
FlocloHi any one here?00:06
FlocloI'm new to linux and I am having trouble dual booting00:07
FlocloIt's a MacBook alum00:08
FlocloI've followed the instructions on the ubuntu site but because I'm using kubuntu it's slightly different00:09
FlocloI have everything working except when I boot to Linux partition I get00:09
FlocloOperating system not found00:09
FlocloI don't think grub installed00:10
xcvFloclo: i'm sorry, but since have never used a mac, i can't help you00:10
FlocloShould kubuntu install it by default or should I have been connected to the net to get it00:10
bazhang!info grub-efi00:11
ubottugrub-efi (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package). In component main, is extra. Version 1.99~rc1-13ubuntu3 (natty), package size 10 kB, installed size 112 kB (Only available for any-i386 any-amd64 any-powerpc any-ppc64 any-sparc any-mipsel i386 kopensolaris-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 powerpc ppc64 sparc mipsel)00:11
FlocloNo worries xcv00:11
bazhangFloclo, intel mac? use refit00:11
FlocloRefit is installed and working00:12
FlocloI will have to go now i will come back later thanks so far for listening00:13
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robbiesanHello, newb to Kubuntu, like it a lot.01:28
robbiesanI have a question,01:29
robbiesanHow can I widen my internet pages by using two fingers on my touchpad? I good using the other OS01:30
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ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility01:59
chazwozahey guys...running kubuntu 11.04. How do I change my mouse cursor for GTK applications?02:49
chazwozaive changed the cursor in system settings, but in firefox etc when I put the mouse over it reverts back02:49
chazwozanobody? :(02:56
Rod_JIs UbuntuOne available in Kubuntu or is "OwnCloud" the Kubuntu equivalent?03:07
bazhangRod_J, try in #ubuntuone perhaps03:10
Rod_JOK, thanks03:10
bazhangno reason you cannot use it with Kubuntu afaik03:10
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pidusTried everything that I could find on the net to make youtube work on my ff, which worked flawlessly on 10.10, but refuses to go beyond a black screen in 11.0403:43
pidusany insights?03:43
pidusI guess #firefox is the place where I should be posing this question.03:45
FlocloHi guys06:32
FlocloHow do I check if grub is installed from the terminal in a live cd06:33
FlocloI'm running dual boot on ms osx06:33
LinkmasterFloclo: if you're using your system, grub should be installed - you can try pressing the 'shift' key, or wait for grub to show up.06:34
FlocloNot working...06:34
FlocloI have followed the dual boot instructions...06:34
FlocloOn ubuntu forums06:34
LinkmasterDid you install windows before or after?06:34
FlocloAfter finishing install I try to boot to kubuntu and I get no os found06:35
FlocloI had osx lion first06:35
FlocloI'm dual booting to kubuntu06:36
FlocloCan I manually install to the kubuntu partition06:36
FlocloOr maybe there is another issue06:37
FlocloAny suggestions Linkmaster ?06:38
redeyyezmy laptop has issues detecting smb shares if its been connected to another network.  Have to reboot to get things working properly there must be a way to do this via terminal06:38
LinkmasterTry installing grub into the kubuntu installation. I don't deal with OS X, so I'm not the best in the world for that06:38
FlocloYea how do I install manually?06:39
Linkmasterredeyyez: you can ssh, if you know how[I don't know well enough to teach though, just giving you google ideas]06:39
LinkmasterFloclo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527506:40
redeyyezLinkmaster: thanks for the idea, i was leaning more towards a command to restart network services or something along that line06:40
FlocloI found instructions for ubuntu but I can't use su06:40
LinkmasterI wouldn't know about that, other then bringing down your network interface with ifconfig06:40
ShirakawasunaFloclo: supposed to be sudo06:41
LinkmasterFloclo: using a live cd, just type 'sudo' and it'll be executed automatically06:41
ShirakawasunaFloclo: ubuntu doesn't like 'su' alone. sudo su works, though06:41
FlocloNew site thanks Linkmaster and Shirakawasuna awesome help06:41
FlocloWill seevhow i go06:41
Linkmastergood luck06:43
redeyyezno one has a lot of networking experience with kubuntu?06:44
Linkmasterredeyyez: wait patiently. there are a lot of skilled people in the channel, but not all are at their clients at the moment06:45
redeyyeztried sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart sometimes this helps06:45
redeyyezhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConfigurationCommandLine/Automatic#Configure laptops for multiple locations  Nice read here for future use.06:56
FlocloHey guys still going with this grub issue. In the mean time I thought I would chat about beginning with Linux07:04
FlocloAny one got good resources for beginners to learn the system.07:04
Alexia_DeathFloclo: Best way to learn is to use it.07:06
Alexia_DeathFloclo: And google for solutions if you have problems.07:06
Alexia_DeathUnlike windows, most error messages on lunx can be copy-pasted.07:07
