
Noldorinhi jelmer05:02
benonsoftwareQuestion: How do I on Win upload to my Launchpad PPA?05:06
benonsoftwareHow do I set my SSH keys with bazzar explorer?05:41
thomibenonsoftware: I believe you must use pagent (part of putty) - at least that's how I do it.05:42
benonsoftwarethomi: I have my private and public keys in .ssh and I get bzr: ERROR: Don't know how to handle SSH connections. Please set BZR_SSH environment variable.05:43
thomioh, I assumed you were using windows, based on your previous question.05:44
benonsoftwarethomi: I am that is what I get05:44
thomiwhat ssh program are you using?05:45
benonsoftwarethomi: pagent05:46
benonsoftwarethomi: I am not sure what is happening with it05:48
thomibenonsoftware: it's a bit old, but perhaps this might help you? https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/5036005:52
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Noldorinjelmer, hey>07:14
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cheater__can i somehow make bzr automatically check out the latest version of the branch?17:45
exarkunwhat other version of the branch would it check out?17:47
cheater__sorry, i meant:17:48
cheater__can i somehow make bzr automatically update to the latest version of the branch?17:48
exarkunLike "bzr pull"?17:49
cheater__or more like bzr up17:49
cheater__i commit to branch from my workstation, and want the server to automatically see it and update to the latest version.17:49
cheater__or i commit to the main branch from a checkout, or something.17:50
exarkunSo you want to automatically update an arbitrary checkout, somewhere in the world, when a new revisions appears in a another checkout of that branch somewhere else in the world.17:51
exarkunI don't know, maybe there's a plugin or something.17:51
cheater__exarkun, i think it just needs to be something that runs "bzr up" every 10 seconds18:13
cheater__i could do a cron job.. but i thought maybe there's some better way to do it18:13
exarkunSure, but you don't need #bzr to tell you that.18:13
cheater__i thought, maybe there's some sort of, uh, trigger or something.18:14
cheater__there are always those triggers for everything!18:14
cheater__i guess that's mostly wishful thinking though :)18:14
Noldorinhi jelmer20:58
jelmerhi Noldorin21:08
Noldorinjelmer, was about to do some testing yesterday but ran into problems21:10
Noldorinjelmer, bzr is telling me "working tree is out of date" and i have no idea why21:10
jelmerNoldorin: when is it telling you that?21:16
Noldorinjelmer, bzr st, bzr dpush, bzr most things :-)21:16
jelmerNoldorin: is this after you hit the bug you were debugging?21:16
jelmerNoldorin, or on a different branch?21:16
Noldorinjelmer, same branch21:16
Noldorini just uncommited to r -4621:16
Noldorin-r 4621:17
Noldorinso i cna investigate21:17
jelmerNoldorin, right, so that's probably because it crashed halfway through21:17
jelmerNoldorin, "bzr up" should get the working tree up to date again21:17
Noldorini see21:17
Noldorinjelmer, many many conflicts now21:17
Noldorinjelmer, ok fixed....somehow! :-)21:22
Noldorinjelmer, will investigate which directories cause the issue later21:22
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RenatoSilvaI had an weird merge problem, I deleted all branches but it was like this23:45
RenatoSilvaI have a branch which works on a feature for foobar release 1.2.3, then I created another branch and merged upstream repo changes, for getting that feature working with foobar dev version23:47
RenatoSilva1. the merge pointed some conflicts out of order. That is, I had to figure out that if I just fixed each conflict individually from top to bottom, I'd get a completely wrong result23:48
RenatoSilva2. the merge didn't merge one of upstream changes, it was supposed to replace some two lines with one single line from upstream23:48
RenatoSilvaare these two normal problems of merging or bugs?23:49

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