
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
AlanBellmorning all07:23
MooDoohello all08:02
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:05
MartijnVdS\o brobostigon09:05
brobostigonHazRPG: when you are next around, i need a quick word, please.09:06
brobostigono/ MartijnVdS09:06
* MartijnVdS pets his SSD again09:07
MartijnVdSalso, I need a SATA-3 (6 Gbit) interface in my machine.. I'm not using its full potential now :)09:07
MartijnVdSIt takes longer to get through the BIOS from powerup than to get to the login screen after the BIOS finishes :)09:08
daubersMartijnVdS:  OCZ one?09:08
MartijnVdSdaubers: "Intel 510" 120GB09:08
daubersah, ok\09:08
MartijnVdSModel Number:       INTEL SSDSC2MH120A209:09
brobostigonme eczema is really playing up, i am hating this, and timing aswell.09:09
MartijnVdS"normal" disk - 46min for SECURITY ERASE UNIT. 46min for ENHANCED SECURITY ERASE UNIT.09:14
MartijnVdSnow if only Intel would hurry up releasing Ivy Bridge09:22
MartijnVdSbut I read that's been pushed back to March :(09:23
MartijnVdShowdy czajkowski09:27
* StevenR waits for more paint to dry09:39
* StevenR wonders if it's possible to "remote control" his camera09:45
daubersStevenR: Which camera?09:48
StevenRcanon powershot a1100 is09:48
StevenRthere's a psremote application09:49
StevenRbut it's windows only... still, shows it's possible09:49
StevenR(I'd like to do timelapse with it :))09:49
daubersStevenR: http://www.circuitsathome.com/tag/canon-powershot09:50
StevenRdaubers: thanks :)  (I was hoping to do it with arduino, but my google fu is weak this morning)09:54
StevenRlike when we do a show, get into the the theatre before the set goes in, and do a 1/min shot or something09:56
StevenRso the set builds like magic :)09:57
StevenRalso, it'd be handy for rehearsals to catch whole set shots09:58
StevenRcos nobody ever takes the photos that I want :)09:58
MartijnVdSYou can do timed shots on Canon cameras with gphoto10:06
MartijnVdSat least, I can with my EOS and Ixus10:06
MartijnVdSand my Ixus also has the "CHDK" option10:06
StevenRthe photographers are taking shots of the actors for press/archive ... which is great, but I like shots of my lighting too :D10:07
MartijnVdSheh, I used to take pictures of the empty podium (with instruments) before a band started to play10:07
MartijnVdSFor the light guys10:07
StevenRMartijnVdS: what do you use as a frontend for control?10:08
StevenR(for the timed shots)10:08
MartijnVdSStevenR: I just did a few shots before the show started, nothing special10:08
MartijnVdS(and then a lot of shots once the band started to play)10:09
* daubers is quite excited about next weekend now10:22
daubersA lot to do this week to be ready10:22
MooDoodaubers: oggcamp?10:23
daubersMooDoo:  Indeedy :)10:23
MooDoopah! :p10:23
daubersMooDoo:  Heh, I need to make sure the storage system I've put aside is ready, build a local mirror on another (and drop a better nic in it), take one of the cameras I'm borrowing somewhere with a lot of ambient noise and test it, and try OpenShot with AVCHD files10:26
MartijnVdShmmm avchd10:26
daubersMartijnVdS: Most video cameras at the moment will record into AVCHD, so it's here to stay unfortunatley10:27
MartijnVdSdaubers: at least it's a standard, and HD10:27
daubersMartijnVdS: Rubbish to edit in though :(10:28
MartijnVdSdaubers: hah, but EDITING hd video is for pirates and movie studios10:28
MartijnVdSnot mortals10:28
daubersMartijnVdS: Pah, I do it at least once or twice a week while testing stuff10:29
MartijnVdSdaubers: well yes, but you supply to movie studios, don't you?10:29
daubersMartijnVdS: Was editing in dpx the other day. _That_ is insane10:29
daubersMartijnVdS: Not many movie studios. Mostly TV types10:29
MartijnVdSToo bad that "TV types" don't seem to understand HD here :(10:31
daubersMartijnVdS: HD is expensive. It'll take time for a lot of people to move their workflows over10:31