FlocloYea I'm trying to get dual boot on the Mac07:07
Alexia_DeathAdavanced usecase...07:07
FlocloYeah problems ATM07:07
Alexia_Deathhaving never ownes or used or even touched a mac I cant help you with that im afraid:(07:08
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FlocloLol yeah there are guides online07:08
Alexia_Deathhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook <- this looks through-07:08
FlocloHey should kubuntu install grub by default?07:10
Alexia_DeathIt does usually07:10
Alexia_Deathbut boot ing for mac-s is abit different so I dont know.07:10
FlocloI'm trying to work out if it is installed on the partition I installed kubuntu to07:11
FlocloDo you know how ican tell the terminal to look at dev/sda5 to see if it's installed?07:11
Alexia_DeathIt would be easier to look in the config file and see if it is where it should be07:12
Alexia_Deaththen just run grub-install in chroot to make sure its installed.07:13
FlocloWere should it be if I'm looking in that drive07:15
Alexia_Deathhmm /dev/sda5 is a partition...07:15
Alexia_DeathI dont know how mac-s work but on pc-s default location for grub is the mbr07:16
Alexia_Deathyou only ever install it on partition if you want to do chain loading I think :/07:17
FlocloOhhh I07:17
FlocloAm thinking I don't know enough either yet07:17
Alexia_Deathyeah... Wait for a mac user to show.07:18
FlocloI didn't want to install to mbr incase I screw my osx install07:18
Alexia_DeathOr take some risks and experiment:)07:18
Alexia_Deathif you dont install it in mbr then you need to configure your os-x loader to chainload.07:18
Alexia_Deathbut I dont know how thats done:)07:19
Alexia_Deathfind a guide:)07:19
Alexia_Deathmaybe you need that bootcamp thingy.07:19
FlocloYeah I've got refix as the boot loader07:20
FlocloI've got a tut for ubuntu should it all work the same for kubuntu because if so it hasn't!07:21
FlocloAny Mac users here"!?07:23
FlocloSo weird... I've got the got saying the kubuntu partition is basic data?!07:24
tobagois vim on kubuntu broken? when i yank some line in visual mode, close the file, open another file and try to paste the stuff, the (default) register "" is empty. how come?08:37
tobagovim on ubuntu itself (other machine) works as expected.08:38
szaltobago: compare *buntu version and package version, then either answer your question yourself or question its validity ;)08:44
yofeltobago: only thing I could think of is messing around  with the klipper settings. Maybe that messes up the clipboard handling08:46
yofelor close klipper and check if it works then08:46
tobagoszal: ubuntu (kernel 2.6.24-29-generic): vim --version --> 7.1  / kubuntu (kernel 2.6.38-10-generic): vim --version --> 7.308:47
yofelwell, that's two different vim versions, but it works fine for me in 7.308:47
szalkernel 2.6.24?  that's a heck of an unsupported version..08:48
tobagoszal: well on that kernel vim works perfectly.08:48
szalsmells like Intrepid or Jaunty08:49
yofelit's hardy08:49
tobagoszal: even worse: heron ;)08:49
tobagoyofel right08:49
szalwhich has ended its life recently even on the server08:49
yofeler, no, it hasn't08:49
szaler, yes, it has08:50
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.08:50
yofelhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases server supported till april 201308:50
tobagoszal: the desktop is not support any longer. but that's another story... it's because on that machine the gma500 intel chipset is not supported by linux.08:50
szalah, on the desktop, ok08:50
tobagoin newer versions the x11 doesn't support that chipset.08:50
tobagoanyway. i just want to get vim running on the current kubuntu...08:51
tobagoi means, it runs, but not as expected due to yanking/pasting in the register.08:51
tobagoyofel alright. i try killing klipper and then try the yanking/pasting again.08:52
yofelI've klipper synchronised to xclipboard, matters maybe08:53
yofelwell, coffee break, bbl08:53
tobagoyofel: mmh. killed klipper but still the same issue.08:53
tobagomaybe a setting in the vimrc?08:54
Machtinhey there! Any idea why it might be that I can use toslink in vlc, but my browsers won't play sound in flash and html5 (guess in everything else that has sound, too)? I checked opera and firefox.09:28
Peace-Machtin: pulse could be the problem09:39
Machtinfeared that it might be.. fixable problem or would i have to remove pulse?09:40
Peace-Machtin: well you could kill pulse09:40
Peace-the sudo alsa force-reload09:40
Machtinstill no sound09:46
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andriykohello. I'm running kubuntu 11.04(2.6.38-11-generic kernel) on hp6720s laptop. There is no sound when using laptop's speakers, but there is sound when using headphones via jack. Could you please help me?09:56
andriyko!support | andriyko10:08
ubottuandriyko, please see my private message10:08
dancappCan anyone tell me how to delete updates from the update-list in KPackageKit? I've got 3 updates which fail every time I try and action them, but they appear on the list every time it gets refreshed.10:36
koppi need help10:50
koppi have kubuntu 10.10 trinity desktop10:51
