
ratcheerDoes anyone have Unity (3D) working with an ATI video card? Mine throws random black rectangles all over the screen. There is a bug report, but no fix.00:17
ratcheerI guess not, then....00:24
* penguin42 hasn't tried it on his Radeon box - it's running KDE00:25
penguin42ratcheer: Open or closed driver, have you tried the other?00:25
ratcheerpenguin42: Thanks.00:25
ratcheerI don't think Unity 3D will work on the open driver. I'm using fglrx Catalyst 11.6. I know 11.7 is available from ATI, but many others say it doesn't help.00:27
penguin42which card?00:27
* penguin42 doesn't know the state of the 6xxx cards on the open driver - it's pretty good now on the 4xxx00:27
ratcheerOk, thanks again00:28
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hvcan you please do this test:05:09
hvtime apt-cache dumpavail >/dev/null05:09
hvtest it both in natty and in oneiric05:09
hvfor me it is 0.115s in natty versus 3.235s in oneiric.05:09
mrdebwhy is hte x changed in color05:48
hvx ?05:50
mrdebyes to blue05:51
mrdebwho decided it05:51
hvsorry, I don't know what you mean. (I came here recently)05:52
kaltxiHey, I have noticed in the file manager if you try and drag a file to your desktop for example from a windows share (smb) it brings up an error saying the function hasn't been implmented, do you think i should report this as a bug?06:36
kaltxiah forget it, i won't... it doesn't seem like it should be lol06:38
IdleOneseems like a known issue, probably no need to report a bug06:40
kaltxiokay cool06:41
rippsHow stable is Oneiric right now? Are the Nvidia drivers working?08:19
rippsI'm thinking of upgrading, I usually upgrade during alpha.08:19
urlin2uripps, #ubuntu+1 might be helpful.08:20
urlin2uopps sorry08:20
Machtinripps: working for me i think08:41
Machtinalthough i'm using nouveau atm.08:42
MachtinWhy would I have no sound in my browser when I use s/pdif, even if it works with vlc?08:43
jp_HraniceI need help. I ran install in test drive and I can't fill My name, Computer name, User name and password. Check bowes below are ok.09:31
jp_HraniceIs it a bug ?09:33
LarsTdo you use 11.1009:34
jp_Hranicealpha 3. Yes.09:34
LarsTis it usuable ?09:35
LarsTwant to chgange form 7 to 11.1009:35
jp_Hraniceno I am experienced ubuntu user. I'm running 11.0409:36
jp_HraniceI want involv testing09:37
jp_HraniceI need help. I ran install in test drive and I can't fill My name, Computer name, User name and password. Check bowes below are ok.09:43
Stanley00Excuse me. I want to upgrade my "Natty terminal system only" to Oneiric, but I can't do that via apt-get. Can anybody here show me how?10:12
bazhangStanley00, terminal system?10:14
Stanley00bazhang: yes. It's a command line system only.10:14
IdleOnedo-release-upgrade -d10:16
Stanley00IdleOne: thanks for your help. It working now.10:17
bullgard4_How to install Oneiric  on 2 HDD partitions which I have created? The running primary operating system is Ubuntu Server 11.04 GNOME 2. Nota bene: to install (and not to upgrade).10:51
ikoniabullgard4_: same as a normal install10:51
bullgard4_ikonia: Can you elaborate.10:52
ikoniabullgard4_: just use the oneiric media10:52
ikoniabullgard4_: do you know how to install ubuntu ?10:52
bullgard4_ikonia: Certainly not.10:53
ikoniabullgard4_: then you really shouldn't be using a development product if you're not comfortable installing ubuntu as an OS10:53
bullgard4_ikonia: Note that my question differs from the question: "How to install ubuntu Oneiric."10:54
ikoniabullgard4_: I don't see how it differs10:54
bullgard4_ikonia: That's the problem.10:54
ikoniayou've just asked how to install ubuntu oneirc on 2 hard disk partitions wihtout using an upgrade10:54
ikoniabullgard4_: that is just a standard install10:54
bullgard4_No, it is not a standard install.10:55
ikoniayes, it is10:55
ikoniaunless you have some specific requirement that you're not making clear10:55
bullgard4_ikonia: So  I stop arguing here at this point.10:55
ikoniabullgard4_: it's not an argument, installing ubuntu 11.10 is the same as installing 11.04, the installer is the same10:56
