
jacobblargh, power outage at the datacenter14:55
paultagfail :(15:06
paultagAt BC we have two backup batteries ready to run the datacenter for a few hours and a full blown generater that kicks on when the batts get low15:06
jacobthere are backups at HE, but it's likely they failed, were in-use for a time already, or there was some electrical problem15:07
jacobaww, now i have to start uptime from day 1 again, i was around 100 :P15:07
paultagjacob: generator?15:07
jacobtypically external power outages don't affect the DC for much, i'm guessing this was a problem inside15:08
jacobi think my uptime record is sometime around 400 days15:08
Unit19369 days, 15:47:55 <--- Router :P16:16
Unit193(Yes I know I'm an hour late and it's not really related)16:16
Cheri703my router is fairly unreliable...16:17
Unit193Mine is good, but the uptime for now is very bad :/   Never found another?16:18
Cheri703not yet16:21
Cheri703it's good enough, just have to restart it every so often16:22
Cheri703do we know a donald allison?16:22
Cheri703(added me on g+ has some other ubuntu folks)16:22
Unit193I do not think so...16:22
Unit193But I know nicks best :P16:22
Unit193BiosElement: Howdy and welcome back16:23
Cheri703hola BiosElement16:29
Unit193You don't quit WeeChat :P21:50

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