koppcompiz effects won't work!10:51
koppanybody help me?10:53
Peace-ah trinity10:59
koppyes trinity10:59
Peace-well... we don't support trinity version10:59
kopptrinity don't have irc :/10:59
Peace-kde is kde4 now10:59
Peace-kde3 is dead10:59
Peace-btw you should check if you have 3d11:00
ghettoblastergot a question bout oneiric, can i ask it here, or is there another forum11:00
koppPeace-: i have 185 nvidia driver11:00
Peace-you should ask into #ubuntu+1 but... you will not answered because the most use unity in that channel11:00
koppcompiz run11:00
Peace-ghettoblaster: you should ask into #ubuntu+1 but... you will not answered because the most use unity in that channel11:01
koppbut effect's don't works11:01
Peace-so...  you could ask here11:01
ghettoblasterty Peace ill try ;)11:01
koppand have a question11:02
koppthe testing version of (K)Ubuntu will damage my computer?11:03
Peace-it could11:03
Peace-kopp: the stable version is 11.0411:03
Peace-testing 11.1011:03
Peace-users can install 11.04 , tester expert user can install 11.10 too11:03
koppan example: karnel have an overclocking bug and damage my computer. It is possible?11:03
Peace-kopp: with alpha software you can demage your computer yes11:04
koppi wait for beta11:04
Peace-even with beta11:04
Peace-and even with rc11:04
Peace-you need to wait for the release11:04
koppPeace-: thanks for help11:05
Peace-kopp: btw why you are using trinity11:06
Peace-kde3 has nothing more than kde411:06
koppi have 3 os11:06
Peace-kde4 uses less resources11:06
koppubuntu natty kubuntu natty kubuntu maverick whit trinity11:07
koppi like kde311:07
kopphave bette compatible whit gtk apps11:07
Peace-kopp: nope man11:07
Peace-with the new theme for gtk now gtk applications looks like qt11:08
Peace-kopp: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_A3bDTdsdVYQ/TO-SXmRmjuI/AAAAAAAAAiM/JpRi9tHCk98/s1600/gedit.png11:09
koppin my pc uses other gtk theme11:09
koppwhit solid titlebar11:10
Peace-bad theme then..11:10
koppkubuntu why not use oxygen by default on gtk apps?11:11
Peace-kopp: oxygen-gtk11:11
Peace-kubuntu uses oxygen-gtk11:11
Peace-that is the best11:11
Peace-look at gimp on my dekstop11:11
koppi download11:11
koppbut i like still kde311:12
koppbecause i like the old konsole more11:12
Peace-well do as you wish11:13
Peace-kopp: thi si my desktop http://wstaw.org/m/2011/08/07/plasma-desktopoC1490.jpg11:14
koppwhen i drop a folder to the konsole on kde311:15
koppi can chose cd, paste, mv, ln, cp11:16
koppand i like more konqueror 3.5 filemanager than 411:17
Peace-i have used kde 3 too11:17
Peace-there are no reason to keep kde311:17
koppi keep it11:17
koppand rtinity Enterprise Edition [1 DVD] have all kde3 programs whit firefox, thunderbird11:18
kopphave devel kde3 apps11:19
kopphave all11:19
kopphave Kdevelop11:19
koppall education apps11:19
koppALL QT3 APPS11:20
koppi can't wait natty whit trinity11:20
koppPeace-: what distro you have?11:26
Peace-with kde 4.711:26
koppi restart and chose kde411:29
_-[Kopp]-_Peace-: nvidia geforce 8600 gt is enough good for kwin 4?11:34
_-[Kopp]-_Nvidia geforce 8600 gt is enough good for kwin 4?11:36
Peace-_-[Kopp]-_: i have intel 945gm11:42
Peace-128 of memory11:42
_-[Kopp]-_i have 700 mb video memory11:42
yofel_-[Kopp]-_: 8600gt is plenty, I've had it running on a 660011:45
_-[Kopp]-_thanks for help11:46
_-[Kopp]-_i find this:http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/?content=13621611:47
_-[Kopp]-_and i hate source because need devel packages11:47
_-[Kopp]-_i need deb, or apt11:47
_-[Kopp]-_Peace-: need deb package for kubuntu oxygen-gtk11:58
Peace-search on muon or kpackagekit12:00
Peace-it's on the repository12:00
_-[Kopp]-_Peace-: se this image: http://noob.hu/2011/08/07/01.jpeg12:02
Peace-you have already installed it12:03
Peace-it's gtk2-oxygen12:03
_-[Kopp]-_but i need the theme12:03
Peace-kid learn a bit of kde...12:04
Peace-i have not time to feed you right now12:04
_-[Kopp]-_Peace-: i need to compile the theme?12:06
yofel_-[Kopp]-_: go to kpackagekit, install gtk2-engines-oxygen12:31
Peace-yofel: he has that12:31
Peace-already installed12:31
_-[Kopp]-_i installed12:31
_-[Kopp]-_but i need the theme12:31
_-[Kopp]-_the oxygen-gtk theme12:31
yofeltrue, but then I'm not sure what his problem is12:31
yofel_-[Kopp]-_: kopp, oxygen-gtk is an engine that renders the default KDE theme on gtk12:32
_-[Kopp]-_i go to system precenses and see oxygen gtk theme12:32
_-[Kopp]-_i added this repo: https://launchpad.net/~msb/+archive/testing12:33
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BluesKajHey all13:17
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_-[Kopp]-_BluesKaj: hejhej! :D14:39
tonymcanyone had success with running KDE's text-to-speech?14:52
BluesKajhi  _-[Kopp]-_14:52
_-[Kopp]-_BluesKaj: hi14:54
_-[Kopp]-_tonymc: i don't try it because i have eyes14:54
ArchangelSe7enSam ?14:55
tonymci have eyes too, i just want it to work14:55
_-[Kopp]-_tonymc: i can't help you15:00
tonymcwell you can just try it, see if it works - that way at least i know that it doesn't work only on my system15:01
tonymcit's there in KDE system settings under accessibility15:01
