
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
=== nlsthzn__ is now known as nlsthzn
simonf_Morning, could someone give me advice on configuring apache2.conf file for phpmyadmin?10:25
coalwatersimonf_,  ur apache isn't working ?10:25
simonf_I've tried using VI and also a text editor but whatever I do it says I don't have permissions to change the file10:25
simonf_It's my server, installed ubuntu 11.04 yesterday10:26
simonf_and I'm only user10:26
simonf_do I need to log in as root?10:26
simonf_apache's working10:26
simonf_but can't get to http://localhost/phpmyadmin10:26
coalwatersimonf_, run the gedit or whichever editor u are using with gksudo10:46
coalwaterlike gksudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (for example)10:46
coalwateror sudo vi if you prefer10:47
coalwaterand i know what your problem is, let me find how i fixed it10:48
coalwatertry this10:49
coalwatersudo ln -sf /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /var/www/phpmyadmin10:49
simonf_thanks coalwater10:50
simonf_just trying it now10:50
simonf_thanks Coalwater, all sorted....11:00
simonf_I'm new to Ubuntu, normally set up apache on server 2003, so this is first time with LAMP11:01
simonf_didn't realisve that phpmyadmin isn't bundled and installed with LAMP so problem I had was.... phpmyadmin wasn't installed.11:01
simonf_Nice to know how to edit files now so thanks for help11:02
KleinMHi, I downloaded my graphics card drivers from the nvidia website, because it didn't show at System->Administration->Hardware Drivers.  So I installed it but now when I boot into Ubuntu, I get an error that says that Ubuntu is now in low-graphic mode and I still can't activate the extra effects at Appearance.  Anyone knows how to fix this?12:00
Sidewinder1!crosspost | KleinM12:02
ubot2KleinM: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.12:02
KleinMok, sorry....12:02
=== Hellow is now known as collinp
=== coalwater is now known as CoAlWaTeR
=== CoAlWaTeR is now known as randomperson
=== randomperson is now known as coalwater
gackI've installed Ubuntu and it said it was successful. When I tried to restart it with the USB out nothing happened. I've reinstalled it and it's the same. Then I tried to run it in rescue mode by entering 'rescue' at the boot prompt screen. It didn't do anything. Rescue mode doesn't come up in my start up list when I try to start the computer with the USB in. Any ideas?21:43
geirhaDo you have multiple harddrives in that computer?21:45
gackno, just the one21:51
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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