
benonsoftwareYankDownUnder: Hello :)01:03
YankDownUnderbenonsoftware, Gday...have to get beer01:15
benonsoftwareYankDownUnder: Bit to eariler?01:42
lubotu2The RT kernel is the Ubuntu kernel with a realtime preemption patch applied. It is included in Ubuntu Studio by default. For more information please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime/02:32
head_victimyama: I notice you're one of the enGB translation launchpad admins, apparently my membership in the UK Translators group is about to expire. Would you be able to extend it? My launchpad id is jarednorris07:47
head_victimIt's a bit odd though, as I am getting expiration notifications but it's an open team.07:47
sagacior leave/join07:48
head_victimsagaci: nice point, I didn't even think of that.07:48
head_victimIf you look at the membership it's weird, some people have expirations but most dont - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-en-gb/+members07:49
sagacidepends who approves i guess07:49
head_victimsagaci: leaving/joining worked to extend the expiration.07:52
head_victimyama: sorry to ping you unnecessarily, leaving and rejoining the the auto set the expiration out further. 07:53
sagacihow long is the expiry now07:54
head_victim1 year07:54
elkyi'd say it used to be manually done but is now limited like this and the 1yr just makes sure the join-all-the-teams people drop off it eventually07:58
elkyer, not limited, automatic07:59
head_victimelky: sounds fair, I just can't believe I didn't think of the obvious solution sagaci presented.07:59
head_victimToo busy looking for something more difficult08:00
head_victimAlrighty, off to the folks for dinner. Cheerio :)08:01
sagacias am i09:11
nt1972hello everyone!! I am from Melbourne, I want to ask are there any ununtu courses are running in melbourne09:45
nt1972no one 09:47
redvilanybody here knows how to get the latest vlc player..mine doesnt play mkv files12:07
gack_I've installed Ubuntu and it said it was successful. When I tried to restart it with the USB out nothing happened. I've reinstalled it and it's the same. Then I tried to run it in rescue mode by entering 'rescue' at the boot prompt screen. It didn't do anything. Rescue mode doesn't come up in my start up list when I try to start the computer with the USB in. Any ideas?21:47

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