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reno__hello there!15:54
reno__who can help me with something?15:54
Linkmaster!anyone | reno__15:55
ubottureno__: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:55
reno__i wanna install a win game on my kubuntu and i don't know commands to run a iso file....15:56
LinkmasterI used to know this one, did it quite a few times awhile ago, give me a second15:57
LinkmasterIts faily depedant on where you want to mount it, but   sudo mkdir /media/iso sudo modprobe loop sudo mount file.iso /media/iso/ -t iso9660 -o loop     is what your looking for15:59
reno__i want only to open that iso and install15:59
LinkmasterIt can be shortened to "sudo mount /path/to/file.iso iso9660 -o loop" but the mounting directory makes life easier16:00
LinkmasterI did this when trying to install neverwinternights, so from my experience, the best way to go about what you want is to "sudo mkdir /mnt/isoname" then "sudo mount /path/to/file.iso /mnt/isoname is9660 -o loop" to have it mount in the  /mnt directory. Once thats done, using wine or whatever, you can select the installation .exe16:01
reno__let me try that16:02
reno__found in mnt directory only game folder but empty16:07
reno__you know if i can run installed games using wine?16:08
LinkmasterInteresting, nothing came up?16:18
reno__fount some scripts16:21
reno__with mount and unmount16:21
reno__says to copy in /bin but dont works16:22
marvin034nabend allerseits17:15
marvin034jemand anwesend der mir freundlicher weise bei einem wlan problem helfen kann?17:15
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:16
mac_Am new to Kubuntu but 4 years experience with Ubuntu.  Using Ver 11.04 of Ubuntu, I notice that DigiKam lost its main taskbar but after a restart the taskbar would sometimes appear.  Recently I found the same problem with Kubuntu.  Does anyone know what might be causing the problem and offer a solution?17:33
raevinanyone good w/ iptables?18:31
raevinThe man page for it doesntdo me justice on what I want/need to acoomplish18:31
vikapiraevin: wat do u want to accomplish..18:34
raevinvikapi: I have all my rules in the NAT table right now, because I need the pre-routing feature...however, I want to have a drop rule as well at the end of it all, but if I do iptables -A INPUT -j DROP, it filters before my NAT rules can come into effect18:35
raevinshould i do iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport <public port> -j ACCEPT too before the drop?18:35
raevinwell, i did that and it's not working either o.o18:38
Pi^2Hi, been experiencing this weird problem...after a few days of everything running smoothly, my system will refuse to start any new processes...anything that I attempt to run simply appears in the taskbar as loading, disappears and never starts18:47
Pi^2it's happened a few times, the only way to correct being restart, just happened right now (i currently can't start anything, can't even open a Konsole to see what's up)18:48
raevinPi^2: what does sysctl fs.file-max return?18:48
Pi^2fs.file-max = 38404418:49
Pi^2and i just checked my ps x output via xchat's /exec command...the processes im attempting to start are indeed "running", but not displaying on the GUI18:49
raevindo sysctl fs.file-max=790759 && sysctl -p18:49
raevinmight have to be root18:49
raevinsamething happened my server a few times, the file descriptor/handles are set to a low amount18:50
Pi^2k, sec18:50
Pi^2hm, this did not appear to resolve the issue18:52
Pi^2or must i restart my xsession?18:53
raevindoes it ressolve after you restart your computer?  you can try, doesn't hurt lol18:53
raevini did this on a headless machine so i can't say if x could cause it, but it owuldn't surprise me18:54
Pi^2well, the problem resolves when I restart, but it always comes back after a few days18:54
Pi^2ex, my uptime is about 6 days, which started when I had to reboot to fix the issue the last time around ^18:54
raevinsounds like a file descriptor issue, but i thought the changes took effect immediately.  does it happen still if you just log out n log back in?18:55
Pi^2i'll find out (about to disconnect)18:55
Pi^2yea , relogging fixed the issue18:57
raevinmaybe had to relog in for the sysctl settings to take effect o.o18:58
raevinglad it's fixed now :)18:58
raevinnp Pi^2 :D18:58
raevinhey gadmin18:58
gadmini have problem19:01
gadminwith my ubuntu19:01
gadmincan somebody help me19:01
LinkmasterWhy don't you tell us19:01
LinkmasterWe can't help if we don't know anything thats wrong19:02
LinkmasterThough, if its ubuntu, you should try #ubuntu19:02
gadmini can't  open my  csharp applications with mono19:02
gadminmono can open net framework based applications  and  i can't  i have kubuntu19:03
rectec794613what directory are the plasma themes at?19:08
reno__hi! how i can mount an iso to install a application, i using kubuntu19:09
raevinreno__: sudo mkdir /media/iso && sudo mount -o loop /<path to iso> /media/iso19:12
raevinnot sure if there's a KDE-specific or GUI way, but that's the CLI way19:12
reno__count where i have isofile?19:12
raevinreno__: what do you mean?19:13
