
astraljavaMeeting at #ubuntu-meeting in T-7 hours.09:57
scott-upstairsastraljava, ping14:59
astraljavaT minus 2 hours to the meeting, folks!15:01
astraljavascott-upstairs: Excellent timing. :)15:01
scott-upstairsoh, two hours still?15:01
astraljavaWasn't it 1700 UTC.15:01
scott-upstairsi don't honestly remember, mate ;)15:02
astraljavaYes, yes it was.15:02
astraljavaNo worries, can you make it then?15:02
scott-upstairsi should15:06
astraljavaOk, that's good.15:06
scott-upstairsi don't expect many15:09
scott-upstairsi belive holstein said he wouldn't make it15:09
scott-upstairsi don't know if ailo is currently active15:10
astraljavaYeah, it's because I'm hosting.15:10
astraljavaI'll ping him on oftc.net as well.15:11
astraljavaI must admit, I haven't been very productive lately. But it should change now that I'll spend weekends not travelling all the time, and I should get a decent broadband in a couple of weeks, too.15:12
scott-upstairsi don't think anyone has been productive :(15:19
scott-upstairsbe back in a few, going to record a few things in the interim15:30
ailoI'm able to attend15:36
astraljavaailo: Excellent, thanks! :)15:55
astraljavaTaking the dog for a walk before the meeting. Back in half an hour or so.15:55
astraljava5 mins.16:55
ailoI wish UbuntuStudio was only a tune-up of any Ubuntu based distro, than being its own distro18:03
ailoI wonder if that would make things any easier18:04
astraljavaailo: It would, totally.18:05
astraljavaPersonally, I wouldn't object to switching it over as a set of meta-packages.18:05
astraljavaHowever, I think the point was to provide a reasonable working set for multimedia creators on a single download.18:06
astraljavaHence it's a DVD.18:06
ailoWhatever happened to the -lowlatency kernel, btw? We didn't bring that up at all18:08
astraljavaYeah, I kinda forgot about it. I don't think there were updates between the last meeting and today, though.18:19
astraljavaLet me double-check, though.18:19
astraljavaLast build 5 days ago.18:20
* astraljava hangs head in shame18:20
* astraljava also adds that to the next meeting's agenda18:20
astraljavaBut truth be told, if we're not gaining new contributors during the next cycle, we're pretty much doomed the way things are.18:23
astraljavaThe present ones' share diminishes all the time, and if Scott's now parting, there's not many who can dedicate a decent amount of time on the project.18:23
astraljavaIt's an LTS release, so we have to really push to make it shine.18:25
astraljavaI don't know the politics behind the special derivative position that US has, but unless it has certain limitations and whatnot, I'd make drastic changes from 12.04 onwards.18:26
astraljavaLet's hope it won't come to that, though.18:28
ailoUbuntustudio won't ever be the same again, since Gnome 2 is no more18:28
astraljavaThat's true.18:29
ailoHope I can be of more use in the coming weeks18:32
ailoI'll drop in during the week18:32
astraljavaailo: Sure, thanks for whatever you can provide! :)18:36
holsteinastraljava: thanks again for taking over19:36
holsteinlooks like the meeting went well19:37
astraljavaholstein: It was okay, though we learnt some sad news on it.19:37
* holstein looking19:43
holsteinah... i see19:48
holsteinastraljava: thats great that you would offer to step up to the lead task as well19:48
astraljavaholstein: It's not great (I'm not really a manager-sort of person), but I will not see the project die due to a missing leader.19:49
holsteini think we should entertain a few backup plans19:50
holsteinmaybe dropping a release all together at some point, and just maintaining meta pacakges?19:51
holsteinthats a bit extreme, but you see what im getting at...19:51
holsteinsomething we can handle, but not kill the project19:51
astraljavaholstein: Yeah, I was already thinking about that, but we do have to release for 12.04 LTS, it'd be really sad if we couldn't.19:51
holsteinim looking forward to the next LTS :)19:52
astraljavaAfter that, unless the official stance enforces, we could break the current procedure and see what would be the wisest move to make.19:52
astraljavaThat would probably mean, though, that we'd lose the official derivative status.19:52
ScottLastraljava, the -lowlatency kernel is kinda in limbo20:27
ScottLi've taken it from abogani, packaged it, built it, and waiting for persia for comments20:27
ScottLi'm considering taking it to the debiam multimedia team and asking if i can get it into debian first20:28
ScottLalthough i don't think they will accept it though20:28
ScottL 20:29
ScottLastraljava, holstein...there are many things to consider about moving away from official derivative status with ISO image20:29
ScottLand goals of projects change over time20:29
ScottLif the target audience is not beginners then perhaps meta-packages are the future20:30
ScottLbut even if an audience and goals are defined, if no one is contributing then nothing gets done anyways20:31
ScottLso perhaps we don't consider what it _should_ be, but consider what it _can_ be20:31
ScottLadjust the audience and goals to match what can be realistically accomplish by those involved20:32
astraljavaScottL: I would, in fact, imagine they'd accept it. Why not? Just as long as it follows debian policies, there shouldn't be an issue.20:32
astraljavaScottL: I agree. We'd just need some figures and data on our user demographics.20:33
ScottLastraljava, i was more concerned about who would readily be accepted as a maintainer20:33
ScottLi'm not sure DMMT would be it or i would *shrug*20:33
astraljavaScottL: Normally the packages fall under their umbrella, and then the whole team can maintain it.20:33
ScottLastraljava, yes, but they are very good at building packages, not perhaps kernels20:34
ScottLit's a bit different i'm learning20:34
astraljavaScottL: You might be right, there.20:34
ScottL 20:34
ScottLi should mention also that i have not defintively decided to step down as lead20:35
ScottLi _have_ definitively decided that some change is necessary20:36
