
paultagpleia2: do you happen to be about?02:02
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pleia2paultag: am now02:46
paultagpleia2: shoot, I forget what I was going to ask you03:02
paultagoh well. Hope you're well03:02
pleia2yep yep03:02
pleia2tomorrow we're heading over to one of the partimus schools to ubuntu them up03:02
paultagpleia2: nice! :)03:03
paultagpleia2: I'd love to see photos :)03:03
* pleia2 will take some :)03:03
pleia2it's one of the schools we don't have pictures of yet, so I'm excited to go03:03
pleia2I've only been over there once, and only got to see their icky windows lab03:03
paultagnice! :)03:03
paultaggood to know it's being purged :)03:04
pleia2unfortunately it's not03:04
paultagah, blerg03:04
pleia2once upon a time we ran their lab, then HP came along with a $30k grant for all new vista machines03:04
pleia2but the teachers still wanted linux machines, so now we put them in classrooms03:04
pleia2meanwhile half the windows PCs won't boot after a year because their unmaintained and the lab is a disaster03:04
paultagshows them03:05
pleia2http://blog.partimus.org/?p=63 is a little about the schools03:05
pleia2the guy who wrote that is always disappointed when people don't care about "freedom" but I03:06
pleia2'm all "they're using linux just because it's awesome? awesome!"03:06
pleia2we won, we can all go home now :)03:06
paultagpleia2: Oh! You're a sysadmin type!03:07
paultagpleia2: So I'm working on Syn actively again03:07
paultagpleia2: what's some things that you wish dpkg did that would make you say "Cool!" ?03:07
pleia2not suck with config files03:08
pleia2at least make a .old when you replace your config file with the new one03:09
pleia2like it makes -dpkg03:09
paultagpleia2: well what's interesting is that it can't klobber it03:09
paultagpleia2: since it uses similinks, so I think I might be able to use md5 voodoo to extract local changes and see if I can't push it back out03:10
pleia2so already it detects whether it was locally modified, if not it just replaces it03:10
pleia2the problem comes in when you have to manage ones you edited, it's tedious and if you tell it to replace it anyway *poof* your old config is gone03:10
pleia2plus it holds up the whole upgrade process until you answer the question about the config file03:11
paultagpleia2: what I'm doing is when you do a new install, it installs the package to /syn/b/bash/4.3/1/root/bin/bash, so if you had .../root/etc/conf1, then it will stay in that directory03:11
pleia2oh I see03:12
paultagpleia2: I could write a tool that would let you view all sources that point at a file and look "back" in time 03:12
pleia2what about changes you make to configs?03:12
paultagpleia2: it would divert that to the /syn/ tree03:12
pleia2I see03:12
paultagpleia2: so it should be trivial to see all versions of, say, /etc/httpd.conf that exist in the syn tree03:12
pleia2yeah, that's nice03:12
paultagand yank the old one back or something03:12
pleia2I hate config files :)03:12
paultagpleia2: is that close?03:12
pleia2yeah that's cool03:13
paultagcool :)03:13
pleia2ok here's one, a way to do dist-ugprade --exclude kernel-package-that-will-explode-my-machine03:13
paultagpleia2: hahaha, totally03:13
pleia2you can just do "apt-get install everything-but-stupid-package-you-don't-want" but that breaks dependencies03:13
pleia2dependencies end up being marked as installed on their own03:14
pleia2seriously, that's what I do now, it sucks03:14
pleia2pinning can help, but if it's just a package I want to upgrade tomorrow rather than today it's an annoying thing to do03:14
paultagoh I see03:15
pleia2oh yeah, and I want a pinning process that doesn't suck :)03:15
paultagpleia2: I'm hoping if I do the multi-version thing right, it should be easier to do that03:15
pleia2ah, aptitude's ncurses interface allows you to hold stuff03:17
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pleia2(just asked my fiance, he uses aptitude, I don't)03:17
paultagah cool03:17
paultagpleia2: anything else I should build in?03:20
pleia2download speed limits on upgrades :)03:20
paultagpleia2: I'll worry about networked installs after it's working :)03:23
pleia2fair enough03:23
TrickyJHey hi16:46
TrickyJ!Ronnie ?16:47
ubot4Factoid 'Ronnie ?' not found16:47
TrickyJhey guys was ronnie there today ?16:48
TrickyJYoBoY, did u sw ronnie 16:48
TrickyJny was friends happy friendship day :)16:48
czajkowskiTrickyJ: Ronnie isn't even here 16:49
TrickyJoh ok czajkowski 16:53
=== dscassel_ is now known as dscassel
ubot4Factoid 'ronnie' not found21:38
ubot4Factoid 'trickyj' not found21:39

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