
=== nlsthzn_ is now known as nlsthzn_work
=== superfly__ is now known as superfly
Kilosmorning superfly and others06:13
superflymorning Kilos06:22
* nlsthzn_work waves06:25
Kiloshiya nlsthzn_work 06:26
nlsthzn_workAlo 06:31
nuvolario/ everyone07:47
nuvolarinothing worse than coming  home, about to feed the landlord's cats and discovered they left the poodle's excrete and urine for me to clean up (in the dining room)07:50
* nuvolari feels a but out of touch with life07:51
Kiloslo nuvolari 07:51
nlsthzn_workSo nuvolari is on poop duty... it happens...07:52
superflynuvolari: faeces ;-)07:52
superflynlsthzn_work: I don't think nuvolari is ready for real life... with dogs, cats and *children*07:52
nlsthzn_workI don't think anyone is really ever ready :)07:53
superflyI'll take cleaning up dog poo in the dining room over the midnight dirty nappy07:53
* superfly heads out to go grocery shopping07:55
nuvolarihmm. I think it's different when it's your own pets/children07:55
nuvolarilo oom Kilos 07:57
nuvolarihoe gaan dit met oom?07:57
Kilosgoed dankie seun en daar07:57
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie oom07:58
nuvolariprobeer die dag rustig vat07:58
nuvolariwas 'n woeste week07:58
nuvolarireënweer en koelerig07:58
Kilosya winter nie lekker nie07:58
nuvolariek geniet eintlik die weer oom07:59
nuvolaridis nie uitermatig nie07:59
Kilosreen in die somer in durbs is lekker07:59
Kilosya dit ryp en vries nooit daar nie07:59
nuvolaribehalwe die winter!08:00
* nuvolari het amper gedooi08:00
nuvolarinie eers vrystaat koue nie :P08:00
Kiloslol en hoe langer jy daar bly hoe erger word dit om weer hier bo te kom bly08:00
Kiloshiya kbmonkey gaan dit goed09:54
nlsthzn_workkbmonkey: read your latest blog entry... it made no sense to me... :p09:55
KilosMaaz, kbmonkey .blog09:56
MaazKilos: Huh?09:56
Kilosnlsthzn, whats his blog addy09:56
Kilosi will tell maaz to member it09:57
Kilosone day i go look09:57
kbmonkeyhey, ag ja it goes fine, my coordination is up to no good today :p10:03
kbmonkeyI was practicing poi glowstick (like fire spinning) and keep hitting my knuckles. ouch! he he :)10:04
Kilosyou blog about your coords10:04
Kiloskbmonkey, whats your blog address10:05
kbmonkeyOh I post there for stuff I learn so sometimes it won't make sense to everybody ;)10:05
kbmonkeyits darknet.co.za10:06
Kiloswith the http://10:06
Kilosor https10:06
kbmonkeyshould've take apie.co.za ne?10:06
Kilosha ha ha10:07
kbmonkeywell http is the usual10:07
Kilosyeah but linux peeps arent the usual10:07
kbmonkeyif you type address in a browser it auto puts http for you every time :)10:08
kbmonkeyso yes http://darknet.co.za the url10:08
kbmonkeyi wonder if apie.co.za is available10:09
Kilosmaaz kbmonkey.blog10:09
kbmonkeysjoe maybe I should go back to bed ;)10:14
kbmonkeywoke early and did exercise. all worked out10:14
Kiloswhat exercise laddy10:15
kbmonkeya whole lot of them oom10:16
kbmonkeyat the kung-fu school10:16
kbmonkeyif not doing keyboard-fu that is!10:17
Kilosoh ja i forgot10:18
kbmonkeyI got a nice little script that puts the weather on my desktop for me. Showers 21C10:19
Kiloswhere does it get it from10:25
Kilosfrom maaz10:25
KilosMaaz, weather in pretoria10:28
MaazKilos: That didn't seem to agree with me10:28
kbmonkeyno it gets it from the accuweather website10:28
Kiloswe need the crash kid to tell maaz to look for pta weather in the right place10:28
kbmonkeyremember how you download that web page yesterday? something like that, and it looks for the right text therein and bam! weather hacked10:28
Kilosor ask him rather10:29
Kiloswow that was so fast10:29
inetprogoeie middag10:35
Kilosdag inetpro 10:36
kbmonkeymiddag inetpro :)10:36
inetproheh, hoe gaan dinge hier?10:36
Kilosgoed dankie en daar10:36
kbmonkeygood thanks10:36
inetprohmm... 10:37
inetprovanoggend al vroeg die buurman se honde heen en weer gejaag op my werf10:37
nlsthzn_workSeems lots of people having issues with dogs in ZA land today10:37
inetpronou al die afgelope 3 weke gesukkel om elke dag gate toe te stop10:37
Kilosinetpro, koop n kat10:38