astraljavaOh okay, sorry I made a hasty conclusion, then. :)20:36
ScottLi'm sorry if it seems like i was chastising you :)20:37
ScottLi was unsure if i wanted to talk about it in a public forum yet and did not explain myself fully20:37
ScottLbut i felt that it was important to mention it so that plans can be made to address the changes that _will_ happen20:38
ScottLi can tell you two changes that will happen20:38
ScottL1. i will not devote as much time to ubuntu studio20:38
ScottL2. i cannot be responisble for most of it either20:39
ScottL 20:39
ScottLthe following is not directed at anyone in the channel but i want to explain a frustration of mine20:39
ScottLpeople seem to want to help, but seem to be afraid of doing something wrong20:40
ScottLmostly i suspect because these are unfaimiliar tasks or things they haven't done much before and have little experience20:40
ScottLso nobody does _anything_ and shit falls to pieces20:40
astraljavaYep. It's an intimidating world, I'll admit that.20:41
ScottLsorry for the language20:41
astraljavaNo worries, comes with the territory. :)20:41
ScottLi also mentioned people taking on too many responsibilities20:41
ScottLi'm not saying people shouldn't do this, but we should be realistic about it20:41
ScottLagree on a list of things that need to be done, prioritize them, and people accept a single tasks20:42
ScottLfinish that task and then move onto another20:42
astraljavaIt's part of what you mentioned already. Because people are new to these tasks, they won't know what's reasonable and what's overwhelming.20:42
ScottLi suppose i am also frustrated by the lack of efficiency or progress20:42
astraljavaAlso, they won't know how slow a big ship like ubuntu turns, in some cases.20:42
ScottLwhich i suppose is inlarge part my fault as lead20:42
ScottL"how slow a big ship"...very very true20:43
ScottLfalktx had problems with this as well20:43
ScottL 20:43
astraljavaScottL: Not really. You can't do everything. So like you said, tasks need to be distributed. If they don't get done, it's not your fault.20:43
ScottLanother point to contemplate20:43
ScottLubuntu studio doesn't have a charter or other document that defines leadership20:44
ScottLi would suggest that we even consider having ubuntu studio governed by a small group20:44
ScottLodd number, of course, but say a small group of three people20:44
ScottL 20:47
ScottLone thing that i am coming to understand is that the chances of something joining the group to take on a major task is small20:47
holsteinbut, a paid dev :)20:48
holsteinthats what im gunning for20:48
ScottLfor example, the website, it's not moving at all20:48
holsteinsomeone on payroll for the packages20:48
ScottLaye, holstein, that would be awesome20:48
holsteinif that were going on, i think we could handle the site20:48
holsteinsomeone would have had the time20:48
ScottLsorry if i sound picky, but there really aren't that many packages to tinker with20:48
ScottLwe have our meta packages and the -controls right now20:49
ScottLbut that doens't take too much time20:49
ScottLnot to say a real dev wouldn't be needed or useful, he/she would! ;)20:49
ScottLsussing out plymouth themes, or UI or getting new graphics for background installed20:50
ScottLhuh, i guess a dev would be doing more than i thought with our packages ;)20:50
ScottLbut also updated the -controls would be good too20:50
ScottLastraljava, i have a question for you20:51
holsteinwell, maybe it'll be a dev that would do the site too ?20:51
holsteini was just assuming it would be someone to do the kernel stuff you are dealing with20:51
holsteinand fix things that are borked20:51
ScottLholstein, if it wouldn't be him/her it would probably be one of us to get it done then, so yeah20:51
holsteinor, something we can fix and put back in20:52
ScottLholstein, sorry if i sound pissy again, i agree that a dev would be really, really useful20:52
holsteini mean, there are broken packages, we just put out fires :/20:52
astraljavaScottL: Sorry, was AFK for a bit. Go ahead, shoot.20:52
ScottLa picky point of mine is that people then think that we have a billion packages that we make, build, support and we reall don't20:52
ScottLwell, actually it's a question for astraljava and holstein 20:53
ScottLsince both of you have lead the team meeting do you feel like you will be more involved in the meetings in the future20:53
ScottLeven the ones you don't lead?20:53
holsteinnot sure...20:53
holsteindepends really20:54
holsteini hope so20:54
ScottLdo you think you might be less hesitant to do or say something now?20:54
ScottLit is more familiar, less scary?20:54
astraljavaScottL: Well, currently I'm in a phase of my life where I can definitely dedicate more time on my hobbies.20:54
astraljavaUbuntu Studio is high on that list.20:54
ScottLi was positing that perhaps we could have a rotating lead20:55
ScottLi'm just throwing out ideas, mind you20:56
holsteinour LoCO is dying out20:56
astraljavaI've just gotten everything in (the new apartment, that is), I should be getting a good broadband connection, and thus get my devel env working again, etc.20:56
holsteinand we are trying that20:56
holsteina lead group20:56
holsteini think ubuntu womens does that?20:56
holsteina team thats the lead, and that team is made up of whoever it needs to be20:56
astraljavaIt might not be a bad idea at all. When would we rotate? Every cycle? Sooner?20:57
ScottLmaybe we could create a list of some of the responsibilities before we consider length of term20:57
ScottLthere are certain responsibilities that interface with external sources20:58
ScottLit would probably be exceedingly unfair to ask them to coordinate with a new person every month20:58
ScottLbut perhaps per cycle it wouldn't be an undue burden20:58
ScottL 20:59
ScottLone of my personal goals as project lead was to prepare the team for my absence20:59
ScottLthat sounds morbid or fatalistic perhaps, but it's really just logical20:59
ScottLi realized very early that i would not lead the team forever21:00
