[00:02] hah, using db.session.query(model) worked [00:04] beautiful [01:15] I <3 MusicBrainz: http://musicbrainz.org/edit/14952253 [01:15] getting your balls caught in your undies because Tan Dun is represented as 谭盾, and this is an American release [01:16] I'm sure all of my Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов American recordings weren't credited that way, yet here we are. [01:17] Or even Игорь Фёдорович Стравинский [01:17] Amd most certainly nobody would have bought a disc with Владимир Самойлович Горовиц on it [01:18] Apparently cyrillic gets a pass, but Chinese characters don't. [13:57] snap-l: bad link, I need to be logged in to make an edit :) [14:33] Bah [14:35] greg-g: One second. [14:35] This is for the album "Classic Yo-Yo" [14:37] http://ubuntuone.com/p/18ix/ [14:42] my point is that I copied it from the other release, and rather than jumping up and down, they have the power to fix it too. [14:43] Also, it's consistent with what's there. :) [14:46] http://ubuntuone.com/p/18j2/ <- Rachmaninov [14:46] er, Rachmaninoff [14:46] Whatever. [14:56] It's already a pain in the cock to enter classical releases anyway. Jumping up and down on me trying to edit something that is essentially an older release isn't making me want to contribute. :) [18:28] which rachmaninov?