ikoniaso unless you have something specific that is outside the scope of the normal installer, it's just a standard install10:56
ikoniais there something specific that's not working for you ?10:57
bullgard4_No. The installer told me that it cannot install root on two partitions.10:57
ikoniabullgard4_: well, no, that's not possible10:57
ikoniabullgard4_: but you can put different file systems/mount points on multiple partitions,10:57
bullgard4_But I need two independent operating systems.10:58
ikoniabullgard4_: eg / on disk a, /var on disk b (for example only)10:58
ikoniabullgard4_: that's fine, you just select disk a = / for 11.04 disk b = / for 11.1010:58
bullgard4_ikonia: I have only one HDD.10:59
ikoniabullgard4_: ok, you select partition a = / 11.04 partition b = / 11.1010:59
ikoniabullgard4_: in the installer though, don't reference the other OS, eg: when installing 11.10 - don't reference/configure / for 11.04, only configure / for 11.1011:01
bullgard4_ikonia: Exactly this one I tried yesterday. But the 'ubuntu Server 11.04' installer told me that it cannot have two partitions having the root  flag.11:01
ikoniabullgard4_: during the installer, only reference 1 partition for /11:02
ghettoblasterhi all, tried a fresh clean install at my laptop (nvidia card) but xserver doesn't start. Neither nv nor nvidia is working.11:02
Machtinbullgard4_: if you want two installations you have to run the installer twice11:02
ikoniaghettoblaster: I suggest logging a bug detailing your card11:02
bullgard4_ikonia: Right. I will try this.11:03
ghettoblasterhow can i try to configure xserver using console, live-cd is working and installation too11:03
Machtinstill.. i get no sound while using s/pdif in the browser.. vlc works :/11:03
ikoniaghettoblaster: try setting the xorg driver to vesa to start the x server in a basic mode11:04
ghettoblasteri know how to change xorg.conf but how do i change setting today?11:06
ikoniaghettoblaster: today ?11:06
ikoniaghettoblaster: the same as yesterday11:06
ghettoblasteras no xorg.conf is used11:06
ikoniaghettoblaster: then you create one11:07
ghettoblasterk, ty ikonia11:07
yofelghettoblaster: and please don't crosspost...11:18
yofelghettoblaster: so.. what did you do after installing, did it boot even once?11:23
ghettoblasternope, after installation it hangs before booting x, but switching to console (Alt+F1) is possible11:24
yofelghettoblaster: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:27
ghettoblaster(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!11:28
ghettoblasteri have purged all nvidia packages and reinstalled without errors or warnings11:31
ghettoblasterDKMS: install Completed. and modules are present in /lib/modules/3.0.0-7-generic/updates/dkms/11:32
ghettoblasterwhy is there no more alternate iso for kubuntu?11:34
ikoniaghettoblaster: did you do what I told you11:37
yofelghettoblaster: how did you install the driver? And it's not installed by default so you should have been able to boot at least once to install it11:41
ghettoblasterusing console by apt-get install nvidia-common11:42
yofelerm... *that* isn't even the driver11:44
yofelghettoblaster: please use jockey-text11:44
ghettoblasterikonia (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.11:46
ghettoblastermom, jockey-text is searching for drivers...11:47
Ian_Corneit's nvidia-current11:47
ghettoblasterstopped im back on prompt11:48
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ghettoblasterwhy doesn't it start using (Driver "vesa") when live-cd works fine?11:50
ghettoblastermaybe problem is with daily-live desktop-i386.iso, i'll try with alternate-i386.iso alpha3 fresh install12:08
dr_willisNoticeing that Xchat  does not always seem to appear when i type in xchat  in the applications search listings..  do apps need to somehow register  their names now to appear in the searches properly?12:34
dr_willisNoticed that the gnome-tweak-tool also does not show up.12:34
robin0800dr_willis, are you able to make xchat open links in a browser?12:55