ScottLthis would make the team stronger and it would be able to adept if anyone left, i thought21:01
ScottLi had wanted to grow the number of contributors so that this would be possible21:01
ScottLand i would say that it seems i have failed on this account21:01
ScottLat least in a sustained way21:01
ScottLpeople come, people go...sometimes very quickly21:01
astraljavaIndeed, and the dedication has been somewhat flaky recently.21:02
astraljavaFrom my part, as well, I'm not denying that.21:02
astraljavaBut I'm rather interested in picking up the ball, now.21:02
ScottLlol, in action if not in spirit21:02
astraljavaScottL: Do you think we would need something like this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/StrategyDocument21:02
ScottLi'm glad to hear that astraljava , that heartens me21:03
ScottLastraljava, i think ubuntu studio would be well served to develop something that addresses some of those topics21:03
ScottLi am reticent to say, "create the same document", i don't know that it should be the same document21:04
astraljavaIt's rather lengthy, and quite possibly we wouldn't need all that, but it's got it down in black and white, of how the project is managed, and what the responsibilities are for the leading entity (be it a team or just one leader or whatever)21:04
ScottLbut addressing it's target audience would be a good start, i have grappled with that myself21:04
holsteini mean, i would hate it, but it might be nice to go graphics21:05
ScottLbut again, what it _should_ be and what it _can_ be might not be congruent21:05
ScottLholstein, i'm not sure i understand21:05
holsteinAFAIK, theres not a distro focusing on that21:05
astraljavaholstein: let go, perhaps?21:05
holsteinas the target audience21:05
ScottLfedora: design suite is in this direction21:06
holsteinit might be a way to get an audience into ubuntustudio21:06
ScottLi would love to focus on this as well21:06
holsteintheres *so* many audio distros21:06
ScottLthere certainly isn't a plethora of these distrios as audio21:06
ScottLheh, holstein you bet me ;)21:06
ScottLbut i wouldn't throw away the audio work though21:06
holsteinthe talk in #ardour and where ever else is not favorable for US21:06
ScottLthat is important21:07
ScottLwhy do you say that holstein ?21:07
holsteinwe'll never when the savy back21:07
holsteinnot for years21:07
holsteinScottL: i see them21:07
holsteinthey say ubuntu sucks21:07
holsteintry something else21:07
holsteini see them say, when an issue comes up...21:07
holsteinare you running ubuntu? well, what do you expect21:07
ScottLi wonder how much of that is old bias...i also wonder about how much of that is true and current21:07
astraljavaholstein: We've only got ourselves to blame for that.21:07
holsteineverything is broken in ubuntu21:07
holsteini cant help you...21:08
holsteinive seen something *very* close to that from las himself21:08
holsteinand its his channel21:08
ScottLastraljava, i think he may be talking about how vanilla ubuntu implements things that affects us21:08
astraljavaAhh... okay then.21:08
holsteinhe can say what he wants, but, we wont win that crowd over21:08
ScottLholstein, is my statement here ^^^ correct?21:08
holsteinScottL: i saw an 'ubuntu has broken pacakges and sucks' message just last week21:09
astraljavaholstein: Sure, but why should their viewpoints alter our efforts?21:09
holsteinastraljava: right21:09
holsteinim just sayin' really21:09
astraljavaI understand.21:09
holsteinwe can take that into account when deciding21:09
holsteinlike, we dont have to make an OS for the tech savvy21:09
holsteini think the fact is, ubuntu has customizations that help make it 'just work'21:11
holsteinand we take advantage of those too21:11
holsteinthat doesnt mean its broken though...21:11
astraljavaholstein: Yes, but it will bite us in some cases. Like, vanilla has NetworkManager, which can't be used in a real-time env.21:12
astraljavaUnless you disable all means of networking, but I'm pretty sure even then it sometimes polls the known networks for their existence and whatnot.21:13
ScottLholstein, so, i'ts not some _we_ did, it's something that _ubuntu_ did that makes las and others dismiss ubuntu?21:17
holsteinScottL: thats what i understane21:17
holsteinits all over my head21:17
holsteini have heard it in other circles though21:17
holsteincustomized libs?21:17
holsteinthats what it seemed like to me21:18
ScottLyes it's over mine too most of the times, there's too much to understand/know21:18
ScottLright, for some reason ubuntu changes something in a package just for them and it borks other things21:18
holsteini just know, custom packages get blamed, and i know ubuntu repackages21:18
ScottLmind you it's probably because ubuntu wants to do something particular for it's own packages/modifications21:18
holsteini think it usually works to the end users advantage21:19
ScottLand they don't think about how it will affect an audio package or audio or whatnot21:19
ScottLholstein, but i think it does, just the audience that ubuntu wants to support, i.e. a desktop user running unity :P21:19
astraljavaUbuntu is all about user experience. The core teams, while many in number, still only touch a handful of packages in the repos. The amount of packages to test is way too vast for them to cover all the scenarios, so yeah, sometimes some things break.21:20
astraljavaAnd the audio "pros" are likely of the few groups who would actually find out such scenarios.21:21
ScottLoh, i forgot to say something again21:21
ScottLastraljava, you pointed out the strategy document which triggered something21:21
ScottLif i stay on as lead i would want to discuss the direction of each release with a group, rather than doing it myself21:21
astraljavaSo yeah, when they broken something they won't support, they won't really care that much (well they do care, but since someone is paying their salaries, that someone wants other things fixed, possibly)21:22
* ScottL thought the strategy document was actually a 'planning for the next cycle' document21:22
holsteindo we ever have anyone at the developer meetings?21:22