reno__i have theat iso file in home/downloads/file.iso19:13
raevinif the iso is at /storage/isos/super.iso, then the command would be mkdir /media/iso && sudo -o loop /storage/isos/super.iso /media/iso19:13
rectec794613anybody know the answer to my question?19:17
rectec794613what directory are the plasma themes at?19:18
raevinrectec794613: have you tried doing a grep -r -H "<theme name>" /usr for a specific theme to see whre its at?19:18
rectec794613doesnt show. my friend helped me with a theme not working the other day and he told me where the themes are but i dont remember now that the problem happened again19:21
rectec794613he told me where to go to delete the theme files19:21
rectec794613raevin: do you know where they are?19:23
raevinrectec794613: sadly no, i'd only assume they're either in /usr or your home directory somewhere19:25
rectec794613ok i'll do some digging around and tell you if i find it19:28
Snowhogrectec794613: If you are looking for the Desktop Themes directory, they are at /usr/share/kde4/apps/desktoptheme (unless a downloaded theme was installed, in which case it will be in your user home directory (hidden))19:28
Snowhogrectec794613: If a downloaded/installed Desktop Theme, then look in ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme19:30
rectec794613oh ok19:30
rectec794613looks like it might work19:30
rectec794613yeah i think that's it19:31
rectec794613Snowhog: thanks19:31
rectec794613Snowhog: is the desktoptheme directory sopposed to be owned by root?19:37
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Snowhogrectec794613: If you are referring to the one in your user home directory, no. In /usr/share/..., yes.19:37
rectec794613Snowhog: is there a reason why the changes made (installing/uninstalling themes) in the "Get Hot New Stuff" program don't make a difference in ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme?19:41
Snowhogrectec794613: IIUC, when you download/install new Themes from "Get Hot New Stuff", they are installed in the users home directory.19:43
rectec794613doesnt make a difference with me unless i manually delete the theme folder19:43
Snowhogrectec794613: Are you saying that when you did so (downloaded/installed), that the resulting theme is showing as owned by root?19:43
rectec794613no my home folder's desktoptheme directory is owned by me; i was looking at the wrong one before19:44
rectec794613Snowhog: sorry forgot to add ur name to my post19:46
rectec794613Snowhog: wow hold on. got another problem. my entire desktop changed back to the way it was a week ago19:48
rectec794613Snowhog: again19:48
rectec794613i need somebody to help me through this19:49
Snowhogrectec794613: Well, did you just delete a theme directory?19:49
rectec794613Snowhog: no19:50
rectec794613Snowhog: left everything as it was19:50
Snowhogrectec794613: And it just 'magically' changed while you were looking at it??19:50
rectec794613Snowhog: but my wallpaper, widgets, icons, theme, and more are changed19:50
rectec794613Snowhog: yeah im not kidding19:50
rectec794613Snowhog: it happened once before19:51
Snowhogrectec794613: What did you do just before it happened?19:51
rectec794613Snowhog: switched desktops19:51
Snowhogrectec794613: Do you have separate activities for desktops set?19:51
rectec794613Snowhog: no but i use compiz19:52
Snowhogrectec794613: So, if you switch back to the previous desktop, does it all look okay on that one?19:52
rectec794613Snowhog: no all four of them are like that. ok well i can change it back but i need to know how to prevent this, and i think it has something to do with the themes19:53
rectec794613Snowhog: lemme restart and i'll come back19:54
rectec794613Snowhog: ok back19:57
rectec794613Snowhog: i think i know why19:57
rectec794613Snowhog: are the wallpaper and widgets, etc all stored in the desktoptheme's theme folder?19:58
rectec794613Snowhog: side problem: how come if i try to open the trash it says "Malformed URL trash:/"20:00
Snowhogrectec794613: Desktop Themes come with their own color scheme and widgets. I don't believe they come with their own wallpaper.20:00
rectec794613Snowhog: what if you change the wallpaper while using the theme?20:01
Snowhogrectec794613: I don't believe so. Wallpaper selection is not specifically part of a Desktop Theme package.20:02
rectec794613Snowhog: well gimme a second gonna restart again20:04
rectec794613Snowhog: hm well if you dont have a solution i guess i'll just change everything back, do a backup and hope for the best20:07
Snowhogrectec794613: I don't use Compiz, as Kwin works just fine for my needs.20:07
rectec794613Snowhog: yeah i just dont wanna reconfigure everything20:08
rectec794613Snowhog: wait lol20:14
rectec794613Snowhog: omg i cant believe this20:14
rectec794613Snowhog: i was pressing super+tab because its the hotkey to my window switcher20:15
rectec794613Snowhog: turns out its also used to switch desktop styles20:15
rectec794613Snowhog: unbelievable20:16
rectec794613Snowhog: all this trouble over nothing20:16
Snowhogrectec794613: A keyboard shortcut that controls two actions!? I didn't think that was possible.20:17