penguin42 dr_willis: I'd assumed it was just that the applications files are there in /usr/share/applications where I can see xchat has a .desktop file12:59
penguin42dr_willis: And it's showing up on the search here13:00
dr_willisrobin0800,  never tried it in a browser.13:04
dr_willispenguin42,  you just entering 'xchat' and it shows up?  or Xchat?13:04
dr_willisbrb. testing somthing13:05
penguin42dr_willis: lower case x and it shows up13:06
penguin42dr_willis: I have the xchat and xchat-common packages installed13:07
dr_willisOk logged out/back in.. If i use the + Applications button xchat does show up. If i use the TOP button with the Unity Logi13:09
dr_willisin the search field. it does not bring up xchat.13:10
dr_williseven xchat does not show xchat at all.. Im still not clear on why we need 3 so similer search areas/buttons :) seems a bit confuseing13:10
penguin42dr_willis: Odd, it's all supposedly smart about the ordering to bring up more used stuff first - I suspect it might be being too smart for you13:11
dr_willisXChat IRC is showing up in the Most USed Colum now.13:11
penguin42dr_willis: It's back in being very buggy at the moment; windows+number stopped working for me again13:11
dr_willisI still dont quite get how the searching works wth the top button. You got the Inital Search. then you can click on APplications, which seems the same as the + button down the panel..  that THEN shows Xchat..13:12
dr_willisbut the initial 'search' seems to be supposed for BOTH apps and files.. its not showing up xchat.  lets see if it finds that gnome-tweak-tool13:14
dr_willisNone of the searches are showing 'gnome-tweak-tool'13:14
dr_willisthat tool must not have a .desktop file included i am guessing.13:15
dr_williswell gotta help the wife.. bbl13:16
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TLFI've recently dist-upgraded from Natty and...13:29
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TLF1) GDM starts, but when I write my username and pass, nothing happens (Icewm, ubuntu, ubuntu 2d.... doesn't matter)13:32
TLFwell, then I tried using KDM and at least Icewm starts, because Unity (Ubuntu session) shows only a desktop with icons, but no bars at all13:32
TLFcan I solve that?13:33
ghettoblasteryofel: alternate-i386 solved the problem so daily iso seems broken13:39
ghettoblasterso i've got xserver running, but nvidia driver won't13:45
ghettoblasterjockey tells driver is activated but not in use13:46
ghettoblasternouveau driver is in use, how can  change that without breaking graphic interface?13:48
robin0800ghettoblaster, you may have to blacklist the nouveau driver13:50
dr_willisghettoblaster,  i had to use nomodeset as a boot option. that disabled the nouveau and let the nvidia driver load.13:52
ghettoblasterit should be blacklisted by /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf13:54
ghettoblasterhow did you do that dr_willis13:54
dr_willisyea thats what i was thinking also.. but it wasent doing it..13:55
dr_willisadded nomodeset to the /etc/default/grub file13:55
dr_willis cat /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf13:55
dr_willisblacklist nouveau13:55
dr_willisits showing blacklisted here.. It may have been fixed since last week when i switched to nomodeset.13:55
dr_williscat /etc/default/grub | grep nomode13:56
dr_willisGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"13:56
dr_willisnomodeset did disable the framebuffer console also.. which was a bit of a bummer. since it only recently started workign rigth for me on this box.13:57
dr_willisHmm. The UbuntuOne Icon in the panel really needs some Items on the RIght Click menu to make it actually usefull. :) like Open Ubuntu One web site, or the folder directly.. show your quota..13:59
dr_willisUbuntuOne is the sort of feature they could really 'market/push' and make Ubuntu Stand out a bit from the others..  make it more then just another Music Store.14:00
ghettoblasterdr_willis didn't help14:11