MartijnVdSdaubers: All major TV channels in .nl are available in HD.. but there's only upscaled content on them10:32
MartijnVdSdaubers: Two live events in HD at the same time? Unpossible!10:32
daubersMartijnVdS: Yeah, that's cheap and easy :)10:32
MartijnVdSWhen there are two sporting events, one gets HD, the other what they call "SD+" (aka 576p)10:32
StevenRhrrmph. gphoto won't make my camera take a photo. it's unsupported by the camera (connect a usb cable and it goes into "pc connect mode"10:33
MartijnVdSStevenR: can you set the camera to a different mode?10:33
MartijnVdSStevenR: in the menus?10:33
daubersMartijnVdS: To do HD in FCP or Avid you need very expensive storage, as you can't edit in a compressed format like h264 due to key framing. Most of the HD codecs work at about 20-50MB/s/stream so if you use 2 streams of HD you need to get 100MB/s to each edit station10:34
daubersMartijnVdS: Also, editing in HD really really hurts processors, so you need excessively powerful machines to edit in it10:34
MartijnVdSdaubers: What's no in my phone was once excessively powerful though10:35
daubersMartijnVdS: Avid recommends Xeons rather than i7's these days10:36
daubersMartijnVdS: FCP recommends 8 core xeons for editing HD10:36
daubersWas it 8 or 6… I forget10:36
MartijnVdS10-core xeons exist10:36
StevenRMartijnVdS: the menus stop orking when it becomes a pc device10:38
MartijnVdSdaubers: Still, the public broadcaster (tax money etc.) should upgrade ALL its channels at once, not one every 3 years :)10:38
MartijnVdSStevenR: sure, but in mine there's an option to set "PC Mode" before I connect it10:39
daubersMartijnVdS: You're talking about £50k+ for each post house! Thats before you take in account camera's, training, channel bandwidth and so on10:39
MartijnVdSdaubers: They have 3 HD outputs, and they can do 3 HD broadcasts at once. It's just that they can't do >1 HD live feed at once10:41
MartijnVdSdaubers: it feels like they didn't upgrade _something_ yet :)10:41
daubersMartijnVdS: I suspect it'll be a mix of cameras and what not still in process10:42
MartijnVdSdaubers: probably10:46
MartijnVdSdaubers: I just want everything in hd... I'm impatient like that :)10:46
MartijnVdSAh, found the 2011-2015 plan on their web site10:48
MartijnVdScool, they have a comparison10:52
StevenRMartijnVdS: yeah, I don't get that option, the menus are rather slimmed down10:53
MartijnVdSStevenR: maybe CHDK is available then?10:55
StevenRMartijnVdS: nope. looks like I need to use a servo or something11:11
StevenRbut there's code out there to do that :)11:11
CortexTripwhat about that Unity eh?11:48
CortexTripwhat a pile of manure.11:48
TonyPThats your opinion - some of us like Unity11:49
directhexi don't like unity. but i'm too lazy to use real gnome12:08
StevenRdirecthex: what do you use?12:13
directhexStevenR, unity. i just don't enjoy it :)12:14
directhexi've turned off some of the most obnoious changes in recent ubuntu - e.g. i have a real system tray, and i un-mapped the Super key so i can use gnome do12:14
StevenRahh, I see12:20
=== GentileBen is now known as RaycisCharles
* StevenR blacklists an IP from South Korea13:22
MartijnVdSOnly one?13:23
StevenRit was trying to bruteforce my ssh not-quite-vpn13:23
StevenRbut it only accepts two large ssh keys13:23
StevenRso a bruteforce password attach isn't gonna fly13:24
MartijnVdSStevenR: install fail2ban13:25
MartijnVdSit'll auto-block IPs after <n> auth failures in <m> seconds13:26
StevenRinteresting to watch it try though :)13:26
StevenRwell. that is irritating. Neither denyhosts or fail2ban are available for the repos on that box13:40
StevenR(it's centos5, rather than ubuntu)13:40
mgdmOh :/13:45
mgdmtried EPEL?13:45
StevenRnot yet. I kindof wanted to keep it nice and slim :)13:46
mgdmI know what you mean13:46
MartijnVdSand you use centos? :P13:46
StevenRMartijnVdS: it's slim enough :P13:46