rectec794613Snowhog: no sometimes they take over eachother; sometimes the compiz hotkey works, sometimes its the kde20:17
Snowhogrectec794613: Simple fix then. Reconfigure either one so that the keyboard shortcut key combo is different.20:18
rectec794613Snowhog: yeah thats a huge load off my shoulders (no pun intended) i thought i had a serious problem there20:19
rectec794613Snowhog: ok so anything i can do about the malformed url error when opening the trash?20:22
Snowhogrectec794613: Delete the Trash widget and readd it. See if it works then.20:23
rectec794613Snowhog: im having the problem with the kickoff shortcut under "Computer"20:24
Sa[i]nTI come from windows and I'm used to the WinSDK, where do I look to make applications in kubuntu? Not QT if at all.20:24
Snowhogrectec794613: Clarify please?20:25
xzasedHi. I am using dolphin to sftp into one of my servers. I added it as a network folder, but it always prompts me 3 times for my password, even when 'save password' is checked. Is there a way to make dolphin use kwallet or something similart so it doesn't ask me for the password again?20:25
Snowhogrectec794613: Okay, understand. You are trying to open Trash via K > Computer > Trash and it won't let you, saying malformed URL20:27
rectec794613Snowhog: exactly20:27
Snowhogrectec794613: Can you open the Trash from the Trash widget (either on your Panel or the Desktop, assuming it's in one of those locations)?20:28
rectec794613Snowhog: no, the only way i can is by opening dolphin and going to it through the places menu20:29
Snowhogrectec794613: Which Desktop Theme are you using, and what version of Kubuntu and KDE?20:30
rectec794613Snowhog: H2O, Kubuntu 11.04, KDE 4.6.220:31
Snowhogrectec794613: If you change Desktop Themes, to Oxygen say, does the problem persist - can you access the Trash via K > Computer > Trash?20:33
rectec794613Snowhog: yeah same problem20:33
rectec794613Snowhog: if its any problem with you i dont need to access trash that way *that bad*20:34
Snowhogrectec794613: Has this been a problem 'always' for you, or can you remember when it first became a problem?20:35
rectec794613Snowhog: i think its always been like this. i've had problems from the start using this on my new pc, and have been through several reinstallations20:36
rectec794613Snowhog: whats KIOExec? should i reinstall it?20:37
Snowhogrectec794613: You might want to concider upgrading to KDE 4.6.4 (you are behind with your 4.6.2 release).20:39
rectec794613whenever i check for updates it gives me this error: http://pastebin.com/5DjT6EuZ  I'm using Muon20:42
WFeatherNeed help getting a ATI 6870 and nVidia GTX 260 to both work with Kubuntu 11.04, want to run 2 monitors on the 6870(in DVI already done)20:42
WFeatherplus one on DVI on the 26020:42
rectec794613sorry i mean20:42
rectec794613Snowhog: whenever i check for updates it gives me this error: http://pastebin.com/5DjT6EuZ I'm using Muon20:42
Snowhogrectec794613: Change to a different Server in Muon > Settings > Configure Software Sources > Kubuntu Software > Download from (I use Server for the United States)20:46
rectec794613Snowhog: yeah thats what im using. should i just delete those repos?20:47
rectec794613Snowhog: or uncheck?20:48
Snowhogrectec794613: Those entries are written incorrectly.20:56
Snowhogrectec794613: What ppa's from launchpad had you tried to add?20:57
rectec794613Snowhog: i havent added those20:58
rectec794613Snowhog: cant check for updates and the only one i have to do is for wine20:59
Snowhogrectec794613: Well, someone did, as ppa repositories are not included in a Kubuntu installation.20:59
rectec794613Snowhog: so what should i do?21:00
Snowhogrectec794613: I would delete them myself - they don't work as written anyway.21:00
rectec794613Snowhog: can i do that from a terminal? i dont see them listed in the software sources21:01
Snowhogrectec794613: If you want to upgrade to KDE 4.6.4 (recommended IMO), you do so by closing Muon (if it's running) and open a console and type: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa followed by sudo apt-get update and then sudo apg-get dist-upgrade21:02
rectec794613Snowhog: ok hopefully muon will be better once it finally rolls around as the official package manager and installer of kubuntu21:03
Snowhogrectec794613: As to deleting those malformed ppa entries, open Muon and go to Software Sources and locate the entries there and delete them.21:03
rectec794613Snowhog: as i said before, i cant find the exact same repo's as the error lists. what should i look for?21:04
rectec794613Snowhog: gonna backup my home folder then do the upgrade21:06
Snowhogrectec794613: In Software Sources click on the Other Software tab and look for the ones with ppa in them21:06
rectec794613Snowhog: should i delete all the ppa's? thats like 3/4ths of the list21:08
Snowhogrectec794613: Take a screenshot and post to pastebin so I can look at what you have.21:08
rectec794613what site do i use for pics?21:12
Snowhogrectec794613:  http://pastebin.com like you did earlier21:12
Snowhogrectec794613: Hmm. If pastebin won't allow images to be posted, then post the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list file.21:13