dr_willisghettoblaster,  check the output of dkms status, the other day i had an older version of the nvidia drivers for an older kernel that somehow was affecting the newer kernel/versions.14:24
dr_willisother then that - im out of ideas14:24
dr_willisexcept to check bug reports..14:24
ghettoblastershows correct kernel version nvidia 280.13 and says installed14:25
dr_willisdkms status14:27
dr_willisnvidia-current, 280.13, 3.0.0-7-generic, i686: installed14:27
BluesKajdr_willis, so the 280 is now the nvidia-current driver for oneiric ?, because I already have it installed on natty14:29
ghettoblasterit is14:30
BluesKajghettoblaster, maybe I'll take a chance and upgrade ,...again14:31
ghettoblastergot oneiric on my laptop for testing, 280.13 works like charm on natty ;)14:33
ghettoblasterso you might run in the same problems that nouveau wont leave14:34
BluesKajok, Ill blacklist it14:34
BluesKajif needed14:34
ghettoblasteras i said, it didn'work14:36
ghettoblasterdon't know why14:36
coz_BluesKaj,   yofel  mentioned     with nomodeset nouveau can't enable KMS and thus should be un-loadable again14:37
dr_willisyou did rember to rerun update-grub after adding the nomodeset option?14:38
ghettoblastermom ill try14:39
BluesKajcoz , ok thanks for the tip14:40
coz_BluesKaj,   he also mentioned    at least for now,    for some reasons nouveau gets into the initramfs and blocks the nvidia driver14:41
BluesKajcoz , ok , is the bug being worked on14:42
coz_BluesKaj,   I would hope so,, this couldnt be  something that would go to release,14:43
BluesKajcoz_, yeah , no kidding  :)14:43
ghettoblasterlol did forget to update-grub14:47
ghettoblasternice, KDE hangs at splash, 280.13 still has the nvidia bug with desktop-effects enabled14:49
BluesKajghettoblaster, it shouldn't , 275 didn't ..check your driver ?14:50
dr_willismine is currently --> nvidia-current, 280.13, 3.0.0-7-generic, i686: installed14:51
dr_willisworking with kde, gnome-shell and unity.14:52
ghettoblastermine too, but its a geforce 7400 go, nvidia doesnt care bout old hardware14:52
ghettoblasterset OpenGLIsUnsafe=true in kwinrc, lets see if it works14:54
bjsnideryour problem is you're using kde instead of gnome14:54
bjsnideri bet it would work fine in gnome14:54
BluesKajghettoblaster, they had the 7series drivers listed on their recommended list, but some didn't work , so I see they're no longer listed as available as of a few days ago14:55
BluesKajon the nvidia site14:55
dr_willishardware makers dont care for old hardware. :) not any profit in it...14:55
dr_willis00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2)14:56
ghettoblasterwhen i use download drivers and choose my card it shows 280.1314:56
dr_willisis what i have.. so its oilder then your hardware I think.14:56
BluesKajdr_willis, is that a laptop ...looks like the graphics on our laptop14:57
ghettoblaster01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72M [GeForce Go 7400] (rev a1)14:58
ghettoblasterDell Latitude D82014:59
* BluesKaj waits for the DKMS build15:00
ghettoblasteri think its this problem: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=160115&page=515:01
ghettoblasterbut anyway ty all for help ;)15:14
BluesKajok, BBL ...I hope15:30
BluesKajok, nomodeset and update grub , did the trick ...280.13 driver is in play15:56
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Ian_Corneok what is this, when I close an application it actually keeps running in the backgrouind, at 100% cpu16:17
Ian_Corneanyone else?16:17
penguin42don't think I've noticed that16:18
Ian_Corneit's each program I've tried so far..16:18
Ian_Cornerebooting to see if the problem persists16:19
Ian_Corneyep, persists16:20
Ian_Cornewonder what package I should file a bug against... probably unity?16:20
penguin42good a guess as any16:22
Ian_Cornewhen I log out, I get "A program is still running" not responding16:24
Ian_Corneclicking logout anyways doesn't do much16:25
ghettoblasteras i installed kubuntu oneiric, is it possible to install ubuntu-desktop and delete kubuntu-desktop completely?16:26
