is installed (it must be)? | 21:38 |
Tm_T | it is | 21:38 |
ScottK | Weird. | 21:38 |
Tm_T | indeed | 21:39 |
Tm_T | I/O errors could have explained it somewhat, but as there's no those being seen... | 21:39 |
ScottK | You might grep /var/log/installer/ for any information about the package. | 21:41 |
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