rectec794613Snowhog: i just dont know how to do it on pastebin21:14
rectec794613Snowhog: can i just send it please?21:15
Snowhogrectec794613: Sure.21:15
rectec794613Snowhog: not getting it?21:19
cherkubuntu's version of dmidecode is broken or not uptodate. It reports "<OUT OF SPEC>" for DDR3 SO-DIMMs.21:23
IdleOneWhere do I change/set my default browser again?21:43
rectec794613IdleOne: System Settings>Default Applications>Web Browser21:45
IdleOnerectec794613: thank you :)21:47
IdleOnesimple solutions evade me :/21:47
rectec794613IdleOne: No problem21:48
erinaceusEvening, I have a problem concerning apt-get i was installing drivers for kubuntu and it got stucked so i forced the process to stop and the lock remained, after deleting it manually i got an error mesage that i interrupted apt-get and i had to run "dpkg --configure -a" now i get the following output: http://paste.kde.org/107335/ anyone can help me?22:10
LINKSWORD2Hey guys, can I change the colors of the popup system notification for notices from Amarok?22:18
raevinerinaceus: can you do this? sudo apt-get update -f22:19
raevinor -f update, forgot which way it goes22:19
LINKSWORD2I believe it's update -f22:20
erinaceusraevin: nope, produces the same error message22:20
LINKSWORD2I haven't used that command in a while. xD22:20
raevinerinaceus: what does cat /var/lib/dpkg/updates/0002 give?22:22
raevinLINKSWORD2: lol, me neither, surprised i even remembered it exists lol22:22
LINKSWORD2I need to change the colors of the popup system notifications.. And if I can, set specific colors for specific notices.22:23
erinaceusraevin: just 512 lines saying "#padding" and an empty one at the end22:24
raevinerinaceus: try deleting the file22:24
raevinLINKSWORD2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131828922:25
raevindunno if it'll work, but it looks like it will22:25
erinaceusraeving: Seems to have worked, sry to have bothered u when the solution was this obvious but i just reinstalled kubuntu after crashing it by attempting something like that :D So i hesitated, thx22:26
raevinLINKSWORD2: otherwise, look here: http://userbase.kde.org/Amarok/Manual/ConfiguringAmarok22:26
raevinerinaceus: it's no prob :)  better to ask than to have abroken system, lol.22:26
erinaceusraeving: Yeah, that's what i thought too22:27
rectec794613Snowhog: ok its finished22:27
Snowhogrectec794613: Wow! You must have a very good Broadband connection. Have you rebooted (did it require you to) yet?22:28
rectec794613Snowhog: haha well its just basic cable. ok i'll go reboot, wish me luck22:28
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rectec794613Snowhog: didnt require me to, but now i think the update notifier's working, just no updates listed22:29
rectec794613Snowhog: do it anyway?22:30
Snowhogrectec794613: And are you now running KDE 4.6.4 (About > KDE)22:30
rectec794613Snowhog: still says 4.6.2, a restart couldnt hurt22:31
LINKSWORD2Looks like I need to update / upgrade Amarok.22:31
LINKSWORD2Terminal isn't accepting my command, although I may be entering it incorrectly...22:32
raevinLINKSWORD2: what does the cli give you?22:32
LINKSWORD2.... Excuse me? CLI?22:33
raevinthe command prompt/terminal22:34
raevinwhat command ar eyou running and what happens when u do22:34
Snowhogrectec794613: In Software Sources > Updates tab, check Important and Recommended updates and under Release upgrade, select Normal Releases22:34
LINKSWORD2Snowhog: You just said what I needed. Thanks.22:34
LINKSWORD2... Maybe not.22:36
rectec794613Snowhog: it already was like that22:36
LINKSWORD2Anyways, raevin... sudo apt-get install amarok -update22:36
Snowhogrectec794613: Then I'd shutdown and reboot.22:36
rectec794613Snowhog: ok brb22:37
raevinLINKSWORD2: what happens when you do that command?22:37
LINKSWORD2"Not found" lol22:38
raevinLINKSWORD2: well, it was also written in 2009, lol.  here, follow this: http://userbase.kde.org/Amarok/Manual/ConfiguringAmarok#Notifications22:38
raevinLINKSWORD2: sorry, didn't see that until i sent you the ubuntu link22:38
LINKSWORD2raevin: What I want is to change the color of the SYSTEM NOTIFICATIONS22:40
LINKSWORD2No, I'm not shouting. I'm emphasizing what I want to change.22:40
rectec794613Snowhog: ok it updated to 4.6.5, and for some reason, my Google background image changed22:41
raevinLINKSWORD2: sorry, guess i mis-understood since you mentioned amarok in your original question/support msg o.o22:42
Snowhogrectec794613: KDE 4.6.5 is the latest 'stable' version - it's what I'm using. Good job.22:42
LINKSWORD2No prob.22:42
LINKSWORD2If it's possible to change the color of the system notification for specific application related notices, that's what I want to do...22:43
LINKSWORD2Thus why I mentioned Amarok.22:43
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility22:45
rectec794613Snowhog: i think my lists are the same. i still keep getting the 404 error22:53
Snowhogrectec794613: On the same to lists - boxee and ppa.launchpad?22:55
rectec794613Snowhog: exactly the same as last time: http://pastebin.com/5DjT6EuZ22:57
rectec794613Snowhog: got a backup of sources.list.d. gonna sudo rm the respective repos22:59