astraljavaScottL: Absolutely, which is why I'd like to create a council, similar to Xubuntu's.21:22
holsteinthats really what i think a salary team member would be good for21:22
holsteinfilling in that gap21:22
ScottLholstein, good point21:22
holsteinmaking sure our packages fit out needs21:22
ScottLby the way, any progress on the paid dev?21:23
astraljavaholstein: I think Cory was, at some point, but he was not that technical.21:23
holsteinnah... no word from ak yet21:23
holsteinshe said i needed to go to florida?21:23
holsteinUDS maybe?21:23
holsteini forget21:23
astraljavaholstein: He could get around the system well, but he was not in the level of a MOTU, for example.21:23
holsteinim not that nutty about it21:23
ScottLholstein, if it would help we can write a paper defining the uses and benefits21:23
holsteinastraljava: thats what i want for US... someone with that level of interaction21:23
holsteinScottL: we'll need that21:24
holsteini'll keep you all in the loop though21:24
ScottLflorida is where this UDS will be held in nov. i believe21:24
holsteinScottL: that was is21:24
astraljavaholstein: Really?! Someone pays you to go to UDS (especially in friggin' Florida of all places), and you're reluctant to go?!21:24
* astraljava rolls eyes21:24
holsteini loves me some buntu, but i cant take off a week 21:24
ScottLholstein, if i could get off work i would go to florida as well21:24
holsteini wont get paid though21:24
holsteini'll get reimbursed21:25
ScottLbut i don't know that i could get off and i'm out of vacation time21:25
astraljavaYeah I know what you mean. :)21:25
holsteinand, depending on the week, i could lose a grand or more21:25
holsteini dont have $1000 weeks very often, but just my luck, that would be when id get a call for something juicy21:26
astraljavaHehe. :)21:26
holsteini dont think we need to do that in person21:27
astraljavaScottL: So, what do you think about such a council? You'd still have veto rights, as a leader, but you wouldn't have to think about, well practically anything alone.21:27
holsteinwe get someone on salary, and they go to UDS in the future, and make sure we are taken care or21:27
astraljavaWell, UDS is the place where things get discussed.21:28
astraljavaIt's always the most effective situation to make things go.21:28
astraljavaI wish I could go.21:28
astraljavaBut, like you, I can't afford it.21:28
ScottLastraljava, i wouldn't mind a council, i think it would be awesome to share responsibility21:31
astraljavaScottL: So I guess we'll be writing a similar document, due next cycle, and vote it in place on October's meeting, and enjoy our newly-created decision-making structure for the... whateverthehellthenextanimalis?21:32
ScottLi gave the xubuntu strategy document more attention, WOW, it's more inclusive than i thought21:32
astraljavaIt is, really.21:33
astraljavaBut we won't really need all that.21:33
ScottLeven if we only clearly and thoroughly identified our target audience and goals, that would an incredible step forware, IMO21:33
astraljavaMost definitely.21:34
astraljavaIt might also help us gain more recognition and respect in the higher-ups, thus doing a teeny tiny part in getting a paid position at some point.21:34
ScottLyeah, it would be one thing to eschew all this structure and still put out a good product21:35
ScottLbut i think we're not putting out that great of a product anymore21:35
ScottLpart of that is because we haven't a clue where we are trying to go21:35
holsteini really think we should focus in on soemthing21:35
holsteindo audio only for example21:35
holsteinthats my selfish vote though21:36
ScottLi admit that i was shaping ubuntu studio to what i wanted in a distro21:36
holsteinits not like the gimp and blender are going anywhere21:36
holsteinthey'll be in the repos21:36
astraljavaScottL: Isn't that what every leader _should_ do?21:36
holsteinand, those projects dont really need our help21:36
ScottLnot necessarily i think, especially it that direction is at odds with my desires21:37
astraljavaholstein: True, but as such, they're not incredibly hard to include, either.21:37
holsteinright, but does that make it better? or less clear?21:37
ScottLbut without a clear direction i did what i felt was best, i assure i didn't go fully in my desired direction though  ;)21:37
holsteinwhat is it?21:37
holsteinwhat are we doing?21:37
astraljavaScottL: Well, like already established, we've limited resources, so things don't happen fast in an ecosystem like this.21:38
ScottLs/i assure i didn't/i assure you that i didn't21:38
ScottLastraljava, very true21:38
holsteinwhat we could do is just answer some questions on our own, and look at the answers21:38
astraljavaYeah, I mean...21:38
holsteini know what i would like it to be, and maybe thats not far off from what you guys think too21:38
ScottLastraljava, but huge, sweeping and holistic changes _can_ happen quickly with changes of the seeds21:38
astraljavaWe've contemplated on this question for how many releases now?21:38
ScottLfor example, dropping all video and graphics21:39
ScottLnot that i;m suggesting this21:39
holstein12.04 would be a great time for that to be solidified21:39
ScottLi was hoping for 12.04 to include xfce and a livedvd21:39
astraljavaLet's face it, we're never gonna get hard facts from the community, I mean really, really solid numbers that would clearly define where we ought to go.21:39
holsteinyup, ScottL, those are on my list21:39
holsteinastraljava: agreed21:40
ScottLailo, it looks like we may be discussing 12.04, you want to be involved?21:40
holsteinthis should be just because we want it, and can support it21:40
ScottLthis could be our 'strategy' meeting21:40
ScottLholstein, beyond that, i think it's necessary21:40
astraljavaholstein: Exactly.21:40
ScottLwe don't compete otherwise21:40
holsteina little bit of 'what do we want' and a lot of 'what can we handle'21:40
ailoI'll read the scroll21:40
holsteinailo: o/21:40
ScottLailo, okay, but i would appreciate you input too at some point :)21:41
