
=== shrini is now known as shrini-afk
=== shrini-afk is now known as shrini
=== shrini is now known as shrini-afk
VrushaHi all ! glad to join the Ubuntu team for this meeting17:50
VrushaHope to contribute to the Ubuntu manual as an Author/Editor17:52
thorwilVrusha: hi, i think you are 1 hour (and a few minutes) early ;)17:54
VrushaI know:) , its kinda late here in India17:54
Vrushaare you from the team of authors on Ubuntu17:55
thorwilVrusha: no, i'm responsible for the design of the title page18:31
Vrushathats great! what are ur tools ?18:32
c7phello all :)18:39
rickfosbHi All:  I'm on the road with the laptop;  Hope I do not loose access;18:57
rickfosbHi hannie18:57
Hanniehi rickfosb, can you read my text? I'm having problems with Ubuntu18:57
c7p hey rickfosb, i've just read your mail18:58
rickfosbtelling the truth; I've not been on my home machine yet so its in my inbox waiting on me this evening;  I'll let you know if i have problems18:58
Hanniehi C7p18:59
c7phey Hannie :)18:59
rickfosbthanks c7p;  Wife is driving,  I'm tring to type... :)18:59
HannieI had a crash today, so I am a bit handicapped. Only a small part of Ubuntu is working at the moment19:00
rickfosbC7p: saw your email re the new outline for the desktop chapter;  I like it a lot;19:00
c7prickfosb: hehe, i guess the whole situation is kinda weird :P. i hope you won't have any probs19:00
c7phey godbyk are you there ?19:01
rickfosbI'll be home in about two hours and will work on hannie's text and formalize you outlint into the spreadsheet if we all agree19:01
Hanniec7p, sorry I didn't stick to my part of the chapter. You can just keep your text, hand it in, improve it, whatever you like19:02
rickfosbI'll figure it out;  *rickfosb is 120 kph 70 mph... thank goodness for data cards19:03
c7pHannie: no worries, since these 3 paragraphs are more relevant to your section, we can either modify it or use it19:04
Hanniec7p, I'll send you my text as soon as I can reach Ubuntu again19:05
c7pHannie: ok19:05
rickfosbI have a copy in my inbox; (assuming it hasn't changed) hannie19:05
rickfosbI can forward to c7p, or can do an edit and push?19:06
Hannierickfosb, did I send you my text for the Desktop chapter? I do not think I did19:07
c7prickfosb: whatever you want :)19:07
c7pi guess we should start the meeting soon, it's past 19:00 UTC already19:07
Hanniegodbyk is not present yet19:07
rickfosbmaybe my mistake;  I know i got a text submission from on of the team.   I thought was you...  :019:08
Hannierickfosb, I wished I had sent it to you. At the moment I cannot get at my documents, mailbox etc.19:09
rickfosbhannie; you are correct;  i got a text file from one ot the other members...19:10
HannieLuckily I had synchronized with Ubuntu One, but even Ubuntu One is out of reach.19:10
HannieTomorrow I hope to have successfully restored my system19:10
c7pi think we have to proceed, maybe Kevin will come on the way19:11
rickfosbc7p: can you start the meeting?19:11
Hanniefine with me19:11
rickfosbor, we can keep this real informal19:11
c7p@ all, let's see how many are you here for the meeting ? raise your hands !19:12
manualbotc7p: Error: "all," is not a valid command.19:12
c7panyone else ?19:13
HannieIf we are just the three of us, perhaps we can discuss coordination of Desktop chapter?19:13
c7psure Hannie19:14
HannieI have a few questions:19:14
Hannielatex code: will this be checked by someone?19:14
c7pthe latex code if isn't correct syntacticly raises errors during manual compilation (latex => pdf)19:15
c7pso yes they are checked19:15
rickfosbc7p: based on your outline, and hannie's emails,  I could start getting the screenshots toghether while you guys work on the text if that would help19:16
Hanniefor instance: what should launcher and dash be preceded by?19:16
rickfosbyes on latex: we'll see that during the build and final edits19:16
c7pHannie: i use the \menu for launcher and  \application for dash, i think we should advice kevin for this19:16
HannieI try to follow kevin's style-guide, but not everything is clear to me19:17
Hanniec7p, you are right. Kevin knows the answers to this19:17
c7prickfosb: do you want as to send you the screenshots together with our sections ?19:18
rickfosbI'm ok with that, yes;19:19
rickfosbI can then include them in the test build and push19:19
c7prickfosb: have you any feedback from the other co-authors ?19:20
Hannierickfosb, since I do not have the English version of Natty, could I ask you to check a few things for me19:20
Hannienot now, but by email19:21
rickfosbhannie, c7p:  as soon as i get home,  I'll update the spreadsheet with the outline per c7p.  you can send me txt based on that outline and i'll compile.   I'll also work with the other writeres to clean this up.19:21
rickfosbc7p: yes, I'm getting emails directly from some of the team,  Kartik, and the others19:22
HannieI hope to finish my part in a few days, provided I get Ubuntu working again soon19:22
rickfosbI hate it when that happens to me... aside from the 'clean start'  i lose some of my 'stuff'.... thanks for ubuntu one thought19:23
Hannieyes, I need a shoulder to cry on19:23
Hannierickfosb, I will send you my text asap. Should restoring take too long, I will let you know19:24
rickfosbhannie:  great!  thanks...19:25
rickfosbanything else?  *worried that i'll drop19:25
c7pyou ca also use google docs ;), just update and share the doc with Rick19:25
HannieI think this is it19:25
c7pme too19:25
Hanniec7p, I cannot get on the internet19:25
c7pi guess meeting is postponed for the next weekend19:26
c7pHannie: oh :/19:26
rickfosbYes I use google docs... share with me once you get back and I'll drag it down to my project folder19:26
Hannieyes, see you soon. I am going to fight with my computer. Hope I win ;)19:26
rickfosbyep;  I'll will send another group email;  We'll call it a working session19:26
rickfosbyou will!19:26
Hanniebye, bye19:26
c7pfor sure19:26
c7pbye :)19:26

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