Kilossterk ene10:38
inetproen nou sien ek hom vanmore steeds in my werf maar geen gat in die draad nie10:38
Kilossoos n leeu of tier10:38
Kiloswatse hond?10:39
inetproKilos: 3 groot boerboelle10:39
Kilosmiskien spring die hond oor die draad10:40
inetproyip, dis toe ek hom uiteindelik in 'n hoek druk dat ek sien wat hy maak10:40
inetprokon dit nie glo hoe hoog die dig kan spring nie10:41
Kiloshulle baie sterk honde10:41
inetprodie goed het groot skade gemaak so 3 weke terug10:41
inetpro33 honders dood gebyt10:41
Kilosstuur n rekening10:42
Kilosas dit die baas se sak begin raak sal hy gou plan maak10:42
Kiloswat se die man eintlik?10:44
Kilosas hy redelik is dan kan julle n plan maak10:45
inetproKilos: ek het nog nie met hom gepraat nie10:46
inetprodag as ek moeite doen en die gate almal toestop van my kant sal die probleem opgelos wees10:46
inetpromaar die goed is desperaat of iets10:47
Kilosas n boel nie mooi geleer is nie kan hulle baie skade aanrig10:48
inetprohulle huis is 'n hele entjie van ons af en deesdae is almal mos so ingesluit dat jy nie eers met mekaar oor die draad kan gesels  nie10:48
Kiloshet n paar gedooi oor skape byt net vir sports10:48
Kilosgaan sien hom en negotiate eers10:49
inetproek sal maar kyk hoe ek hom in die hande kan kry10:49
inetpromaar nou eers weer staasteater toe10:50
inetprokinders tree op vaanaand10:50
Kilosdis goed10:50
KilosMaaz, coffee on10:55
* Maaz puts the kettle on10:55
kbmonkeyoh no I don't think I can go without eating something for much longer :)10:55
Kilosyou dietting10:56
kbmonkeynee oom10:56
Kilosnou eet dan man10:56
kbmonkeyjust been busy busy ;)10:56
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!10:59
KilosMaaz, ty10:59
MaazEnjoy Kilos10:59
nuvolario/ naand almal17:04
Kiloslo nuvolari 17:04
nuvolarihi oom! 17:04
nuvolarisjoe, dis koel vanaand :O17:05
nuvolarien dis nat17:05
Kilosbaie koud hier nou ook17:05
nuvolarioe, koffie17:05
nuvolarioom moet maar die kaggel inspan17:05
Kilosbad en bed beter17:05
nuvolarija oom, maar dan moet 'n mens slaap17:08
nuvolarias die kaggel werk kan oom nog bietjie hierso kuier :P17:08
nuvolarilol... re. USA's problem: "Dude where is all the money? Oh, we spent it on iTunes and iPads."17:13
nlsthznProblem is USA's problems becomes everyones problems :/17:29
nuvolariya :-/17:30
nlsthznDisk almost burnt... time for me to try out Frugalware properly... 17:31
nlsthznhere I played with it in VBox... my lappy suffered with Unity and Gnome 3 (shell) at the same time :p - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4znKHMJkeEw17:32
Kiloslol you enjoy playing aroung nlsthzn 17:40
Kilosyou want work, figure out how to make my pidgin work to blackberry's bbm17:40
Kiloswithout me first registering a bb17:40
nuvolariwhokom bb oom?17:41
nuvolariKilos: ^^17:41
Kilosmy boet en skoonsus en hulle kinders sit op bbm hele tyd en kom min mxit to17:42
nuvolariah :-/17:52
nuvolarioom moet hulle op gmail kry17:53
nuvolaridan kan hulle gtalk gebruik17:53
Kiloshulle like van bb17:53
Kilosen dis te veel werk om ander goed op die foon te kry17:53
superflyKilos: you can't make anything talk BBM other than a BlackBerry17:58
Kilosyeah superfly but worth a try17:58
Kilosmaybe someone hacks one one day17:59
superflyit's their proprietary messaging system which uses their own servers and a hardware ID linked to the physical phone17:59
Kilosyeah actually quite good17:59
Kilossleep tight everyone18:18
Kilossee ya morrow time18:18
nuvolariMaaz: convert USD0.05 to ZAR19:02
Maaznuvolari: I can't do that: Unknown unit 'USD0.0'19:02
nuvolariMaaz: convert USD 0.05 to ZAR19:02
Maaznuvolari: USD 0.05 = 0.34722222 ZAR19:02
nuvolariMaaz: convert USD 0.17 to ZAR19:03
Maaznuvolari: USD 0.17 = 1.1805556 ZAR19:03
nlsthznalo... any geeks patrolling tonight?19:30
nuvolarilo nlsthzn 19:36
nuvolarii'm just around19:36
nuvolarinothing serious :P19:36
nlsthznnuvolari: hey... 19:36
nlsthznMaybe you have a clue...19:36
nlsthzngnome,from the login screen I get graphical glitch... looks like many desktops overlapping, fonts fuzzy... can't read anything... any idea what could cause something like this19:37