ScottLholstein, i think if one person focused on livedvd, it can be done21:41
ScottLjust can't saddle that person with documentation, website, testing, whatever else i can't think of, yadda, yadda21:41
holsteini think it would be interesting to see what the answer to this question is.. 'if you were making your own ubuntustudio image, what would it be?'21:41
astraljavaEspecially with the help of... falktx?21:41
holsteinand compare those anwers21:42
astraljavaIs he the one who has it already?21:42
holsteinand vote21:42
ScottLastraljava, i worry about falktx's input because he doesn't like to move within the system and accepted practices21:42
ScottLhe's a great resource however, and talented for getting it done21:42
astraljavaScottL: True.21:42
ScottLthe way he "fixes" things might not be acceptable for us to do21:42
astraljavaSo should we just go with what vanilla has, I mean as a starting point?21:42
ScottLastraljava, i think stating with xubuntu might be a good direction, maybe not though21:43
holsteinman... im blowing through naptime guys... i gotta get horizontal or i wont make it through the gig21:43
holsteini'lll catch up later :)21:43
astraljavaScottL: Yeah, he's like a getdeb.net of Ubuntu Studio. :D21:43
ScottLi wouldn't copy the seeds and start there, is what i'm saying21:43
ScottLastraljava, lol yeah21:43
astraljavaholstein: Sure, later. :)21:43
ScottLbye holstein 21:43
ScottLmaybe we should wait until other people are involved to discuss 12.04 further21:44
astraljavaThere's never gonna be that time.21:44
ScottLbut i really don't want to lose the video and graphical packages myself21:44
astraljavaWe won't have to.21:44
ScottLit happens from time to time though, but yeah, it isn't something to hope for21:44
astraljavaWe're an official derivative, we can have users supported on the official channels.21:44
ScottLi meant for of what mike said about focusing on certain aspects21:46
ScottLalthough i though he wanted to focus on video and graphics, but then it sounded like he wanted to focus on audio21:46
ScottLmaybe i need to reread the scroll :P21:47
astraljavaI was confused about that as well.21:47
astraljavaFirst he said there are so many audio distros, but then that's what he wants to do after all.21:47
astraljavaOh well, the point is, we're not limited by our capabilities of supporting the graphics and video apps, so we shouldn't have to drop them.21:48
ScottLi'm making a transition in my personal life, i want to write and record more songs and then also do video for them as well21:48
astraljavaIt's not like we are enhancing the workflows of the people who use them, but still.21:48
ScottLso i'm moving into graphics and video currently21:48
astraljavaCool, we need more people involved with those.21:48
ScottLso i hope to develop some expertise with what works and what doesn't21:48
ailoVideo and graphics doesn't seem to be a problem area, does it?21:49
ScottLi believe this has been what has been holding us back 21:49
ScottLailo, i believe it does21:49
ScottLi don't think we are offering a complete solution for any particular need21:49
ScottLwe slapping a few "buzz" name applications on the image and call it V/G to compliment the A/21:50
ScottLheh, conjugated verbs is not my forte today :P21:50
astraljavaHeheh. :)21:50
ailoI hardly use graphic / video software, aside from Gimp, so I'm not an expert. 21:50
ScottLi have been considering the audio seeds for a few cycle, but i'm not any more expert than others in the channel21:51
ScottLand even then i asked others for their input as well, quite a few from #opensourcemusicians21:51
ailoBut, it seems to me that most people who deal with graphics or video, do so in a special field, and use particular programs to do it21:51
ScottLailo, i believe that to be true as well21:51
ScottLbut this is where the work flows are helpful21:51
ScottLbut we also need to define for whom are we making ubuntu studio21:52
ScottLis it a rock band who wants to make fliers and video fro their songs?21:52
ScottLit is the graphic artists?21:52
ScottLis it someone who wants to make their own magazine, ala libre graphics magazine?21:53
ailoIn my opinion, that type of stuff is on such a high layer, it's really the last thing we should be worrying about21:53
ScottLa complete palette is not available, but there are some wonderful tools available21:53
astraljavaWonder if creating polls in the forums would actually give us any hints. Has it been done already?21:54
ScottLailo, i'm not sure i agree with that statement, without knowing what they need we can't give them what they want21:54
ailoI know what I need as a musician21:54
ScottLastraljava, i had considerd that too, icluding the mailing list and IRC channels21:54
ailoI don't know about graphics, but as I said, I believe most people use specialized software for their needs21:54
ScottLastraljava, i had also considerd using a web site (not ubuntu or canonical) that does polling to help21:54
ScottLailo, i'll give an example, i want to make video, i can do so with inkscape (for title screens, credits, etc) and blender21:55
ScottLailo, but i spoke with the libre graphics folk, they use agave, and fontspell (or whatever the name) and a bunch of others21:55
astraljavaScottL: Other sites could make it more advanced, but as of now, since I'm not a web developer, I could implement it in the forums easily.21:55
ScottLthere is no union between those subsets21:55
ScottLastraljava, sorry, i mean there are website that will run polls for free, use them to avoid excluding people that don't use the forums21:56
astraljavaAhh... cool!21:56
ScottLailo, so, my point is that if we attempt to cover everyone, it will be a lot of packages for everyone to download21:56
ScottLailo, or we guess and make no body happy and no one uses ubuntu studio for graphics or video21:56
ScottLailo, i want to clearly identify what V/G are we supporting and build package set for that, just like the work flow21:57
ScottLi think we are doing the "guess" option now and including packages that doesn't fully support much for V/G21:58
