
kbmonkeynuvolari, hello06:28
kbmonkeyfrugalware? I'll look, the site seems down now06:29
kbmonkeyfor you minecrafts fans i see  you can play for free during the humble bundle if you bought it 07:50
=== nlsthzn__ is now known as nlsthzn
Kilosafternoon superfly kbmonkey nuvolari and others10:53
Kiloshaai kbmonkey daai uuid wat die ding nie kan vind op boot lyk vir my is die swap se uuid10:55
Kilosek het cat in getik, wag ek soek10:55
kbmonkeyah :)10:56
Kiloscat /boot/grub/grub.cfg , cat /etc/fstab10:56
kbmonkeyen dit wys na die swap toe?10:56
Kilosmaar die grub recovery is nog voutief10:56
Kilosek sal dit bin toe stuur dis lank10:57
nlsthznnuvolari: hey... got it working btw... :)10:57
nlsthznhi all10:57
Kiloshi nlsthzn 10:57
kbmonkeymaak maar so Kilos :)10:57
kbmonkeygot your video working nlsthzn ?10:58
superflyafternoon Kilos, nlsthzn, kbmonkey10:59
Kilosdie heel laaste lyn met die 9998 uuid is die nommer wat dit se cant find of iets11:00
nlsthzn__sheese... how many times am I logged in ?! :p11:01
kbmonkeynlsthzn, nlsthzn_, nlsthzn__  he he he11:01
kbmonkeykilos, you are on that pc now?11:02
kbmonkeylogged in?11:02
Kilosyessir it boots fine even though it brings up the uuid message11:03
kbmonkeythe uuid of the swap changed, why I cant say. 11:03
kbmonkeycan you run 'swapon -s' and tell us if it says anything?11:04
kbmonkeyit will show if you have swap turned on. it will probably show nothing if you dont11:04
Kilosok sec11:04
Kilosno info with it11:06
kbmonkeyeasy to fix i think11:06
kbmonkeydo you know what your swap partition is? like /dev/sda?11:07
Kilosyes i can check it with gparted, i think sda511:07
kbmonkeyokay. to see it's uuid you can run 'ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/' and match it up with the /dev/sda?11:08
Kilosyeah sda511:08
kbmonkeyedit /etc/fstab and replace the old one with the new uuid. 11:09
KilosCoh my its different11:10
Kiloslrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2011-08-07 13:08 f035afe9-a47d-4aca-9bf9-d6944c542259 -> ../../sda511:10
kbmonkeyyes the uuid changed. i wonder why?11:10
Kiloshow could that happen, from the power cuts?11:10
kbmonkeywhen you run mkswap it assigns a new uuid to the swap too.11:10
kbmonkeymaybe the swap was broken from the cuts, and your pc recretead the swap to fix it for you11:11
kbmonkeyeasy: backup and edit fstab, then you run 'sudo swapon -a' to turn swap on11:13
kbmonkey(i always backup system files before edit)11:14
Kilosdunno how to backup that kbmonkey 11:14
kbmonkeytry: sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak11:15
kbmonkeysimply copy the file11:15
Kilosoh ok thats something i understand11:15
kbmonkeyand 'sudo gedit /etc/fstab' should then open it with gedit as a super user so you can edit it11:16
kbmonkeyand just replace that old uuid with the one you found just now. save and close11:16
Kilosi have it open already11:16
Kilosusing all 9 desktops lol11:16
kbmonkeyokay. you can backup while its open too.11:16
Kilosbut dont understand backing it up if its not working11:17
Kilosedit first?11:17
kbmonkeybecause if something happens and fstab suddenly disappears, then what?11:18
kbmonkey...okay that's worst case he he11:18
Kilosum will it not be in my rsync that i have on external11:18
kbmonkeyyes it will, i did not know you rsync to external :)11:19
kbmonkeythis gives a clue why the recovery boot wont work, maybe it's uuid also changed?11:20
Kilosok edited, hopefully properly now to reboot and watch11:23
kbmonkeybefore you reboot, test if it works maybe?11:23
Kilosoh sawpon11:24
kbmonkeyrun 'sudo swapon -a' it will enable swap (just like when it reboots would)11:24
kbmonkeyif it worked, 'swapon -s' will now show a line that points to /sda5 11:24
Kiloscannot find the device11:24
Kilosswapon: cannot find the device for UUID=11decf035afe9-a47d-4aca-9bf9-d6944c54225911:25
kbmonkeyoh, your uuid is wrong11:25
kbmonkeyyou need to use the _whole_ uuid, not just the last part ;)11:26