StevenR(that and I have to support it at work, so I like to keep my hand in)13:47
mgdmHmmm. PHP segfaulted, and not because I was doing something silly in C again.13:52
MartijnVdSmgdm: cool, reproducible?13:52
mgdmNot yet :-)13:53
mgdmI happens every now and again, but often it's because of something I've written and compiled in, so I tend not to take too much notice13:53
brobostigonhi GirlyGirl14:41
GirlyGirlbye lol14:44
hamitronoh dear brobostigon14:45
brobostigonhamitron: huh ?14:46
hamitronyou scared her off14:46
brobostigoni did no such thing.i couldnt have.14:46
popeybrobostigon: humour14:47
brobostigonhmm, ok.14:47
gordlambda's in c++0x sure are great15:25
=== Featureffreak is now known as Featurefreak
scoundrel50asorry to ask, but I need to find a simple way of creating a mysql database using the linux  terminal, can somebody point me in the direction of a easy to understand tutorial please?17:15
lubotu3LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:16
AlanBellhmm, not that helpful17:16
AlanBellsomething like that maybe scoundrel50a17:17
scoundrel50aah, thank you, that looks like it might help. If I can understand it....thank you.17:18
scoundrel50ayippee, that worked, I just created a db using the terminal, amazing.....17:27
daubers\o/ circuit board modified and rerouted17:35
=== RaycisCharles is now known as mintsauce
bigcalmWhile we are on the subject of databases. Is there a good db designer in the Software Centre?17:49
bigcalmIt doesn't need db access, just a visual interpretation of tables17:50
MyrttiI used something for my postgresql at one point18:03
MyrttiI'm tempted to say pgadmin but I'm sure I'm wrong18:04
gordthere is a sqllite one18:04
gordi'v used it before, it was okay18:04
bigcalmI don't need actual db interaction as I will be creating things by hand later. I just want a visual way of setting up tables18:05
bigcalmHave just tried dbdesigner, but it's failing to run18:05
gordright, but things that are designed to visually set up tables, often also do db interaction as well18:05
bigcalmFair enough18:06
popeythere is a kde one18:07
popeyoml thing18:07
Azelphurmum bought me a mini fridge for my room :D http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/Photos/August%202011/IMG_20110807_190706.jpg18:10
Azelphuronly 10 quid from boot sale too, fun fun \o/18:10
hamitronAzelphur: maybe a hint "here is your first piece of kit to move out"18:14
daubersbigcalm: I quite like the mysqlworkbench18:14
Azelphurhamitron: haha nah I've been after getting one, it's a long way to the fridge from up here so most houses have a little fridge on the top floor if people are living up there18:14
Azelphurkinda sucks walking 3 down and 3 up  just to get a drink or something.18:14
hamitronyeh :/18:15
hamitroncertainly adds time18:15
hamitronI know a lot wonder what take me so long making a coffee18:15
Azelphurwith mailing lists, using google apps and thunderbird, is there something sensible I can do to make the mailing lists a bit more separated?18:20
Azelphurlike have it separate from my unread count and move it to another folder or something18:20
bigcalmThanks for the suggestions peeps. I shall be looking into them more later18:20
StevenRAzelphur: create filters in gmail so they don't go in the inbox?18:26
Azelphurah, I see :)18:26
Cassullthere really was a uk channel for buntu... :)19:01
Azelphuryea, we might be English too19:03
Azelphuralthough word on the street is we're all from mumbai india secretly :P19:03
penguin42we outsourced the channel?19:03
Azelphuryea :(19:03
Azelphurnow I must depart, somewhere...somehow there is a Ubuntu machine needing saving (somewhere being over the road, somehow being turned off during a dist upgrade)19:05
Cassullhow is the wether other there?19:06
CassullAzelphur: yea, save the world, save your buntu! ;)19:07
Azelphurso I've returned with a rather unhappy looking netbook19:31