ailoI don't think we should cover anyone. Just give some examples of typical software, and not have two programs for the same function, if possible, in a standard install21:58
ailoIn the documentation we can point to links where users can find info on other programs, that are available and not available in the repo21:58
ScottLailo, i entirely agree that we shouldn't cover everyone21:59
astraljavaWell, if someone downloads 1.5GBs worth of packages, only to find that he still needs more, as what he needs to do isn't covered completely by the DVD alone.21:59
ScottLbut i want to do more than just give examples of typical software21:59
ailoI still think it's done in the documentation first, rather than in setting up the desktop21:59
ScottLjust including blender, openshot, gimp, and inkscape doesn't really support someone who really wants to do graphics or video22:00
astraljavaHmm... lost my thought somewhere down the line. What I meant was that if we identified the workflows of certain "professions", it'd be good to include the most-often needed apps for them, or else they get pissed off for having to download even more.22:00
ScottLso i'm saying that we need to evaluate what packages we are including to make sure they actually support doing something22:00
ScottLastraljava, exactly, which is the work flows approach22:00
ScottLwe identify what they actually want to accomplish, determine what steps are needed, select applications that support those steps22:01
ScottLotherwise we are sending garbage, because it's useless to the user22:01
ScottLand that is where people tell us "oh, it doesn't feel like you support v/g, if feels like these packages were just slapped on"22:02
ScottLand i've heard that from multiple sources22:02
astraljavaYep. And it's not like we're guaranteeing a 100% hit. People use alternatives, no worries. But at least provide a full set of tools, that _can_ be used to accomplish a fully-working workflow.22:02
ailoSo, they think there's missing a lot of standard stuff, that they would use a lot?22:02
ScottLailo, the libre graphic people said so22:03
ScottLnot that succinctly, but yes22:03
ScottLthis is similar to audio work...22:03
ailoIn that case, we need someone who can find out all about that22:03
ScottLwhether you are recording an instrument or using sythensizer, the packages used are greatly different22:04
ScottLailo, right!  which is what i was trying to do when i contacted the libre graphics people22:04
ScottLi wanted to get their insight for what packages they use and why, build a work flow based on it22:04
ScottLthat doesn't mean that everyone will want to do what they do, however22:04
ScottLagain, we are left defining who we want to support22:05
ScottLwe need an audience defined22:05
astraljavaWe're gonna have to shipa 35GB USB drive if we want to provide for everybody, but yeah, Scott's got a point. :)22:05
astraljavaship a*22:06
ailoI still think it's on a really high level, all of that.22:06
ailoI can see solutions, where you need to write software to guide the user22:07
ailoAnd, you need to have some sort of a database of information, where you categorize software22:07
ailoSoftware, and resources, like fonts22:08
ailoBut, it still begins with gathering information -> Documentation22:09
astraljavaailo: Of course, we need to document the workflows, among other things.22:09
ScottLsorry, was on phone22:09
ScottLailo, what you describe, software to guide the use, was something i had suggested for the -controls update22:10
ScottLi have even considered writing it myself (if possible) as a separate application22:11
ScottLit would add or remove applications by selecting predefined work flows22:11
ailoI think it's smart to do everything separately, just like it usually is done in the Unix world22:11
ailoAnd perhaps combine those in us-controls, making it seem like one application22:12
astraljavaScottL: That's done already, by tasksel.22:12
ScottLastraljava, very true22:12
astraljavaScottL: Okay, maybe we just wanna add a front-end for that.22:13
ScottLbut this would allow people to do a base install and then allow them to customize later22:13
ScottLbut if we use true "tasks" as defined be debian, then we need to create those in the seeds i beleive22:13
astraljavaScottL: Sure, you can do that on an installed system as well.22:13
astraljavaRight, that deep I haven't gotten into, yet.22:13
ScottLif we do it in an array or such in an application it is purely modular and not dependent on other areas22:13
ailofalktx has done one great thing on one of his apps. You can select audio software from a list, and you can see what they support (jack, alsa, vst, ladspa, etc)22:13
ScottLastraljava, but this has an added facet that helps users22:14
ScottLastraljava, they just select the radio button for "make a magazine" or "make a home movie"22:14
ScottLand let it install the right applications22:14
ScottLthe idea would be to simply the user input to what they want to accomplish22:15
astraljavaScottL: I understand what you're saying, so we'd just create a frontend to tasksel, to accomplish that feature.22:15
ScottLastraljava, i was thinking python-apt to isntall the package and bypass the seeds/task definitions22:15
astraljavaOr at least that's the easiest way I see to do it.22:15
ScottLdoesn't make it the right or best way to do it22:15
astraljavaScottL: Okay, that's possible too.22:15
ScottLagain, i didn't want to make it more complex than necessary by including tasksel, tasks, seeds, et al22:16
astraljavaBut will require further tweaking of the packagesets. But it'd actually be a cool project to do. :)22:16
astraljavaLET'S HACK!!!22:16
astraljavaOh _that's_ what you were asking paultag for!22:17
astraljavaHave you got a draft somewhere already?22:17
* astraljava wants to git clone22:17
ailoThere's one problem with all of this22:19
ailoOn commercial apps, like Logic, or Photoshop, you'll find a lot of templates22:20
ailoBut, of course, you won't find solutions that extend that particular application22:21
