=== krow_ is now known as krow === hexsprite_ is now known as hexsprite [04:18] what's the difference between bzr update -r and bzr revert -r ?? [04:26] one merges and one overwrites [04:33] lifeless, update merges, right? [04:39] lifeless, and what about bzr merge -pull and bzr pull - any difference? === TiffanyAngel87 is now known as sili [04:58] Noldorin: yes they are different - the docs should cover that one ;) [04:58] lifeless, you have too much confidence in the docs heh. the difference isn't explicitly stated ;-) [04:59] Noldorin: sorry ;( - try bzr help merge; I have to head away from the keyboard, its why I'm pointing you at the docs. [04:59] cao [04:59] ok sure [04:59] bye [05:06] what happens if i shelve changes, make some edits, then unshelve...do the shelved changes get merged or pulled with overwrite? [05:07] hmmm [06:04] what makes bzr say "working tree is out of date" ? [06:06] You need a bzr update [06:06] what does that actually *mean* though? [06:06] why does it think i need a bzr update? [06:07] you issued a command it determined the version you're working with is older than the checkout branch [06:08] sili, not using checkouts here... [06:09] hmm. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/55383 [06:09] Ubuntu bug 55383 in Bazaar "bzr status should say if the working tree of a branch is out of date" [Low,Fix released] [06:10] sili, the branch is not bound to anything...don't know how it can possibly claim it's "out of date"! [06:10] did someone push a change to your branch? [06:10] or commit there [06:11] sili, i guess not, since bzr revno gives 46, which is the latest revision in bzr log [06:24] sili, ? [06:34] well this sounds like a definite bug to me [06:34] i see no reason for it [06:40] http://dpaste.com/587804/ <- can anybody help me? [06:56] hi again jelmer [07:53] aminpy: http://dpaste.com/587804/ that is a timeout resolving "lp:" [07:53] 2 options [07:53] use "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/..." directly [07:53] or [07:53] upgrade to the bzr 2.4 series which will resolve lp:~... on the client instead of via Launchpad XLMRPC [07:58] hi jam. any idea about my issue? [08:17] anyone? [08:43] jelmer, let me know when you are back :-) [08:48] http://dpaste.com/587858/plain/ <- can anybody help me? [09:01] can anyone please tell me exactly why im getting "working tree out of date" on my branch? === Mkaysi_ is now known as Mkaysi [09:39] can anyone please tell me exactly why im getting "working tree out of date" on my branch? === hexsprite_ is now known as hexsprite === medberry is now known as med_out [20:25] anyone know if setuptools_bzr is still maintained? it seems to have a completely broken setup.py so I'm guessing not, but maybe I missed something [20:38] looking for beta testers for a new chat site www.chatnearme.com also available on mobile devices at same url [21:34] There's repo version of project foo. I want to patch it with a feature so I branch it as bar. But upstream goes on, and my bar branch becomes a mix of feature commits and upstream merges. I want to produce a version of the feature for last release, which is a changeset before the one I branched from, for example tagged as R_1.0. This is called backport, right? [21:34] But in the process of backporting the feature, I'll have to differentiate between those upstream update and feature commits, and I've got the impression it's a lot of trouble. Am I right? Is this workflow weird or ok? === yofel_ is now known as yofel