ghettoblasterno config files and any things for kubuntu should be left16:26
Ian_Corneit is possible16:29
Ian_Cornebut it's gonna be a lot of work16:29
penguin42ghettoblaster: I know how I'd get rid of most of it, not sure if it would get everything16:29
Ian_Corneif you want all config files,16:29
penguin42ghettoblaster: If you tell it to remote libgtcore4 that's mostly (but not exclusively) used by KDE - it's also used by unity-2d - it'll take out most of KDE along with it16:30
ghettoblasterthought about apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and purge kubuntu-desktop16:30
Ian_Cornebug 82233316:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 822333 in unity (Ubuntu) "Whenever an appication is closed, 100% cpu is used and process is still running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82233316:32
trismIan_Corne: out of curiosity, are you using nvidia 280.13?16:33
trismIan_Corne: since that sounds like lp 821702 (I had to roll back to 275.09.07 for the moment)16:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 821702 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "[Oneiric] Nvidia-current 280.13 hangs up the system" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82170216:35
Ian_Corneyes trism16:35
Ian_CorneI will try reverting16:35
Ian_Cornedo you have a link for the older nvidia-current?16:36
Ian_Cornethat's not what i wa slooking for hmm16:38
ghettoblasterso theres a bug for nvidia 280.13 in ubuntu also16:40
Ian_Cornehmm, xupdates also has 28016:40
trismIan_Corne: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/275.09.07-0ubuntu4/+build/259840516:41
trismIan_Corne: sorry that is the i386 version, click the amd64 link on your previous link if you need that one16:42
Ian_Cornei found the old package in my /var/cache/apt/archives16:42
Ian_Cornebut thanks :)16:42
BluesKajI just used nomodeset after upgrading and the 280.13 driver is working well so far in kde 4.716:43
Ian_Cornedowngrading, will report16:43
trismBluesKaj: it seems to be more of a gtk/gnome issue16:43
BluesKajtrism, yeah ,suspected that16:43
Ian_Cornetrism: it doesn't do it anymore16:46
Ian_Corneso it's somewhere between those packages..16:46
IAmNotThatGuyIan_Corne, is it a bug or a package issue? if there is a 100% processor usage, then my machine is done :[16:50
IAmNotThatGuysorry I missed the logs16:50
Ian_Corneeum, bug i think it happens with all applications I tried16:52
Ian_Corneyou can however kill the processes16:52
bullgard4_What is the command-line command to dist-upgrade from Natty to Oneiric?17:11
jamesbond2do-release-upgrade -d17:14
dr_willisgood luck. :)17:16
bullgard4_jamesbond2: I have started the procedure. --  Thank you.17:19
bullgard4_jamesbond2: '~$ lsb_release -a; Release: 11.10.' Yepp!17:54
bullgard4_jamesbond2: But I am cheating. I have installed no GUI yet.17:55
escottanyone know how to change the default gdm session to gnome3 from unity?18:47
urlin2uescott, dos it show in the login choice?18:51
escotti have the choice but it keeps going back to unity18:52
bjsnideryou have gnome-shell installed?18:54
urlin2uescott, I am reinstalling oneiric again today I will check that out.18:54
bjsnideri guess you could try just running gnome-shell --replace18:56
bjsnideri can't say what would happen though18:56
CarlFKwhat's the #ubuntu for vm images?19:04
thelalaalternatives to unity ?19:20
rwwGNOME Shell, GNOME 3 Fallback, KDE, Xfce, LXDE, a plethora of window managers19:24
thelalais gnome shell included by defualt in 11.10 ?19:24
thelala 19:24
Ian_Corneit is not19:25
rwwthelala: nope19:25
thelalaokay and how to install fallback19:26
thelalagnome 3 fallback gnome 319:26
rwwinstall gnome-session-fallback, select from GDM19:26
thelalahow can i install gnome3 in ubuntu 11.1019:28
rwwUbuntu 11.10 comes with GNOME 3 out of the box.19:28
escottthelala, install gnome-session19:28
thelalarww i asked that before19:28
escottrather gnome-shell sorry19:28