AzelphurI ran dpkg-reconfigure -a to finish the stuff19:31
daubersdum da dum dum19:40
Azelphurdoesn't seem to want to let me login though :(19:43
Azelphurlogin screen comes up looks like no gnome-settings-daemon and then when I login it puts up a notification "Install problem! the configuration defaults for GNOME power manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your system administrator." and then throws me back to the login screen19:44
Azelphurguess I'll backup /home and reload :p19:46
StevenRAzelphur: what about running apt-get upgrade again?19:49
StevenRare there any packages that haven't yet been updated?19:50
Laneyhappy days19:50
AzelphurStevenR: nope19:50
AzelphurStevenR: think I might just be crazy and try and do the 10.10 to 11.04 upgrade and hope it fixes all the busted config files that happened during the last one19:53
StevenRAzelphur: can't make it any more broken19:55
daubersHmmm…. my meagre electronics knowledge is failing me20:01
__steve__Any python guru's online? Not for troubleshooting, was hoping on advice on how to go about a particular cgi project...21:05
mgdm__steve__: probably easiest just to ask, if anyone knows they might answer21:07
__steve__thanks, got an existing script I use for backing up. I have recently started playing with cgi scripts, but as the backup takes a long time it is not suitable for use within the cgi script. Should I look at using a client-server setup? Any advice would be appreciated.21:11
mgdmDoes it need to be run as a CGI? Might it be easier to trigger it as a cron job?21:12
__steve__mgdm, Again thanks for the feedback. Its a headless box that I use as a media server. (Specifically I am dumping a DVD to an image file) So yes, I could run a cron job at regular intervals that checks for the presence of a disc but I am interested by the challenge of getting it to work from a cgi. Any pointers?21:19
mgdmYou'll be wanting to hand off to another process that can live a bit longer, in PHP land there are things like Gearman and ZMQ that can do that sort of thing, but itthat might be gigantic overkill21:19
mgdm(they're not PHP-specific, they just get used there)21:20
__steve__Those do look like they would be very useful! Overkill as you say - but it does make things interesting. Am I barking up the wrong tree thinking about a client-server architecture within python do you think? I was thinking it may be a good excuse to get better at threading.21:24
mgdm__steve__: if you fancy a challenge, I don't see why not21:37
mgdmhaving a main process kicking about that does work when pinged by the CGI?21:38
__steve__mgdm, That what what I was thinking - Sound like it would work?21:40
__steve__Looking at ZMQ - it seems great. It is  defiantly one to bookmark - I have a couple of ideas in mind which would be excellent. In this case though I think working from the ground up would give me more chance to learn more python.21:42
mgdmyou basically need a 'go' button21:43
__steve__Nice, do you use python much? Or are you more into php?21:48
mgdmPHP is my day job, and I've got involved in the project itself, but I play with Python every now and again21:50
__steve__Fair enough, I do like python - suits my needs well. Thanks for the feedback.21:55
mgdmNo problem :-) I'd be interested to hear how you end up doing it21:56
__steve__Sure thing, I dont get the chance to play with any programming in work time so it doesnt take much for me to start coding when Im home.21:57
mgdmI do development all day at work, which doesn't stop me doing it outside of work too :-)21:58
__steve__You mentioned you are involved in the php project, do you do dev work?22:01
mgdm__steve__: yeah, I have done the odd bit on the core and work on some extensions22:06
__steve__mgdm, Well the best of luck to you. Must shoot for now though - otherwise I will get it in the ear. ;-p22:08

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