nlsthznCan't get a tty's19:37
nlsthznonly get black screens when I switch19:38
nuvolarisounds bad19:39
nuvolarinlsthzn: did it happen after an upgrade?19:40
nlsthznfresh install (but I have to confes it isn't Ubuntu :/)19:40
nuvolarinlsthzn: the only thing I can think of is that your Xorg config got messed up19:40
nuvolariwhich distro?19:40
* nuvolari se tong sleep19:41
nuvolariwhats that?19:41
nlsthznWas able to get it working easily in VBox...19:41
nuvolarilooks pretty19:42
nlsthzn:) Yup, it does look nice... when you can see it properly...19:43
nlsthznI can't even get the kernel option text to bypass gdm ...19:44
nuvolarinlsthzn: to get back to the point. I had a similar experience a while ago where gnome got messed up, so I deleted my .cache and .config folder... which was a bit painful since I lost a lot of tweaked settings)19:44
nuvolaribut if you say it's a fresh install... i'm afraid I don't have any other quick-fix19:45
nuvolaridefinitely sounds like a borked default xorg config19:45
nlsthznhmmm... so I should be able to do that... without really being able to see the terminal :p19:46
nlsthznthey are under ~/my name right?19:46
nuvolarikbmonkey: frugalware seems nice!19:46
nuvolarinlsthzn: ya, ~/.config19:47
nuvolarinlsthzn: I think I just emptied them, not removed the actual folders19:47
nlsthznoh yes...19:47
nlsthznhmmm... so I shouldnt rm -r .cache19:47
nuvolariwell, try19:47
nuvolarirm -rf ~/.cache/*19:48
nuvolariand config19:48
nuvolarinlsthzn: hmm, but this is even before you log in eh?19:49
nlsthznthis is from the log in manager19:49
nuvolariwhich by removing those, I don't think will solve anything19:49
nlsthznand I can't get a tty, they are all black screens19:49
nlsthznnope, that didn't do anything19:50
nuvolari:-/ not having a tty is a big fail19:50
nuvolariit's like having your throat removed19:50
nlsthznyup... and i am unable to get gdm not to log into gui automatically19:50
nlsthznnothing i send the kernel seems to work :p19:50
nuvolarihmm. for now... retreat to something like Arch :P19:51
nuvolarior try freeBSD :P19:51
nuvolariin fact, try anything that *do* have a terminal to tinker with :P (besides window's cmd) 19:52
nuvolarihehe, sorry nlsthzn, I'm not much of help tonight19:52
nlsthznnuvolari: thanks for trying... it is appreciated19:52
nlsthznI will do what the windows user in me is screaming for...19:52
nlsthznre-install :p19:53
nuvolariwell, sometimes it works19:55
nuvolarido you have install options? like enabling/disabling stuff?19:56
nlsthznI can choose packages...19:56
nlsthznbut it is a minimum install... which worked...19:56
nlsthznthen I installed gnome ... this is when the sports started |:p19:56
nlsthznwill again install gnome 3, but edit so it doesn't start gui from boot...19:58
nlsthznnuvolari: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4znKHMJkeEw for a look at Frugalware20:13
nuvolarinlsthzn: maybe try openbox first20:19
nuvolarithen if it works, move up to gnome20:19
* nuvolari checks video20:19
nlsthznnuvolari: hehe... ok :)20:19
nuvolarithe guy singing in the video has throat issues. needs a strepsil20:22
nlsthznnuvolari: :p I will be sure to pass the message on to Jono20:22
nuvolariwhich one is Jono's voice?20:23
nuvolariI don't like music where the singer's voice sounds like 50-grain sandpaper rubbed against a wall20:25
nuvolariso hopefully his voice is the 2nd voice :P20:25
nlsthznnuvolari: he does all vocals...20:26
nlsthznlots of videos of Severed Fifth on youtube... :)20:26
nlsthznme likes 'em20:26
nlsthznoh, and Frugalware looks good out of the box (when it works)20:26
nuvolari:P "Severed (fif)th[roat]"20:30
nuvolariok, I'll stop20:30
nuvolarigood thing that tastes differ20:31
nuvolaricalling it a day20:32
nuvolarii'm out20:32
nuvolarigood luck with your setup nlsthzn 20:33
nlsthznnuvolari: thanks, and night20:33
nlsthznmaaz tell nuvolari just added nomodeset to get it to work :D20:48
Maaznlsthzn: Sure, I'll tell nuvolari on freenode20:48

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