
=== bkerensa_ is now known as bkerensa
sagaciHi, I'm come across a string in the ubuntu-docs/ubuntu-help package, "Only add software repositories from sources that you trust. Third-party software repositories are not checked for security by Ubuntu members, and may contain software which is harmful to your computer."10:45
sagaciI think that "security by Ubuntu members" should be Ubuntu developers10:45
sagaciwell, "security by Ubuntu developers"10:45
Atamiraits not only developers that test the software10:46
sagaciI just got the feeling Ubuntu members meant those with ubuntu membership, at least how it reads for me10:46
Atamiranot all ubuntu members have a memebership10:47
Atamiranot all the updates that come in for software are ubuntu users10:48
sagaciI think the term is a bit ambiguous10:54

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