ActionParsniphey guys, just trying to run unity 2D and getting this: unity-2d-launcher: [FATAL] Settings schema 'com.canonical.Unity2d.Launcher' is not installed       I found this: https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/unity-2d/dconf_migration_super_key/+merge/6797120:56
ActionParsnipis there a dconf editor app?20:56
trismActionParsnip: dconf-editor is in the dconf-tools package20:57
ActionParsnipyeah just found :)   has anyone else had this?20:57
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BUGabundoevening micro dots of Existence21:03
BUGabundohey Ian21:04
BluesKajwhat's with the digital clock not using the settings 12hr AMPM that are applied , the 12hr time shows in the KDE control module , but the panel shows 24 hr time ...what gives ?21:55
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escottis it a gnome clock?22:53
escottBluesKaj, see above22:53
Machtinokay, it's getting annoying: when I click once in reality, about 30% of the times i click i get a double click. Why?23:06
escottMachtin, and you confirmed they are true double clicks in xev?23:07
Machtinnope, i have not23:07
Machtinescott: hm, don't know exactly, but i sometimes get two keymapnotifys and two releasenotifys by one click23:12
Machtinthat's what you mean?23:12
escottMachtin, thats not supposed to happen, and must be what is causing your double clicks. it could be the mouse hardware is shorting and sending the click twice23:14
Ian_Cornehmm, why does he get two keymapnotifys then escott ?23:18
Ian_Cornemaybe it's his entire usb23:18
Ian_Cornei wanted to say usb bus but that would be stupid..23:18
Ian_CorneMachtin: have you tried plugging in your keyboard/mouse in the front/back usb ports?23:19
escottIan_Corne, it could also be a bug in the usb hid layer, but it seems unlikely it would be software one would think it would happen to others/be more consistent23:19
Machtinworks on windows and worked on 11.10 a couple of days back23:20
escottMachtin, i think its virtually impossible but you could check that xinput doesn't list your mouse multiple times23:20
Ian_CorneMachtin: and it works on windows still at present?23:20
escottMachtin, but if the mouse was truely duplicated in the xinput layer it should happen with every click23:20
MachtinIan_Corne: I'm pretty sure.. I'm on Ubuntu at this point23:22
Machtinescott: just checked to be sure, it's not double23:22
Ian_CorneI'm searching for similar behavior posted anywhere23:22
Machtinhm.. i'll check the mouse settings23:23
Machtinbut it's strange.. i simply do not click twice. :P23:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 550047 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) "Spurious mouse events cause double clicks" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:23
Ian_Cornelike this?23:23
Machtinyes, pretty much like that one23:24
Ian_Cornewell, you got a starting point there23:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 365300 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) "Randomly I get double clicks when I do a single click." [Medium,Confirmed]23:25
Ian_Corneniniendowarrior (niniendowarrior) wrote on 2011-06-27:23:25
Ian_Cornelast comment23:25
Ian_Cornethat's not too long ago23:25
Ian_Cornethis is the search query: https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=double+mouse+event&field.actions.search=Search23:26
Machtinhm, strange since i rebooted several times since i noticed it23:27
Machtinbut i'll change the port.. who knows23:27
Ian_Cornewell, when I read the comments, rebooting/changing won't really help23:28
Machtinyup.. didn't do anything23:32
bjsniderBUGabundo, are you getting chromium hanging sometimes when using the back button?23:36
bjsniderit's actually reported on their bugtracker as 8979823:37
Ian_Cornebug 8979823:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 89798 in Launchpad itself "Able to link UI widgets for enabling/disabling" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8979823:54
Ian_Corneon their :p23:54
Ian_Cornebjsnider: are you using the nightlies/daylies?23:55
bjsnideryes i are23:57

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