
Rod_JIs UbuntuOne available in Kubuntu?03:14
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Rod_JOK ... found my answer here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ/DoesUbuntuOneSupportKDE03:17
sagacihi, I'm currently using ubuntu one on my android phone to download an album, it's about 100MB over WiFi, is there any way to check the status of the download to see how far it's through?06:19
tntcwhat's the deal with the playlist thing for android?18:01
tntcIf it's a server issue, can I have my account deleted and recreated or something?18:04
karnitntc: Let me see if it works here.18:04
tntcI just tested it. Supposedly only SOME users are affected.18:04
tntcIt's happening on two different android devices for me.18:07
karnitntc: First of all, hi! Could you please describe what exactly doesn't work for you?18:07
tntcoh! XD yeah, that might be good. Hi karni :)18:08
karnihi tntc :)18:08
karniSorry to hear about the problem. I'd like to help.18:08
karniI'm logging into the U1M app right now.18:08
tntcWell, when I attempt to save a playlist on either of my android devices, it says "Saving playlist <Whatever name I gave it>", then it gives me an error: "Failed to save playlist, please try again later. A network error occured. Try again later."18:09
karnitntc: Thank you for the details. CardinalFang_, I've got two issues here. Not sure if you're here on Sunday.18:10
karniCardinalFang_: 1) first one has been described here by tntc18:11
tntckarni: It's been like this for a few months.18:11
karniCardinalFang_: 2) I can't reproduce the problem, because I can't log in to U1M (!!!?). SSO has been deployed recently to production. CardinalFang_ / beuno , could you please log out of U1M, and try logging in?18:11
karnitntc: ouch, I'm sorry to hear that. Have you installed Ubuntu One Music from the Android Market?18:12
tntckarni: yup!18:12
karnitntc: I did save playlists recently, with success. That's why ↑ I'm asking about this.18:12
tntckarni: I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app just yesterday, still no dice.18:12
tntcIs there an apk I can just download and try?18:12
tntca beta or something?18:13
karnitntc: It might be the case you're affected by a particular issue, that others aren't. It would be best for you to come tomorrow (Monday), or any other work day (Mon-Fri) and ask rye and CardinalFang_ about this. Maybe it's something with your Couch database.18:13
karnitntc: Not really. I mean, even if there was, the version from the Market should work (and did work). So perhaps it's just your and few other people.18:14
karnitntc: I feel bad that I can't help much, but I can't even log in to U1M, which is pretty scary, so I'll make sure to ping devs about this asap.18:15
karnitntc: I'd appreciate if you'd drop by in week minus {Saturday, Sunday}, and we could work on your issue.18:16
tntcwhere can't you log in to? Can I try?18:16
tntckarni: I absolutely will. is there a particular time of day? I work 9-5 EST18:16
* karni checks timezones18:17
tntc(UTC -4/5)18:17
tntcNew York TZ, if that helps18:18
karnitntc: after your work should be fine :)18:19
tntcok, good!18:19
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