rectec794613Snowhog: ok well all i could delete in the sources.list.d folder was boxee, that fixed the 404 on *that*, however the ppa's are still getting 404s and i cant find them in the sources.list.d folder23:05
rectec794613Snowhog: trying sources.list23:06
rectec794613Snowhog: no luck23:07
Snowhogrectec794613: You won't find it in that file. The one that is producing the 404 is going to be /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubuntu-ppa-ppa-natty.list  You can verify that by commenting (unchecking) it in Software Sources > Other Software tab.23:09
davidhello all, just looking for advice23:09
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Guest51948I am trying to find a utility of application that allows me to record a macro or actions via GUI23:10
LINKSWORD2!system notification23:12
LINKSWORD2Guest51948: Let me look for something. I think I know what I can recommend...23:13
rectec794613Snowhog: ok fixed it23:17
rectec794613Snowhog: i'll explain how23:18
rectec794613Snowhog: i did a sudo apt-get update from the terminal. it gave me errors different from the ones listed in muon. i cd'd to sources.list.d and sudo rm'd their files23:19
rectec794613Snowhog:  updated again and it was fixed23:19
Snowhogrectec794613: Do you still have the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubuntu-ppa-ppa-natty.list file?23:20
rectec794613Snowhog: no i deleted it and it didnt solve any problems, should i restore it?23:21
Snowhogrectec794613: Well, it's the repository file that upgraded you to KDE 4.6.5, so without it, you'll not be able to get updates to your KDE 4.6.5 files you just upgraded to.23:22
rectec794613Snowhog: ok23:22
rectec794613Snowhog: ok i copied it back23:25
rectec794613Snowhog: thanks for ur help23:25
Snowhogrectec794613: After copying it back, and in a console, redo the update command: sudo apt-get update and see if you still get the 404 error. I'd be curious.23:27
rectec794613Snowhog: yeah i already did23:29
rectec794613Snowhog: no errors in term. no errors in muon23:30
Snowhogrectec794613: I use Muon, but not for package management. I always do my installs/removals/purges and updates/dist-upgrades from the console.23:30
LINKSWORD2raevin, you still here?23:30
Snowhogrectec794613: I'm glad that you were able to get that small niggle resolved.23:31
rectec794613Snowhog: would i seem more pro if i did it like that?23:31
raevinLINKSWORD2: yearh, sorry, gf's over so kinda afk a bit23:31
Snowhogrectec794613: I choose to do it from the console with sudo apt-get because I like the user control it provides. I have nothing against Muon, and installed it back when it was first announced. I just prefer using the command line. I use Muon for 'finding' packages I might want to use.23:33
LINKSWORD2claydoh: I think I need your help, mate.23:33
rectec794613Snowhog: yeah seems like apt-get can be faster. at least it seems like it is when words are whizzing past23:33
claydohLINKSWORD2:  yes?23:34
LINKSWORD2I'm missing some kind of script or plugin from the Notification Manager in System Settings.23:34
LINKSWORD2.... I've also forgotten how to find images captured with KSnapshot.23:35
claydohLINKSWORD2: images usually save to where you tell it to, though the default is /Documents iirc23:37
rectec794613well later guys23:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:38
claydoh....or is it /Desktop23:38
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claydohLINKSWORD2: as to notifications, more info needed23:39
LINKSWORD2Trying to upload an image. imagebin is being a pain in the neck.23:39
LINKSWORD2There we go.... http://imagebin.org/16686223:39
claydohwhich kde version? kcm_knotify is in kdebase-runtime in 4.6 and earlier, kde-runtime in 4.723:44
claydohit is part of kde-runtime, do you have23:47
LINKSWORD2.... Huh?23:47
claydohthe image you have gives the error that kcm_knotify is missing23:47
LINKSWORD2Clay, please explain more... And you may query if you need.23:47
claydohdo you have the file /usr/lib/kde4/kcm_knotify.so23:47
LINKSWORD2I honestly don't know...23:48
claydohwell, take a looksee :P23:48
LINKSWORD2How might I find that?23:48
claydohuse a file manager,  dolphin23:49
LINKSWORD2No, it doesn't appear to be there.23:51
claydohmy only suggestion on this is to try reinstalling the package kde-runtime, which will reinstall that file if it is missing23:52
LINKSWORD2sudo apt-get install kde-runtime ???23:52
claydohsure, or use a package manager of your choice.23:52
claydohmay have to add ''--reinstall'' if it already installed23:53
LINKSWORD2Well, I suppose I may have to find out....23:54
LINKSWORD2OK, good.23:56
LINKSWORD2Now, claydoh if you don't mind, I have an additional question....23:56
claydohLINKSWORD2: shoot23:57
LINKSWORD2I would like to change the colors of the system notifications, and if possible, do so for notices from specific programs, like Amarok.23:57
claydohthats all in whatever plasma theme you use iirc23:58
LINKSWORD2Uh.... ????23:58
claydohI don't know a way to change just the notifications23:59

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