ailoWith Ubuntu, you can combine any apps you want22:21
ailoSo, it's sort of like making templates22:22
ailoBut, the template may, or may not be for multiple programs, instead of just one22:23
ailoIt can get pretty complex22:23
ailoThat's how I see the workflow approach anyway22:23
ailoIt's about templates22:23
ailoJust like Office word templates, or any other type of templates22:24
astraljavaailo: Agreed. There are problems into this line of thinking, but the way I (and seems Scott too) think it's the only way of providing for _some preset_ of people, instead of no-one particularly.22:24
ailoThe first thing that should be done, is to investigate what applications people use for different tasks22:25
ailoThen write that down22:25
astraljavaYep, and that's what I'd accomplish with the polls.22:25
astraljavaBut we'd also have to contact groups that do what we want to support.22:26
ailoI would rather talk to experts, who do a lot of graphic work, or video work, or audio work22:26
ailoAnd, in all of those fields, there are subfields22:26
astraljavaYeah, let's not get carried away.22:26
ailoWe'll have to22:26
astraljavaLike already mentioned, we can't cater for everyone. :)22:26
ailoI believe22:26
ailoOtherwise we don't know what we're doing at all22:26
ailoFor instance22:27
ailoLet's say I have a recording studio22:27
ailoI would use one software for recording22:27
ailoAnd that may be all I need22:27
ailoEspecially if I record only from acoustic sources22:28
astraljavaI agree that we need to contact users directly, but really, how deep are we inclined to go? Gotta draw the line somewhere. Besides, that will clutter up the selection, as most of them do several features anyway.22:28
ailoIf we are to decide what software to use for any specific task, we need to find out exactly what each of those tasks are about22:28
ailoAnd what software are best used for them22:28
astraljavaThat's a neverending story. Who's deciding what's best? I mean, for instance, there aren't that many people involved with the application selection over at Xubuntu. A simple task; decide what's the default image viewer.22:30
ailoI mean, this workflow approach, to me, is really about vision. Providing a whole solution for anything multimedia related. It's huge.22:30
astraljavaThe arguing has lasted well over a month now.22:30
ScottLsorry was away, astraljava , yes that was what i was discussing with paultag 22:30
astraljavaailo: Exactly. It is f***ing huge. So we gotta draw lines somewhere.22:30
ailoEither we do it, or we focus on lower level stuff22:31
ailoThat's how I see it22:31
astraljavaNo middle-ground to tread?22:31
ailoOf course, we could start small22:31
ailoJust providing a few templates for the user22:31
astraljavaYes, exactly!22:31
astraljavaWe can always branch out and add new when we get this thing going.22:32
ailoWe still need to talk to experts in every field to get good info22:32
astraljavaMan, that's gonna take ages.22:32
ailoI don't see any other way to do it right22:32
astraljavaailo: It's not about that.22:33
astraljavaI agree with you there.22:33
astraljavaIf we wanted the best possible product, that'd be the way to do it.22:33
astraljavaBut we're a very, very limited bunch, on a tight schedule.22:33
ailoWhen you say it like that, I think to myself, why bother at all, then?22:33
astraljavaBecause the world isn't perfect, and it's still worth giving it your best shot?22:34
ScottLailo, when you say "template" do you mean a particular file, say an ardour template which is a predefined format?22:34
ailoSo, you think we should ask non pro users to get info on what soft they use?22:34
ailoThe result: a hobby distro22:34
astraljavaIn my opinion, that's what Scott was talking about when he addressed the "not getting swamped with tasks".22:34
ScottLailo, or do you mean "template" in the terms of a process?22:35
astraljavaailo: No. I'm saying we should contact the pros, but not go into all the sub-fields.22:35
ailoScottL, In practice, what you get is startup commands that open a program and a template file22:35
astraljavaailo: We can delve deeper once we get the basics done on an adequate level.22:35
ailoastraljava, Do you have any pro experience at all in any multimedia field?22:36
ailoI'm just saying we need to do it correctly, or not at all22:36
astraljavaailo: Sadly, no. I'm just a humble programmer.22:36
astraljavaailo: When _you_ say it like that, it makes me wanna raise my hands up in the air. :D22:37
astraljavaailo: We're never gonna get everything done.22:37
ScottLailo, i know an audio engineer who was sacked (because of the economy i believe) who is mixing and mastering at home now with FL/OSS22:37
astraljavaailo: Gotta start small, and aim bigger in the future.22:37
ScottLi can talk to him as well22:37
ailoWe can't ask the general public, cause they will probably not be using the right software for what they want to achieve.22:37
ailoThey won't know when they're doing something wrong, etc22:38
ailoAnd, even at a very basic level, you still already have a few subfields22:38
astraljavaailo: I didn't say we only talk to people we meet on the streets.22:38
ScottLbut i think a generalized poll in ubuntu forums isn't far from that perhaps22:39
ScottLlet me clarify that however22:39
ScottLi would be VERY interested in hearing their input about what they want to accomplish22:39
astraljavaailo: I meant we can't possibly meet the every specification every sub-field of highly-polished professional level.22:40
ScottLhowever, i would like to ask experts or pros about HOW they would accomplish those things22:40
ailoScottL, Yeah, that's different22:40
astraljavaMan, I'm not typing nor thinking very coherently anymore, I believe it's time to crash.22:41
ailoSleep well astraljava. We'll sort it out :)22:42
ailoScottL, Think of a menu, with submenus. All the items are workflow based.22:42
ailoScottL, First, 1.Audio, 2. Graphics 3. Video22:43
ScottLastraljava, lol, goodnight my friend, get some rest22:43