kbmonkey11decf035afe9-a47d-4aca-9bf9-d6944c542259 <- wrong one11:26
kbmonkeyyou have an extra bit in the front '11dec'11:26
Kilosthis is the whole entry in fstab11:28
Kilos swap was on /dev/sda7 during installation11:28
KilosUUID=11decf035afe9-a47d-4aca-9bf9-d6944c542259 none            swap   11:28
Kiloswith 11dec in it11:29
Kilosi changed what came after 11dec11:29
kbmonkeywhy only that after 11dec?11:29
kbmonkeythat is part of the old uuid, you need to replace 11dec too :)11:30
Kilosi thought that was the uuid11:30
kbmonkeythat whole long string is the uuid, replace the whole thing11:30
Kilosok i try again11:30
kbmonkeyUUID=11decf035afe9-a47d-4aca-9bf9-d6944c542259 none            swap11:30
kbmonkeyUUID=f035afe9-a47d-4aca-9bf9-d6944c542259 none            swap11:31
Kilosand this next line stays like this?11:34
Kilossw              0       011:34
Kilosor must i delete that11:35
kbmonkeyyes leave all that11:35
kbmonkeyonly replace the uuid, dont change the rest11:35
Kilosok ty i try again11:35
Kilosok now i did sudo swapon -a11:36
Kilos and it went to next prompt11:36
Kilosis that good?11:37
kbmonkeyswapon -s shows it now?11:37
kbmonkeyyes that looks good11:37
Kilos/dev/sda5                               partition19834840-111:37
kbmonkeyfixed! no need to reboot either11:38
Kilosat least there is info there now11:38
Kilosyay dankie baie11:38
kbmonkeyif you want, paste the list of the other uuid's and we can see if your recovery opsie points to a broken uuid too11:39
Kilosoh werent they all there in the last paste11:42
Kiloshow do we find all of them plse11:42
kbmonkeyi meant the output from /dev/disk/by-uuid. those are your actual dis uuid's.11:43
kbmonkeythe file you pasted online, is just the config file. 11:43
kbmonkeyyou see, if the config file does not match the real values, the boot wont work :)11:43
Kilosok so i go gedit and copy the output?11:46
kbmonkeygedit? no the ls output in your terminal11:46
Kilossorry for acting dof. must i cd to there?11:48
Kiloshead no good today11:48
kbmonkeyno that ls -l /dev/dis/by-uuid command :) we want to see all the disks11:49
kbmonkeyim being summoned11:50
kbmonkeyil be back soon11:50
Kilosit shows only 3 sda1 sda6 sda512:05
Kiloswill rather pm the output, using browsers uses too much data12:06
kbmonkeythat is fine Kilos, pm it12:16
nlsthznwork-work... be back later :p12:16
Kiloswhats your name again12:16
kbmonkeyim actually busy looking into a script so i can just 'cat file | pastebin' and it will upload for me without a broser :)12:16
KilosMaaz, weather in pretoria south africa12:23
MaazKilos: In Irene, South Africa at 12:27 PM SAST on August 07, 2011: 14°C; Humidity: 51%; Wind: NE at 11 km/h; Conditions: Mostly Cloudy; Sunrise/set: 6:42 AM SAST/5:44 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 11:58 AM SAST/12:57 AM SAST12:23
Kilosyay ty cocooncrash 12:23
cocooncrashKilos: Erm, don't think I did anything to fix that12:23
kbmonkeyerr, i don't know what to suggest Kilos sorry12:24
kbmonkeyyour /grub.cfg points the first recovery partition to sda612:25
kbmonkeyand when you boot that one it doesnt work right?12:25
Kilosnp kbmonkey at least swap is working now. ty very much12:25
Kilosmaybe it will now. who knows12:25
Kilosi will try a reboot12:28
Kilosand recovery mode12:28
kbmonkeywrite down and errors you might see12:29
Kilosgot that last message inna popup window12:30
Kilosnope recovery mode is corrupt. gets to running /scripts/init-bottom then goes to boot options again but everything in tiny fonts12:40
Kilosthere used to be lotsa stuff running after init--bottom12:40
Kilosbut i can still boot in here so we hope i dont need to do a recovery some time12:41
Kiloshiya Squirm 12:49
niceguyany girls here?21:46
drubinniceguy: Not the right place for picking people up.21:47
niceguyhi mrs fly21:48
nlsthzngot to tell the fly to be careful :)22:00

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