astraljavaSure. :) Like I said, I'm more familiar with code. I play the guitar, and want to record it in the future, but haven't got the experience yet.22:43
astraljavaLater folks!22:43
ScottLailo, okay22:43
ailoastraljava, I only have experience in the audio field, so I know what type of workflows I am looking for22:43
ScottLailo, your experience...is it more midi/sythns or instruments?22:44
ailoIt's everything, really. Though, I've been using tools like Cubase more than midi trackers and such22:44
ailoNowadays I use puredata mostly, but I've done a lot of studio recording22:45
ailoJust like holstein 22:45
ailoI play, I record, I use the computer to make sounds22:45
ailoI edit, mix22:45
ailoCan't say I'm an expert in all I do, but I've been doing everything22:45
ailoMixing and mastering is a science of it's own22:46
ailoYou might be using the same software for mixing as you do for mastering22:46
ailoBut, you're doing two different things22:46
ailoScottL, Okay, so the menu again. From audio, you go where?22:47
ailoRecording, Mixing, Mastering, Instruments...22:48
ailoOr, Electronica, Metal..22:48
ailoFrom recording, you might have a submenu with options referring to the style of music, I guess. 22:49
ailoJust like the templates in a program like Logic, or Cubase22:50
ailoBut, instead of opening one program, you open several, if needed22:50
ailoDon't know if you get what I mean now22:50
ScottLailo, where would this menu be?  is it the menu on the desktop that we currently have?22:50
ScottLis this for installing applications?22:51
ailoNo, to use them for specific tasks22:51
ailoAudio -> Recording -> pop/rock22:51
ailoThat could open qtractor, or Ardour22:52
ailoOr, jackd, then qtractor, for instance22:53
ailoAudio -> Recording -> Hip Hop22:53
ailoOpens qtractor, and Hydrogen, already loaded with sounds for Hip Hop22:54
ailoThe best solution I think is to have an application that lets' you look for your workflow22:54
ailoEither you search for tags, or use this tree approach22:55
ailoI have no idea how to categorize graphic or video tasks, but for audio, I think something like that would work22:57
ailoAudio -> Recording -> pop/rock could open a whole range of programs, like: jackd, qtractor, rackarakk, Hydrogen, and some piano22:58
ailoqtractor would already have channels with names for "drums(hydrogen)", "guitar"(rakkarack) etc22:59
ailoAnd they would all be connected accordingly22:59
ailoYou could go further: Audio -> Recording -> pop/rock -> (further defined)23:01
ailoOr, you could stop at: Audio -> Recording23:01
ailoRecording, however, is a huge field23:01
ailoAnd no program fits into that workflow description23:02
ailoAudio -> Editing, would open Audacity most probably23:03
ailoAudio -> Mastering... a custom Ardour session with plugins already loaded23:04
ailoScottL, Do you see it?23:06
ScottLsorry,was with family23:06
ailoMastering is not my field of expertise, but that's something that could be done with Audacity with great success23:07
ScottLi like the idea of asking users to identify what they are doing, rather than just a menu of applications23:07
ailoFor novice users, that is a good way to learn23:07
ScottLailo, perhaps i'm elitist, but if we are considering moving away from "hobby distro" then i not suggest audacity for most activities23:08
ScottLmaybe editing a podcast23:08
ailoFor advanced users, they will want to customize everything23:08
ScottLbut this is dithering, the use and direction remains the same23:08
ailoAudacity is a very powerful tool23:08
ailoJust have to know how to use it23:09
ailoThat's another problem with this approach23:09
ailoNot everyone know what they are supposed to do, even when they know what they want to achieve, and even know what programs to use23:09
ailoThat's a gap, we can't fill23:09
ailoAudacity is a file editing tool. You can record with it, but that's not what it's for23:10
ailoIt's perfect for editing single files, or mastering, or making electroacoustic music (which is mostly about editing audio files usually)23:10
ailoI would say Audacity is an elitist tool23:11
ailoArdour is mostly for audio recording23:12
ailoIt's best used for recording and mixing23:12
ailoBut, can also be used for mastering23:12
ailoMusicians prefer that type of software23:13
ailoPeople who make music using drummachines and synths might prefer trackers, like Hydrogen23:13
ailoHydrogen is also a drum machine23:13
ailoScottL, It's getting late for me as well. 23:14
ailoScottL, In practice, when you choose a workflow, you open programs that are loaded with templates. That's how I see it23:15
ailoThe organization of the workflow needs to be determined by people who are experts in different fields.23:15
ScottLi agree with you about audacity, it is a powerful tool23:17
ailoScottL, I'm forgetting session handling, like ladish, for audio23:17
ailoThat would seem to be the smartest tool to use in this case, for audio23:18
ScottLdepends on the case, i would suggest23:18
ScottLmany times users will be using plugins, and i think ardour would be better23:18
ailoFor workflows, I mean23:18
ScottLoh, yeah worfk lows23:18
ailoI still haven't tried ladish23:19
ailoI just assume it is the right way to go for creating templates for audio23:19
ailoAnd it makes it so much easier for the user to create their own templates23:20
ailoFor graphics and video, I don't know23:20
ailoHaving standard workflows is great.23:20
ailoIt would be even greater if you could save your own templates23:20
ailoWhich you can do with ladish23:20
ailoIf you can't save your templates, the workflows may still be useful, but they will probably mostly be used to get introduced to Linux programs23:22
ailoSee you later ScottL. Time to doze off23:25
ScottLailo, bye, sorry i've been unresponsive a bit, family stuff23:25
ScottLi am very intrigued by the menu based on work flow concept23:51
ScottLi wonder if this is applicable for the target audience23:52
ScottLalso, i agree that the ability to create and edit templates would be imperative23:52

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